(2010/02) February 2010 mtb

Lovie :

how's Kiefer BCG on the butt ah ?? Got swollen wif pus yet ?

Yesterday when bathing my girl, I saw there's a pus liao...



you can get those infant black, white and red flashcards from places like ELC, mothercare, or even popular bookshop.

I am using the "baby sees book" now. Got from bp last time.


Every few days flip to different pages and put it upright for bb to explore.

I will be using flashcards only when bb is ard 3 mths, strong enough to sit in the bumbo seat.


fiionn : Hahahahah.. On top it says starts from 19th March 2010. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bryest : It could be tat milk is flowing back! My son also will encounter this prob or tat even if milk dun flow back, he will end up hiccupping. After his feed, i will try to put him down only after 15mins.. But then it doesn't really help at all times coz even if aft the milk flows down to his stomach, when he moves after i put him down, milk will flow back again! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

whoofy : Wah! U ask me abt the BCG on his butt in "public" har.. Hehe.. Kiefer's BCG still okay. WHat happen to Jolie's? Poor girl lor! She got cry or fuss anot?

Mummies, any of ur babies drinking similac infant? Hws the poo poo pattern? My gal din poo for 2days, today 3rd day le.. Me panic, last time my elder gal oso drinking similac but dun hv this problem. Shd I bring her go see PD today? Thks

hello mummies.. long time didnt login here.. how is everyone?

me still busy looking after the bb.. esp super busy during the nite when my hb is on nite shift coz need to take care of both kids. Big one will tend try to get my attention whenever i feed the bb.. sigh.. super tiring.

btw Gap is having 30% discount and free domestic shipping above $100. if interested pls let me know. The sales is from 18 mar to 21 mar.

Constance :

Thks !!! Maybe later I go Popular and check out too !!

My home printer no more ink leh, can't print.

Lovie :

Jolie no feel to the pus lah..and Pd got mentioned before tat it's norm to see a red swollen patch like mosquito bite wif pus. Jua leave it alone and it will go away by itself..

So u monitor Kiefer's too since he and Jolie same day born..

keicerash: different bb react to the FM differently. The doc said bb might poo 2-3days depending on the FM. u might want to change? Me currently using Mamil Gold and my bb doesnt poo everyday too.. used to everyday but now seem very hard for him to push out.

Or u might want to give ur bb some water in between the feed?

keicerash: My boy drinks similac. He poos 2 times a day on average...

Fiion / Lovie: I am going to the expo baby fair too. Probably on either Sat or Sun. Not confirmed yet, got to check with hb.

Lovie, so you are going on Friday evening?

Hello, Mambobb! Long time no "see"! Any good buys at Gap? Going to the website now. :p


haha... My elder gal oso keep disturbing me whenever I attend to my bb. She like kaypo kaypo follow wat I do but sometimes they can't control their strength n overdo it..

I will monitor again then mayb change to mamil gold, she used to poo everyday, but she doesn't seems to hv difficulty poo poo. She drinks avg 30-40ml of water everyday

Got bb fair at expo? when? any mummies meeting up to go together? heehee..

Freesia: me also nw looking at the site.. trying to get some 'chor sen' for my girl.. her rompers for 6-9mths one cannot wear soon.. haha..

bryest.....same here....now i suspect my bb got colic..... last nite very cham.....he latch directly...drinking a while then cry .....till the back turn red & a bit black..... 1st latch right side cry....stop liao.... latch left side...also cry...stop liao..... i burp him... then stop..... a while ask daddy to make milk....drink a bit also cry.... very cham. Then we decide to apply Ru Yi Oil on his back & stomach...then burp him again... then i think he feel better & fall to sleep.... wake up in 20 min then feel him with the FM but did not finish... sleep till 4am....latch while... then he sleep back

Angel : My gal's pattern now is more predictable, unless she tries to be "funny" on certain days la. Once she sleeps, i will faster start doing chores or pump. Sometimes, i am lazy or to tired I will sleep with her lor. Haaa....

Freesia : Ya Maybe I shld one day find time go talk talk to babysitter and see how she handles babies.

Bryest : I dun knw the babysitter personally. Staying within my block. Reccommended by my neighbour who is longtime frds with her. My hb and MIL went with me to see her. We thinks she's a nice lady. Very gentle. She use to take care of her grandchildren till now her grandchildren go childcare le, so she is quite free. So my neighbour ask her if she wans take care of my bb. She says ok. Initially wanted to ask my neighbour to take care of my bb. But who knws her DIL pregnant also....

Keicerash : My gal also has constipation. She is on BM full day only 1-2 bottles of FM at nite. Then suddenly one day she just decide she did not want to poo. And did not poo for 5 days. So I brought her to PD. PD pump med into her butt to flush out the waste. Then 4 days pass still no poo, so bring bk PD again and flush out waste again. PD says she could be absorbing most of the nutrients and thus not much "waste". But nevertheless, babies should pass waste at least once every 2-3 days. But PD also mention that some babies at certain stage of their babyhood, they do have a period where they just hv difficulty shtting. U might wan to bring yr bb to the PD and understand better.

i am not getting enough sleep from latchin bb at nite.

think i will switch back to bottlefeed at nite. At least he can sleep for longer hours. Everytime i latch, he will suckle for 5 mins, then fall aslp, only to wake up 1 hr later, and the cycle continues....

At least if i warm up the ebm, feed him, then pump out, the whole procedure will take less than 30min, but he can sleep longer. Ard 4 hrs.

any mummies doing the same thing now?

Envy those having good supply of bm.. My bm supply still very low.. Hiaz..

I've not open the CDA accounts yet.. Now under confinement, not easy to do stuffs..


Yeap. I'm doing th same thing. I bottle feed my bb EBM just before 12 midnite. Then he can sleep thru till ard 5 or 6am most of the time.

I try to latch before, still hv to pump out, more tired. I only latch once ard 6 or 6am if he got a bottle feed at ard 3am. Then he will sleep around again till I wake him to bath.

hi mummies!


bleeding stop again... supposed to go gynae tis pm, since it stopped, i changed appt again... but i still feel the pain... haiz...

today tingkat last day... tmr onwards goto settle own food liao... wonder hw it'll end up to be like...

Sigh..my BM supply dropped not sure is it because I have been a bit lazy in pumping whilst I was sick..

And also busy with the full month celebration preparation and learning to pick things up.

I stopped taking Fenugreek too cos I kena urine infection not sure if its because of Fenugreek too..

In dilemma as to whether I should continue BF or switch to FM totally. In any case I haven had a chance to buy my new pump. And the medela single electric pump is not really serving well..


yeah, your bb's timing very good.

One of my fren's bb very good. When at 6 wk old, bednite ard 7pm, so last feed at 7pm, the nx one at 1am, then at 7am again. shiok. she can sleep peacefully at nite.

apple: ya, we can, but need to pay them $30++ for the service... so tat time my hb and i decided to do it ourselves... but... i feel it's too tedious... sigh...

wyshania.... me too.....busy last few days...did not pump too..... leftside supply is v little & slow..... total....i can only pump 60 to 80 mls per time....cant fullfil my bb demand....


u monitor whether he is still crying around the same time today cos colic babies will cry around same time everyday. If colic, u can get ridwind from pharmacy and feed him.

lovie: yup. so 19th is this fri lo .... so u planning to go on which day?

freesia: u going on weekend? weekend alot ppl leh..

keicerash : Did u let ur girl drink water besides drinking Formula? My son also drink similac and he poos daily..

whoofy : Hahahaha.. THanks for the extra note! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Will keep a look out! But anyway, i wont be seeing his butt often coz MIL is the one who bath him. I only get to see his butt is usually when i change him but when i change him, it's all chaos coz he will be screaming and crying and refuse to let me change him [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Freesia : U're going wif hubby? I'm not confirm on going which day. See who wants to go wif me then we'll plan! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bryest : I ever try before after burping him after feed, lie him down and he will puke/spit out. Then i try to lie him down sideway after burping him and guess what? He puke out almost 5/10ml of the milk and never fail to hiccup after that. Shortly after, he will be twisting and turning in his cot as if in alot of pain. Now i dun dare to lie him sideway after his milk!

mambobb : U int to go together too?

christine : U got call up Dr Low and ask whether his can use CDA? My CDA is not ready yet and dun know if CDA like mine not ready, still can use CDA and deduct?

apple : Dun despair!! Ur girl is counting on ya..

bbin : Mine still persist!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


I experienced the same problem, my baby is being fed much more than recommended, all because of my confinement nanny, she keeps feeding her whenever she wakes up, to the point that my baby drinks 150ml ebm in less than 2 hrs when she is only 1 week old. My nanny keep telling me baby is hungry and my bm is too dilated and watery as compared to fm so baby is not full.

Until a point in time i cannot take it anymore, i insist on latching on full, but initial stage very difficult coz i started late, i started on her 2-3 week of birth, by then, baby have already gotten used to bottle and always fall asleep aft 5-10mins of latching on, end up she is not full from the latch on, and she would fuss and cry. Somemore when i pump out, my ss is only approx 40-50ml both breasts (aft 45mins-1hr single pump). i'm still persisting on latching on now, think if you latch on and baby is used to it, her time spent on ur breast will increase and she will be fuller. Also, your body will stimulate more milk production each time she latches on. NOw i can pump out approx 80-90ml aft about 1 week of latching on.

I feed her fm in the night when my nanny looks aft her, then i will wake up and pump, store for the next day. If the next day she fuss and refuse latch on, i will feed her the ebm frm last night (if she keep on crying). Else, i will try to latch on if she doesnt reject and doesnt cry too hard...

Hope this info is useful to you ;)

Any mummies who are latching on baby? Do we need to burp baby aft latching on? coz my baby likes to fall asleep after latching on, but when i burp her she will wake up and refuse to sleep aft tat.

However, if i just put her down without burping her, she will vomit out milk (lots of milk) sometimes. Then she will cry very loudly, and seemed to want somemore milk, then when i feed her again and try to burp her this time, she vomit out lots of milk again, then she cry very loudly again... think its because the milk didnt go to her stomach so she is not full even though she has sucked a lot alr...

Not sure if i must burp her everytime she finishes feeding from latch on...

Any mummies can advise?


From what i learn from Antenatal Class, it's not necessary to burp baby after BM. But if u wanna burp her, why not? Try to burp her for 10mins and lift her up for a while after each burp instead of putting her down straight after hearing her burp as the milk will still go back! Hope it helps..


I change him. Hahhahaha.. And speaking of tat i juz realise hor i dun have a pic of him "naked"! Okay, will take 1 pic of him in the nude later on.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


So u gotta say out LOUD LOUD tat she doesn't poo so tat she will poo? Juz like now? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Woofy, what size huggies did you buy? I checked the promo only got size m. Don't think my bb can fit that yet leh.

Bbin, how come my bb poos up to 3 times per day? Is it normal?

Is anyone using the tollyjoy baby detergent to clean bottles? Do you find the bubblegum smell very strong and still present when you open the steriliser to remove the bottles? I'm wondering if my helper is using too much detergent or too little water to wash off the soap.

Anyway, I tried to put my baby on nuk teats. The one I bought was for 0-6mths. Medium flow for milk. But it's too fast for him leh, he keeps choking and spilling out the milk.. Anyone has experience w nuk teats?

Anyone's shaving their precious prince/princess hair? On Full Mth itself or..? What do u do wif the hair after tat? I'm thinking of shaving my boy's hair and then make a hair brush wif it.

yikai : My boy poos twice daily on Similac. Am using Tolly Joy's detergent. I notice that the bottles will still smell of detergent like wat u did but becoz i wash the bottles myself, i didnt do anything abt it and juz take it tat coz the detergent is too fragrant! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mummy : I still burp my gal after I latch her. Although from Lactation Consultant, she say no need cos BM straight from Breast should not hv "air", cos its "vacuum". But cos my gal is always very "windy", so i still burp her after she latch on each breast.

Yikai : I'm using the tollyjoy detergent. The bubblegum smell is strong, but after wash off should not have anymore smell le. Faint smell sure hv.

Lovie : u wan to stop breastfeeding ar? Sometimes i also very sian also feel like stopping. Imagine pump until want to die only manage 60-80 ml. If my gal latches, pump out only 20-30ml. Sianz lor...

Lovie : I shaved my gal's hair during her full month. We took some hair, tie with red ribbon, and put it into an angpow together with her umbilical cord stump.

Happiness : Yah lor. THinking of stopping. My hb says is up to me so right now am considering lor but "be se de" leh.. Heiz.. Dun know what to do. U still got 60-80ml.. I only have the most 20ml daily lor!

Happiness : U get someone to shave for her botak or tat u ppl shave her urself?

Lovie : I also "bu she de" stop. My hb says its ok to feed FM. But hor, i feel guilty if i "rob" her of BM lei...

I brought her to hair salon to shave. I dun dare shave her myself la... But thank God she slept thru the whole thing... hahaha...


Lovie / Fiionn: Both of you thinking of going on Friday? With bb/hb or alone? If you are going with bb or alone, i don't mind meeting up you gals first. Then if the fair is good,i will ask hb to bring me there again on the weekends. I am at Tampines now, so quite convenient for me. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Fiionn: We should find a chance for our boys to meet. They are born on the same day!

Lovie: I got someone to shave my boy botak. Luckily he never cry. I even used my hp to film down the process... haha...the hairdresser muz think i am a bit siao.

