(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

<font color="119911">Kiki</font>
If Ian's PG is downstair, maybe I'll let him continue for the rest of the year cos despite the teachers' lousy english, I can see that they really love the children. U mentioned b4 that u heard K's teacher smack a child... mmm.. not good in my opinion. But u didn't see it so she might be smacking her own hands just to frighten the kid?

As for learning, for the 3 days I was on class, I observed that the older kids can sing and do actions along with teacher, which proved kids did learn in class. But teachers spent little time teaching the younger ones, just as long as they sit there and observe, they're ok. In a way, it's learning lor.

Art and craft session is v short and not enough guidance. I suppose with only 2 teachers and so many kids, they just wanna get it done and over with b4 the kids mess up the place. Artwork brought back from school are definitely not done by him.. I know cos I let him do coloring at home and I know his 'standard'. I can even tell which scribble is by him and which is by the teacher! HAhaha Learning time, eg. colours, alphabets etc... teachers also focus more on the older kids.

There's no windows for me to peep so all the feedback I get is from teacher, which are ALL good?!? I try to observe what Ian has learnt and funnily they're words 开and 坐. Not that it's not good to learn chinese, I'm happy but hor, they're supposed to be english teachers and english class leh!? Like u said, what they do in class, no one really knows. What u can do is talk to parents/grannys of the older kids, they should be able to tell u if their kids learnt anything in class. Then u'll know more or less what the teachers do lor.

yes, the location is only downstairs at the opposite block. this is one of the MAIN reasons why i let her attend this school. yeah...in the early days i did hear K's teacher smack a child, but i can't be sure if really got smack or not. so far, she never show that she learn anything fr school. yes, i also know which art n crafts are done by her! keke... oh, ian's school only teach english? no mandarin? for K's its only english!
i guess it also depends on child's character. He has also been afraid when there are too many people around him. oh man, is so tough now i still thinking if i withdraw him out, my little one (2 months old) would have to go to a babysitter instead...so that my MIL can take care of cayden. Oh man...

to be honest. the school that cayden attend has alot of activites too, water play, sand play, dough play etc...i think when the new one joins, they focus on getting them settle instead of doing the curriculum first. that is what the p tells me
how long cayden attend the CC already? my girl took abt 3wks to adapt to her PG and stop crying. maybe u give him a bit more time and see how? i can understand your anxious feelings coz thats exactly how i felt too! i even felt like crying before and everyday think whether i'm making a mistake because she seems very poor thing when she cry! but now, she is v happy. today i saw her play lego building a tower with an older kid. she was smiling and clapping hands too. u must try not to show a worried face. i used to force and fake a smile everytime i drop my girl off. at least now no need to fake anymore! =p
<font color="0000ff">SKIP HOP SCHOOL BAG</font>
mummies who want pls faster PM me design..
I can receive stocks by next week...
Hopes she recover soon. I remember wrongly, my gal only start 2nd weeks this mon so the Meet parents session got nonthing much to know but they have 2 weeks drama class in Jun holiday.

Went to the Dentist yesterday and she do the filling for my son. Need to visit her 6 months later.
Hi Kaira..

You planning to send Thaddeus to apple tree PG now? My colleague was telling me that they have good curriculum. I m planning to send Elise there too next year, but havent find out any details yet.
thanks! my girl much better already. hope it stays that way! wow..your girl got drama class? abit young for drama class rite? do u mean like speech and drama classes? what do they teach toddlers this young for drama?

i did check out apple tree playgroup before near my house but cannot make it! i think it is probably different at different centres, though their curriculum shd be the same. the centre nearest to my house was so gloomy, dark and outside got dubious ppl loitering! i see already immediately cross out!
Should be. The teacher replied 3yrs doing Prince &amp; princess, knights &amp; dragons. For the younger one, the plot should be easier. Not sure what will they do at this age, will not let my son join as 3yrs slot is 3 hrs and I need to work in the afternoon. My leave only approve half day so now the toilet training was also halfway only.

Has your gal successfully toilet train in the day time?

Dragon baby
Looks like my chances are very slim now. Anyone success already?
Yes, my gal has been toilet trained by her nanny since 18 months old. She goes diaperless at nanny's place. But during weekends, we only let her go diaperless when we are at home (which is rare). At home, still have accidents of wetting, esp when I am alone with 2 kids, not enough hands to bring her to toilet leh. But luckily, no accidents of poo so far :p She can hold her pee/poo well and can indicate to us or tell us when she needs to pee/poo.
Have u tried her on diaperless outside? I think my maid n mil have confuse her. At home sometimes wear sometimes no.

Routine switch for teeth brushing is still not succEssful. My gal still refuse to let me brush.

E teacher told me for toddler, need to let them hold thicker pencil to col. Anyone let yours use e normal size col pencil too?
<font size="+1"><font color="0000ff">Singkids Playdate @ AIRPORT</font></font>
mummies anyone keen next week?

Weekday?? Cuz cheaper... $18 for 2 hrs I think....
We will decide the day base on majority?

1. Rach
Singkids! I want! but only can make it week after next as there's still many activities going on in school despite it's HOLIDAYS -_-"

need to pay de ah? not stated on their website wor..
our sept thead must be dying?! where is everyone? lol... no post since ytd afternoon!

just wondering, how much milk are your toddlers drinking now? like how many times a day and each time how much? i'm wondering if i shd reduce to twice a day now. coz now i'm still giving 3x a day, 210ml morning, 150ml afternoon and 180ml nite. how abt u?
so u're feeding milk 4x a day? how early does your boy sleep? so meaning u dreamfeeding him while he is sleeping? have u tried not feeding the MN feed? i readd somewhere that actually dreamfeeding will disturb the toddler's sleep, so not so good.
oic...ok. my girl sometimes go to sleep at 8pm and the last milk feed can last till next day! but she will wake up slightly earlier like 7am instead of 730-8am.
yah very quiet here nowadays... i think Shanis is drinking much more.. 3x too but 240ml each time. Morning wake up 240ml, afternoon after nap 240ml again then 240ml before sleep. is it too much???

wah ur boy sleeps really early at 7pm, then if he wakes up at 11pm, what time does he next sleep?

My boy sleeps very early but wakes up very very early too. 6 plus


After his milk, he will goes back to sleep.

Jolimilk &amp; Jul,

Missing in action. No posting from you guys :p
if she can drink then why not? i don't think its too much. K can't drink so much, maybe smaller stomach!
I'm working today so got time to come in. Still under maternity leave, but got to go back office once a week to help out a bit. If stay at home, won't have such luxury.

Do you all let your kids play educational ipad/ iphone games. Hubby download some, very interesting. They have story telling too.
yah she drinks so i dont really bother but seems like some todds are drinking lesser? she will ask for milk when time is up.. haha

yes S loves ipad.. everyday she will ask for ipad and some of those games that she has been introduced to. she knows wat icons to press too.
kiki> RY drinks about 4-5 times a day...
morning 150ml...
lunch - bowl of rice
before nap 120ml..
wake up 120-150ml...
dinner - rice
8-9pm: 120-150ml
before sleep 120/150ml (depends on how much rice she eats)

If i give 180ml, she cant finish...so she hover ard 120-150ml...
kaira> yes.. RY plays her ipad half the day... songs, videos, flashcards, animation..

she loves pocoyo...she must watch before she sleeps every nite...

some podcasts too..

and yes...story books too...

and yah.. she navigate all the icons herself and knows what is where better than me... u just ask her where is xxx? she will flip to the page and press herself....
<font color="0000ff">kiki</font>

Mine's a milk guzzler! She drinks 260mls, FOUR times a day!!

I guess most people are on facebook, so its a little quieter here?
wow, some of your todds are really drinking alot! ok, think i better just stick to my 3x a day for now. =p think no need to reduce to 2x yet. but i noticed that when she started eating rice for lunch, she can't finish her milk when she wakes fr nap which is at abt 3pm. not sure is it because she is still full from her rice lunch or what. happen twice in consecutive days. i made 150ml, she drank abt slightly more then half and i had to throw away 60ml or so!
kiki> sometimes a piece of bread.. sometimes biscuit... but.. no.. she dun have a proper breakfast...
the moment she wakes up....on the bed..need to give milk liaoz... after milk then she officially awake...

what do ur todd eat for breakfast???
oh, then like that considered got eat lah. i thought she never eat anything and wondering not hungry meh?! lol. K usually also eat bread with a spread, sometimes eat cereal or cereal bar or eggs or pancakes. see my mood.
have been so busy that i hardly come on the forum.


yihui doesn't really fancy milk. i try to replace it with other items. so morn when she wakes up she will drink 1 cup with her cereal. lunch she will take 1 cup of yoghurt. after her nap she drinks 1 cup of milk. for her dinner, she takes 1/2 cup of milk with it. that's about all.


i don't have ipad. haha. still hunting high and low for ipad2. sian... for my iphone, she only plays with tom the cat and a free 3 page elmo book. i try not to let her play with gadgets because i have read in magazines that although they have educational apps, they tend to decrease a child's attention span and they slowly will evolve to playing games. Not only that, this will cause them not to like to read books and limit their creativity and imagination. Also my friend who is trained in children's education has also advised against it as she thinks that it has taken away time and interest from reading books. and she keeps harping on kids nowadays being semi literate despite coming from english speaking families. So... no gadgets for yihui currently. books books books.
Hello all!

I can't log in while at work already, cos a lot more busier with my new job.

XY and HR drink exactly the same amount everyday, like Shanis, ie 3x240ml per day. Except HR drinks 2x fresh milk and 1x FM, XY is 3x FM.

No need to cut down lah, till they have establish a very stable eating habit, about 3yo, then you can consider to cut down. From now till then, she may still have food rejection period, so at least she can drink milk and not to worry about not getting enough nutrition.

Yup. Totally agree! Not only no iphone and PC for my kids, their TV time also very strictly controlled, they only get about 30min TV time, unless when I am very lazy or tired, I would use TV to babysit :) XY hasn't touched iPhone for months already. HR still gets to play with it like 1-2 times a month, but he is not interested liao, so it's good thing.

Till I can log in next. Stay touch in FB :)
Kam> oh no wonder seldom see u in here....

Kiki> eerrm I think she should eat more variety but mostly still just milk... No spread.. She will pui out pieces with spread...
Pancakes she doesn't eat also.... Lol....
So I buy milk toasts... At least better than plain white bread...

Jaelle is taking 240ml in the morning and 240ml at night. Occasionally now, she will ask for 1 more feed in the afternoon. Sometimes can finish, sometimes cannot but usually she'll at least finish 180ml.

but how are u all stating how much they drinking huh? when i say 240ml means 240ml of water with 4 scoups. so aft mixing is ard 260-270ml per feed liao...
kam, potbelly
yes i agree with both of u on limiting gadgets for our todds... i do let S plays with iphone/ipad but not all the time.. Tv only occastionally and especially at my mum's place to distract her when my mum needs to do some housework. So at nite or wkends, we expose her to more books and physical toys. Though she will ask for certain activities like iphone/ipad/tv, we will tell her it's not the time. I think it's not about losing interest to read or restricting the creativity/imagination, it also affects their eyesight! i'm short-sighted at a very very young age so i really dont want that to happen to S. So i really control the amount of time she spends on these IT gadgets. We have not expose her to PC. :p
errm... i put lesser than 240ml of water so it doesnt seems alot.. usually abt 220-230ml of water to 4 scoups. so after mixing slightly lesser than 260ml. I gave like 260-270ml before which is 240ml of water + 4 milk powder, she will leave a bit and say dont want.
RE: gadgets,

for my boy he only interested in "you tube" where he love his videos like elmo, barney etc...

agree with potbelly on the limiting of gadgets for kids...
ipad/iphone gadgets
yep, actually i do agree its not so good to be exposed too much to these. but unfortunately for me, its abt the only thing that can make K sit on the potty for long. =/

potty training
usually how long do u let your child sit on the potty before u decide 'ok, she/he not gonna give u anything so u take her off?' if after 10mins still nothing, shd i continue to wait or can take her off huh?

ya, when i say 180ml, i also mean 180ml to 3 scoops of FM.
Same here. I can't get my boy to sit on his potty.

Ling, where u get the potty from ?


My boy breakfast is cereal and steam egg. Every day same menu, no change except Saturday.
i give her the ipod touch to play! like i mentioned, its abt the ONLY thing that can make her sit on the potty for a long time! do u believe it, i can put her on the potty, go take my shower and come out, she still sitting guai guai on the potty??? but then she gimme nothing! sigh....

milkyway- but isnt that thickening of the milk? I've heard of diluting the milk but not the other way round. i tot its not good... but she drinks alot of water right? so maybe its ok i guess...
