(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

i'm soooooo damn sad.
My stupid new maid went to switch off my deep freezer. 80 over packs X 180ml of FBM all thawed.
how to finish within 24hrs.

I'm gg china wif hubby in mid of jan for biz trip... i need to wk extra extra X100 hard to store 4days of milk, 2L a day which means 8L.
then in march im gg japan for 2 weeks.... how to have enuf milk to feed all my children!! GOD please help me.
I 'm screaming inside.


your sam boy looks a lot like u leh. i can see you in him! and by the way, tell your MIL he does not have skinny legs at all...so many folds!!
oh dear... i'd be so mad if that happened to me. so how? got to throw the balance all away if can't finish?? :/
i'm just soooo sad and mad wif her. i make my #1 drink as in like drinking water...
i dun think i i will throw away - probably just let the elder one consume it. 80 over packs is semi thawed - Jenifur sae i can refreeze and store for another 1 mth.

but i'm just angry and sad. all my effort.
<font face="Comic Sans Ms"><font color="0000ff">happykae</font>

Make sure you pour out the thawed BM from e milkbag before you put e frozen ones back into e deep freezer. But finish them asap, just give them to yr elder kids</font>
sam's skinny or not?

hiaz.. thanks all for the re-affirmation that sam's not skinny. guess the grandparents feel that he is skinni-er compared to previously, but cannot aws be so fat leh. next time kena fat club then chaim liao


so u finally brought kim for a swim. how? water clean or not?

looks like me??? really??? everyone says sam looks like hubs. no one says he looks like me at all
sian lor, after 9 mths of carrying him, 9h of labour.. nothing to show for it *sulk*


nooo...!!!!! i feel heartpain for u leh. that's 14.4L lor!!!!
Cheer up!!! it's going to be the new year soon.

Onz for cotton on..thou i'm probably more interested in getting clothes for myself there..haha
<font color="dc143c">happykae</font>
oh!!!! gosh!! i know how u feel... ops..........
u feel like u wanna kill ur maid rite?? man!!
dun stress out k...do ur best and continue to pump as usual...
stress then no milk liaoz...

ok..at least ur #1 can drink it... so for one more month not so bad...
jul, kiki
wow both ur babies are so chub chub and adorable!!!

<font color="0077aa">Happy New Yr to all mummies and babies... oh and daddies too!! Many blessings in the yr 2010 to all</font>
have a great holiday!
Together with Rayanne, hereby wishing all mummies and babies a very <font color="dc143c"><font size="+2">Happy NEW YEAR!!! May God bless everyone with good health &amp; abundant Milk Supply in the coming year!! yayy!!

just came back from swimming with my gal at my BIL's condo's swimming pool. my gal was ok..though i think she didn't enjoy as much as swimming at hwa xia that day lah. i think the water was too cold even though it was bright and sunny! but still my happy gal didn't fuss nor cry. kick kick then after abt 15mins, i think she was quite tired, so brought her out as the sun was disappearing already.

nope, i didn't sign the package at hwa xia in the end, coz i felt quite cheesed off by the lady :p luckily my hb was not there, if not he sure tell the lady off because its suppose to be unlimited timing isn't it? and as the mummy i think i know when my gal has had enough or not, no need to keep telling me to take her out.

yep, i think the water was clean. i saw them filled up a new tub of water for her. overall i think it was ok, 'cept as mentioned above, they kept asking me to take her out. sam like got your eyes?
aiyo, then u shd really look at my gal, she looks like carbon copy my hb too. don't look like me at all also! its ok lah...cheer up! look like the one you love also not such a baddie rite? hehe... ;)

u shd tell your PIL that from 0-4months baby put on the fats and grow sideways then after 4-12months they grow vertically more liao, they'd grow 'taller' faster then 'sideways' fatter. hehe.. i tink i read that in some book. so as long as baby is of good weight, nothing to worry about! to me, sam is looking great!
<font face="tahoma">My hubs is down with fever. For no reason. AGAIN.
My X'mas 泡汤 liao, now my New Year also 泡汤. I am starting to wonder if he's doing this one purpose to save money or what.
*sibei sibei pissed*

Last few weeks is truly 事事不顺利. Everything I do (or even intend to do) all bang wall. Hope my entire 2010 don't 泡汤 also. Otherwise I think I will just go bang wall literally...

Nonetheless, I wish all of you mommies have a great great last day of 2009 and first day of 2010. And may 2010 bring all of you great joy in all ways!
(At least suffer just let me be the one lah, no need everyone suffer together.)</font>
shelled - wah suddenly fever ah? haha dun like tt say him lar, fever not easy to fake leh! at least its for 2009. 2010 will be a great year ahead!

jul - yah fat babies not cute leh, then they will have the tendency to be obese/overweight when they are adult. by tt time need to go slimming centre waste $$$ ah!!
Happy New Year Mommies

How old is ur bb now? When can start swimming? I thinking of starting my gal. I bought the pool last year for my boy n now not using.

How u put the neck support? I find it v hard to put it on.

guess huaxia is v crowded n they want u to quickly scram so that they can user in the next customer lor?

according to dna n chromosomal characteristics, boys r supposed to look like the mother, whereas gals can look like either mum/dad. old folks also say that boys look like mother. everyone was quite surprised when carbon copy of hubs turned up hee

aiyah no pt telling the old folks that lah. they already tell me not to listen to the pd, doctors dunno everything, last time all bbs eat poridge at 4 mths.. blah blah

think they just want sam to be round round then they happy lor

dunno is u corrupt my brain or what, i kept reading "bang" *evil luff*


nah boys dun go slimming centre. seriously hor, havinmg a boy saves $ big time. no need to apply cream to protect complexion, eat birds' nest, buy ribbons n bows, buy pretty dresses.. only got shirt n pants n all in same colours can liao haha
happy new year everyone!!

jul> haha. last time pple say bb look like me. now close to 4mth. pple say look like hubby. grrs. once i find him start to look more handsome den look like daddy liao lo. zzz

shelled> lol. guess ur hubby dun wanna be sick too. dun be too hard on him. it's so tiring to go to countdown. was at a party countdown, den 1240 buay tahan decided to leave. n now i m at hm pumping before i go rest -_- sososo tired

connie> i dun think can. since if we put bb at childcare longer den after 7pm, we're charged. i think de childcare only opens at 7am? maybe u wanna check with de childcare instead of asking here. diff childcare got diff operating procedures
Thanks Ladies...
I'm definitely feelin better le.
Didnt talk to the maid, not even scold. Haiz... Pointless issit it. What done cannot be undone.

From now onwards i need to go back to 3hrs pumpin... Had to set alarm to wake up in the night again. Happy New Year.

Anyway Be positive - for the goodness to wonderful children i will do it.
Happy New Year, wishing all mummies and their families best of health and happiness. Cheers.
<font face="tahoma"><font color="ff3399">Jul</font>
Yes!! My corruption has finally dominated your brain!!!

<font color="ff3399">Michelle</font>
Aiyoh, I can't even remember when was the last time I did countdown. I think definitely before I ROM, so would be 2004. Damn long liao lah.

<font face="tahoma"><font color="ff3399"><font size="+1">An article to share, in preparation for our growing kiddos: </font></font>
Over-stimulation is the enemy of imagination – we should give our children the gift of boredom

I couldn't agree more with the author's views. Which is also the same reason why I'm still taking my own sweet time to introduce Joshua to computers, and he never ever gets to see our Wii in action.
(And also why I get time to sit here and type away, because he is able to conjure up all sorts of weird games on his own.)

What do you guys think? Agree, or disagree?

old folks say bb's looks change as they grow. until now, sam still looks like hubs.


according to the xy chromosome thing, also supposed to be boys look like mum n gals is anybody also can lor. coz x longer than y n tends to be more dominant.


i've never gone for countdown lor, that's how mountain tortoise i am!

re: your article.. i'm still thinking abt it. i regularly leave sam in his rocker - sometimes it's after a feed when he needs to digest/poop. but at other times, it's to let him self-entertain.

when he's not fussing n crying to get out of his rocker, i find him talking to the 2 toys dangling from the rocker arch, or staring at the kitties jigsaw on the wall, or just stoning.

i do get worried sometimes whether i'm making him withdrawn. hubs is also contradictory. he tells me to leave sam alone sometimes so that he can learn to play by himself. yet when i complain that sam doesn't seem to 'like' me, he tells me that's b/c i dun pay him enough attention!

shelled> kke. was at a countdown at a frens place last nite. but super duper tired that i got no mood to countdown. haha. 1240 finally buay tahan n head hm liaso

jul> haha. den u slowly wait for sam to look like u lo =p
<font face="tahoma"><font color="ff3399">Jul</font>
Then whatever do you do at the end of every year, man. Just go to bed as usual and take it as any other day??

Now Kee is regularly left on a mattress on the floor cos he enjoys rolling around "like a popiah" (that's how Hubs describes it).

He hasn't been in the rocker for quite a number of weeks alrdy, cos he fusses because cannot "popiah".

I'm sure you do talk/play with him for short periods throughout the day, right?
Not too sure about the "liking you" part, cos I never felt my kids even liked me remotely until ard 6 mths or so. Before that, they are just gong gong most of the time.

As all things are, I believe moderation is key lor. Give attention, but not all the time mah. I just use diaper changes, bath times, feeding times to give 100% attention. Throw in a few free raspberries, tickles and such. Then once that's done, I'm outta there!


haha ok i slowly wait.


guess i was nvr really into the new yr resolution, countdown, au lang syne thing lor. i mean, so what if it's new yr? big deal.. i either have to go back to sch or work right?

sam just started flipping last week. talk abt slow hor? i wonder if he's fussing in his rocker now b/c he wants to popiah haha that's a funny term

well, i do sing a few songs but he doesn't seem to resp[ond to my play lor. he just stares back at me gong gong. but he smiles/luffs at hubs/grandad/stranger in the street! something's wrong right?

maybe sam thinks i'm the cleaning lady n associates me with diaper change n bath?
<font face="tahoma"><font color="ff3399">Jul</font>
I used to believe that a new year brings new hope. But after going through the last 3 weeks, I guess I don't subscribe to that anymore. Today's the first day of a new year, and my life has never sucked worse. If this is my "new hope", it is damn bloody pathetic indeed.

Sam's flipping progress is like Josh lor. Not very speedy. But they still grow up normally nonetheless, so whatever lah. Not like we can help them speed it up lor.

Hahahaha Cleaning lady indeed. You got face black black to him is it? My woman, you really need to get MSN so I have another free avenue to talk with you. SMS not free.

grrs. notti boy i have. when i bring him out, he falls alseep, den i tot let him sleep, so we'll make our way hm. but the moment we go on de car n make our way home, he wakes up n struggle with us at hm. arghs.. 2times today. now he still struggling for attention. faints!

jul> haha. ok la. i rather baby look like hubby. since most pple say he got nice feature for a man. rather than baby look like me =p den become girly boy. last time pple ask me if he's a gal when i bring him out =x

shelled> have u happened to send my sophie out?

haha if ang moh new yr doesn't bode well, try again during cny lah????

i actually dun want sam to flip so soon. nowadays he keeps flipping at the most inopportune times! worse is, flip liao gotta call for help. then the moment i turn him back, he flips again!

hee i'm a procrastinator, still no msn yet
speaking of sophie..

am i supposed to give sam sophie only when he starts teething? or just give him to play now? and do i guide sophie into his mouth to chew, or let him discover it by himself?
thanks mummies... thanks for all the moral support..

am trying trying.... my boy i give up liao, will take the fact tat he will not sleep thru the nite..

mamato6js, im indeed tired... bopianz... i have to keep popping vitamin tablets during e day...

today i bot my boy to harbourfront tat bb swimmin. tot he can sleep thru the nite...

mission failed....

but he kicking &amp; swimming real hard... the wate flash &amp; flash..

HOW TO link PIx ?
<font color="ff0000">Help!!</font>
just finish pumping and found a blister looking thing at the side of my nipple. It's red in colour so i doubt it's milk blister which i got while researching.. wat should i do now?? squeeze it so i remve the blood clot? how to get it heal by itself?? can i still nurse my gal?? how how?? *beginning to panic*

wat a new yr shock i got... sigh
flower4> u might wanna try wat i do. slowly every nite, u wanna ignore his cries later n later. slowly pushing each timing he wakes up for milk abit later den de day before. one day he'll quit waking up for milk.

milkyway> wanna visit a doc? not sure if it's an infection. do u have any fever?
no fever, no pain... Just noticed the blister after pumping. Can just see a normal gp or wat kind of doc?? LC?? Intend to call tmc helpline tmr.. Or is it 24hrs??
<font face="tahoma"><font color="ff3399">milkyway</font>
Milk blister? I got a few last time when nursing Josh. 1 was fully red, another one was white, another one had clear fluid.
LC told me either to wait for it to naturally burst, then clean it and can continue to latch bb. Or I can burst it myself lah. Since the amt of fluid is v little, won't harm baby.



if it's a milk blister, think can just let it burst by itself.


u need to type "\ image {my boy's pic or anything u like}" without the spaces n click post. then they will prompt u to browse n link ur pic
