(2010/02) February 2010 mtb

Jmi: I am interested in the RL purchase too... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but never org overseas spree b4 ... May be we can try do it together? =)

hi mummies..

i realized i've been missing out a lot on this forum. havent been logging in for the longest time..

wanted to ask if mummies here have any recommendations on flash cards or educational DVDs?

christine.....no choice right......at least baby sleep different is good as he will not spread the virus to my #1...

According to doctor... Jin yaun might get the virus from gor gor's uniform as the virus will stick on the uniform & pass to baby when he come home & hug baby....

So pls remember to wash up 1st b4 u carry the baby after work

Cloh, yeah we can do it together. I got a Vpost a/c and I can get it shipped to my office and you can be collection centre for the west, I can be the NE collection point.

Christine, I take Circle Line and change at Bishan everyday so can pass you too also. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Christine, Cloh is in the same building as me. Novena Square and we are 3 train stops from you. Maybe we can meet for lunch at Toa Payoh some day. :p

Freesia, shopping is so fun hor. Hehehe ;)

Christine, no no different companies but same building. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yew Yew,

Congrats on ur No. 2!! Do keep us updated ya! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


How's Kyden? Hope he recovers from his cough soon so that he can join e boys on Sun!

Gyan / Jmi,

Looking forward to meet u gals n ur LOs! =)

Dreydrey: He's not coughing anymore. But nose is still blocked... so i may skip this week's session. Will let you gals know again. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jmi: Sure, we can organise a lunch session in Toa Payoh or Orchard one day...sound great!!

Questions on the RL sales, if we buy ourselves, we will not be able to enjoy the additional 10% discount on top of the 25% sale online right?

The sale price shown in their website is b4 the 25% discount right?

Cloh, yah cos the spree organiser goes through this spree site that offer the 10% discount. Yah the price shown on RL website if before additional 25% discount.

Cloh, no we don't. The other spree organiser uses this specific spree organising website which she has a premium account. So the additional 10% discount is from that spree site.

minime : hahaha,maybe hor... =D

dreydrey : u oso bringing ur LO for swimming this Sun?

christine : oh usually i bring Alfonse back on Thurs night so i dun work on Fridays

Good morning!

It is a raining day again....

Jmi: ic ic... Okie

Gyan: Wah...tat means u work on 4 days nia... so good [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Morning Mummies,

Looking for a great gift for your child? We have a couple of brand new bright starts pdts for sale...





You may refer to the attached link for more info http://shop.ebay.com.sg/mave003/m.html?_nkw=&_armrs=1&_from=&_ipg=25

dreydrey: Hi! Thanks. Hopefully i have good news to update u all. I've got a cyst which the gynae is monitoring. Haiz. Hope in 2 wks time i can still see my #2 healthily in my womb.

Somehow this #2 is about the same as #1,no morning sickness(cross my fingers). BUT my immune system is weaker(kept getting flu nowadays)and my cravings are stronger. My hubby also asked me,"How come this time u always have cravings ah?" LOL.


Pls kindly include me in the gathering at Diana's place. Didn't get back to u coz I went mj-ing last night and am currently at Universal right now. Thks Dear.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Am gonna try to prolong his feeding time when I take care of him on Monday. I also will try to feed him his cereals at a more regular timing. I think the inconsistency of his feeding led to milk woes!


I will wait till his feeding becomes more consistent and also consult his pd before deciding whether to wean off his night feed anot!


He will drink at ard 6/7plus and then by right, I gotta feed him cereals when I wake up at 8 plus and he will nap fir 1 hr plus and I will feed him his milk at 2 hrs interval aft his feed which will be 10plus.. But now I realize tat his feeding might be too close thus he refuse to drink milk!!!


I haven't go to the TCM wor. I only intend to go next Saturday.. U also wanna go??


Yup! It will be Ryan's 1st time swimming! Have been wanting to join Jmi & Freesia since 2 weeks back, but did not make it n Ryan was also feverish after his jab last week...

Yew Yew,

No worries! Ur No. 2 will be strong n growing well ya! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Which organiser u bought ur cereals from?

Lovie> still dun wan try tcm ah? Maybe it can help it back wor.. Me go? Me sick bird Liao whole body ache cos diarrhea n can't fee bm to my gal Liao lor... Only wan a bed! N lie down all dae..! Sooo tired after all nite vomit n Lao sai siah.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Sorry for late reply. Was so busy.. Baby Evangeline doesn't want to sleep at all today... dun know whether she knows mummy gg overseas tomorrow... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I think you need to boil the tea leaves to see the effect le. It is just like soup... we boil the chicken/pork to get the flavour in the soup. If we were to just pour boiling water, the flavour can't really come out.

I also think there is a difference between simmering with boiling water or cold water. Once I boil the tea leaves with cold water cos I figure out it will be the same... BUT it is not the same. The tea is not as thick...

So I will suggest you boil the tea leaves with boling water instead of pouring in hot water only. I normally boil the tea in the morning, then put it in a flask to bring to work to drink.

A bit troublesome but when you see the increased milk, it is worth the effort. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi....i wanna ask from those who have fed their lo semi solids. few questions...

a) I read in the First Food, purees...most of them mentioned 'To be served immediately' - does it mean I cant freeze them? and the only thing that states clearly that can freeze is the rockmelon puree...

b) What is the better choice to start off for first puree? ther's so many to choose and i dont know which to let my girl taste first.

c) How much to feed baby for the first time? 1 teaspoon? too little? or just nice? And till when?

d) If i give my girl different puree like sweet potato which is sweet and tasty, will she still want milk thereafter? I scared taste better food, she would not take milk. Got uch thing?

So much questions/doubts in my head....! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Hahahaha.. Now tat i dun wanna try but tat am bz this week to try! Hehe..

Wat happened to u manz..?


Yah, u let me noe again and we can do the exchange! Kekekeek


Thanks for e info! I have also bought some with Tam's help! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Take care ya! I got food poisoning a few weeks back too...It's really very horrible! :|

Hi sorry to interrupt.


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