(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

Momoteh, I know what u mean! My boy also dun eat 1 particular veg... If there is tomatoes inside the food, he won't eat... Lol... I previously made the minestrone soup with abc pasta, he dun like loh... What is minestrone without tomatoes? Lol I also si xin already

it's really funny on this cause I also dun eat tomatoes unless the watery part is thrown away... Ha ha

glad everyone had fun...

we had a little fun at our place too..minus the cake and lots of yummy food... lol....

and <font color="ff0000">STEPH,</font>we didnt take a SINGLE photo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kaoz.... so busy cooking and eating and talking... lol..... :p

Just reached home from a 21st Birthday Party...
Soooo tired... wanna KO liaoz... see if i'll KO soon....

Good nitez Mummies......


I'm 'starting' the plans for Christmas Party...anyone saw my earlier post?? :p

<font color="0000ff">
Sooooo... Christmas Party we'll have potluck as well????

Can't wait for the Christmas Party...

Christmas is exactly 3 months away frm today..
25Dec is Saturday...
So are we doing a pre Christmas Party on 18th Dec or Post Christmas cum New Year Party on 1st Jan??

Or is everyone free on 25dec itself?? </font>
Rach, yah man... We forgot!!! Aiya... I only took 1 pic of the agar agar... Hee hee

oh yah... Thanks ladies for packing some agar agar for us... My girl went for the heart shape pink one... So sweet! My #3 say he wants the dinosaur one... Then I was like @@, got dinosaur meh? Lol, he meant the swan one... Lol
I don't think I can make it 1st Jan... Cause my boy's (#1) birthday is on 2nd Jan so will be busy

if no one's house is available, I don't mind opening my house... Just a simple 4 room old flat

Oh man Christmas is coming soon... Dunno whether I should set up the Christmas tree or not. Last year I insisted that we set it up cause I know this year will have this little one "shopping" at the tree, but what's christmas without a Christmas tree... Ha ha
Hee hee got this in my email so thought to share with everyone for some laughs...
A married couple in their early 60's was celebrating their 40th wedding anniversary in a quiet, romantic little restaurant.

Suddenly, a tiny yet beautiful fairy appeared on their table.
She said, 'For being such an exemplary married couple and for being loving to each other for all this time, I will grant you each a wish.'

The wife answered, 'Oh, I want to travel around the world with my darling husband.'

The fairy waved her magic wand and - poof! - two tickets for the Queen Mary II appeared in her hands.

The husband thought for a moment: 'Well, this is all very romantic, but an opportunity like this will never come again...

I'm sorry my love, but my wish is to have a wife 30 years younger than me.'

The wife, and the fairy, were deeply disappointed, but a wish is a wish.

So the fairy waved her magic wand and poof!...the husband became 92 years old.

The moral of this story: Men who are ungrateful bastards should remember.......fairies are female.
I nvr have a Christmas tree b4. wonder wif e little one not sure Christmas tree will Still exist during Christmas day or not. Hee hee
not sure last saw on moon cake festival. Maid also cannot recall. So sad, wear less than 5x.

Just wonder Does all mommies remember to let ur little one wear shoe when gg out? Til now my hb occassionaly still forget to let no 1 wear.

I hope you will find the shoes some where at home...

My boy doesn't wear shoes out even though he has shoes... Hahah I always forgot..
Kiki> no la.. U misunderstood me... Dun hav to be at my house... Sad cuz Rayanne &amp; I can't be there in the fun!!! Doesn't matter where it's held... Just wanted be part of the fun.... But perhaps I'm feeling more sad cuz all the excitement and preparation just gone down the drain overnite...
And hormones probably made me more emo... Lol...

Just saw the photos u posted... Looks so fun!!!

Next one next one!!!!!

Looks pretty manageable... In the photos la... I dunno how the babies actually hang ard though... Hahaha...

Rayanne just KO...15min ago... Now I'm
Gonna Ko too... Need to get up early tmr...

Yeah... We can have a yearly bash eh??? Lol....
If we all can still keep in touch till our babies grow older...
<font color="ff6000">printz</font>

haha so cute hor! we were so happy as 11 adults see him "show off" lor! yup will be 3 days, mon-wed. hopefully can make it for full 5 days but ferrying him to and fro will be a bit troublesome so still needa sort out the logistics. i am so happy tt the sch has dinner if not he will be so "sheltered" foodwise. jacob loves yoghurt too!

<font color="ff6000">stephanie</font>

WAH!!! so complicated ah?!! hahahaha! i was half hoping for an off the shelf pdt hahahaha! u wanna make and sell me? i cant see myself making it man! cos i cant even be sure if jacob eats n after making a mess out of the kitchen n he refuses, i dunno who's head to bang cos i wun wanna eat up the cheese sauce! he eats cheese pasta in sch to my surprise but i think only like after 1-2 tries. but tt is also becos he sees frens eat so he follows. he very pian xin one. at home he dun really eat potatoes but eats in sch as its on the menu.

<font color="ff6000">connie</font>

hehe we usually rem to let jacob wear shoes cos we put them on top of our shoe rack and also 1 pair in the car! if not fil will always nag why jacob no shoes?! but the most troublesome thing is having to check his feet every now and then cos he loves to pull them out and i dun wanna go home with 1 less shoe!

<font color="ff6000">soups</font>

aiyo! stop talking abt them!!! i m drooling!!! i only can manage campbell soups leh! nv imagine tt i can ever make those ang mo soups! cos i like to live in denial. i hate milk n most dairy pdts so i dun wanna add butter, full cream, milk etc to the food i am gg to eat!
Shoes - we always forget to let them wear so I decided to leave them in the car.

Any idea what kind of shoes is suitable for them now so that to facilitate them walking?
<font color="ff6000">bbq</font>

haha no shoes! really tt is the best cos they are not even used to walking, lest with shoes. but say if wanna let them walk outside, get very soft soled ones lor. got a lot like robeez n some mummies spreed with rach recently i think, cant rem the brand. i got 1 no brand one at PS, quite comfy leh cos at least j could still manage to walk. i bought some harder soles one and i think he finds it awkward even just to stand. when we were out just now i let him push his stroller like his push cart and he enjoys it!

I think I still have a bit of cheese sauce frozen, if you can come my place pick it up, when I make, I really don't mind making extra to share

I stay at Mcnair Road, near balestier
BBQ> pediped!!! The next best thing to bare feet!!!
Rayanne has 3 pairs!! She's wearing 1xpair of 6-12mos now, she has 2x 12-18mos waiting to be worn next year...
1 of them is soooo pretty.. Just received it last week...
Red shiny color for cny!!! It's sooo shiny HB n me wondering how many times can it be worn without it becoming all scratches-filled... Lol...

Have ur boys tried the pediped u bought??
Rach, remember I bought BIG ones? Still too big. But what's the difference between the original/flex or other lines within pediped?

Stephanie, you should make in bulk and sell!! I wouldn't mind paying!
Steph> Connie stays Jurong west!!!!!!! Very far for her... Lol...
Maybe u can make more and courier to her... Make it real frozen put into cooler bag... Lol.... Dunno will spoil by the time reach her or not... Lol...

But but but I think it's cookies asking u to sell her... She stay redhill also not near... Lol..... But Maybe can pass on the way to work kindda thing... Not sure where her new office is now though... Hee...
Rach, guess no one answered your question. Maybe not on 25th itself because most people may want to celebrate with their families on that day.
BBQ> originals meant for 0-2yo.... The soles are really much softer and u can see the designs much different...
Some I find look nicer and cuter than flex...
Flex is meant for 1yo and above... The soles are more machine made or thicker... U gotta see the designs to see the difference...

Originals have their soles hand stitched... U can see all the stitches frm the outside... Maybe hand stitched that's why so exp....

But many ppl buying sales designs now la... Some cheaper designs I see like 10-20 pairs liaozzzz...

There's this Brady orange n navy blue... Flex.. Only US $15..
I ordered at least 20-30 pairs... Every batch almost have 1 pair at least.... Sometimes 5 pairs all Brady size from 20-29...
When it arrives I feel like BATA SHOP... 1 design 5 sizes.. What size u want??? Lol...
When mummy come collect tell me Brady, I gotta ask them.. What size huh..?? Cuz I have all the sizes now... Lol...

That's if they come I busy no time to check pc la...:p
Hello mummies,
Nice meeting you all! First time meeting all of you except Paige.

I have uploaded some photos onto FB http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=84036&amp;id=1067314789&amp;l=53ba3ac373

Not very nice cos it's dark and I didn't use flash and tried to be a pro and didn't use the auto mode, so didn't turn out nice. Should have just used auto :p Most photos taken are for the "early birds" though. Hope I tagged babies correctly.

I read that don't let baby wear shoes until they can walk stably. For both of my kids who are early walkers, they don't get to wear shoes till they started walking confidently for about a month or so. And whenever they are at the park, they go bare foot cos my hub said that's a way to feel the nature :)

And I don't believe in brands. So if you ask me, any shoes will do, most important is that it has to fit their feet nicely, and maybe another criteria is the shoe shouldn't be heavy. Only when my #1 started to walk a lot and started running, then his daddy got him a nice pair of Clarks. Before that, it's all cheapo shoes, and they walk just fine :)
BBQ> some ppl think I siao la... So early ask.... Lol... Or maybe most ppl can't confirm yet also...
But maybe can share some suggestions at least we can work out something...

So if 25th &amp; 1st is out, shall we do it on 18th???

Or 19th???

Response please...

hahah did I get the names wrong? hahah

Nvm lah... whoever wants the cheese sauce, let me know in advance and I will cook and then you ladies can come collect k... Unless too many ppl want then will consider to collect $ for cost in future... lol
thanks. Me in jurong so v tough unless my hb can drive me there if I go bk bedok. He is not those patient guys lor unless I drive lor.

Don think e shoe at home cos she didn't wear it bk on wed. Lost e pediped flex. Shoe already usd32. But v soft thus she don reject wearing.

I don mind brand for shoe as long as nice n no rejection. My son love bare foot in playground but he is always e only One without shoe. Imagine he aready 2 yrs n daddy can still forget to let him wear shoe out.

My gal can't walk so only buy 1 pair. Just to let her have a feel of wearing n walkin else I will have another kampong kid later.
your efforts (and wai wai's) in collating the list didn't gone to waste lah! oh...wat i meant was both...that don't feel sad can't join in the fun or hold it at your hse (because it was suppose to be at your hse in the 1st place). i was really under the impression that despite your girl being unwell you still wanted to host the party. i think your girl's health and other babies too shd come above anything else, no? you can't say preparations gone to waste mah...coz the bash still materalized! ren bu zai xing zai can already.

christmas still quite a few mths away. i can't really confirm anything so thats why nv reply u. maybe plan 1 mth before bah...
went sentosa for a swim this mornin n both slept n just woke up so can't join u. Next sat morn can?

Hi mommes

Maybe can arrange for beach outing One day.

Am not too sure of the dates too, as I'm planning to spend christmas with my parents in Malaysia
So best is early christmas party!?
Can also have it at my function room, but ermmm, like a few of your mentioned, my place is quite inaccessible...accessible if have car lah....my mrt will be up in 2015

Gosh, Kate is always shoeless! Just recently bought 2 pairs from oldnavy, very pretty and summery!
Kate was sweaty feet! eeekkkss! so I got her sandals
nice and airy. HAhaha!

Parmesan is good because it won't get too sticky and gooey...i tried cheddar, which is ok too, but tried with Edam and Emmental and it get a little too sticky and stringy.
Connie, I dunno about kraft but I ever make bake rice cheese sauce with Meiji cheese. Friend gave us some and I used the red packaging one (which is suppose to be for toast or melts) and I just threw in slices and it turned out okie too...
wow, u know how to make bake rice to. I love tt. How do u do? Can share?

Wil try again wif e sauce.

Bringin my gal to see e plastic surgery later. Hope can schedule e laser date soon.
Connie, heheh mine is simplified version, nothing fancy...

What I did was to use butter milk and cheese to make the sauce then when done, just throw in cooked rice and mix... Alternatively, you can use butter to sautee Mushroom and ham then add milk and cheese for the sauce... The kids don't take mushroom so I never add...

Then make pork cutlet or chicken cutlet then put on top of rice. Add slice cheese at the top of cutlet and put everything in oven and bake till cheese melt...

Yah Connie, why your girl need laser?
hihi... too bad i cant join the bday bash with my Z... maybe the christmas one we can join... lol

My boy was baptised yesterday.. Thk God he din "fussed" as much! He was restless and wanted to play with the holy water even when the ritual was done...
haha... thank God...
i had missed out so many posts.. gonna take me a long time to catch up here.... miss u all too!

my boy only had 1 pair.. and he luvs to point at it meaning to go out.. but after wearing he would luv to tear it off his feet even before we head out... so scare of losing the one n only pair i bought.. cos his feet are big n long...
Pediped Shoes
I bought a pair of pediped shoes for my son. The Brady orange and navy, flex one which rach was talking about. The quality is good, but my hb and me find that the shoes are quite heavy. So didn't let my son wear too often since he not yet walk. Any mummies find pediped shoes heavy too? Or should I go for original series?
Maelyn> for a start, they should walk with Originals..

I have 3 pairs for Rayanne.. all Orignials..
Cuz Originals meant for 0-2years old..
Flex can be worn from 1 yo onwards.. but up to u..

Originals are VERY light.. unlike Flex.. thats also why i have yet to buy any flex yet.. :p
I bought e one wif stitches. It's v light.

Itsy, stephanie
there is a pertrude mark on face n pd say 25% will turn into cancer. Now e doc say have to wait till 2 yrs then can do. Cannot do laser as need to cut for cancer test.

will try ur recipe. This round will buy e fresh milk instead.
Connie, Oh no... sorry to hear that...
Yah u try... its quite easy.. alternatively, no need put the rice in the sauce. What you can do is put rice in the caserole, pour the sauce over, put cutlet on it and then put cheese and bake
Connie, I cant for this Saturday . Going to batam on wednesday n dunno when come bk. I went to jw with Farrell n he really enjoy himself very much!
vouchers for formula milk n diaper

I have the following vouchers, got the vouchers together with milk n diaper samples. One voucher only for each. Anyone interested, please pm me. First come first served basis..

FM brand : Enfagrow A+ voucher $5.00 Off
Validity : 20 Dec 2010
Participating outlet : cold storage, giant, shop n save, guardian, market place

FM brand : Mamil Gold voucher Step 3 $3.00 Off
Validity : 31 Dec 2010
Participating outlet : cold storage, giant, shop n save, guardian, carrefour, fair price, sheng siong, watsons

FM brand : Gain IQ voucher $3.00 Off
Validity : 30 Dec 2010
Participating outlet : cold storage, giant, shop n save, guardian

Diaper brand : Huggies Dry Comfort $5.00 Off
Validity : 30 Nov 2010
Participating outlet : Fair Price
was soo bored today so i go read Aug thread..
And happen to see their Aug Bdae bash pic... WOW.. i go counted, got about 30babies.. like so big event.. so steady yah..

and saw this pic too.. so funny... so copy and share =P
