(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

Thought period is all linked to the balance of your hormones. No period means that your body has not totally adjusted the hormones level yet. Plus your body is still producing BM, though it's only once a day, hormones levels should be different from the norm, no worry lah.

You scoop the same amount for every meal. If Kim can finish all for a consecutive 2 or 3 days, then you can consider to increase the portion. But then, to me, at this stage, I think it's the variety of food that matters the most, not necessarily the quantity. This is the time when we should introduce as much (natural, no additive) food to them as possible. If you notice that you bb can signal to you when she is hungry, then really shouldn't worry too much. When she is hungry, she sure will make you notice about it. Force feeding is not encouraged.

Hi Kam,

Previous feeding schedule
8.30am: 120ml of milk
11.00am: Cereal
2.00pm: 170ml of milk
5.00pm: Porridge
6.30pm: 170ml of milk
8.30pm: 150ml of milk

Now (becos he goes on milk strike)
8.30am: Cereal with milk
11.00apm: Porridge
2.00am: Cereal with milk
5.00pm: Porridge
7.30pm: Porridge (a few mouth)

Arielle is taking 3 solids a day. Cereal in the morning ( 5 tbsp of HT/HB) and porridge (1 bowl per meal) for lunch and dinner. For milk intake, she drinks around 600ml plus. Sometimes, she skips one milk feed, drink like 30ml then dowan already.


Me! still waiting. Although have been supplementing FM for sometimes liao. Like you, abit worried ley...
kim always finishes all her food when i feed her. except when it comes to porridge! anyways, i gave up on the porridge already. am relieved she will eat some pasta other then eating cereals all the time. hmm...so u think i shd try increase the portion? hmm...maybe i shd try. just afraid she dunno her limit and keep eating just because she likes it then later vomit all out.

baby poo
ok...grose topic...but i really got to ask. how many times does your bb poo poo a day? mine can poo up to 4x a day! is that normal?? she's getting heavy and washing her butt each time she poos is getting difficult! backache!
so arielle is taking 6 feeds a day altogether? what time is her last feed of the day? milk or solids? do u dream feed still?
kiki - milk feeds is about 5x per day, drinks 150ml every 4 hourly. Her last solid is 530pm, last milk feed is 11pm~11.15pm (she is still awake at this time). I don't dream feed already. She sleeps like 11+ pm, until about 8am next morning, she would want milk so feed her then she goes back to sleep and wakes up about 10plus am. You're worried that kimberly not taking enough milk? Once they are more on solids, their milk intake would reduce. 500-550ml a day is still pretty ok actually. arielle sometimes drink 500-550ml plus also.
<font color="0000ff"><font size="+1">floralim,</font></font>
think u are mistaken!
the chosen and finalised design for baby is DESIGN 3 not design 2...

Hence the mummy &amp; daddy design is same as the baby...

<font color="0000ff"><font size="+1">Dear all mummies, we will not be entertaining anymore changes or personalization to the designs...
We will STICK to Design 3 for babies and the Parents Polo will be as seen on top posted by <font color="119911">itsy</font>. The only thing u can select it..

Name to be written:

Please dun suggest anymore changes as this is hard work for <font color="119911">itsy</font> to do individual names already.. to change specifically for mama or dada or this and that is too time consuming.. if we accede to one request, another mummy will come with another request... hope we seek ur understanding and cooperation!!

We are all trying out best also...


<font color="0000ff">kam</font> yes, I thought so too! but getting worried after talking to my colleagues! :p

<font color="0000ff">kiki</font> hahah, I should enjoy my period free days, hor...its quite nice not having cramps and all the symptoms of having the period! eugh!
Kim prefers angmo food...i think its ok, porridge is NOT everything, if she likes pasta why not give her pasta/potato then? As long as she has a balanced diet of some carbo, protein and some veg, she'll be fine!

Actually at night, i feed Kate veg + protein (egg yolk/chicken/fish) and i only add in 2 small scoops of HB cereal to thicken the mixture as i figured she would have lots of carbo fpr b/fast(cereal - 1/2 bowl) and lunch (1/2 bowl) already!
Kate takes 3 x 150ml FM @ifc + occasionally 1 x 120ml FM before bed.
1 x latch early in the morning around 5ish/6ish, if she is good it will be 7am

So around 600-700ml of milk/24hr

<font color="0000ff">bernice</font> phew....same same...at least I'm not alone
ooops, rach, i mistaken.hehee. nver really keep trackin of this forum.

anyway thanks for all the hardwork

jus to confirm so right now is these designs

<font color="0000ff">JO</font>,

Just some suggestions, based on my own opinion. When you said cereal with milk meaning spoon feeding right, not to add cereal into his bottle milk right? After a soild meal, cereal of porridge, space out the next milk feed till 4 hours later or whenever he is hungry and ask for it. Then wait another 3 hours for the porridge (or earlier if he still doesn't drink that much of milk). The schedule is something like this:

8.30am: 150-170ml of milk
11.30apm: Cereal/porridge
3.30am: 150-170ml of milk
6.30pm: Cereal/porridge
Last milk feed before sleep

In between, you can offer some fruit/veg puree/egg yolk if you want to give her more varieties and more nutrients.

For your reference, my girl feeding schedule is like this:

7am - 210ml of FM
10am - 1 bowl of porridge
2pm - 210ml of FM
6pm - 1 bowl of porridge/pasta/etc
8pm - puree or fruit (if I am hard working)
9pm - 210ml if FM
paige/bernice> by right u all shuld not worry. shuld enjoy while u can =p

kiki> mine poos 3times now since his previous diarrhoea of 3times a day =p

bernice> so good ur gal sleeps so well at nite. i wish mine too. wkend my son wakes me up at 6+am -_-"
michelle - Worried coz some of you girls bf and have period..

Hmm, she sleeps really late like 11pm ley so that's why she wakes up late. I want to sleep earlier also cannot. I tried to put her to bed at 9plus pm also cannot. Off all the bedroom lights also cannot work so i resigned myself to it that she sleeps late, once she even slept at 120am!

Your boy sleeps early right? that's why he wakes up early! You want him to wake up later then keep him awake till 11plus =)
bernice> haha. i more worried. cos i bf n have period like more den once a mth -_-" i even called gynae say i wan see her. den she told me on pill is normal.

but hor. he sleep early oso prob. everytime i wann go out at nite, he wan sleep!!! hha. i cannnot afford to let him wake up late on wkdays, cos i need send him to sch by 715am -_-"
michelle Your gynae said its normal then you shouldn’t worry ma. I’ll monitor, I need to fully stop bf and wait if period comes back, else gotta ask gynae liao.

Oh he so early reaches school. Sleeping early is in his routine already then don’t disrupt ba else you’ll get a grumpy baby. When he is sleeping, still can bring him out but put him on stroller ma.
Bernice, Paige,

Even though I pump like once a day, my period also never came back . Only came back when I stop breastfeeding totally. I also quite worried that time, feel a bit abnormal leh ..

I let my boy sleeps 7pm and he sometimes wake up between 6am - 7:30am. I was advised by many people to let him sleep early that time . I haven train him to sleep on his own like what some internet expert says, I usually pat his backside or shoulder .
bernice> can bring him out. but when go wedding dinner, he cant sit still n fall asleep ma.
got a wedding to attend nxt mth. stressed. dunno wat to do wth him. den he gets irritated.

ya. he goes to sch early. cos to avoid the jam n to come early to office to pump. i drop him early, so i can reach office before 8am.
<font color="ff6000">lina!</font>

u went travelling again huh? have not heard frm u! we are fine, 2 teeth have spouted and he is still adapting to ifc since he only goes there twice a wk but haha i m enjoying my 2 free days! mine loves cereal but hates porridge! haha! my mum always blame me tt i did not feed porridge when he is younger but i m ok cos cereal easier and is very nutritious also! jacob is ok with jar food also but he is beginning to be picky with food!

<font color="ff6000">waking up at nights</font>

jacob has been doing so for a few mths... panda eyes...

<font color="ff6000">milk intake</font>

jabob's one is miserable! sometimes barely cross 500ml! usually 400+ ml cos he latches once or twice inclusive. am trying to up with the sch's help! tt rascal eats n drinks more in sch!

<font color="ff6000">kam</font>

when u feed egg yolks so frequently hor, wad do u do with the egg whites? haha! i dun think i want to eat so many leh! u boil the eggs right? sigh my mum is really "crazy"... everytime complain my style of feeding jacob but she suggested giving half boiled eggs just now! *faints*

<font color="ff6000">paige</font>

how is Kate now? my period always play game with me. comes this mth then disappear for 1-2 mths then come back again! like tt also a bit worrying hor? tt time i had really bad cramps but no period....
yeah, i worried she's not drinking enough milk. then she poos alot! i wonder if its got anything to do with the FM. i want to change brand but my hb don't agree.

poo 3x a day is not too bad. kim without fail everyday 4x poo, sometimes even 5x but then 1x will be very little, maybe nv finish pooing fr previous session! but mommy still got to clean rite?? tiring lor!

notice that u're feeding XY abt 5 feeds a day. actually i'm thinking of cutting down to 5 feeds also. her current schedule is like this.

8am FM 140ml
1030am solids 4oz
130pm FM 180ml
5pm solids 4oz
630pm FM 120ml
830pm solids 4oz
1130pm FM 120ml (but then nowadays this feed she doesn't wanna drink, drink abt 60-80ml at best ).
I only fed her more egg yolks a few weeks back when my mum was around. Haven't been making one for her for a few weeks already, lazy mum here. But yes, either me or my son eat up the egg white, or it goes to the bin.

How come Kim needs to eat more frequent in the afternoon/evening than in the morning? The 5pm and 630pm are close timings. Probably she is too full already to take the night feed. Can try to do away the 630pm solid feed. Instead, give her more FM at 830pm. And can try to do away the night feed.

If she sleeps later, can try
5pm solids 4oz
8pm 2oz of puree
930pm 120-150ml FM

If she sleeps early, can try
5pm solids 4oz
830pm 120-150ml FM
yeah...its because of her afternoon nap. she naps from abt 4-5pm nowadays. she sleeps pretty early actually...sometimes when i do the dinner feed at 830pm she's abit cranky, though she will eat her food, can see abit sleepy keep rubbing eyes or pulling ears! u know what...i think your schedule looks good, am gonna try starting today. i will take away the 630pm milk feed. feed her at 530pm her dinner then 830pm maybe some fruit/puffs, then 9-930pm feed her milk 180ml see how much she can drink.

does xy sleep thru the nite with your current feeding schedule?
<font size="+1"><font color="0000ff">old navy 30% whole site!! Gosh!!</font></font>
Ends 29/6.

Will order once hit US$200..
will order as many batches as required...
But will close by 28/6 cuz by then many OOS liaoz...
Hurry n send me!!
hey any mummies going to the YP fiesta on sunday?

Cayden is going for a baby contest there on sunday. If you mummies going, pm me..:p
coz he thinks that she's doing well on it so shouldn't change. but i find that my girl poos too often! though i can't be sure if its the FM or not, but i wanna try so that i can find out.
sore throat

Help! My girl is having a sore throat,her voice is hoarse.she isnt coughing.appetite still ok,as per normal.should i bring her to see doc?any remedies for sore throat?
her poo looks normal to me...soft poo usually...sometiems if abit constipated, will come out a couple of 'pebbles'.

oh dear, how come arielle got sore throat? has she been crying and screaming? these days, my girl learn how to scream when she cries, don't know where she learned it from. =/

want to get a weekend part time cleaner. Does anyone has a good one or part time cleaner agency to recommend? Staying at bukit batok area. Pls let me know. Thanks!
cookiezz> juz eat the egg white lo. nutritious wat. hehe. i usually eat egg dun like egg yolk anyway. so my boy can eat it =p

kiki> but last time he only poo once in the afternoon. now is like whole day. so i need change his poo twice at hm, but his sch oso need clean his poo twice =x

kam> same. i dun cook at hm. so no eggs to boil for my boy. most of the time need ask my parents to boil. den my boy got egg yolk. =p

xmasc> think i going today to subscribe n grab a copy of jul issue
kiki - I dunno how come suddenly she got sore throat, or rather her voice is just hoarse sounding. She doesn't scream so much the day before ley. I think it's due to the baby bites, melts n puffs i gave her, maybe too much already, then heaty. Ya man, dunno how come they know how to scream, sometimes can be quite loud hor?

Last night, when she was crying, the sound cannot come out, it's like distorted due to her sore throat.
kiki - Kimberly having soft poo is ok, the FM is suitable for her, doesn't make her constipated is the most important. Actually you can try to get free samples from the various milk companies, they'll deliver to your house.
Talking about poo. My #1 poo very often, until he was 18 months old, he poo 3-4 times EVERYDAY, till his teachers were sick of looking and cleaning of his buttock (he very smart, didn't poo at home, left all the poo at school :)). I was very concern too at that time. But his teachers thought it's okay, cos usually he pooed after he ate something, meaning it's induced bowel movement. I checked with his PD, his PD said at most 4x a day is okay. If it's more than that, then must be very careful to monitor if it's a sign of diarrhea. Say if you bb poo 3-4x everyday, then it's okay. But if she only poo 1x or none per day, then suddenly she poos 3-4x now, then you should be concern. After 18 months, my #1 poos less frequent, now about 1-2x EVERYDAY without fail. I can tell you, it's so much better to have a bb who poos frequently than to have a bb who has constipation problem.

My girl poos quite frequently also, maybe 2-4x a day.

If your bb is eating and drinking well, I guess giving her more water/fluid to drink is the best remedy to cure sore throat?
<font size="+1"><font color="0000ff">lunch at marina square + walk walk at YP fiesta</font></font>
I'll be there frm 1230pm... SMS me if u wanna join Melissa n me...
Talking abt poo , cayden only poos once like 3-4days and at times 4-5days ! Is constipation? His poo is soft type leh not really liquid or hard. Shd I be concern? He eats alot thou. At times he can finish more than one rice bowl of porridge.
The normal ABC pasta can be found at NTUC. The organic ABC pasta can be found at Marketplace or any organic shop, I think.

The recipe is in the "First Food" book. If you don't have this book, can you please PM me, so I can e-mail the scanned pages to you.

<font size="+1"><font color="0000ff"> young parents subscription</font></font>
most usable to us free gifts already OOS.
push walker, Thomas train all no more le..
Bouncer also finished...
Managed to get the last few pink push walker..
