(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

<font color="0000ff">drinking milk from cup</font>

Kate drinks her milk after dinner from the munckin straw cup for a while....but for munchkin you can't get that last, ermm, maybe 20-30mls into the straw if the kiddo is holding it tilted! I normally unscrew, then pour the milk out into a chinese soup spoon and feed her...too lehceh!

So, I also decided to continue with the bottle, easier to clean, and no wastage!

<font color="ff0000">gathering cum playdate @ my place</font>

Date: 13Nov
Time: 3pm - 6pm
Venue: Yishun street 11

1. Melissa &amp; Lucas

Those who have loots at my place can take it as opportunity to shun bian collect n play la..
kill 2 birds with 1 stone..:p
Old navy, Gap, Pediped, cereal, melts, puffs, pillowcases, carry alongs....
Where can I buy sole fish fillets? I found that frozen dory fish fillets bought in supermarkets are saltish. Can our baby eat it? If can get sole fish fillets from wet market, how do I ask the fishmonger?
Gina I stay at Jurong leh.... I am going to hougang on thurs because bringing Farrell to take his studio photos den shun pian go bounce bounce bounce lo. 
oooo i see okok will go google.

Just tried the cheese sauce everyone was raving earlier. Can't wait for it to cool and serve with chicken later! hehe
<font color="ff0000">last call for Pediped 10% discount</font>
will place last batch orders by 10am Tmr.. Cuz promotion ends then...
PM me if any orders..
Mummies, im so Confuse right now..

i seriously duno wat happen to my son, his whole body rash, this time is whole body &amp; skin very rough.

Will scotts Emulsion cause this ? or
Can Tunna Casue this? or
Mayonnaise cause this? or the
Pneumococal injection cause this?

Mummies, do u you have a good doctor to recommend for baby skin problems?
Don't think it's an allergy reaction if there is rashes on his whole body. Out of the 4 you suspected, only mayo could be a potential allergen, the rest of the 3 would not cause rashes.
Good morning!

Have been MIA for a week plus coz I did Lasik *
&amp; was busy getting ready to go back to work. How's everyone?

Ooh.. Hmm I aws asked my PD abt little rashes here &amp; there that appear on Sam's butt, arms, neck etc. He aws told me that allergy to food will appear as rash on the whole body, not just in bits &amp; pieces.

Not too sure what's the cause for your son but if you can, bring him to the PD for a check? Oh! Did he have a fever recently? I think if there's been a bout of fever, some BBs do get this rash all over the body that will clear up in a few days. Sam got that after his fever &amp; blocked nose &amp; cough episode recently.
<font color="119911">JUL</font>
How u feel after lasik? Good, right?! Remember when I did it, I felt 'reborn' the next day! Haha no need to search for my glasses and everything is so clear! Best is when u go traveling, so much more convenient!

Hmm very dry eyes for the first 4 days - drip liao, clear for the next 5 seconds, then blur again! Then it was much better from the 5th day onwards. Still need eye drops lah but not the attach IV drip type haha. Red spots for the first 4 days coz I was too tensed during the ops hehe.

I'm glad each time I ditch 'equipment' - first the eye shields &amp; eye wipes, then the Vigamox &amp; Pred Forte hahaha

But now I can't focus with both eyes yet. Need to either use left eye or right eye. And a bit farsighted but it's improving too.

Only thing is Sam punched both my eyes a few days ago &amp; the left eye is still bloodshot.
<font color="119911">Jul</font>
Aiyo, why did Sam punch your eyes!? Both eyes some more! I could focus with both eyes since the 2nd day of op but had to use eye drops very frequently for about a few months. I was usign Refresh eyedrops. Hang in there, it'll get easier.

Sam frequently beats up his mummy lor. I'm worried that I'll be a battered mum

He's very strong. And very bad tempered. He was throwing a tantrum &amp; punched me in the left eye. Then the next day, he decided to be fair &amp; punched me in the other eye lor.

I rushed down to the eye doc to check that the flaps are intact &amp; he was like.."ur 14 mth baby punched u till ur eyes are bloodshot???"
ohh.. hw come ar?? hmmm...
then i will transfer u the $ asap... thanks thanks

kriden is sooo sooo sooo sooo naughty today. keep cry cry cry.. also dunno wat he want. (he jus drank 200ml of milk at 9.30am.. so i jus ignore him let him cry while i kaysiao watch tv... can see tat he cry until veri tired... so i go make another 200ml of milk at 12pm.. and he fall asleep after drinking.. pek chek... =(
woooh! where did u go for ur LASIK?
u can do both eyes in 1 day?
no need to admit hosp??

im still not sure abt the LASIK procedures...

what type of LASIK did u do?? there's a lot of types in the market now...

I went to Premium Lasik Surgery Clinic at Paragon. Not the same as Lasik Surgery Clinic which aws advertises heehee. It's more expensive coz the doc is more 'atas' lah!

Yup both eyes at one go. Just turn up, nurse clean ur eyes, put anaesthatic eye drops, wait till doc finish 'slaughtering' another piggy, go inside &amp; lie down on a dentist chair, put more eye drops, doc will cut the flap, then laser, then put back the flap.. shine some light into ur eyes &amp; check n tadah! He earns a few thousand dollars! haha

Hmm.. I gathered Lasik basically all the same. Mine was bladeless lasik (got the microkeratome - with blade) to cut the flap. As for the laser itself to correct eyes, I did custom. (cheaper than the more advanced wavefront which is 2% better). I figured I could see 2% blurrer n save almost $1k haha
Hi ladies,

My friend urgently need survey correpondence for mummies with babies currently on NAN HA3... . Its a home visit survey and $100 will be offered upon confirmation.

They are looking to go to the person's house tomorrow...

- CHINESE Mothers
- Aged 25 - 39
- Must have at least a child 6 months and above
- Baby have to be drinking NAN HA 1, 2 then now 3
- Household income S$3k and above
- Working or Housewives (natural fall-out)
- Active, open-minded, articulate and confident characteristics

If you are interested, do pm me and I will pass your details to my friend
<font color="119911">JUL and Jess</font>
I did it at the Lasik Surgery Clinic. Both eyes together. Went once for examination, rest my eyes for a week without wearing contacts, then operation, went home and then next day can see clearly. In fact, I could watch TV that very night of op... tho a bit blur blur lah.

<font color="119911">Jul</font>
When I didn mine 2 yrs ago, need to use blade. Very scary, I could see and smell the whole procedure. U take care and try to avoid Sam's punch. Mustn't let him get used to beating u wor. Next next when he gets even bigger and stronger, more difficult to teach. The other day, Ian also bashed my head with his toy! So painful! I dun really know how to 'punish' a 1 yr old so I scolded him very loudly and beat his palm. He cried a bit then ok leh. I think he did more 'damage' to me then me to him!
hey any mummies alr started ur toddlers on rice? how do u cook them? as in soup wif rice? i tried giving my boy rice wif soup yest but he doesnt seem to like it...maybe it's too plain?

No no, gal! It could be food allergy but pls don't assume so lah. Coz me no doc. And I don't even see your son. Better to seek professional advice yeah?


Lasik Surgery Clinic would be cheaper. Think the same can be done for $2.8k? But I went with this doc that my fren recommended lor.

Yeah I could also watch TV that nite. Actually it's the dry eys that really bother me most. Doc said coz I wore contacts for 17 yrs. So my eyes are really very dry.

Hiaz.. I'm quite worried sometimes abt Sam. I have no idea how to 'teach' him. If I try to be fierce, he doesn't care! If I am soft, it'snot disciplining him. I have settled for 'tolerance' till he gets more 'knowledgeable' &amp; can undertand right/wrong. *prays hard*

my bb is drinking NAN HA 1 till now HA 3 im interested but im working so im not at home..

is the $100 in cash? :p hee

jul/ itsy::

it so nice to go specs-less and contact-less!! saves the money for future specs n contacts and salines....
but i dun hav the courage and the money to go for it... lol
now with bb ard.. dun even have the time to do it if realyl considering for it...

It is very nice! But I still feel myself reaching for my specs when I wake up in the am. Habit from 22 yrs ago hahaha

I went for my ops on Sat am. Hubs was ard to take care of Sam for the weekend. Actually by Mon, I was alright already.

I'm also learning how to teach my son. He can be very mischevous and loves pulling at my spectacles and do all sorts to annoy me. If I shout at him, he will cry until very poor thing, but will still continue with his mischief. I feel he is too young to understand but people around me says that they can still be taught at such young age.

Your Sam very steady hoh .. keekee :p My son will cry until very poor thing if I shout at him. But I find no uses colding since he will still continue with whatever he wants to do.
my boy will do the same, pull off our specs.. even when we tried to hold him back, he will try his best to reach n reach...
when we try to distract him (scold no use liao)
he distracted for a while especially us, then he will pull it off us.. took us by surprised.. -_-"

nice!! hehe.. must take gd care of ur "newborn eyes"

recently he throw tantrums a lot when he couldnt get his hands on the things he want.. cried with tears flowing n quite poor thing like we bully him.. dunno where he learn tat from...then when we soft hearted a bit n give him the thing or toy.. his tears stopped and back to his normal self again...

He knows what things annoy me ! Those that I say no no no and cannot cannot and he will purposely keep doing it many many times. He seems to be happy seeing me being annoyed or simply just wants my attention. I find them not stupid lor.

Yeah he bullies mummy at home. But when he's outside, he usually will become a meek lamb if it's a very crowded/bright/noisy place.
Exactly! They are the smartest thing! Because you show him that when he does that to you, you react, and he thinks it's funny! When he does that again, try not to react, calmly get the glasses back from him, say firmly to him that this is mummy's glasses, it's not for you to play, put it aside if he is still interested in the glasses, then continue to do whatever thing you are doing with him, reading, playing, etc. You gonna repeat n times till he gets the idea.
oooh ok ok Jul,thanks. i will monitor for 1 weeks see if its goes away, his skin i super rough &amp; dry.. argh... 90% of his body..
I have finally caught up with the thread! Hehe.


I did Lasik about 3 years back. It's wonderful! But Jul, you'd better rest your eyes more. Watch less tv and computer for the initial period. So that it's less straining. Nowadays if I don't have enough sleep for a few days, my vision will start to blur. I don't think it's lasik, it's just my eyes.. Have to take good care of them now that they have a new lease of good vision.
<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1">GAP 25% + Free ground Shipping.. TODAY ONLY..</font></font>
anyone?? send in by 11pm.. thanks..

i only have Avent moisturer i will apply on his whole body. hope its help.. dun intend to go doctor. think the most the oso say eczema and give steriod cream

any other remedy?

kriden also have veri veri bad rashes or izzit eczema on his face, stomach and back (veri veri jialet,rough and dry)when he was feel 2 weeks old... seen 3 diff PD all also give steriod cream... been applying steriod creme on him for 5month plus also no use... (he is 6mth old tat time)

till once when he have been having loose stool for bout 1month, seen 2 diff PD also nv get better. dunno KAm still remember anot (till now i still feel veri grateful tat she intro her PD to me), beside consulting bout the loose stool, i also ask about kriden skin problem. PD NEVER give any steriod creme or any other creme.. he jus give kriden fish oil.. he say fish oil is good for everything, can help on his skin problem too.. true enough, 1 week time?? K skin condition get better n better... since then tat stupid skin problem (touch wood) nv come back.. =)) Flower4, maybe u can try it too..

thank Kam =) if not i might still be applying those steriod creme on kriden..
Checking in wasn't that smooth. The counter told us we can only bring in mix milk and not pre-mix. End up we have to put all other bottles into the chek in luaggage. The counter gal obviously no bb before. Where got people mix and keep the milk for an hr before give it to bb.
We bring 1 bottle BM, 1 mixed FM, 1 thermal with hot water and 2 bottles of plain water. The custom let us go in. If not because of the counter gal, we would have bring everything in.

M'sia side is ok, they let us bring in everything.
Yes yes, may i know where can i get the fish oil, currently my son is taking Scott Emulsion only..

yeah. Kam mus stay at this thread forever hehe..

Got it from PD, dr keoy @ novena medical center. I think 1 bottle for bout $50++ =)

May i know did u apply any "ru yi oil" on ur bb??
