(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

wah..your boy is taking abt 50% more milk then my girl! nowadays sometimes my girl will refuse to drink her dreamfeed which is at 1130pm. *stress* how often does your boy wakes up for 4am feeds?! gosh...poor u! why don't you try to feed him more at 12mn, maybe can last till morning. if not so tiring for you rite? can't imagine if i have to wake up at 4am, i think i will cry!

rach> haha. most likely i will go down ba. cos de jul issue itself if u buy there. u get a goody bag worth 50bucks or something. haha. if i ask u subscribe, i oso need u buy. den i need go collect from u =x

maybe u can sms me wat freebies they have for signing up =p
your porridge 3/4 bowl and 1/2 bowl is about how much in ml or oz? you're not feeding cereals anymore? my girl taking 3x solids actually, but before that she take 2x solids she also drinks abt the same amt as now.
How's your little angel ? Gettting used to the school life yea ??

Little titus enjoys cereal ? I have been trying to get Amber to take cereal & bottle food. She refused to take any of those. Her only fav. is porridge with veg. Any tips to get them to enjoy cereal ?

I have juz started fish with Amber, going very slow with the meat introduction. Is it okay ?? Or do they reallly need the meat ?

Seems like quite a handful of babies are sleeping through the night already ??? Mine still on the dot 3-4 hours milk at night.. ARGHH

How are you ? How's Jacob ? Long time.......
How's your little angel ? Gettting used to the school life yea ??

Little titus enjoys cereal ? I have been trying to get Amber to take cereal & bottle food. She refused to take any of those. Her only fav. is porridge with veg. Any tips to get them to enjoy cereal ?

I have juz started fish with Amber, going very slow with the meat introduction. Is it okay ?? Or do they reallly need the meat ?

Seems like quite a handful of babies are sleeping through the night already ??? Mine still on the dot 3-4 hours milk at night.. ARGHH

How are you ? How's Jacob ? Long time.......
kiki and kaira, my boy wakes up like every 2hrs at night lor...so i am even worse off...try to feed FM at night, but he wanwts to latch only leh..so land up not enough milk for him le, so he keep waking up..driving my nuts now...it's like 11pm, 2am, 4am, 5am, 6am...tried give bottle, he cry cry dun wan...alamak..or drink like only 60ml..how??

just pour amt water in bottle then pour into bowl, then can tell how many ml liao lor..that what i do....think if taking more solid food, then milk about 500-600ml shld be fine bah...

what's there at the young parents fiesta?
lina & jeni
how do u gals tahan? are u both sahm or working? even sahm its no joke tiring as they get so much more active these days demanding all your attn. how to still tahan wake up 2hrly or 4 hrly for after midnite feeds? i will go crazy lor! hmm...but did u ask PD for advise before? by now shd be able to sleep through the night already.
my boy also drinks little milk, around 600ml a day

640am: (don't ask me why so precise, he has been waking at this time for the past few days) 150 ml FM
930am: 150 ml EBM
1130am-12noon: porridge
3pm: 150ml EBM
6pm: porridge
9pm: 150 ml FM
He also has snacks e.g.fruits, whatever we eat and suitable for him, etc anytime of the day
I've enrolled my gal to Learning Vision at Punggol, the VP called that there is vacancy then I went there chop place just now!

"Shopping" for Childcare Centres:
Have been going around to look for childcare centre for my gal these few days. Generally, I find that in centres that charge higher, the staffs are more willing to share with me the info of the centre. For the few that charge less, they are quite bo chup. This morning I had to stand outside the centre to fill up the form, and was sweaty after that. grhh.
so for your boy, the 9pm is last feed of the day then he'd sleep till morning? thats so good! nowadays my girl doesn't wanna drink her 1130pm dreamfeed again...she sleep already and i'm like disturbing her, sometimes she gets angry and will cry. i'm wondering if i can take that away. but if i do...then she drinks even lesser milk! how much porridge does your boy take? arga arga in terms of ml or oz?
kiki> 1/2bowl shuld have abt 90ml? haha. i oso dunno. is those adult rice bowl? ut i think 1/2bowl got 70-90ml ba.

jeni> erms. still wake up so often? very shiong leh. i 1am wake up i oredi very tired liaos
Now she can hold her own bottle so its easier, all I need to do is fix the milk then she drinks & knock off by herself. Then again its still tiring to wake up every few hours. Recently she already started taking 2 solid meals, except breakkie is juz milk coz she doesnt like fruit puree or cereal.
lina> so good. my boy can hold. but he lazy lo. wan us hold for him. else he'll end up pressing the teats n the milk will be all over him n the bed -_-
<font size="+2"><font color="ff0000">Sept Baby 1st Birthday TShirt/Romper </font></font>

Paige - Kate Lynn / F (White T-shirt, 12-18M)
potbelly - Yihui / F (white t-shirt 12-18 mths)
bernice - Arielle / F (white T-shirt size 12-18mths)
chinyin - Ivan / M (white T-shirt 12-18 mths)
Kaira - Thaddeus / M (White t-shirt) / 12-18
Shirley - Elise / F (white t-shirt 12-18m)
Rach - Rayanne / F
Ling - Jaelle / F (white t-shirt; 12-18mths)
Angeline Lee - Clarice / F (white t-shirt 12-18 mths)
hollow - Mindy / F (White T-shirt 18-24mths)
maelyn - Vann Xyn / M (Blue t-shirt) /12-18
Huishan - Jermaine / F (Pink T-shirt) 12-18M
Corinne - Zeyu / M (t-shirt)/blue / 12 - 18
Gina - Angelyne / F (T-shirt)
Enxuan - ELIZA / f (white t-shirt 12 - 18mnths
Rorqual - Natelie / F (White t-shirt, 18-24M) &amp; Nicole / F (White t-shirt, 12-18M)
june_june - Nexter / M (white T-shirt size 18-24mths)
christina - tricia /f (t-shirt 12-18m, white)
Connie Lim - Ting Xuan / F ( white t-shirt 12 - 18 mths)
Chase - RYAN / M (white t-shirt, 18-24M)
Baeyby - Nathan / M (White t-shirt) /12-18M)
wenlim777 - MELISSA / F (White/Romper/ Size 14, 6to12 mths)
Zenn_yan (Binfen) - Yu Xuan / F (Romper)
mampoko - Kieran / M (White t-shirt, 12-18M)
myfavchoco - KRideN / M (blue t-shirt 12-18)
tlisa - JANELLE / F (White T-Shit 12-18 M)
Xmasc - Cayden / m (blue t shirt ) 18-24 mth
Melissa - LUCAS/ M (white T-shirt) 12-18m
milkyway - SHaNiS / F (White T-shirt, 12-18M)
cutedevil - Kieran / F (white t-shirt; 12-18mths)
Girly - Terrin / F (white T-Shirt 12-18m)
Waiwai - Zheng Hao / M (White T-shirt, 12-18M)
kiki - KimBerLy / F (t-shirt 12-18, pink)
princessxiaomei - Zander / m (tshirt)
jolimilk - Matthew / M (blue tshirt 12-18)
stephie1735 - Jordan / M - (T-Shirt, 12-18M)
momoteh - Cayden / M
shampoo - Farrell / M
Jess - ZECHARIAH / M (T-shirt)
prinzess55 - Josh / M
Shanice - Ryden / M
mamato6js - Joseph / M (white t-shirt 18-24m)

<font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">chosen design: DESIGN 3!!!! </font></font>

<font size="+2">For up to 50pcs, supplier is quoting:
Rompers: $15.50
T-shirt: $14.00

For more than 50pcs, supplier is quoting:
Rompers: $15.00
T-shirt: $13.50

mummies pls kindly tt the money to <font color="0000ff"><font size="+2">DBS SAVINGS PLUS 0191084271</font></font> asap n itsy will only start designing those whose payment has been received...

Please send in ur payment to me via PM in the following format:

<font color="aa00aa"><font size="+2">subject title: SEPT BABY 2009 TEE/ROMPER

Baby name to be printed: (please type accordingly)
Gender: M/F
Amount Paid:
Transaction Ref:

<font color="0000ff"><font size="+1">If I miss out any emails because wrong subject title or incomplete information, I won't be responsible hor...

thanks all!! Looking fwd to the tops!!! </font></font>

So far only received about 18payments...
the rest u dun want to order or no time to transfer?

Please let me know if ur name is in the list and u want to drop ur order.
Then we dont have to play the waiting game..


We are hoping to get the tops 1st week August..
So please kindly cooperate!!


(me very busy, so not sugar coating my words, please dun be offended.. no time to think.. just type what comes to mind.. thanks!
kiki, like that tahan lor wat to do..think lost a lot of weight as a result la...minus 5 from prepreg liao lor...

PD say give FM at night...but i tried he dun wan wat to do? say dun latch at night lor....but how not to right...means got to carry him if he wakes..wah even more tiring man...

the other hard way is to cry til he sleep..but i no heart to let him cry wan...one sound he makes only, n there goes the breasts haha....

kinda got used to it...but very tiring...losing patience abit these days cos try give FM n he dun wan, make me angry....n when he wakes up at 5/6am after latch n dun wan to sleep..i get v v irritated...
<font color="0000ff">Rach</font> did the transfer and pm-ed you. Thanks.

<font color="0000ff">kiki, jeni</font> Kate is also still waking up at night ; once for feed at 3pm and early in the morning around 5ish, 6ish she will fret for no reason! *sigh* so tired...sometimes she wakes up at 1am for feed too!! She used to sleep through from 6week until recently when she started teething! arghh! can't afford to loose more weight...so tiring!
Same here... recently its worst !!
she wakes up more than before. R u working ?

You muz be tired, having to go to work after all the night feeds etc.
^5!!! wat's with them lately??? Shanis too!! Been sleeping thru already but since last wk, she'll wake up once or twice!! Ard 2am and/or 5am!! I'm so tired and panda at work!! Can hardly concentrate! I even fed her 240ml these 2days for the 9pm (supposedly last) feed! But she still wakes up!!! Omg!! Feed more??
oh..she doesn't like fruit puree? i thought all babies will like it coz most are sweet! my girl can hold the bottle but not to feed herself. she will shake the milk all over her face and think its fun!

do u think maybe he just want your breast for pacifer but is not actually hungry?

oh no...u cannot lose anymore weight! v v slim already! how many teeth does kate have now?

i wonder if it will be like this when they sprout every teeth or only the initial period? coz that time when kim was sprouting her 2 upper and 2 lower both very closely together, it was a nightmare period for me, everynight wake up 1-2 times cryinig...got to carry her, pacify her and rock her, put down only wail! after the 4 teeth came out she's ok.... i wonder when it will start again. wah...shanis can drink alot hor... i'm trying hard to make kim drink more but she just won't!
Rach: Sorry to hear about your loss. Will dig token again and transfer to you... hehe

YP Fiesta: Angelyne is participating in the Baby Crawling Competition! hehe they say can bring 2 toys, think i bring my mum's slipper and plastic bag can liao :x she's attracted by them..

Milk intake: come to think of it.. i didn't take note of my girl's intake leh.. think got about 700? Damn.. i lost track coz it's always my helper doing the feeding T_T
Help Mummies,

My boy suddenly refused milk (both formula and breast milk)since last evening.

He only drank 4ounce today (mixed with cereal). Everytime, we gave him his bottle, he will push away and whine. He is taking his solids well and drinking water. But he just refused his milk.=(

Can any mother offer any advice?
4OZ = 120ml. Not too bad leh. What's the amount he usually drinks? How about just milk without cereal, he also refused? And what's his full feeding schedule?
<font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">Wonderful parent</font></font>

Polo comes in 3 diff colour, interested, please email/PM Rach your order detail and also to transfer money asap so that we can proceed to print and hopefully collect tees asap too
<font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">Each is $22</font></font>
<font size="+2"><font color="ff0000">WONDERFUL MUMS N DADS FORMAT</font></font>
<font size="+1"><font color="0000ff">
Dad's size:
Mum's size ( ladies cutting):
Amount tt:
Transaction Ref:

Thanks all....</font></font>
Yes, Haohao's last meal of the day is 9pm. Occasionally he wakes up in the middle of night, but falls back to sleep either by pacifier, but just patting. If lucky then he will sleep from 9+pm till 5-6+am... He eats quite a lot of solid food in the day time, he can finish 1.5 bowl of porridge in one meal.

I read an article that dream feed actually disturbs baby's sleeping...
i have 4 adults tickets to Pixar exhibition n went there before already so selling them off cheap cheap!
Anyone interested? Pls contact me!! Thk u!
can sell as a pair.. no need to buy all 4...

The exhibition is ending this Sunday..
thanks for asking about titus. he's faring well in school. and he doesn't cry when i drive him to/from school anymore, even if he has to endure 10 minutes stuck in a jam whenever i drive out from school each evening. he likes cereal and jar food. actually, he likes food in general as compared to my toddler who hated cereal and jar food and porridge when he was young. so my older boy only took to eating when he was introduced to rice and lumpier food at about 14-15 months old. i don't think there's tips for enjoying cereal. it's either they like or they don't like. you can try switching brands but i doubt that's very helpful. its good to introduce fish as early as possible according to kam. i tend to think that my boys really need the meat because when they're fully on breastmilk, they require slightly more iron than babies who are on formula.

waking up at night,
mine wakes up between 2-3 times per night to latch on. so far i'm still coping okay because i suspect that i need very little sleep to survive. other than my eczema, which seems to worsen when i stress my body too much, i don't actually feel ultra tired with the pathetic amount of sleep that i am getting. but weekends when i am able to get my mum to help care for the boys, i will also try my best to take afternoon naps to catch up on the sleep. guess that helps a lot too.

i placed the order already. hope can pass to you by this weekend.
<font face="segoe print"><font color="#FF6666">PARTYCITY</font>

Anyone keen to order stuffs from PARTYCITY?

<font color="0000ff">Free Ground Shipping with a min purchase of USD $65 till 30th June</font>

<font color="ff0000">Rach</font> doesnt mind to help spree if we got enough orders.
So, anyone keen please post ur interest soon ya? Then she can start collating n place order.

Thank U! =)</font>
Joseph also doesn't drink much milk now. He takes 180ml x 3 in daytime and he still wakes up for milk at ard 3am but only drinks 100ml. I dun mind waking up if it's just feeding cos he will go back to sleep aft that plus because his last milk feed is 8pm so I figure he gets hungry middle of the nite. I have stopped giving him dream feed since 3 mths ago cos like Kim, he gets angry if I disturb his sleep and both of us end up frustrated and he ends up by drinking. He eats 3 solids a day. One cereal and 2 porridge meals. His cereal only abt 150ml and his porridge each is abt 250ml
Its good that Titus is good at school, so you can work peacefully without worryig aboutit.
Yea have tried so many different flavours, apple orange, banana etc. Guess will just keep trying. Thought with bottle food/cereal, it's easier to travel with her. Otherwise everywhere I go, I have to cook.

mamato6, Step, Angela
How do you handle it ? With so many kids who neeeds your attention etc. POWER !!!
Woah! I thought only mine milk monster! Z usually slp thru as in nv wake up til 5-6hrs after last latch at abt 10. Then again these days he wake up every 2-3hrs and now I'm latching! I suspect 6th tooth coming! I'm gg die soon. Die of exhaustion! Lolz. Every tooth coming he cranky nv nap in e day nv slp well at night.. 24/7 glued to me even when slpin! I cannot even go toilet. Walk 5 steps away he cried buckets until mucus come out tears come out! Ytd even screamed for the first time ever! Until vomit on me! I hv been zzz at 5am and waking up at noon finally but frm 5 to 12pm I wake up at least 3-5 x!! I seriously latch until dnw which side liao as I usually alternate! My neighbours who saw me these days all ask me same thing... "u seemed to lost weight and u look v shag and insufficient rest!"

Z doesn't really tk in much solid food though I tried feeding him. Most of the time he eats few spoonful... Everyone keep saying he slim down la.. I hear until bek chek want to throw chair... Don't they know z is super duper active! Urgh!

I'm sooooooo tired and sleepy but nobody comfort me yet still say I always slp like pig! Sigh... Just finished w laundry and mopping and rest 15mins z cry for milk. ): sad mummy!
jeni> now i know why he keep waking up. cos one sound u give breast liao. tat's like encouraging him to wake up n latch. i think since u spoiled him, u got to go the hard way.

anyway kids very smart. dey wun cry many nights one. like my boy previously refuse to sit in car seat. cos all along i put him there i nv tie him, until he start tossing crawling climbing in it. den he cried at most 3days. after tat he "ren ming" the moment he go in, he wait for hubby to tie him up. first few days the moment he go in he struggle to climb out n cry when hubby tying him n driving.

i guess u juz have to let him cry a few times. set a target. like today maybe 3am he cry than u latch. slowly push to 315am, 330am n later. this way u can wean him off the nite feed. reason y i never wean him off is i need wake up n pump

nite feed> haha. i m not tired, cos all along i wake up at 1am to feed him n pump at the same time. so not so tired liao. kinda used to it. now even worrse. when i pump i get hooked on watching drama. so must finish 1.5episodes than i willing to go back sleep at 3am =x

gina> bring remote control n the lollipop. my boy's favourtie. balloon oso can =p

sandwich> okie. ops. let me know ur bank acct k? =p
rach> wat is so yummy?

hehe. young parents magazine subscription gifts are out on the website. thinking of taking the push walker.
oh i made daddy sleep with bb last night from 2am after he woke up for milk...latch plus 70ml milk( though had a hard time trying to make him drink from bottle)....after which he slept til 530am...yippey then latch again lor.

could it be bb doesn't smell me around, he can sleep longer...so i shall make hubby sleep w him, although hubby complain not enough space to turn, n blanket cannot cover him properly..hack care him la... what does he think i went through all these months right....

ya i latch cos lazy to pump middle of night too mah...guess after 10M of waking up throughout the night, i also used to it liao lor....dun feel that tired la...but v short fuse with hubby lor
<font color="0000ff">RE: Waking up at night</font>

1st group - those bb who have already been sleeping through but now waking up for night feeds
> there MUST be a reason why your bb is waking up. Could be growth spurt, teething, not feeling well, anxiety, rashes, stomach wind, etc, etc, plus a lot of reasons that we don't even think of. Also at this age, they are developing very fast physically, learning a lot of things, from those very easy tasks (to adults) like waving goodbye, laugh out loud, to those more difficult task like crawling, cruising, walking, all these things are not easy for a baby, sometimes they woke up unconciously at nights as a reflect of what they learn during the day.
> So if they do wake up at nights, just be patient and it will be over, sooner and later, and your bb will be sleeping through again. I know it's easier said than done, cos myself lost the patient too when my bb was not well and kept waking up at night. Now that she is well and been sleeping through again, I felt so terribly bad that I scolded her when she was ill and sleeping well :-(

2nd group - hasn't been sleeping through
> According to the experts, bb this age should be able to keep enough reserve in thier tummy to keep them through the night. But every bb is different, only you know how active your bb is during the day (thus how much energy he needs) and how much he eats (thus have enough to be reserved). If you think that he is not particularly active and have been eating enough, then you can start to cut down his night feeds, not necessarily to use the cry it out method, but to do it gently, like pushing the time later and later, or the make less and less milk for him (ops, don't work for latching on mummies). Say if he usually drink 180ml as full feed, you can make 150 or 120ml for him for night feed. If he can happily go back to sleep after the feed, then a week later or you, cut down the amount again. If he cannot go back to sleep or wake up again later for milk, may mean that he is really hungry and must give him the full feed and hence he may not be ready for sleeping through. If you bb is active crawling/walking around and hasn't been eating that much, then it's understandable why he still needs the night feed right. It won't last long. Sooner or later he will sleep through. Just hang on!
jeni> but baby not very willing to latch leh. like he wun suckle much. so i tot better to bottle n give him a fixed amt of milk. he's been drinking lesser and lesser n i think soon can remove this nite feed n increase his 9pm feed. cos he used to drink 200ml. drop to 180ml, 160ml, 150ml n now 130ml only. will slowly down the amt of milk slowly den when i stop bf, i can stop the nite feed totally =p

kam> ya. i m slowly cutting down. not becos i wanna cut down oso. but becos he dun wanna drink oso. but i tried dun give him totally he wake up at 4am since his nite latch at 9pm. so i gonna do this slowly. when he reach 1yr old den no more nite feed n i no more nite pump at 1am. maybe pump 11pm, so we can all sleep well!!
<font color="0000ff">Kam</font> Thanks for reminding me *sigh*...I also feel real bad I got angry at Kate, I guess she wakes up because of her teeth, then after her tooth cut, it was her runny nose...*sigh* and throughout these episodes, i introduced comfort latching, i know! its such a bad habit, i hope i can break this habit slowly and patiently...

<font color="0000ff">period</font> anyone still waiting for their period to "appear"?? I started introducing FM about 2 mths ago, now I only latch her at night, no pumping during the day and still happily enjoying my period free life! on the other hand, am worried its not normal...as some of my colleagues were saying if i were to partially b/feed (actually its not even partial! only "drain" both breast ONCE a day!!) i should have my period back!!

I want back my beauty sleep but a part of me also want my boy to drink more, guess will continue with 1 time night feed. Wonder will it makes any difference.


I went to a gathering and one lady actually make a comment that my son seems to be the same size (not much growth)since we last met 3 months ago. So sad ;(
:) Ya lor, when we are tired and lack of sleeping, very easy to lost temper on our bb hor. But I never lost temper on my #1, I have been very patient with him (cos I am like Sandwich, I am those type who doesn't really need uninterrupted sleep). So I feel double guilty for my girl :-(

I have a friend whose daughter is 1.5 months, and still weighing 10kg. Despite trying everything and consulted PD a few times. She also didn't cut down the night feed cos thinking let her daughter drink as much as possible to catch up with the weight. Till recently, she finally accepted the fact that her daughter is of smaller built. As long as she is happy and healthy, weighing a little less or looking a little smaller really doesn't matter at all.
yeah, i did read before that dream feeding actually disturbs baby. i wanna do away with it since she doesn't wanna drink her dreamfeed and always getting so upset with me, but on the other hand, i worry she drinking not enough milk, so i persist...end up always throwing away the milk!

oh wow...joseph eats quite alot of porridge ya! 250ml is a good amt! *sigh*...i have no idea how to make kim like porridge, she just hates it! she'd gag and make the 'wanna vomit' action. i used to think it was not fine enough and even go through the trouble to blend the porridge! then i realise its not that problem...because she will eat alphabet pasta (from kam's recipe)and she likes and will even 'chew' it! on avg, i think kim is taking 150ml of each solid meal of cereals and puree. sometimes it seems like she can eat more, but i've not attempted to increase the portion yet. wonder if i should.

maybe it takes a while for your period to come back. don't worry lah! enjoy the no period days before they're gone! up until now, my period still not regular leh! think got 2 times skip months and didn't come. not sure if its because i'm stress or too tired (think it was the mth kim was teething! aiyo...nitemare!).

paige> i got my period back long ago even i m tbf. have it many many times. but some say it's becos i'm on the pill which is causing my period to come more often than before
