(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

<font face="tahoma">
I have realised it is somewhat futile to have the baby sleep through the night, but then you get woken up by swollen boobs...
I think it's much easier to wake up and latch than to wake up and pump!</font>

i agree with both hands lor... my gal slept late last nite and not up yet.. so i gotta pull myself out of bed and pump now b4 she wakes up... so sleepy!

ur supply is also quite gd now hor.. jia-nai jia-nai
just hang in there.. getting ur own keys soon and will be out of that house really soon... do come in here to grumble leh. dont think too much k.. do want u want with ur boy.
<font face="Tahoma"><font color="ff3399">Jul</font>
I thought you stored your BM in bottles?? Until now I still haven't tried milkbags before leh.

Actually I woke up, then only pump out much less than usual. Sibei sian. Period come again. Suddenly cannot even hit the 150ml mark per side. </font>

You can try drinking more water over the day.
Before pump, drink one glass of hot milo/milk etc. This wil wat parent craft taught me, and after hot drink, supply is better else always stuck.

continue the longan drink also increase supply
<font face="Tahoma"><font color="ff3399">Connie</font>
If I drink any more water than what I do usually I think my stomach will explode lor!
Where got time to boil hot water, make milo, and drink before pumping lah. Got time to pump already 偷笑 liao.

I don't want to increase my supply!! If I do then I can forget about sleeping longer than 4 hours once my period is over. As long as there is enough for both my boys, I'm satisfied already.
Just feel that waking up specially to pump cos #2 didn't wake up to drink, then end up getting a total of 230ml only... machiam waste my effort/time.
When I'm not having my period, usually 1 side is already 200ml lor. And that is like 3-4 hrs after latching. Now last feed at 9.30am, then only 230ml in total?!

think phoon huat only sells to wholesalers rite? i only wanna get a few pcs leh. hehe..

actually stay with in law sure somehow got conflict one. i think other ppl don't quite realise that we mummies really work very hard at taking care of our young ones. so sometimes they will anyhow comment things that will irritate us.

ok, see u. hopefully it doesn't rain! the weather doesn't look too bright n sunny today. if rain i cannot go already.

hee.. so cute. maybe i shd post mine too. :p your gal can still fit into the bumbo meh?!
hua xia - if u dun want to sign the package or pay $30 can rent the pool and float, pm me for contact. $20/wk i think. hehe renting tis thur!
oic...i thought they only sold to wholesalers as i googled and check on their website. me nv heard of phoon huat until bbq told me abt it.

your dd so cute lah. tell her later get stuck how??? :p

nah, just enough only, but i m contented. cannot be too greedy but must give thanks for blessings liao


chilled ebm in bottles. but i'm freezing excess in milkbags lor. not bad hor, can actually freeze leh! fantasised abt that for 3 mths b4 it happened

period? this is 2nd time liao hor? cross fingers mine stays away till after cny? haha
<font face="tahoma"><font color="ff3399">Jul</font>
Woah, now got excess to freeze liao arh? And ran out of milkbags some more!! Gong xi gong xi.

No leh, this is my <u>THIRD</u> period liao. And my bub is still 1 day younger than yours! *dulan*
Each time my period comes I just HAVE to say the same thing: "Ppl TBF I also TBF, why my menstrual cycle so enthusiastic lah!"
*both hands and legs up* agree with u, easier to latch than pump in midnight. my boy actually still not sleep through yet, but when he wakes up in midnight, i give him pacifier then he k.o. till 5-6am. after pumping at 3-4am, i can't sleep!!

your FIL really one kind... anyway u are moving out soon... jia you... *hugz
my menstrual cycle also very "on" one. for #1 my cycle returned when she was 3-month even though TBF. yesterday there was bright red blood stain, this morning also... don't think it is just spotting due to BF. sianz..
I also want to congratulate you. Read you have used up your milkbags!!! **clap clap clap**

While for me, I have 0ml in the freezer. So now is going day by day. See how long I can survive TBF....... Luckily it's long weekend this week and next. Meaning I can total latch my girl and need not to worry how much I can pump. If I can survive today and tomorrow, then I can survive 1 more week of TBF, not bad hor :)

I laughed at your "why my menstrual cycle so enthusiastic lah".

Wow,ur supply so good. I only have total 220ml in 4-5 hrs. Now hardly latch, bb kept crying after sometimes. As I need to work, so MIL taking care of her. I sleep wif my no 1 and pump at 4am. but sometimes, no 1 wake up will have to drag till he fall alseep before pump.

Your no 1 also taking BM? How many times per day?
I giving my no 1 once per day.
<font face="tahoma"><font color="ff3399">Waiwai</font>
My #2 woke up ard 2am and cried a bit, but we all stone, so took a while to get out of bed to get him. By the time we reach him, he fell asleep again! Means is no need to feed one lor! Everytime just wake up out of habit. So tonight onwards I confirm won't bother with him liao.

Me too lah. Woke up 6am to pump, pump liao cannot go back to sleep. But my whole body is aching from stupid period, so I really feel like just lying down to nua... Sigh, every time period come is like that one. Feel like old woman from head to toe...
After the birth of my #1, my period came back when he's abt 2 mths old. I know women who didn't get their period til their babies were like 9 mths old leh... *envious*

<font color="Ff3399">Kam</font>
It's a fact mah! It's so hyper enthusiastic, if I didn't know any better I'd think my body wants to make babies again!

<font color="Ff3399">Connie</font>
Actually my supply so-so only, wasn't sufficient to feed 2 at all. Was through sheer hard work to power pump on top of latching for almost a month to "cultivate" a supply to feed both.

My #1 is taking abt 4 times a day, around 800ml per day. If I pump a bit more then he gets a bit more lor. Cos nowadays he prefer me to pump "fresh" for him. Straightaway pour into his bottle for him to drink once I'm done pumping. So if I get 250ml in total, he will get to drink all lah, instead of me thawing and heating up only 150ml for him.
My #2 is total latch, unless I'm not around (which is very very very rare).

haha, think my #2 same as K, wakes up out of habit. 2 days ago we ignored him so he eh eh a while and fell asleep, but last night he cried so gave him pacifier, don't want him wake #1, who can cry 10x louder.

do your kids sleep in the same room?
<font face="tahoma"><font color="Ff3399">Kam</font>
Cannot arh! 不要害我! I C-sec one leh. I don't dare get pregnant so soon, later my c-sec wound burst open!!

<font color="ff3399">Waiwai</font>
My boy siao siao one leh. Most nights he will sleep with korkor, but some times he will make noise and want to go my room sleep (especially when korkor hasn't slept yet and keep turning on the mobile which then irritates #2 until he cannot sleep).
So... must see his mood and korkor's cooperation lah.

Same like you, I worry my #2 wake my #1 up. And #1 takes a much longer time to fall asleep than #2 lor! But he's truly outgrowing the small crib in my room, so will have to FORCE him out to sleep with korkor already. Otherwise the small crib collapse then jialat!

This morning when #1 woke up, he noticed #2 was not in the cot. Then he ran around like crazy asking "didi where? didi where?!" I told him he was too noisy last night lah, didi ask to go sleep in my room. Then he said: "Chey!"

my boys also sleep together. here's the two of them last night. #1 was actually on the other side of the bed, but later ended up with his hand on #2 until I separated them for #2's feed.

<font face="Comic Sans Ms"><font color="0000ff">Shelled</font>

I've confirmed yr theroy on why I can sleep thru the night w/o expressing. Yesterday went to bed w/o my breastpad &amp; I woke up 4am shivering. The front of my top were all wet!! LL have to struggle out of bed to pump &amp; change

<font color="aa00aa">Jul</font>

Why u need to use double liner?? I always used 1 liner so far ok *touchwood*. I dun hv 1 box to spare you lah.. but if you want I can pass you a few pcs to tide over while you purchase from spree. Sms me if you want ya.. I gng to Fernvale area later so can pass to you.

Thanks for saying Jed dun look like preemie.. it's all God's Grace lor. U know hor.. Girly &amp; my fren said Jed look like laughing Buddha

<font color="0000ff">Jess</font>

Just wondering do you want to perhaps power pump for 1 mths to build up yr supply. Just feed him FM for 1 mth?? I mean 长痛不如短痛 rite. Feed FM for 1 mth den after tt can say bye bye to FM till you decided to wean him off e breast??

Have you try milkmaid's tea from Earth Mama? It's quite gd but it's abit ex, S$25.15 for 16 teabags.. I bot 1 box from e shop in KKH, I cannot rem e shop name though. They hv an outlet in Suntec City too, near to ToysRus.

I usually leave Jed in e bouncer while I pump. Can entertain him &amp; also keep myself entertain by talking to him.

<font color="aa00aa">Kris</font>

Thanks.. then I better dun swap w my fren..</font>
<font face="tahoma"><font color="ff3399">sandwich</font>
Awww that's so sweet! (Nice bedsheets too!)

I don't dare let my 2 boys share bed leh. Cos my #1 is very very "chor lor". He can sleep with his head on his pillow, then somehow later his feet ends on the same pillow, then his head ends up at the OTHER end of the bed!! I bet didi will fly off the bed sometime during the night if they were to share bed!

<font color="Ff3399">jenifur</font>
Heh heh heh. So I was correct lah? Pity about the wasted BM though...
<font face="tahoma"><font color="Ff3399">happykae</font>
I do not know why, but the photos if the "treasures" are making me think of... weird stuff. My brain must be corrupted!

I check with my MIL if she's keen on any of those and I'll PM you if she is!

<font color="0000ff"><font size="+2"> Lookin 4: myfavchoco</font></font>
<font size="+1">Call me pls.. thanks :
Or any mummies who have her contact, pls ask her to call me. Thanks a mil!
understand how u feel. agreed w/ prettymums...talk to u hubby..let him know that others dun understand u, is ok..but HE got to understand and support u. let him know Mother's 'di liu gan' is very accurate de lor. Jia you!!

Same as u, I also don dare to let my boy sleep with my gal. So far, everyone complaint sleeping with him. he can climb on u to sleep at night.

Currently, hubby will sleep wif him when he is in S'pore and I sleep wif my gal else she will sleep with my MIL.

Wonder when can I start letting them sleep with me in a bed.
<font face="tahoma"><font color="ff3399">Connie</font>
You actually want to sleep with your kids?? My hubs and I can't wait to kick #2 out of our room!

My boys are very noisy sleepers, they both talk in their sleep, so it's very distracting for me.
I can only tolerate sleeping with #1 for nap, cos otherwise he say I never spend time with him.

<font color="Ff3399">mama to 6Js</font>
I have corrupted your brains!!!!!!

That's so sweet of your boy! We still co-sleep with my boy, 不捨得 chase him out of our room. Maybe till meimei grows older, then kick both out at the same time. My boy used to sleep in his cot until I was pregnant with #2. It's very nice to cuddle him to sleep :)
<font face="tahoma"><font color="Ff3399">Kam</font>
This is why I sometimes feel I'm an evil mom. The kids already monopolise enough of the home, so I strictly refuse to let them claim my bedroom as their "territory" as well. IT'S MINE!! MINE!!!!
And as much as they're huggable, I still prefer to cuddle with my hubs instead. At least he doesn't drool on me.

I like to read your post, make me smile/laugh :)

I have to admit, cuddle up with hubby is nicer, but never mind lah, kinda sacrify for these few years only mah (and lesser chance to kena #3!). Me and hubby are thinking that we should "enjoy" our kids as much now, before they reject us :)
back from jab-bies.. poor sam. kena plastered on both thighs again.

just managed to shower, unpack the most essential stuff n pumping b4 he wakes up
shelled, kam

haha thanks thanks. cannot believe this day has finally come lor. total i have 50 bags of 120ml fbm now. i'm like a miser.. everytime open the freezer n see the milkbags, i will count them n feel super happy lor!


u said u wanted 4 bbs right???? so of copurse ur body must work hard lah

rotfl at J's antics

wah liew u aws notice background one hor? wasn't it u who noticed the cny hangings in rach's photo?


yeah just take 1 day at a time. i also survived 50% fm supplement till i tbf till freezing excess!


so sweet, korkor n didi together!


heehee now that u mention, a bit like laughing buddha

dunno leh, i ks coz i dun have deep freezer mah. so i was worried the food wud contaminate the fbm. really no need to double bag ah?

thanks, but it's ok. i still have like 20+ pcs left? u gog to spree for them?
ugh.. he suddenly screamed n cried. gotta carry n pacify him for a while b4 he slept again. must have been traumatised by jab-bies
<font color="0000ff"> Hahaha...Shelled,
hmm you huh. tonight show hubby then see what he sae....lol

Aiyo Mamato6js,
you another one.... later u need change ur nick to mamato7js
jul - haha i only started to harvest fbm last sat. so far 4 pkts of 6oz liao. i will have the temptation to open the freezer (hmmm not to count cos only FOUR!) to touch and feel the milk bags and beam to myself!!!
wahaha... lol on your imagination on the BP photo!! i keep laughing at the photos!!! another corrupted brain...

currently my 2 kids sleep separately in their own rooms, so my territory has reduced to only my bedroom. even fridge also belong to them, only contain BM and ingredients for #1's porridge, i only have DARS chocolate occasionally in the fridge.

so sweet that your boys sleep together. my #1 can sleep in one end of the cot and wakes up in the other end of the cot. if i let my kids sleep in the same bed, think didi will become roti prata in the next morning...
<font color="aa00aa">thanks all for your hugs etc... i will continue to endure and jiayou! The most i can only avoid going home as much as possible to minimise as much quarrels i have with hb cos of them...</font>

<font color="aa00aa">jenifur</font>
I also agree that Jed doesn't look like preemie at all!!! Hahaa... my family also say my boy look like laughing buddha lor... some more they say he got breasts and cleavage! ~. ~ Only one stupid idiot man say my son is SKINNY............ see his face is jitao SIAN 1/2!

<font color="aa00aa">shelled</font>
My sumo sleeps quite chor loh too lor... and he always kick and kick away blanket!! And everytime his head will be OUT of the pillow! From one direction he can slant until another direction.... he sleeps exactly like me!!

Lately he keep crying on and off and seems like he only wants me to carry him and play with him... don't know what happen also.. yesterday from noon till night feeds he drank 45mins each time and it's really sucking like normal, not any slower.... then today he is back to 15mins feed again.. it's so irregular lor.. how to feed on schedule!!

That time i told you my menses came back after the lochia stop for few days right... then my menses now not back yet again... so funny one... dont come back so early is good lah.. but one thing is i dont know when will be back.. so scare it will stain if suddenly come back lor!

<font color="aa00aa">Shanice</font>
Many times i have spoken about these issues to my hb.. guess what i get from him: 1)My dad is not like what you think, don't care about him lor. He don't know about breastfeeding. -i was thinking, don't know then SHUT his MOUTH!- Else when he tired or bad mood, that's it... we will be 2)quarrelling! and for nothing all rubbish coming out and we really fight! So i tell myself... FORGET it.. suan le.. i can only try all ways to go back lesser, go back after 10.30pm (cos they sleep at that time!) and find ways to go here go there during weekends so they have not much time to see my boy.... no point telling him about my 6 sense.... many times what i tell him in advance he don't believe but actually it happen...he act like i never say!

One thing i hate my hb saying this is ... "我爸爸很可怜,那么久没看到baby了!" &amp; "让我爸爸妈妈看一下抱一下才feed him!".... their awhile is like 15mins minimum... and throughout the 15mins he cry.... after that he cry louder and louder and louder.... then 30mins and more then return baby to me.... and start to scold me.... "你没有奶。。。给他喝 formula milk".. i was like WTF!

I seriously HATE HATE HATE them!

<font color="aa00aa">jul</font>
WHy inject on both thighs ah?

<font color="aa00aa">flower4</font>
That time i bought a Braun thermometer from kiddypalace it was on sale... :) but usually babies under 6mths old they ask you to use thermometer that place under armpits is more accurate.. the bumbo seat kiddy palace selling at $69.90 without tray.. actually i also want to get but last week when i place my boy in it, his thighs were like stuck there..... -.- so now i still thinking want to get not...... later cannot use for long...
i'm so happy again cos my hb just called to say ...


HAHAHAHA... tonight i can stay at my mum's place again!!!!!!!!!!!! no need see stupid faces!

<font face="tahoma"><font color="Ff3399">princessxiaomei</font>
No way to permanently move to your mom's place? Then no need see your FIL's face liao mah.

<font color="Ff3399">happykae / Waiwai / mama to 6Js</font>
You also also dirty-minded! I only say make me think of "weird stuff", you all thinking of what!!
Tsk tsk tsk. So corrupted...

