(2010/02) February 2010 mtb

Minime :

So far my girl only took the 1st dosage of 6in1.. My Pd clinic dun hav package.. Each jab for 6in1 is $145... We planning to take the pneumoccal and rotarix frm polyclinic as it's cheaper I think.. There's also some basic jabs like MMR tat will be given to Sporean bb FOC.


sharin> btw juz receive call from breastfeeding hotline again..not too bad holiday can still return my call after leaving voicemail.. hehe

I posted some Qs to her:

Q: how 2 mix FM n BM?

A: Best not to mix, cos diff iron content.. blabla scientaific things, which I cant catch (cos bb at background crying.. argh.. ) But dun mix la..

Q: Wat food to avoid?

Caffeine? Depends on individual bb, some cases find tat they alert n awake easily

some no effect, conitnue sleeping routine as usual

Spicy?> its fine, cos bb wun taste spiciness in milk actually.. *dunno y my CL n SIL say better dun?? no logic to me anyway.. yeah! I shall try some more chili later dinner time :p

alcohol> best to avoid,cos will absorb into bloodstream n into BM. Unless if confinement perdiod wanna drink DOM, vapourise it. So at same time can drink the goodness of DOM n w/o alcohol to harm bb growth

..If I still gian to drink wine/beer leh? Avoid let bb drink my milk within 3-4hrs after I consume wine. Else Den 1st pump of milk, best to throw away.

Her kind advice>

If this is my 1st bb y not juz latch on & on? Cos it will help increase SS naturally, n can latch peacefully, since no disturbance from #1 child ah. Latching is still best den pumping as bb empty ur breast more effectively.

My reply: there was abt 2-3wks of direct latchin but I still find tiring, Cos bb drink 20-30mins 1 breast, when drink 2 sides, later 1.5-2 hrs she hungry I feed again, like 24/7 I'm like cow n hard to do things hse chores, etc. Tatz y tiz few daes juz latch at nite, day time pump, while mum feeding bb, I can sleep or do own stuff mah

n personally dun find increase alot when I compare.

Counsellor: She counsel again say, pump amt n bb drinking amt is diff, cannot compare. As long bb drink sufficient doze off to sleep happily, n got wee wee like lite yellow kind shows eating well. N poo poo enuf shows signs of eating well oso. Oso no need wash pump bottles lagi more free n ez 4 me ah

when latch on, I can still watch TV, surf net ah, dun worry.. latching still best

Me: hmmhmm.. making me rethink of 24/7 moo moo again.. ?

Reply: is it still ok go back 24/7 latch? N continue for how long?

Her: as long as u like since I have 4 mths mat leave..

bb keep crying louder..

end of conv..


hi , any mummies give birth via epi c section at TMC and stay in 1 bedded room ? would like to know how much is the bill , thank =)

Christine : hv curls la... maybe u din notice... haha thanks for the compliments...

the fitti S size is 48 pcs, M size is 44 pcs. 1 carton 6 pkts... Min order is 2 cartons. Per pack is $11.

Tam L : no lei, din notice my gal got any loud sucking sound... maybe yr bb suck very hard the 1st min thats y loud?

tam l, i will change side...but once i change, the 1st breast will leak again....that is what i hate the most....waste of BM....

sometime, after latching...i m too tired to pump as the balance will be like 30mls only....

vinwee, my bb dont like water.... wan milk mean milk...other dont wan... can cry even loud... till very 可怜one...the face col can change from fair to red-black。

LIke jsut now, after milk, i carry him ....already burp but still crying, after that stop liao...pass to daddy...dont know y cry even more loud than 1st time....then keep crying & crying & crying.... take almost 20min to stop the cry....after latching...my bb dont like daddy....as everytime also hear daddy scolding elder brother.....hahahahah....dont know is it helping his brohter to revenge .........


HI constance....sorry for the delay...attached my son pic

Vinwee : What's Dou Zao huh? Hahahaahahah.. I will try the method that Christine taught and hopefully, my backaches will be cured! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Gyan : U muz have hated ur CL!!! Actually took time to write our her "crimes". Hahahahahaah.. But no point sying how bad she is when u didnt disclose her name and HOW CAN WE FIND HER! :p


haha, i think i know why you say they look alike.

cos both botak and face round round.

only difference is yours shave rite? My boy naturally botak...


your boy very cute leh.

constance.....ya.......that is right....

yr boy also cute wht.......

my boy cute bcos---> mummy fat & round ma....he sure has mummy's fat...special now...taking BM.....lagi got mummy's fat....hahahhh

Angel/Lovie : she's Meihua from Malacca... i paid her 2K for 22days nia... cos cannot tolerate liao so give excuse ask her to leave earlier lor

whoofy/Tam L : yah, juz now brought bb to see doctor and cfm it's BCG, till now still got pus lor, has applied cream given by doctor liaoz.

Hi Fellow SMH Mommies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif],

you may wish to visit www.mybabypals.blogspot.com to browse at some neccessities for your precious little ones!

Thank you & Have a wonderful Weekend ahead! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Hahh... bb dun like water. Tasteless especially our bb already 2 mths old. Hv to train else nxt time they dun like to drink at all.

I started to feed a bit of water (less than 1/2 oz) in the morning and eve time b4 milk then let bb drink milk. I saw my friend's mum doing this. at least bb drink a bit than nothing. And my bb burp out loud aft drink a bit of water even he does not finish the 1/2 oz I gv him.

When yr bb cry, try to talk to him, will it console yr bb a bit?

As now at night, i try to delay my bb feed so his last feed is ar midnight and nxt feed will be ard 6 to 7am. He is happy I am happy....

peng & bbin..... the top is cheaper ma....if i m not wrong is 3 for $5....those sell in dept store r abt $7/pc ....can save abit......hahahhahh

vinwee, ya....now tryin to feel water to bb..... I did sing song/talk to bb when he crying....but i think he dont really like daddy to carry lor....just like my #1 also dont like daddy to carry.....

Constance: Ic.. usually after latching on, too tired to pump.. hee..

Angel: Thanks for sharing the conversation.. What's the breastfeeding hotline? Can share? What pump r u using? I only pump twice a day at night cos too tired at night to latch on baby.. always dozing off n letting go of baby.. too dangerous.. Anyway, when I pump, always can't feel that my breasts gets emptied fully.. Dunno if it's the pump's prob, the shield's prob or my prob.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I tried to massage quite a bit before pumping..

Kath: Sounds like me.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] After latching on, even though I know still got a bit of milk but only abt 30mls, a bit troublesome to have to wash all the parts after getting 30mls only.. So i'll just leave it..

Gyan: Hope ur baby's BCG mark recovers soon after applying the medicine..

Attempted to prolong bb's feeding time at nite.

Last nite, last feed was 12mn, he only drank 80ml. Usual was 125ml. bet 4am to 5am, bb cried a few times, i gave pacifier. At 6am, latched bb on one side. I had either pumped at 4am, so presumed that one side of breast at 6am shld be at most 80ml bah. He KO after that, only woke up 10.30am just now for nx feed. Abit too much hor, this Mummy....


Wah, almost afternoon.. :/

bbin/christine: Oic.. Cos i'm taking the package of the 6in1 at polyclinic. As rotavirus is optional, i'm still consider to take the jab or not. That means if it's oral, i've to mention to the polyclinic if i wanna take for my gal?

Gyan: ur CL so terrible.. didn't even know that is a BCG mark... mmm.. I hope Alfonse BCG mark is okay now...

Tam L : when my bb latch on, if feeding on one side for 20 minutes, he still do the 'sucking' action, I will offer the other side to him.. if he full liao and let go by himself , I will not offer the other side.. ...

I wanna do rebonding.. anybody know if it is safe to do rebonding for breastfeeding mother?

Ivy : you can try the Swift Arrow agency from Far East plaza Level 5.. look for Candy ( she is very helpful)... That agency is not bad.. my maids are from there... though the two of them, 1 english very very poor, 1 very 'gek kiang'... but the agency has been very useful, providing us with useful tips on how to take the maids in hand.. but these 2 maids , their attitude are definitely better than all my previous maids...

Gyan a: cfm BCG site alr ar??? poor boy kena squeeze, must hv hurt alot... apply cream for him wor. i suspected its BCG site cos my gal's buttock oso has a red bump emerging a few weeks after the jab. the red bump is still visible now...

ohhh, pls give Alfonse a big bear hug...

calystamelody : yr hair so straight n nice, u still wan do rebonding???

i hear some mothers throwing away the 1st or 2st ebm n throw away. they will not give babies. Or tell hairdresser that u r breastfeeding so that they will avoid applying the chemical on yr scalp. I also want to rebond, but to throw away 1 or 2 ebm heartpain lei...

tink i'm really quite lousy... gg to take 'leave' from mama duty again today... sending gal to MIL place for the nite... gg to miss her again later @ nite... haha... damn contradicting mind...


i dyed my hair 2 weeks ago, threw 2pumps x 260ml away after the session.

Did rebonding last week, threw another 2pumps x 260ml away.

Regretted. Shld have done both together. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Yo Mummies!

Hi, I am also a Feb mommy this year. Been on and off this forum.

Wondering what topic is in now on this forum.

Hope everyone is fine and enjoying the maternity leave

Anyone has kids 6 years gap?

vinwee : powder form? mine is cream type... de mark seems better.

calystamelody : should be ok to do rebonding, i dyed by hair when pregnant.

bbin : my boy tested de pigeon n avent teats, he's ok with both but i dislike the bottles, so i use NUK bottle with Pigeon teats... haha


u n ur 'dislike'... lol!

btw, juz to let mummies here noe... anchorpoint got cotton on kids... n ter's clothes for bbies too! some quite cute lei... can check tat out...

hi mommies!

I think a lot of mommies cannot make it on monday! Will another day be better? Pls add on your name and indicate which day is preferred! All are welcome! =)

Date: TBC- pls indicate next to name (shall we limit to wed/thurs/fri?)

Time: 1pm

Venue: Plaza Sing

1. portia & bb

2. jaspire & bb

3. pancake & bb (wed/thurs)









Your asked yr Cl leave? My SIL also do the same b4.

Ya... the medicine is powder to apply on the pus. aft apply fr 1 day, the pus dry up. 2nd day the pus almost heal.


LOL... maybe yr gal like u to sing to her ler... and maybe my bb dun like me to "nag" at him tat's why sleep..

I try to let my bb sleep before 9pm. So his feed will be ard 8pm.. then if he demand fr milk, normally will be the time I go to bed ard 12 or 1am. Then follow by morning 7am which i js latch and he will sleep aft that till 9am or even 10am.

He is happy bb and I am happy mummy if he keep on this schedule.

vinwee : i din ask her to leave, i juz put it in a nice way... cos feb is a short mth mah, n i had the full mth party earlier, so i told her i do not want to eat confinement food after full mth party


I dye and highlight my hair when I was breastfeeding my first, every 3-4months. However, I have never express and discharge breastmilk. Is there a need to do so?

Hi Pancake,

Sorry have not been to any meet up, just curious

Are you guys planning to meet in Plaza Sing , then find a place to dine with bb?

Hi mummies,

didn't manage to post these few days cos baby is down with flu. His nose is blocked and has throat inflammation, can't sleep at nite. Have to carry him upright before he can sleep. Very tiring.


I also live very near jurong point. Can meet you gals in jurong point too.


my baby also has the same top. Did u buy from the wholesale shop in bugis?


how's ur baby?


I think the CL that you had already blacklisted before, rite?

Hey, your EQ is darn good..If I were you... i sure "suan" her directly when she nv cook proberly. If like tat, must well js hired part time cleaner :p


Is your bb feeling better now? Did you bring s/he to see dr.?

Yeah... I can meet you all anytime except nxt week. Got customers from overseas.


Your baby also dun like to be carried by your hubby? Think mine also for night time..LOL...

So aft train my bb for a week, he can sleep within 30 mins aft 8pm feed. Then midnite hubby will feed the bb.

Initially my hubby said he will take care ask me to go and sleep but phew, I cannot stand the bb make noise, think is the way he carries the baby. I told him, i already train the bb to wake up once fr the midnite feed. if he mess up the bb schedule, i will kill him... LOL...


You have got 3 elder kids, then this one is No.4?

you must be very good at taking care of kids liao... Kow tao to u... must learn some gd tips from you.


Hope your baby recover soon.. and u'll be able to regain more rest. Noteasy to care when bb fall sick

Did someone at home fell sick and spread to bb?

I got an elder one, sleeping together in same room as bb. recently he gotten cough, but fortunately bb din get it.


How do u train your baby to sleep within 30 mins?

Now my bb girl, I let her down to bed , while she is still awake after last feed. I am trying to train her to sleep on her own.

Cannot be like my first one, have to sleep in my arms and pat to sleep.


Date: TBC- pls indicate next to name (shall we limit to wed/thurs/fri?)

Time: 1pm

Venue: Plaza Sing

1. portia & bb

2. jaspire & bb

3. pancake & bb (wed/thurs)

4. missylois & bb (wed/ thur)







vinwee, i am staying at j west as well, lets organise a west side mummy gathering [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

