(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

Hi Ladies.. I'm back hahaha.. I'm back at work liao.. think I'll have more time to login here hehe

Lazy to backtrack all post.. but nw the topic on flipping and puree?

hehe.. it's always interesting to come in one awhile and see that the topic has changed to another
Ya, my mum said she never fed us any puree, only porridge, and we all grew up well, what :p

Frozen food retains most of its nutrients, if you freeze and thaw properly. But I know, it's very diffucult and it's ultra challenging to change the mind of the old folks.

When your baby is ready for solid, first few weeks is for him/her to get use to be fed with spoon, not to replace a milk feed. Only when he can swallow well and can take a relatively bigger potion, then can slowly replace 1 milk feed with 1 solid per day. But if giving fruit puree, I still give him the milk as usual, if he is willing to take. Main nutrients are still from milk, not from solid. By the time when the baby can take solid to replace 1 milk feed, probably he is about 8-9 months already.

Food container
I bought those small containers from Daiso. I chose those sizes that is suitable for 1 portion of food, and of course that the container is meant for freezing and microwaving. It's like 6 containers for $2.

How much is your bb drinking now and how many hourly ah?

i did ask my PD if i have overfeed my boy, he say did i force him, i say no, then NO lor... about his weight he jus above the average..

think he now 4month old weigh around 9kilos lioa...

Michelle, u will start solid at 1st april ah,,,, im so eager to start now.but afraid he dun wan BM anymore... tot of star early thinking by tat he will sleep thru the nite... i jus my magical month will be longer then most mummies here, due to my boy age ba...


i have also sign up for Infant care.. paid deposit 1450 + reg fee of S$100...

next time after subsidy will be SGD850.. how much is your per month?
dun think is colic as he is not crying non stop for long period. Well, yesterday he only seems better.

Whoa you have indeed a solid baby
good for u!
my boy is now 16 weeks and at 8.2kg.

He just start to take more BM, from 4oz to 5 oz every 2-3 hours even at nite he would want to drink...
i just pm u my email add.

wah ur baby solid lah! he must be v ba ba v nice to hug! i love chubs chubs! mine like maciam slim down a lil already though still fleshy but not as chub as when he was 3 mths leh
ur milk power!

i have cut down on latching a lot cos simply no time / too tired to latch so always ask maid feed him cos im out a lot too! so his feeds are now 5 x 150ml ebm, a short latch b4 sleep and 1 x 120ml (at abt 4.30am). he sleeps thru from 10.30pm to 4.30am now.

now sch has reopened, oh manz, im so damn tired these 2 days! cos on crowd control duty in sch this first wk everyday wake up at 4.30am to feed baby, then pump milk then bath then wake and settle kids then off to school. everyday barely have 5 hrs of sleep! cos of lack of sleep now end up got flu! aiyo im so so contemplating to start him on fm so i can hv more sleep and not hv to rush here rush there pump milk for baby!
All mummies,

Happy New Year!!Hope that everyone has a great year ahead...


Where can i get the book tt u recommanded? Will be starting to feed him in 2 mths time, want to get ready myself prepared.


After subsidy,I paid $300 for the infant care.
bernice & mamato6js,

u have pmed lioa.... ya.. very good to hug.. to sleep too...

xmasc, ur boy oso very big leh..


sooo envy uu.. , i tik u very siong too still need to oversee the two maids.. right...

ya. FM oso come to my mind.. wish he drink more bm before he start his infant care, there more virus.. hope by doing this he can have more stronger antibody..
re: flipping

help! now that my bb has learnt to flip by herself at 4 mths old, she keeps doing it! she used to be quite a good sleeper, waking up only once throughout the night for feed. but now she wakes up twice at least. the first time is the normal feed and the second is usually when she flips on her own and wake up crying for help. i have to feed her again to get her back to sleep.
sigh...is it normal?

sam drinks 140ml x 6 per day, every 3h. he doesn't drink from 9pm - 6am coz he will sleep thru.


sam also slimmed down from 3 mths. i find it better now. that time, his face was so square, n body so short - looked like a bulldog haha

hiaz mine will keep trying to flip b4 he sleeps. he aws throws a tantrum when he wants to sleep/nap. will cry n cry. then keep flipping n cry. turn him back, he will scream n flip again. i find him really irritating b4 his sleep
<font face="Comic Sans Ms"><font color="0000ff">Jul</font>

I use this http://www.amazon.com/Baby-Storage-Contains-Phthalates-Bisphenol/dp/B001B5DTO2. Starting worse hor only like 1 - 2 cubes.. how to prepare daily?

<font color="aa00aa">Milkyway</font>

Nope.. u dun use solid to replace milk for e start.

I gave Jed 2 scoop of oatmeal cereal &amp; 120ml of EBM today. Yesterday I gave him 2 scoop oatmeal w 100ml EBM but he cried b4 his next feed time. Today he's ok so will continue w 120ml EBM. He was drinking 180ml.

<font color="0000ff">Berrypie</font>

I got my copy from Amazon, bot together with my children's storybook. You can get from Kino, borders or http://www.wonderbox.com.sg/health_&amp;_nutrition.htm. You can also try yr luck to borrow from library.</font>
<font color="dc143c">Top 100 Purees Book</font>

I'm trying to see if i can get any bulk discount locally...
anyone interested to get the book?? PM me hor..
i'm using Braun blender. the baby cube is just nice to store one meal of puree, can put into freezer and microwave oven

my boy same as your girl, wakes up at 3-4am. last nite i ignore him for 1 hour, he eh eh on and off, then i was so scared that my #1 will be waken up by him, so no choice but to feed him. sighz

Re: puree
i personally think feeding puree at the beginning stage is good for baby to stimulate their taste bud. put everything into porridge then baby can't learn to appreciate different taste and texture. i used to make puree on weekends and freeze 1 week supply. just steam, blend, put into baby cube, freeze... done! so easy
<font face="comic Sans Ms"><font color="0000ff">Jul</font>

Yr bbmall spree close liao meh? I need to get some mattress cover. My gal starting CC soon so need to buy some girly girly ones for her

<font color="aa00aa">Rach</font>

If you are organizing BP from wonderbox, let me know.. I might wana buy books for my children.</font>

can i ask a question abt starting on puree? blur mummy here.... no idea where to start from. so i'd need to get a blender?
another question...so, does that mean that if we make and freeze like 1 wk supply, baby only eat that one thing for 1 wk? for starters, we're only suppose to make 1 item at a time is it? say apple puree, then only apple, cannot mix the fruits rite?

also, if we get the baby cubes, how many cubes do we feed the baby daily ah?
urgh!! can i juz rant here. upset wif my hb.
i'm sick today and the whole day i was struggling taking care of my gal. finally hb came home and i was like thanking God! halfway thru dinner, i felt so sick, i threw up what looked like breakfast lunch and my half eaten dinner. can't make it already, so went to rest and fell asleep for abt 2 hrs. i remember telling hb to wake my gal up and not let her keep sleeping. apparently, he didn't follow instructions. when i woke up, she was still sleeping!! i asked him, did u feed her, he said yes, but said she was still sleeping when he fed her (dreamfeeding)...so he thought just let her sleep lor. *faint* now my gal's sleeping schedule got disrupted and she's wide awake now. *cry* i'm so tired and still not feeling too good though better then earlier after 2 hrs of resting. *sigh* its tough being mummy!! and what do daddys know?????!! grrrrrrrrrr.......
<font face="tahoma"><font color="ff3399"> Jenifur / Kam</font>
Yes yes!! I agree with you guys. I also prefer to play safe when it comes to allergies, esp when Josh suffered allergy from what I ate when I bf-ing him!
But like I said lor, last generation's mentality is very different. Last time they never heard of such thing as peanut allergy. Let alone allergy until airways close up due to inflammation then baby die of suffocation from allergy!

<font color="ff3399">Michelle</font>
Aiyah, sorry i forgot to inform you. Posted out liao!! You should get it tmr, or by Thurs latest bah.

<font size="+1"><font color="#6600ff"> I May Be Sick And MIA-ed But I Still Remember...</font></font>

<blink><font size="+2"><font color="#6600ff"> Happy Birthday MyFaveChoco &amp; Huishan!!!</font></font></blink>

<blink><font size="+1"><font color="#6600ff"> Enjoy This Day With The New Addition To Your Family!</font></font></blink>

Thanks Mamato6js...

when i go shopping , strangers always like to come close &amp; touch him, im soooo scare of hand foot mouth disease...

soo good for u... it is very stress when bb drink alot..

my boy crying again, feeding halfway thru ....u sooo patient for your boy reflux feeding every2hrly. silut!!
solid> hoho. have decided to start bb on solid foood on cny's eve. else he so ke lian look at us eat. hahah =p

flower4> my baby drink abt 130ml 3hrly

ur infant care is ex. mine is sparkletots, under govt one. after subsidy, one mth is abt 500 only

shelled> thanx!! hehe.
i will prepare go open letter box everyday =p
<font face="Comic Sans Ms"><font color="0000ff">Jul</font>

Did u buy e Naforye air flow cool mat? Is it useful? My DH ask me to go buy those cooling pad filled w coolant liquid, cheap cheap @ S$6 but tt one v heavy leh.</font>
yah he is quite big liao too and in fact now his sleeping pattern is so bad that im like Panda in the zoon.

Jul, to jenifur question, if you have bought the cool mat, can share your views? i also thinking whether would it be useful.

do you put ur baby in the car seat now? i have not been doing that because my boy wun sit in it..
any advice?

wah! 1 oz?? only 30ml or so right? really waste time to prepare lor

yeah i ordered during the new yr liao. but until now still no news. guess us side having long hols?


does urs flip in the cot? mine flip liao then got no space, he'll get trapped by the cot wall liao. really wonder next time how.. if he wants to flip further back onto his back?


r u feeling better now?


u're also sick? do take care yeah?

btw i need to visit u soon to trim my hair. it's a mess!


yeah lor, v stressful when not enough milk. but that time i 'see open' liao. just supp with fm lor. can't be just sit there n stress n let bb go hungry right?

aiyah u say i'm patient? i was so frustrated n angry then. imagine.. already not enough milk. he still wanna drink fast fast, then puke a lot out. make our clothes all wet n dirty. then he'll cry n cry coz not enough to drink since can only give small amount. sianz...
Gd Morning!

<font color="aa00aa">Happy Birthday to myfavchoco n huishan!</font>

Jul.. so nice.. ur sam slept fr 9.30 - 6am!.. yuchen woke up every 2 hrly yest! I almost wanna strangle him lo.. Dun know if it's growth spurt.. he woke up n wanna drink milk.. prev still can pacify him w his pacifier but yest he scream the whole hse down.. got to make milk 3 times in the night for him!

Hubby was saying maybe he feel hot that's why he always wake up?

Wow.. alot of mummies still on TBF? so nice.. .nw abit miss latching didi liao but too late.. supply dropped till almost no more liao.. so think I wont be able to enjoy the feeling ever again

prettymum, after a time limit then u cant delete your own post le. think its's abt 10-20mins.. if before that, you can click on the icon at the top right hand of your own post to edit lo
<font color="0000ff">kiki - RE: PUREE</font>

so i'd need to get a blender?
<font color="0000ff">> it's not a must cos you can still blend/mash with hand, but more time-consuming. Plus a blender is pretty cheap. Good investment in my eyes.</font>

does that mean that if we make and freeze like 1 wk supply, baby only eat that one thing for 1 wk? for starters, we're only suppose to make 1 item at a time is it? say apple puree, then only apple, cannot mix the fruits rite?
<font color="0000ff">> for the initial stage, yes, only give 1 type of puree for a few consecutive days. But after you know your baby is not allergy to the veg/fruit, you can give different puree everyday. Mixing of puree is only recommended on a later stage, like 2-3 months after first introduced puree</font>

if we get the baby cubes, how many cubes do we feed the baby daily ah?
<font color="0000ff">depend. some eat more, some less. Good thing with baby cubes is that you can always start with 1-2 cubes. If you feel your baby hasn't got enough, just take our another cube and thaw</font>.

This is the book that I would like to recommend. It's written by local dietricians. I find it very useful and it's like my "bible" when I started my "puree-ing" work.

kiddo> ops. ftg will spoil one ah? sian. i think u find wrong person for ftg lobang. jennifur is de one doing bp for ftg :p
Michelle- ya lor i also wonder why, but it not cold anymore.. so sad .. my the other small one still works haizzzz
guessing the inside liquid gone or whatever..


JENNIFUR u still doing the BP for FTG
U want buy FTG? I got BN Roman FTG. brought in Dec. I din use it cos tat time i brought is in bundle package meaning 2 types of FTG, so use only 1..u want? PM me

Rach> dunno want to buy anot...my mum sure say no need de lor.she wont follow my way of preparing meals for my baby;( i still remember for my #1 ask her not to add any soya sauce to the porridge she say no taste #1 will not eat de lah..blah blah blah....

HAPPY BIRTHDAY myfavchoco &amp; huishan

thanks for asking. yep feeling much better today already. not sure what happened ytd, memories of my 1st trimester came back when i threw up. :p

thanks for answering my questions on puree. appreciate it! i've a few more questions if u don't mind.

1) so for starters, which types of puree shd we try to make? would fruits puree be a good start? if yes, what types of fruits to start with?

2) how to tell if puree has gone bad after its frozen? can freeze for how long ah?

3) so can we start puree at 4 mths or better to start at 6 mths? and how long does baby eat puree for before they can eat porridge?

4) when feeding puree, we shd reduce the milk feed right? so do we replace each milk feed with 1 puree feed? so for a start, just how many times puree a day?

oh..u mentioned before u bought small containers from daiso for puree storage. those can store how many ml of puree? smally smally ones?

ooops! sorry... so many questions! :p
