(2010/02) February 2010 mtb

Freesia: Thanks for the info.

Tam: I had also heard that after 40 days confinement, drinking red date tea is more heaty. I am still drinking though. Seems alright so far.


bbin2010: same here, my gal keeps crying and fidgeting at the slightest sound. ever since put her on the sarong now once stop shaking her she'll wake up and start crying. really tempted to go n buy the motor to keep it shaking so i dun have to keep running out the moment i hear her cry.

nanny says its because of the thunder yest afternoon so now she gets startled very easily. sigh, i'm getting worried that i cant handle her on my own when nanny goes back next wk [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

hope my gal will 'grow' up faster in the next week n becomes easier to handle or i'll be very stressed [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

mummies! here's our expo meet-up pic to share [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


dunno y, this is d only pic i can upload here. LOL. anyway, i've posted on our Feb MTB group on fb! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

lovie, gyan, yikai

u guys can get from fb! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

freesia : i think i will place the order by end of this week.

jgal : amazon might not be cheaper. the price is in USD.. then amazon dun send direct to sin, hv to direct to vpost... vpost shipping charges are quite high... so if covert to SGD n plus shipping charges it will be more then $22.25 le...

Mummies : dun knw is it me or some mummies also like me? i think we kept thinking beyond our bb ability... we will think that bb are smart, when u carry them too much they will bully us... but do they really understand to that extend???

Just now, my gal refuse to sleep from 12am till 1 plus... i keep patting her... as she sleeps on her tummy i put her in her position in her cot, wanting her to fall asleep in her cot herself... Mummy's "wei da" thinking.... then she can't sleep , keep moving vigorously but did not cry... then cos she on her tummy plus she moves vigorously she spit up milk... i scolded her, clean her up n flip the mattress to other side. then put her bk in the cot again. same thing happen. both sides of her cot mattress kena spit... no choice open up adult mattress put on floor n the whole cycle starts again... i got really mad n scolded her very loud, n slap her on her thighs... not a hard 1 thou... she din cry but she just can't sleep... then i pick her up n cuddle her, within 5 mins she fell asleep....

I so regret now... i think all she needs is just me... her mummy to cuddle her thats all... but to think i put her thru 1 hr plus of "hell"... n even scold her.... i feel so bad i wake hb up n was crying... i feel like i'm such a bad mummy... stupid me n my "wei da" idea of getting baby to sleep on her own...


haha.. my hb said tat juz nw too... tempted to buy the 'shaker' but then, i realise she's really very dependent of sarong... very worried if she goes out n cant sleep when she's outside...


hw come pic wifout bbies??? wah, all pretty mummies lei...


i scolded my gal a few times oso... tried all different methods to make my gal sleep till pek chek... mind u, tat oso included carrying her but she's oso not sleeping... but of coz, carrying her is still 'last' resort...

tam....ya....i know abt that.....i am already over 40days......so now i am trying to clear my "tea stock" .... see whether will i b heaty a not for the next few days..then decide whether to cont'd the tea.

happiness....dont b sad....it is ok.....bb do understand at time we do get mad abt them.

Just like my boy, last nite was in the sarong sleeping....then cry...maid carry him but he still cry ....then i carry, & comfort him with nice words & pat him to sleep on me... "koala bear style" on my chest...& he fall back to sleep. Baby do understand what we say.... often, my maid will talk to my bb, saying something like....he if dont finish his milk later he will cry due to hungry...etc...my maid's mouth always itchy one.....like to comments these things.

Happiness&Bliss : amazon ship books to sg directly, think it's a flat fee of USD5 per bk. Other items does not. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] The website you show me in USD right ?

Morning Mummies!

Wah, early morning can see chio bu pictures ah. Just back from a 2-day trip to Bangkok, and i miss my girl so so much!

I would like to join in the next gathering, haven actually met anyone of you before..keke. btw, I also stayed in SengKang, maybe we can organise a compasspoint trip huh..

btw, can those mummies in facebook update your nicks at mtb feb? a bit confuse who is who liao,thanks!


understand how you feel. cos i am also like that sometimes. insist dun wanna carry bb while he cry and wail. sometimes all he wants is just a little cuddle from mummy.

Constance / Peng: I also stay near PP, 167A!

Peng, is your block the Punggol Gardens cluster? Mine is the cluster opposite the plant nursery (sundial), just next to PP. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Next time when you bake, i will invite myself and my boy to your place to eat. whahaha... Still thinking of pandan cake now.


I miss the convenience of staying opposite pgl plaza.....


The ntuc also bigger there compare to my new place here.


nepia per pack is $15. sometimes they have nepia seal promotion. you can collect those seal in tens, then post back to them. they will pass you $10 ntuc voucher for 10 seals each. so come up to be $14 per pack instead.

ya lor, ya lor! all mummies in the pictures very chio n slim lor! How u all manage to slim down so fast ar? Nv share share with us over here...

happiness: i also understand how u feel. Cheer up a bit, like what my hb said, we all are new parents, we are also learning abt them, and our lil' one also learning abt us

mummies staying in punggol: i will be joining u all in yr 2010! Wait for mi hor! Dun move hse yet hor! I wanna join u all for NE kopi sessions all well de leh!


I shifted liao. haha

where will you be shifting to?

Pumping - er? what do you mean? Just use both hands to hold the funnels, and press onto the breasts can liao rite?

Christine: Punggol is too "ulu" liao... no place to meet up unless it is at someone's home. Unless you want to meet at the koufu foodcourt at punggol plaza! *LOL* We can join forces with the SK mummies though. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Talking abt Seng Kang, i love the SK swimming pool! Wonder when i can bring bb to the pool for a swim...

constance: shifting to near punggol mrt =)

if i use both hands to hold onto the funnels, then not handsfree le.. lol...

pancake: oh.. can only be purchase online ar? reliable onot?


i am also using the handsfree pump strap from Mumsfairy. Reliable, I can eat, read newspapers and surf net while pumping. I also bought their super shield so that I dun have to bend forward. The only bad, I can sometimes doze off while pumping in the middle of the night. hahaha


I got my ameda dual pump from mumsfairy. she is reliable.


yeah, the SK pool is shiok!

My kids like it very much too.


you can buy a pack of nepia to try first. can buy from some ntuc.

constance, muffin: okie! i jus place my order with them =) i wanna order their nursing shirt... but i dun understand what is 2nd hip for one of the measurement... can enlighten mi?

hi all, how much ur baby drinking now? and how many times a day ? my bb one month plus drink abt 110ml (bm) abt 11-12 times a day.. is it enough or too much ?

bbin: can. 'Super Shields are Bisphenol A (BPA) Free and made with medical grade Polypropylene. Compatiable with all leading brands of breastpumps, including Ameda, Medela and Avent'

oops.. i missed tat sentence out... wah the size chart so 'complicated'... aiya, @ 1st tot shd i even sink in more $$ to tis if my supply still so low...

mico...my bb is drinking 100mls every 2 hrs.... i think it depend on the bb how much can they drink... diff bb has diff drinking vol based on how big their stomach is.... agreed??

Hi Mummies,

I have been MIA for a long long time... wanna wave "hi" to all and hope all been coping well!

I am also staying along NEL line at Potong Pasir. Hope to join for any central or NE gatherings... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


wats the size u hv?


my gal only drinks 90ml fm every 2.5-3hrs... so her stomach tiny compared to mummies' bb here... or 90ml fm is equivalent to >100ml bm?


but ur fren said tat during 1st 2 weeks... hw abt later? milk kicked in?


ya manz... long time no 'c' u here... hw's ur wound?


if ss not enough then dun get it cos it needs the weight of the milk to stabilize b4 u let go of the bottles.


I find the angled shields good, any reason u not using?


i was tinkin of tat oso.. but everytime after pumping, all the washing n cleaning makes me so wanto give up... like not worth the effort...

bbin: ya, i understd, coz my gf tat time also like tat.. and somemore, her own mum always tell her BM nt good and din even bother to help her when she BF her son during her confinement, end up, her milk supply is barely 20ml.. So she told mi tat time, ve milk no matter how little is better than her who dun ve lor... but then again, there's always a lot of unforeseen reasons why mummies had to give up BF de ;) so no worries la, we will still support u de =) Most impt is u are comfy with it and if u dun BF, then u also will ve more time to rest as well =)



I dun understand, if medela is hands free then y u need to buy the mumsfairy handfree kit? Wat I mean is if u look at the video on the site, the lady will hold the bottles initially till there is milk inside the bottle resulting to some wt else the bottles will b just swinging around.

