(2010/02) February 2010 mtb

Freesia, I'm using Zojirushi food jar. Just started using today. I made porridge this morning for Jared to eat in school.

Christine (evangeline): Thanks for offering to organise! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Apple / whoofy / bbin: Ya, i also think it is better to fix a date first... Feb may be difficult coz all the mummies here will be busy with their 1 YO birthdays. How about Dec (for christmas)?


after i cook the porr...i pour in into the foogo food jar immediately when it is still in v boiling state. i fill up half full cos i know that if its not at least half full then will not keep hot long hours. then i close it up immediately. can keep hot even after 4hrs.

but my foogo was bought few yrs back when my elder is only 1yo+ which is 3yrs back. maybe that time the quality better?

And i also got 1 tiger food jar but its bigger with 3 compartments. wow....this one is really really good i can says. keep food piping hot le even after a few hrs. i open it up n the porr still steaming HOT after abt 3-4hrs. but again this was bought say abt 5yrs ago.

Whoofy: Ya, that what i scare of, once i introduced new food, she dun wan cereal, then all my cereal gonna waste.. I still got one tin havent open.. Aiyo, headache.. You got receipe on porriage?

Shortlegged: Really? Can mix with cereal huh? Is porriage can mix with cereal? Or you mean add some fruits? What to start with?

Maomao: Mine is this.. I've yet to try.. :/


Freesia: Ya, i also think so, maybe we can change for christmas.. We can buy gift to exchange to make it more fun.. What do you think?

Maomao ..

Got BP spree for Zojirushi ???? Too bad .. I was thinking of getting Zojirushi too, even went to John Little last wkend to check it out.. They hav the flask + jar combi at $69.90.. But hubby was thinking no point having another flask since we alrd got one Endo brand.. We r usin the Zojirushi 1.5L flask at home ... Its good !!

I thought Tiger is also another good brand... Did u pour hot water to 'warm' the jar before storing the porridge ? I heard tis method will help to keep food warm longer...


Ok .. I will let u knoe once I tested the jar...


Foogoo is also under Thermos brand rite ?? I decide to get tis cos it's rather compact .. Hope the quality will still be as good as urs...

Hi mummies,

Have been really busy with 3 kiddos.

Re food jars

Tiger food jar - I luv it, will ask helper to cook porridge with whatever veg baby is eating for abt 10 mins, then transfer to tiger jar. Must remb to rinse jar with hot water before each use. Porridge comes out v soft.

Thermal pot - I hv 3, the 1.8l, 4.5l n 6l dual pot.

1.8l I bought for traveling in Australia. V good to use. I will cook stew for my kids cos my boy is still young and difficult to do meals outside. Just cook all ingredients for abt 10 mins and put in the car boot to ur next destination. Ang moh food can b salty n not to my kids taste buds.

4.5l was the first I bought. Cook soup n all.

6l dual pot- I use the first pot to cook rice, the other to cook meat dish or soup.

I also use the pigeon porridge maker. Just a metal container which u can put into rice cooker n cook together ur rice.

Hello muffin! I remember you, You are the one who cloth-diaper your baby right? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

maomao: Hmm.. since like the review for tiger is quite good. Did you give your jar a rinse-over with boiling water before you put your porridge in?

Muffin: What brand of thermal pot are u using?


if u cook the porr and just want to bring out i think foogo (thermos brand) is gd enuff cos its v compact in size. Tiger food jar is bigger but it can cook further as per what many says so.


yes...its under thermos brand.

whoofy, freesia:

I did use hot water to warm the jar first.. hmmm..but maybe becos my food was not in very boiling state. Think i'll give Tiger another go, make sure my food is in boiling state and use boiling water to rinse the jar too before I decide if i should get another one.

I saw the Zojirushi BP in the closed thread here - http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/581296/4439255.html?1283145980. There's a new thread this morning but no details yet.. same organizer.

apple: i saw yours too.. but i wanted something a bit smaller, easier to bring out.

Freesia, hahaha, same here. My airpot is also a Zojirushi. I got the Zojirushi food jar from Takashimaya.

Maomao: Oic. I got one Zojirushi vacuum flask, normally used to put boilingw water when going out. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Apple :

There's reali no standard recipe for me when I cook porridge leh...

I jus add watever I can find frm my fridge .. Only last wkend did I start cooking porridge for Jolie. I jus find watever I hav and put everything in the pot to cook for her.. (bad mommy ! Hahhaha )

So for last wkend, here's wat I added :

- 1/2 cup rice with 3cups water

- dried scallops

- wolfberries

- silver fish (Sat) / threadfin fish (Sun)

- baby carrots

Wkdays when she's at nanny's place, recipe almost the same. I jus bought a small bottle of Marmite Vege Yeast Extract for nanny to add to the porridge whenever she wants..

Fressia / Jmi :

I am also using Zojirushi airpot at home.. Got it last yr during Robinsons warehouse sales at Expo.. Purposely went there to buy lor cos card member special price.. =P

maomao :

I see the BP spree.. the price like not very good leh.. The combi I saw at John Little (selling at $69.90) last wkend was model SV-GG50 ($32) + SW-EAE35 ($45) = $77





Whoofy: the jar is ok. Small n compact but enuf to put cherish's porridge. My porridge was still quite hot after 3 hours. But as per instruction u hv to pour in hot water to warm up the jar first b4 u put in the porridge.

Apple: i think whoofy n myself send b4. Can try salmon, xue yu or ngor fish for bb porridge.

Apple :

I am giving Jolie the dried silver fish or threadfin (ngor hue)... intend to also give her cod fish later part..

I just use normal rice to cook the porridge.. The "si cen" u talking abt issit the powder type or the cereal ??

I bought a bottle of "si cen" powder frm Eu Yan Sen.. tis is to add into any porridge if we want to..

*** NOTE to all mommies who adding "si cen" and carrots to ur LOs porridge...****

My mom told me carrots & "si cen" cannot be added together in any food.. Reason being tat carrots is an ingredient to neutralise herbs / medication.. So if u alrdy hav carrots in the porrdige, "si cen" effects will be neutralise if we add.

My MIL told me we are not supposed to add spinach and tofu together in the porridge. Anyone knows why? She said most pple will know not to mix but I nv heard of it before. Maybe i m a "mountain tortoise". Can anyone enlighten me? Thanks in advance.

Whoofy: ooh BP price not good? hee.. i thought usually BP prices are better than retail. aiyah.. i didnt know John little got promo.. i wouldnt mind getting one more flask..


Yalor, told my MIL when we eat in restaurants also hv these 2 dishes. Just asked my colleague and she said YES, cannot eat tog as it will cause diarrheoa and kidney stones.

Anyway, better not to feed out LOs this combination, just in case...

maomao :

Maybe cos BP spree dun hav offer on combine set...

But hor.. before u make a trip to JL to get.. let me confirm for u again within these few days.. cos I suddenly like remember the set is not Zojirushi brand.. it's another brand but also quite popular...

Whoofy: Is your si sen the "brown rice si sen powder" from EYS? I thought it will become cereal-like after cooking? Can add into porridge? So far, my mum has been feeding that as cereal...

Happiness: Okok, so normally the fish you all buy from market or NTUC supermarket. SOrry huh, me dunnoe this stuff.. Paiseh.

Whoofy: Oh, just normal rice, i tot there is special rice for baby.. I thought is the white carrot only neutralise.. That was told all along by my mum since young.. Normal orange carrot she din mention.

Kath: My gal keep looking at us and whining when she saw us eating or drinking.. I walk away, she will follow me where i go as she is in walker. Now she only eat the happy bellies brown rice, finish 1 tin,another tin eat almost half..

Freesia :

Yes.. it's a small bottle frm EYS, cost abt $9+..

The PIC told me it's si sen powder only..jus need to add a small teaspoon each time we cook a pot of porridge. The cereal one needs to reali boil water and cook it.

Apple :

I also dunno leh.. guess so long as it's "carrot" family better not mix bah.. haha..

There's no special rice for baby .. unless u wanna use mixture of white and brown rice to cook porridge.. But our baby now still young, digestive system not very strong, so better to stick to normal white rice first..

For me, I buy the fish frm Song Fish - it's a distributor jus located behind my work place..

Whoofy: Ok, just asked my colleague confirm is white carrot that neutralise, the normal carrot won't neutralise.

Shortlegged: Me also dunnoe this until i ask my colleague, she say yes, cannot put, same reason will cause kidney stone, she say book have write.


Ya same as wat my colleague said. Hmm.. How come we so ignorant? I din know abt it until my MIL said so. Luckily i din add to porridge. Intended to intro him toufu this week.


I also bought the Foogo jar BUT i dun find it good. A little disappointing as food was only lukewarm. Was supposed to be able to keep warm for 4-5 hrs but apparently it din work for my case.



He still wake up for his nightly feed but will slp after "playing" for 5/10mins..

U stop feeding her wif cereals?

Lovie :

Not totally stop giving Jolie cereals lah.. will give but not often liaoz.. only during wkends when I'm lazy to cook porridge lor..

Anyway I still hav to finish those cereals tat I bought mah.. otherwise wasted...

Seems like Kiefer improving.. Hope he will not need nite feed soon...

U must 加油 OK... Must quickly catch up.. Now am "training" Jolie to sleep by 10pm.. Initially her daddy set house rules tat lights off in tis house by 1030pm.. Now he change to 10pm !!! Started yesterday... so far so good.. keeping fingers cross she will maintain !!

Apple :

Ok.. noted on the carrots thingie.. And spinach & tofu.. Wow.. tis is totally new for me !! I din even knoe tat !!! Thks for sharing !!!

maomao :

So sorry.. my mistake. the combi set I saw at John Little was not Zojirushibrand.. I've asked my hubby and he's quite certain it's call Gourmet .. If I happen to go again, will check more details and also see if the price for Zojirushi to compare wif the BP spree price.. My sincere apologies..

Shortlegged: my porridge was still hot after 3 hours. Did u use the jar correctly?

Apple: can either buy fm supermarket or wet market. The fish r still the same. Maybe price diff only.

Happi :

I jus can't wait to get my jar tomolo !! Hahhahaa.. Reali wanna see if it's good or bad..

I hope I made the right decision, otherwise hubby sure ban be frm buying online liaoz.. hahaha

Christine-Evangelinemum :

Thks for volunteering to organize the gathering.. I will join in if the date is ok...


Apple: i guess wat they mean is... Radish has always been advicE not to eat together with med as it neutralises the med. Cos in olden days herbs r heaty n radish r " cooling" ths neutralises. Carrots contains beta carotene. N it a type of natural coloring. But however it makes the kdney n liver works harder to expel the natural coloring. N if bb kidney n livef cant support the 1st signs is palm or " eye white" will b yellowish. Long term will b liver or kidney failure. Having said tht, this will not hapoen unless u really overfeed bb with high beta carotene food. So far there's nothing tht suggest eating tofu with carrots will cause major problems. Isn't dishes like tofu sauteed with carrots our daily dish tht we c at "mixed veg rice" stall?! I think everything in moderate amt is fine unless u overfeed.

Whoofy: according to the booklet, it can keep food warm for 5 hrs n keep cold for 6 hrs or is it 7 hrs. Can't remember. But i dun think need to keep warm so long ba. The longest i keep porridge in is 3 hrs. Still ok lor. Not yr boiling hot but still warm enuf. No complaints so far. Hohoho.


Perhaps we can fix a date first for the Christmas bash and then decide on venue depending on number of mummies keen. Gift exchange will be fun!

If less than 10 mummies, we can do it at my condo's function room. Can do potluck.

If a lot of mummies, then we can arrange at a hotel/country club function room. We can even do high tea at a hotel. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Christine: i can offer some ideas. Wat me n my frds did last time was everybody will bring a present n give to the organiser. After tht we tag the pressie. Then we give each one a chance to lucky dip. Yr tag u draw will b the same as the tag on present.

Morning Mommies!

I think having a Christmas gathering will be better since Feb most of us are busy with LO and CNY!

Christmas Gathering:

1. Christine (evangelinemum)

2. Apple

3. Freesia

4. bbin

5. whoofy

6. ChristineOng


Whoofy: no no no nid to thk me. Only the radish la. Nothing wrong with carrots. In fact carrot is a very gd veg for children. Cos its very high in vits. Radish may be a bit " liang" for our bb now. But can try green carrots. I give cherish carrots, green carrots. Sweet potato n potatoes at times. Boil together the soup base very fragrant. Heeee.

