(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

So quiet today.. All busy busy for cny le..
Hi everyone, wish everyone Prosperous New year ahead in advance!! Haven't come in for a while again.

Recently I realise I keep hearing 'lao hong' sounds from my pump and just realised today that it's coming from the funnels

My funnels seems to be having a hole some where and now lao hong Liao. Sigh. Anyone got new ones to spare?

Also after giving my baby the sample cereals for 2 days, I bought a tin of Frisocrem for him but he refuse to eat them
he seems to prefer nestle. Aiyo so young so choosy. Later today I have to quickly get a tin of Nestle for him else Hejaz no cereals to eat. Dunno want to get the Happy Bellies for him scared he dun eat also. sigh

anyone has spares of happy bellies that I can buy from to see if Jordan likes it? Pm me k?

Lastly, everyone Huat Huat In this CNY k?
<font face="Comic Sans Ms"><center>

<font color="#C71585"><font size="+1">新年到,祝大家在新的一年里,工作顺利,家庭幸福,身体健康,万事如意。
Time to bring the little ones to go collect ang bao..haha
And of coz to give in return lah

Enjoy yourselves
Kylie had her first taste of cereal yesterday at 5 months and 1 week. Had to let her try since she doesn't seem to be full even after 7 ounces of breast milk.

She can really eat alot leh. Is 10 tablespoons of health times brown rice cereal too much??? And on top of that, she can still drink milk...i'm amazed
sam has fever now too. no idea when it started. only ard 830pm, sil n mil said his head felt warm, took temp, ard 38+degc

brought him home n his temp was ard 38degc again

no idea whether it's :
1) illness
2) teething
3) reaction to the brown rice cereal i've fed him tdy n yest

he's kinda listless, doesn't finish his milk.. how to tell diff b/w teething n illness fever ah?
jul> ya lo. now i oso wonder if my boy's fever brought abt by his teething. n i haven gotten his teething tablets -_-
haiz..my girl also having very bad blocked nose and coughing now...she wakes up alomost every 2 hrs at night, coz of th blocked nose...so xin ku like that! i feel so helpless..coz cant do much to help her feel better..
Ohh so poor thing. Have you brought her to see the doctor yet? I am having cough and sore throat too. Hope I don't pass anything to my daughter.

Anyone know that if the promotion is still on going?
Oh dear mummies,

my son oso sick. pass from me.
... i got fever , sorethroat &amp; coughing....

din go visiting ytd..

Michelle, wat teething tablets ah? how does it works?
Happy CNY to all!
Have been busy since I started work in Jan. Seems like most of you have started feeding babies with cereal... I've not tried.. Thot I'll wait till she's 6 mths old. She was so distracted smiling and playing with everyone yesterday during visits that she didn't even drink much BM. Sigh. Very playful and active. She's been pulling things to chew and rolling off the huge playmat I got for her so often that my maids and I are tired out trying to catch hold of her.

Might not have the chance to log in often when I return to work this Wednesday onwards. So, here's wishing all the mummies and babies the best of health!
Thanks Rach. Anyone in the East wants to get the diaper? I remembered someone wanted it and is coordinating in the east. Can still accept orders?
hi tilsa, yup, brought her to gp on cny eve, got some medicine. but i m reluctant to feed her those medicine. now hoping she can get well on her own...

u too take care...
Hi Mummies,

Can anyone help me to post that I am selling my freezer? I have finished my stored BM when I was away in BKK. So want to sell the freezer. Do let me know if you can post it then I PM you the details.
flower4> hyland, rach oso brought it. juz let my boy try it juz now. seems good to "pacify" him, at least after giving him the tablets n latch on, he fell asleep. last nite he keep waking up. now sure is becos of teething, or blocked nose -_-

take 2-3tablets, 4times a day, either dissolve under de tongue, or dissolve in water n feed ur boy. i dissolve 2pills in 5ml of water, n use syringe to feed my boy =p

shirley> y brought ur gal to gp n dun feed medicine? my boy is getting better fr de medicine he got from de gp
Michelle..feel that baby is too young to take all those medicine, scared her liver cnnot take it.

Is ur boy getting better? he got flu also or?

Anyway, we tried fed her the medicine last night, she vomited out, all the medicine, milk and phlegm...then cried so loud...haiz!! i feel more xin ku then her. We also bought the Olbas inhaland decongestant oil to make her sleep better at night..so far so good, but she still a bit cranky this morning when feeding herthe medicine.

Doc gave us Fluimucil for phlegm, Piriton for running nose and Rhinathiol for cough. Is these medicine same as those taken by ur boy?
Michelle, thanks for sharing. i miss it the tablets..

Shirley, my son oso sick cny eve bot him to TMC pocket burn 90+++ sigh.. doctor give my son Rhinathiol for cough with phlegm. til today my son oso haven recover, im in doubt of the medicine leh.

doctor sat as for flu &amp; block nose , no medicatin for bb as is too young so only give nasal decongestant solution drop..


soo poor thing see them suffer.
flower> i got 2 more packs teething tablets extra... PM me if u want...
$6.73 per pack exclude postage.

PM me ya.. but i'll be away from tonite till 20th..
I'll reply u when i'm back..
shirley> my boy got rhinathiol for cough/phlegm/flu, bricanyl for opening airawy/clear phlegm, and iliadin to drop into nurse to dissolve mucus n make it flow out

i think he is getting slightly better ba. but medication finished more den half. but than again, for kids once dey get flu n cough, very hard to recover, cos dunno how to blow out or spit out

flower4> think rach got some spare. i remember sms her n she got 2 more, u might wanna check with her if she still have them
hullo.. did all the mummies have a gd new yr?

this yr sam poor thing.. coz hubs' granny passed away so he got no place to go. can only keep circling ard my ils' n my mum's places

seems like a lot of bbs r sick. so poor thing. hope they all get well soon. dunno whether sam's sick or teething. he has a lot of pisai these days. everyday can pluck out 2-3 pcs from each nostril. so small so much pisai *faint*
Hi Ling,

Thanks for offering but I have already gotten some replies from some mummies. I guess someone has helped me to inform other mummies. I am trying to see if I can sell my fridge. If I can't then I ask you again?

Whoever has helped me to advertise, thank you!

Teething Tablets
Is it effective? Mummies who has used it can give me your feedback?
Lol. You're welcome tlisa. I was selling off my milk powder so shun bian lor... Happy CNY everyone!!! Marc is 4 days to being 5 months old and STILL hasn't flipped. This mummy has taken to assisting him! He'll turn to his left or right, and I'll push his bum a little, and over he goes!

Cookiezz, did you get my PM?
Oh, wanted to ask. Anybody else's little darling still keeping you up at night? My boy's been waking up once or twice at night. No use dreamfeeding, because he still wakes up. And proceeds to scream the house down if not fed. Gah!
<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1">~~~~~Happy Baby Food Spree~~~~~</font></font>
<font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">LAST CALL!!</font></font>

Can read more at www.happybabyfood.com

Happy Bellies Cereals
3 flavours to choose, Brown Rice, Multi-grain and Oatmeal

Brown rice is recommended as the cereal to start as first solid.

Happy Baby Puff Snack
3 flavours to choose, <font color="ff0000">Apple</font>, <font color="ffff00">Banana</font> and <font color="119911">Greens</font>

Use format below:

Collection: Self collection only at: Lengkok Bahru/ Redhill Lane/ Redhill MRT/ Tiong Bahru MRT/ Dhoby Ghaut MRT/ Harbourfront MRT/ Vivocity lunch time/ Central Mall/ Bedok North/ NUS Mon-Tue between 7-10pm SDE

Item name:

*Cost will be advised later but is targeted at <S$8 per bottle for Happy Bellies Cereals and <S$6 for Happy Baby Puff Snack*

<font color="ff0000">**Pls PM me and not post order here ok!**</font>

While I am pretty confident that the cost for the cereal will be less than BP, but shipping is a black hole so I cannot guarantee the cost but really SHOULD NOT exceed S$8 each

<font size="+1"><font color="0000ff">~*~ Note Changes ~*~</font></font>
<font size="+1">Spree will close on 16th Feb 2359</font> after which I will make order and if all goes well, we can expect the loot to arrive at late Feb or latest early Mar

I will take exchange rate of 1.45 first, if there is balance, it will be used to offset shipping. Please transfer money to me after u have received my email. Shipping costs will be calculated and be transfered before collection of the loot!
<font size="+2"><font color="ff0000">The Happy Baby Food Spree is closed!</font></font>

Please proceed to transfer me if you have not. If not I have to drop your order! I hope you can understand! If there is still any last min orders, as long as u can pm and transfer to me by 10am, I can still take in! Thanks!
jul> same leh. hubby's grandma passed away, so hubby's side no house visiting. wheras from my side, usually is only my mum's place, grandma's place followed by dinner at aunt's hm. so boy boy 1day no where to go liaos =x thus 2nd day we brought him shopping at orchard road =p

tlisa> not sure if it's de teething tablet, but my boy is able to sleep better i think. previous nite keep waking up.

angel> ya. i think u can help or rather teach him by helping him flip. i remember helping him flip 3times within 30mins, den after tat he finally got the hang of it n started flipping more den 10times himself within de same day. not to mention how busy i was after tat help -_-"
<font face="garamond">Happy Chinese New Year.

I want to sell off my Glamourmom Nursing Bra Tank. I have 1 Turquoise L size, selling at $25.00 &amp; 1 Glamourmom Pink L size, selling at $34.00. Both are brand new as it is way too big for me. I received in Dec but had no time to try till recently.

Please email me at [email protected] if interested.

Can I know how to get access to post in overseas spree? I cannot post there, can anyone help me?</font>
abit late la.. but here wishing everyone a very happy CNY =)
picture of my boy taken on reunion dinner =)


ohh yahh.. my poor boy is having diahorrea since reunion day, bout 6 times aday. Went to tmc 24hr clinic yesterday, doc say inside still veri active, will have more diahorrea =/ though he is having diahhorrea, he still play, smile, laugh, scream, drink and cry per normal. hmmmm....
<font face="Garmond">My Ian still hasn't flipped and made no attempt to do so. He is 5 months &amp; 1 week now. He still wakes up twice in the night for feed. He doesn't seem to be interested in anything. In fact he only manage to hold his head well recently. I am getting worried but his PD don't seem to be concern. I am thinking of switching PD, any recommendation?</font>
Hey... we're in the same boat I reckon. Marc is also doing exactly the same thing (twice a night and still can't flip) and he's almost as old as Ian. I don't think it's a major source of concern though and perhaps ur PD is right.

Guys tend to be slower at developmental milestones apparently and different kids will need varying amounts of time to grow and learn. Some develop certain skills faster and others skills at a slower pace.

I hope this helps to reassure you that things are going fine for your child. Don't be pressured by the developmental milestones of other kids.

Cheers and a very happy Lunar New Year to you and all at home.
