(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

grrs. went to wk only to realise hubby forget to pack de diaphragm of my pumps. in de end took urgent leave n come hm -_-" here i m pumping at hm....

myfavch9oco> keke. so handsome =p

glamourmom> i have the following for sale too:
Nursing Bra Tank (Turquoise Size L) - 22,
Nursing Bra Tank (Nautical Stripe Size L) - 22,
Nursing Bra Tank (Animal Print Size L) - 22,
Nursing Bra Tank (Grey w/Red Ruby Size L) - 32

pm me or sms me at 91526232. thanx. either pay for postage or collection at bukit batok k? thx

eat too much goodies?

i just trash abt 2l of FBM last nite cos they were more than 2months overdue... hubby says better not let my gal drinks lah although there were different sources regarding how long to keep the FBM. it also helps to clear space in my freezer as i'm running out of space and so i've been pumping lesser and lesser too. I even have used up the space at the door which i shouldnt be keeping FBM there.
<font face="Garamond">dlareg80, Thank you for sharing about Marc. At least Marc makes attempt to flip by turning left and right. Ian is contended on his back. I am really worried Ian has physical development delay. He just managed to support his head well over the weekend. It doesn't help when my mother-in-law keeps harping on his slow development.

nicekiel, Apologies for the confusion. My email is YMAIL. I have drop you a PM

Want To Sell Thread
I was actually asking about how to get access for Want To Sell Thread. I want to post there but unable to. Any kind mommy can help me to post? Normal Postage is included in the price as per what I paid in the BP.</font>

hmm dun think so. maybe nvr cover belly buton n got wind? haha

ooh.. 2L is a lot to me leh. i need at least 1 mth to get 2L.. no, think more than that
<font face="Garamond">jul_04, Hope your tummy feel better.
Thank you for helping me to post. I have send you a PM. However I have forgotten to indicate that the price is including normal postage. Please help me add in.

milkyway18, 2L is a lot to me too. I wish I even have excess to store.</font>
<font face="Garamond">jul_04, Oh I indicated. Looks like I am the one with poor memory.

OK. Happy time ending soon as my mother-in-law is on her way here. I will have to log off, haiz. I feel so deprived and cut off from the world. Missing all the good deal, like the HappyBaby Spree.</font>
milkyway> some of my bm oso more den 2mths. but i kept them in a seperate compartment in freezer, so i still let my boy take. but definitely less den 3mths old. now i trying to clear de older frozen milk n freezing new ones again. else wasted

i oso pumping lesser n lesser, cos i m invading the whole freezer. mine is de side by side door freezer n refrigerator. i juz cleared another level for my milk -_-" really pumping lesser n lesser, but i m getting more n more milk. grrs. even have to resort to stop fenugreek

happy belly> wow. juz saw de puffs at ntuc jurong pt selling at 8.90, think i only got it at 6.7 from spree -_-"
thanks michell, i have pmed her already.

TMC doctor only give my son two medication... so poor ting. he keep waking up during sleep.

need help. need to know what brand of diapers fits thunder legs, my son cannot use drypers le, cannot tape at the thunder legs but the stomach area still quite loose. now i wasted 1 1/2 pack of drypers M size...... = 128pcs.....
if ur son cant fit M maybe u can try L size on him already. my boy also cant fit all the M size, thigh area tight plus M size too short can only cover below his belly button so i change to L size fits him snugly.

speedy recovery to all the babies who r not well ok!
<font face="segoe print"><font size="+1"><font color="#FF6666">Baby Care Festival!!!</font></font>

Venue: Singapore Expo Hall 6B
Period: 19th - 21st March 2010
Time: 11am-9pm on Friday and Saturday; 11am-8pm on Sunday.

Maternity &amp; Baby care needs...

Free Admission!!!

<font color="0000ff">Ling</font>,
What's at the Baby Care festival? anyone been to previous ones?

<font color="0000ff">Michelle</font>,
your Ahgoo baby plush pad still with me, when would you want to collect? Am leaving for Msia this sunday for 2 weeks

<font color="0000ff">HAPPY BELLIES CEREAL</font>
how much cereal do you give your babies? I only give mine (who is 24 weeks going on 25weeks this week) 2 tiny weeny baby spoon, once a day (started last week when she was 24 week, 1 tiny weeny baby spoon)
Looking at the tin of cereal, i think she might take AGES to finish it!!
For those of you feeding your babies cereal or puree, do you replace a milk feed with other food? Mine love cereal but hate milk so I am thinking of replacing milk feeds with cereal, porridge and puree. Is it okay?
<font face="segoe print"><font color="#FF6666">Paige...</font>

Haven been to one. Saw it in the Mother and Baby Magazine Feb Issue. Its got booth for maternity n baby care essentials.
If im not wrong, Pampers, Huggies, Avent, Mustela are part of it. They are some of the sponsors of the event. </font>
paige> ops. ya hor =x will u be at hm tml ard 8pm? if yes, i'll drop by tml =p

as for happy bellies, sometimes i feed alot, after mixing in de baby cubes with water, it's 70ml, sometimes only 30ml after mixing with water. but definitely i nv use 1:4 ratio, maybe 1:3 or so

bbq98> sure. tat's de purpose of introducing solid, slowly reducing one milk feed n replacing it by solid, prob is my boy's solid meal still not making him full =p
<font color="ff0000">Hello everyone! wishing all mummies and your babies a Happy &amp; Properous CNY!! Must have been special for it's the first one for our little ones.</font>

My boy was kept so busy by everyone entertaining him, I had a rather relaxing trip. ha ha, bathe time, there're about 2-3 people wanting to bathe him! But now come back got to "re-program" him..!

<font color="119911">Angel, Gerald and Blessed</font> I'm in the same boat as you all too. My boy will also be 5 months old in a few days' time, and hasn't learnt to flip - yes, he's very happy to be on his back, and doesn't attempt to even turn to his side, even for milk. But he's feeding well, &amp; 7.5kg already, and so long as he's enjoying his growing up years, I think he should be a happy baby.

He also wakes at 3 or 4am almost every night now, for the past 3 weeks already. I'll feed him on the bed, so that I can sleep while he drinks. But this morning, he woke at 5am, instead of 3am.
Hi everyone... Oh man.. so many of the kiddos are sick...

Mine too... he's been having this dry cough for the past 5 days... went to see PD before his scheduled vaccination and PD says cause so young, ask us if we want medication, he can give for phelgm but I didn't take cause he dun have phelgm. Then he took his Hexa and Prevenar yesterday then had slight fever at night...
What a night...

I'm sick too... having bad throat and simply sound like a frog (ribbet ribbet) now... hahah

By the way, as a fellow mummy needed fenugreek, I ordered another batch and just paid Vpost, so should be delivered in 5-8 days time. Ordered this during the 20% discount period and it costs $21.30 per bottle this time. Its more expensive this time cause Fenugreek has increased the price by USD$2

I have only about 12 bottles left so please do a fund transfer to my POSB Savings account 126-53546-5 to reserve.

Also, please note that I'm selling these at cost price hence do not include free postage... I had a mummy approaching me (I think is a new mummmy in our thread) and ask if got free postage...
so must state first.

I'm providing free packing cause hard to charge $0.10 or $0.20 for brown paper so I'm providing it for free.... so no free postage k...
Happy New Year Mummies. My 2cents worth

jolimilk - tummy time. at least 15 mins, 3 times a day.

Just before Ry turned 5mths she suddenly went nuts, flipping back to front, front to back and now she's starting to raise her bum and she loves standing, so scary. We didn't rush her just happens naturally. The great thing is that all these things tire her out and she sleeps from bout 9pm to 8am, she does wake up sometimes cos she's hungry, pooped or has a blocked nose.

deebee - swimming diapers are a must.

A tip so babies don't freak out at the pool is to have a shower with them at home at least twice, just have a lil spray on they face. My daughter went for her 3rd swim last week and her first lesson. She wasn't too happy but didn't cry lah.
HAPPY CNY to all!

my girl is on similac now.

maybe u can try huggies? but huggies cut is quite small but its like 'high' cut so good for thunder thighs. maybe u can try the L sizes. else maybe can try pull up pants.

i'm giving my gal abt 1 scoop (similac) of cereal a day. i think that maybe equates to abt 2 tablespoons. when u say 2 weeny baby spoon, u do mean the dry cereal 2 baby spoon rite? that shd be abt 1 tablespoon?

i'm feeding cereal 1-2x a day. i won't say i'm replacing the cereals with milk feed yet, because most of the time i feed some milk after the cereal feed if she wants to drink.

too much new yr goodies? speedy recovery to all sick mummies and babies
kiki - started with 2 tablespoons and 30ml of BM and now she's up to 4 tablespoons with 40ml of milk (cos it was too watery). So much cos she screams bloody murder if there's any less. Her AM meal she's had squash, carrot and apple so far, the apple was a bit tart and she didn't like it much.

Does it seem I'm giving her too much?
hmm...i don't know if thats considered alot, coz i've not started on purees yet.
yeah...i also just put about 30-40ml of milk mixed with abt 1 scoop of cereal, else its too watery. do u use flat tablespoon or heap tablespoon?
Just want to share, I found a nice place for our next gathering.. heheheh

With our babies growing so fast and have already started eating solids, I found this place called "Petit Bowl" in United Square.

They sell baby food, from purees to chicken and peas ... etc from 4 months old to older babies...

Anyone interested?

We set a Sat noon and bring our babies go want?

They cook and freeze in their own kitchen... then all no salt. The guy in the shop was very friendly and also gave me a few scoops to try... I have to say the flavour is quite good except that its with no salt... so

I bought a set for their "Baby Starter Set" for Jordan to try... 9 small servings of frozen purees for $8.9 (3 flavours), total got about 16 types to choose from. I bought apple, sweet potato and carrot. heheh

Gave Jordan the sweet potato mixed with his rice cereal and he loved it!

I think we can really consider to go there for our next gathering.. lol
itsy, I believe we can try to arrange something.... we fix the date and time then I try to call and see if we can make reservations or not...
<font color="0000ff">cereal</font>
thanks mummies who replied. No wonder my daughter normally cries for more cereal! I only give her 2 heap baby spoon (am using the pigeon BPA free baby spoon-feels like 3/4 of our normal teaspsoon) and add water, approx 10mls, but its kinda watery-ish :p
<font color="119911">Cereal</font>
I'm feeding Happy Times cereal with BM. Is the cereal supposed to be watery or a bit thicker? After I stirred, the cereal seems to dissolve and I'm like feeding Ian with only milk.
oh..sounds interesting, didn't knew they have such 'cafes' for babies. haha.. hmm..but my girl hasn't started on purees yet, so not sure if she should be taking any of those yet.

maybe u can try adding BM instead of water so it'd be thicker and more filling for kate. do u replace a milk feed? if u're just feeding very little cereal, then don't replace the milk feed, else she'd still be hungry! my PD advise that i can feed my girl as much as she wants to eat for the cereal. for my case, once she has her fill, she'd purse her lips shut so i know she doesn't want anymore.

cereal feeding
mummies, how does your baby behave when feeding cereal? mine seems very active and excited when eating cereal that its such a 'challange' for me...sometimes quite exhausting! she gets excited and likes to wave her arms, sometimes knocking the cereal off her spoon! i have to hold the bowl away from her and hold the spoon really firmly to ensure it doesn't get knocked off my hands. also, sometimes she wants to grab the spoon! then she will likes to laugh and talk while eating too.
i'm feeding happy bellies, i never follow the 1 part cereal to 4 parts liquid instructions because if i do, it becomes too watery and very diffcult to feed (yes, it becomes almost like feeding milk only on a spoon!). i arga arga mix to the texture thats almost like milkshake texture. after that i give her abt 2-3 spoons of water.
<font color="0000ff">kiki</font>
ya!!! what's with them and their "flapping-arms-like-chicken stance"!! Kate does that too!! but not during feeding :p
ya, I'm too lazy to add BM, since I'm still too lazy to bottle feed her
and its like 10mls only, so ermm, use water easier...
nope, not replacing a milk feed, she still empties both breast after that! (hence her size!!)
How's Kimberly doing with her 'weight management'? PD said ok?

<font color="0000ff">itsy</font> I also dunno, initially, i follow instructions on Happy Bellies, 1 to 4 ratio, but now, just estimate...like thick yoghurt consistency

<font color="0000ff">steph</font> sounds like a cool place!
so how's kate during feeding cereal time? she guai guai sits no flap arms when eating cereal? lucky u then!! i've yet to weigh kimberly coz CNY PD not open. maybe i'd go tomorrow.
but i think she got heavier, i can feel it when i carry her. haha... *hopeful*
KiKi, Hehe I also didn't know till one day I happen to go there then found out. They also serve White Rice and Brown Rice Puree but didn't buy it since I already have the cereal.

My baby took the Sweet Potato Puree mixed with white rice cereal + EBM just now and really loved it.

And cause its puree, it will be a little thick so if feeding only the puree, I suggest mixing it with a little EBM for a start...
steph or any other mummies,
can i ask u something? when u started with purees, do u feed purely puree only, then later part add to the cereal? or can we just straight away add puree to cereals n feed together?
my joseph boy actually doesnt like his cereal to be watery, he likes it to be really thick. heng for me cos in fact its easier to feed t5hicker texture. and yes, if u mix cereal with bm, try to feed fast cos it will become watery v soon. my maid usually feed him 60ml milk first, then cereal mixed with 30ml of ebm, i told her to just estimate the amt of cereal to be added as long as she gets the texture right. then followed by 120ml milk half hour later. this will constitute his one feed. hv not tried puree yet cos i simply hv no time! maybe next wk. i miss my boy's baby breathe leh, used to get "high" just smelling his breathe, v sweet smelling when he was solely on bm. now that he started cereal his breathe stinks!
<font color="0000ff">kiki</font> sometimes guai, most of the times her white doggie distracts her
....or she will watch TV (*faintz*) but at times she likes to put her finger in her mouth WITH the cereal!!
Well done, Kimberly!! keep up the good work!!
<font color="0000ff">mamato6Js</font>
OMG, since we are talking about smell, i miss my baby's BM poo!! now her poo is sooo, ermmm,... SMELLY!! No more nice smelling poo
wah sounds like an interesting place. but u shld know how crowded is united square on weekends?? filled with kiddos gg for their classes!
Can I suggest the following days (cause other days I can't make it) but if everyone prefers another date, I can still help to call and make reservations even if I'm not going

<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1">Next Gathering at Petit Bowl - United Square 27th Feb 2010 - Afternoon, time to be confirmed</font></font>
1) Stephie1735

<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1">Next Gathering at Petit Bowl - United Square 20th Mar 2010 - Afternoon, time to be confirmed</font></font>
1) Stephie1735
mamato6Js, yah I know but I can only think of weekends cause many mummies have gone back to work like myself... so can only make it on weekends...
your boy's 1 feed totals 60ml milk + 30ml milk with cereal + 120ml milk?! gosh, u got a big CC there! :p

oh yes yes! kimberly does that too! while eating cereal, she will want to chew her fingers too. if i don't clean her hands fast enough, cereal will be all over her face! i'm very boh eng...1 hand hold bowl, other hand hold spoon, hold towel cleaning her hands and mouth!

ok..time to feed my DD and zzz.... gd nite!

KiKi, actually the purees I bought today from Petit Bowl was Jordan's first serving of purees. hehehe

As it was puree, so its quite thick... first spoon, I actually mixed with only EBM and let him try. After I confirmed that he liked it then I mixed it in with the cereal and feed.
