(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

Si shen brown rice - IMO, it's advisable not to give any Chinese herb/med till a bb is at least 1 yo.

Michelle - classes
I don't think attending such class is necessary, as we can do all the things at home. Esp if a bb is already attending an infant class, think it's quite enough already. it's up to a parent's choice, you don't have to go because of peer pressure.

aiyoh, no need to save your BM lah. Give as much as he wants to take. WHO recommends TBF for 6 months, and you have done a great job already. Though 750ml is just a guideline, most important is to know your bb is having enough. My bb doesn't drink up to 750ml alos, but she is taking solid pretty well and has been gaining weight steadily and develop well. Understand your bb is the most important.

so kate also had those black bits in her poo poo when she ate pear? very strange hor...that pear produces such poo. i wonder why!

how's your girl? all better already i hope!

thanks for the advise on what to do when bb has a bad allergic reaction to something eaten. i think i'd surely be super kancheong..hopefully won't have such a day. so scary just thinking abt it.
wow! u bought a carton of 28 avocados? your bb can finish all? i'm interested in this wholesale mkt for organic fruits. any idea where is it?

thanks rach for helping to post and finding the 4th mummy n inform all interested mummies. ever so zealous to take over whenever theres a good 'lobang'...haha. its a small setup actually, not exactly what i expected but i'll still go for the trial lesson than decide.
spinach puree
made this for my girl yesterday and was very surprised she was willing to eat it quite happily. after i made it, i tried a small spoon n nearly gagged on it...tasted so awful! and i was thinking...really can't even convince myself to eat this, wonder how to convince my baby that this is yummy. heng ah...she needed no convincing! strange that she's willing to eat this but not the peas. or could it be she hiam the peas coz it was bottled food? anyways, i bought frozen peas too, will try that soon!
my son just started to feed solid by spoon at infant care, he take very little lor, how long does bb take to get use to spoon feed?
<font color="ff6000">michelle</font>
waxinthecity! sigh they are actually quite good. cheap too. hai!!! purvis street? bugis ah?

<font color="ff6000">rach</font>
wah so nice?! but haha super far leh! hehe u when going town? i get the littleseat frm u

<font color="ff6000">jul</font>
haha forgot to ask u take care ah! i will be at tpy on thurs!!! yesh, its waxinthecity! sob!! btw, let me know if u need more cereal so i can bring on thur
haha, I agree, spinach purée does indeed taste awful! From this experience, think you should realize that for young bb, they don't really what tastes good and what's not. It's often us adult who differentiates the taste. For a young bb, food is just food, there is no labelling of good or bad taste. Most often, it's pretty much to do with other factors, eg, timing, environment, etc that make a bb eat or refuse a certain food.

it depends. For my girl, she took more than a month to learn to eat well from spoon. But for my #1, he took about 2 weeks only.

my girl has recovered after a dose of anti histamine. But I've been advised to continue bm til
she's one yr old. Stress. As my bm ss has been dropping since going back to work. At the same time step up on my solid feeds. That's why giving her porridge then slowly moving to meat so that she can get fats for development. If bm can't sustain then hv to buy nan ha for her. But earliest 1 mth later so that her system is cleared first. Sigh. Must step up on pumping again.
Eh... One big question to ask all of you. My girl is teething now, so what do you all use to clean those budding little teeth? There are so many stuffs in the market with what oral gel what gum cleaning thingy OMG~ Help!
flower4> i usually latch on once at 645am before sending him to infant care n i go wk

think when u say light stroller, de only one tat comes to my mind is maclaren liaos. my capella definitely not light. but i only use tat when we go shopping centre

my boy take 1.5mths to eat from 2tablespoon to now 1/4bowl which i believe is abt 4tablespoon. but at hm he takes de spoon well. de sch is telling me now he not so interested in milk n more interested in solid. so i thinking of telling them give more solid n i down de milk qty. cos i give 160ml he oso dun finish at 1 go now.

jq> erms. my boy cant crawl yet. hehe. maybe nxt time when he bigger den i send him for prog. now his sleeping hrs are like afternoon. -_-

kam> ya lo. tat y i thinking dun need attend le. keke. save some money oso. now buying the playyard gate to surround the bumper mat. another 163bucks -_-" baby is all money n money

cookiezz> waxinthecity? i tot is nail xpert? haha =p
i spent 2.1K altogether. this sum includes 28 practical lessons + theory lessons + miscellaneous fees.

that time you mentioned that your boy is 13kg right? that's very heavy already, cos that's how much my 3 year old toddler weighs. you don't have to worry about your baby losing weight at all, hahaa.

oh i thought you were enrolled at BBDC like me. cos i remembered that you ever mentioned going there to queue once. school is actually quite good. very systematic and professional. but private also has pros, like the same instructor every lesson + more flexibility + cheaper

my colleagues like to go to the pasir panjang wholesale mkt for their fruits. but i don't think they specially look out for organic stuff, so i'm not too sure if there's any shop at the wholesale market specializing in organic produce. you can check with cookiez who/where her organic wholesale supplier is located.

milk allergy is the main reason why i persisted in breastfeeding my elder boy beyond one years old. he only started having FM regularly in his diet from 1.5years old onwards. so you'll have to jia you! by the way, both porridge and meat do not offer a lot of fats for development. porridge offers carbs and meat offers protein. if you're looking for fatty foods, then try avocado or salmon.

i started using the first teeth toothpaste + first teeth finger brush on my boy when he had about 6-10 teeth i think. but don't ever buy first teeth products in singapore. super ex, buy through overseas spree or bulk purchases instead.
Michelle,Kam thanks for the info.. hope my son learn faster, my supply drop isit tat i din not latch anymore?

im worry my son will lost weight at infant care when i try solid on him, will he?

help me to see my plan isit workable?

8am BM160 + 2tablespoon rice cereal by bottle
10am 2 scoops of Fruits RIce cereal by spoon
12pm Porridge by spoon (hope 1/3 of bowl)
130pm BM160 + 2tablespoon rice cereal by bottle
4pm : fruits puree
6pm : BM160 + 2tblespoon rice cereal by bottle
10pm : BM160 + 2tablespon rice cereal by bottle
12am : BM100 + 1tablespoon rice cereal by bottle

PLS ADVISE ME..... am jus worry if milk dun hav cereal he not enu cuz when initially spoonfeed he might take alittle of solid only.

Sandwich, my son is 11.4 kilos. now he 10.8kilos.. weight dropped.

my supply oso drop til 400ml per day only SOBZ>>>.

WOW u spend so little to pass ah? Way to go girl.... u go school?
Michelle, i need stroller to bring my son to infant care lor.. maclaren seems quite low. i will bend up &amp; down very siong to my back.

maybe those with bb in ifc can advise better, but i tot they have a schedule to feed bb? dun think u need to plan anything right? they'll prob tell u when they will feed cereal/porridge.. n u can bring your own puree/food if u dun want them to use theirs. that's what i gather from seeing some of the discussions here.

n i may be wrong but ur feeding looks scary.. seems like a lot. n u shd not feed cereal by bottle. it doesn't teach bb to swallow n eat solids.
Flower> nope I wasn't at kovan.. Haven't been there for at least 7 months.. The last time there was when I was heavily pregnant!! Lol!!

<font color="ff0000">Desitin Creamy</font>
I'm bringing in the twin packs of 4.8oz, bigger than the usual 4.0oz..
Already ordered... Whilst stocks last.. PM me if you need..
Flower> agreed with jul.. Y u feed almost every 2hrly?? Seems alot...

Rayanne only latches max 5-6 times a day, 5min each time at 5am, 9am, 12pm, 3pm, 6pm, 9pm, 12am...except for last feed at 12am she will latch till sleep...
She will also have 40ml purée mixed with 30ml cereal plus 30ml BM per day. The solid meal will replace either the 12pm or 3pm feed...

Timings are roughly.. Plus minus half hr here n there...
sandwich> cos i can only make bookings last min. i doubt sch can get me the same instructor last min? my instructor really can give me ad-hoc lessons. but i guess only bad thing abt private is, de dates for the exams are like 3mths later. so really delay for alot?

flower4> y r u feeding rice cereal by bottle? think u r suppose to introduce solid by spoon. n stop using the bottle to give solid

find it funny tat every meal comes accpanied by solid n milk. u need to decide u wan solid or milk leh

cannot think of any stroller tat is light other den mclaren
I am currently spoon feeding my boy. We started 1 feed of rice cereal and 1 feed of fruits puree. My boy started to constipate. We plan to stop feeding the rice cereal to see whether it was the culprit.

However, my mum suggested me to find rice cereal which can be added into milk for bottle feed. I could only find in store those for spoon feeding..

Anyone tried those kind of rice cereal for bottle feed one?
It seems like a whole lot of milk/cereal/puree that you are giving to your boy! He is really a big eater, no wonder he has such a good weight! Same as others, since you have started to spoon feed your bb, you may want to stop adding cereal in the milk, but to slightly increase the amount of milk. You gonna be so busy with this schedule, bb this age should be able to follow a meal interval of 3-4 hour.
Is ur boy starting to have more activities now? If he is, weight will drop. since u add rice cereal with every feed, he should not feel hungry easily.

My gal weight only 7.2kg and taking 5 bottles of 120ml BM and 2x cereal + 60ml BM per day.

Most important is he look healthy and active.
the lightest stroller shld be combi/aprica. no wonder ur boys so heavy, he been drinking milk coupled with cereal, so filling! haha... has he ever rejected his food? if no then maybe he just have such good appetite. but i agree with other mommies, ur feeding interval of 2 hrly is a lil too close for comfort. cos u r expanding his stomach capacity next time even when he is older he gotta have his meals 2 hourly to meet his daily calories intake.

ur boy's weight dropped since infant care? thats quite a drastic drop hor? i wud be so heart pain.
Advise needed.. Recently put my girl on enfapro a milk formula and she has been eating two feedslf cereal with purée daily.. I think she is constipated as she hasn't hadany howel movement since Friday.
Could it be the formula milk issue or rice cereal? Anyway, I'm switching her over to friso..

How to induce baby to poo?
i have a 400g tin of enfapro to give away. its an opened tin but i only used 1 scoop. any takers? i only know Kam's XY is taking enfapro but she said my place too far. any other babies taking enfa who wanna take up my offer?
desitin cream
i got 1 extra one to let go at $8. Expiry Dec 2010. Overestimate my usage and bought extra but realise i do not need so much. Pm me if interested. Self-collect at buangkok, thomson or raffles place. Any other location will depend on schedule.
mummies,im totally strew up by giving bm combine with cereal

my list is tentatively plan for the infant care only.. my boy now is taking bm160+2tablsppon cereal 4hrly, i jus insert in the cereal + porridge provided by the infant care only. jus incase he din eat well by spoon.

Mamato6js, my boy recently started with cereal by bottle feed..tat was i see from frisocrem instruction for a start make ur bb get use to cereal by bottle feed lor :I
where to get label for clothing, bibs, pants, tower &amp; etc for infant care ah? they wan every each item to be label
yes he very active, he climb up and always trying to stand by holding the cot real, he crawling alot. always tryin to reach out things to grap especially high up one.. he speeedy fast in crawling..hopping...&amp; climbing hiaz..

I also stoppped latching cuz he bite! with his two bottom Teeth.
:) Thanks for kind thought. Ya lor, since it's already opened, better to let other mummy has it.

I see. Last time when my #1 was at infant care, I didn't have to worry about his feeding schedule. Let the teacher decide for him. But of course you can discuss with them and see what they say about your suggestion.

Oh, so it's Frisocream that you are giving. Maybe you can slowly stop that? Don't worry lah, you are not doing anything wrong. Just let your boy get used to the spoon feeding slowly. No need to rush, he has so many years ahead of him eat eat and eat :)
<font face="segoe print"><font color="#FF6666">Healthy Times</font>

Any mummies in the east interested to order Healthy Times again ma?
15% off online prices and free delivery to 1 address for >$250 worth of orders is an ongoing promotion.</font>
u r welcome! i also thought maybe got chance meet HR and XY. looks like no chance! hehe...

wah ur boy v active. maybe thats why he needs the additional calories haha... frisocrem advise u to bottle feed when u intro solid? thats weird. i also give frisocrem to my boy maybe i go read the instructions later :p
hi mummies, thinking to bring cayden back to the PD to do a follow up on his cough and flu. Aiyo the queue is terrible, minimum 4-5 hrs. My jaws wide wide open

haiz, btw anyone noes whether teething will cause cough and flu? i was told by some old folks that it may. Is that happening to your babies too?
Hi all,
I also have a half tin of 900g Enfrapro A+ to give away. Opened for only a week since last Monday. Self collect at Yishun St 81, Blk 828 (near Khatib Area)... My baby seems constipated when on it. Any takers?
maelyn> when u feed cereal. u need to give ur boy more water. maybe this way can stop the constipation. my boy is ok after i start feeding him more water?

flower4> it's ok la. slowly take away the cereal from the milk lo =p

dun worry. when u put ur boy at infant care, dey will slowly train him n give him abit more every few days, to get him used to the spoon. de sch say my boy slowly like to eat cereal more n less wanting to drink the milk. so now i slowly reduce the amt of milk he takes.

my infant care dun need me to label de items leh. dey got a shelf for my boy's stuffs. so dey take watever i bring there in de morning n put on de shelf. end up de day put all back in my boy's bags
<font color="ff0000">enxuan,</font>
What may make a bb constipate by taking the FM is the iron content. If you are going to change FM, look at the % of iron. If both about the same, really not point in switching to other brand. Of course, the plus point of switching over to Friso is can save a bit of $$ :)

To relieve constipation, try giving her more water. Reduce the amount of rice cereals, bananas, and applesauce, which may cause constipation. Food that may help to relieve constipation are apricots prunes, peaches, plums, pears, peas, and spinach. And do some tummy massage and legs exercise with your baby.
mamato6js,kam, yalor, frisocream.

michelle, cuz my infant care wan us to lebal every single items, if not they will use markers to write on their clothing &amp; etc. :S.. soo yucky
is aprica stroller expense? where can find them ah?

ya tat expensive hor. i got so many items to tag.. lebal stickers? for fibric can anot ah?

flower4> i find iron on labels very costly, n feel so funny to have names on clothes. i dun differentiate my boy's sch n outing clothes. so, find it -_-"
