(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

All of us seems to going through some problem at work . Yes , just tong a few weeks more dun need to see boss stupid face liao

The gal replacing me also need to spoonfeed. She here for a few months liao cos my boss scared. Now he still cannot forsee her doing my job properly. That y 'niao' me this morning. Kenna S**

Hello, i told him to hire experience one he dun wan. Let him go answer to my big boss. S*** lor

Ha..ha..Jul, im more lucky than u cos i wouldnt be seeing my boss for 1 week as he will be traveling.

My EDD is 1 day earlier than you, last min change to Mt A if not can c u at TMC...
Me can go outing liao , yipee. DH see like i really want to go so he make some arrangement haha. But i need to go off early lah. Better than not going at all.

Woow..u have a replacemnet so fast..
My replacement haven't comes in yet, my boss very kan cheong liao...he's been chasing after HR to give him one replacement asap...
i have no mood to work... i feel feel so warm... office feel so so warm!.. even i put a fan blowing directly at me with Power 3. then the office stink of new paint smell... argh.. it horrible and stinko and making me headache...
im going crazy..... =(
<font color="119911">2-Bedded</font>

Though I have not actually decided on how many bedder I would wana take, I tink we dun have to worry much abt our family/neighbours having visitors that are too noisy ba. Due to H1N1, we are only allowed 2 visitors each time. So no matter how big ur family is, its still 2 by 2 ma. Right?

They very cheapskade cos our recept left so he got another to replace the old gal &amp; get this new gal to do my job as well...

Most companies are like that cos trying to cut cost. Some companies dont even want to find replacements and the work is share among the colleagus..

Well,,im dont not intend to read my emails or answer any calls fm my company/boss when im on ML...
take it easy... just hang in there.. few more weeks to go now.. soon it'll be over k... i'm also hanging on, wishing i can go on leave earlier!

my company too... no replacement.. 2 of my colleagues will take over lor..
<font color="0077aa">little dreamers shopping update</font>
Dear Rach, Huishan &amp; Jul, the loot has reached my hse today (after waiting for so long)! will be passing it to u ladies during this friday gathering!

Huishan / Rach.. will u be mtg up with each other soon after this friday gathering since i know Huishan not joining? was thinking if Rach can help me pass to Huishan "faster"
If not i can meet Huishan myself =) thank u!
<font face="Comic Sans Ms"><font color="0000ff">Visitor

Ling is right about restriction on number of visitors

For TMC, each bed is allowed only 2 visitors other than yr DH &amp; parents (I think). They will have to change a pass at the information counter, proceed up to your ward &amp; sign in again outside the ward prior going in to visit you. They might not allow you to go in if it's not during visiting hours</font></font>
<font color="ff0000">Jess></font>
ooh..so PAP smear is done that way too?? icic....

<font color="ff0000">mama6></font>
yah.. i heard u take all the way till labor..dunno why only give me 1 week supply leh..
and 6 per day somemroe... so siong.. $18 leh..
how much is urs???

<font color="ff0000">Ling></font>
Another malay massage lady to recommend...
Mona - 90260085.
$32 per hour.
My coll used her in March..
she only do 5 sessions straight.
Must be consecutive...
she's very tight schedule and popular also...

Since Mdm Noor didnt reply me after 3 sms and since she'll be busy... i'll try somebody else then...

<font color="ff0000">Strep B></font>

<font color="ff0000">jenifur></font>
where to get more details on ur diapers.com spree?

<font color="ff0000">mooJenn></font>
Mount A has free upgrade to 2 bedded as well..
but please note that free upgrade is available only when all the 4 bedded are full..
in the event if there's still 4 bedded beds, you'll be given those...
its not a auto upgrade... but only if all 4 bedded are full..

<font color="ff0000">milkyway></font>
i bought 4 packs of Huggies New born leh....
thats about 96 pieces.. should be able to use in the 1st 2 weeks..
unless bb is really THAT BIG!

<font color="ff0000">Chern></font>
hahahaha...at least he's nice to make arrangement.. ehhehe.. good good.. then his impt appt how???

<font color="ff0000">Jess></font>
thanks..will collect the loot from u.. hehe..

wah lao.. so angry just now... wanna meet a woman to pass her donut... end up i get blamed for changing times...

i just need to voice out!!

a few changes was made at 12plus and hence decided to meet at 2.30pm at MRT.
After my lunch with milkyway and huishan at Thai Smile Cafe, it was still early so i sms her..

me: hey.. i'm taking train from Raffles Place to xxx now.. can i see you at 2.15pm??
she: can you wait coz i'm having lunch now and i try to rush? (or something like that.. i cant rem her reply)
me: okie.. how long?

*thinking maybe better to pass her after her work so she no need to rush from where she having lunch to MRT..*

me: what time u knock off??

she: i'm rushing. knock off time not fixed. why dont i pay you for postage and you mail to me since timing not match?

*well.. dun want her to rush ma..we all pregnant.. i'm trying to be nice and think of alternatives rite??*

me: ya thats why i dun want u to rush.. its not convenient for me to do postage as i dun have post office nearby.
maybe i get supplier to post to you. how's that? and i'll sell urs to another person.. or u wanna come to my office collect when u are free?

*in the meantime, i already reach Orchard..*

me: so how? i'm reaching Orchard..

she: yes please get supplier post to me..add: xxxxxxx.... anyway i'm already done with lunch....

me: since u done with lunch u wanna come over? I'm reaching Newton next stop...

she: to where? newton? no i can't. Novena can?

me: novena. i'm reaching next stop.

then... i send another sms...

me: i've reached. wait for you at control. if you tell me u only need 5-10min earlier, i would have waited.
you didnt give me time and just tell me to wait and u're rushing..makes it stressful for u and me as well..

and guess what she replied??

she: you suggested alternatives without giving me time to properly reply. if we had just stick to the orignal 230pm at comm it would min stress for everyone..


WHAT THE ?????

Can u read back my sms????

when u asked me to wait.. i said... okie.. how long????

her reply was i'm rushing.............

??????????? u are not answering my question!!! u ask me can i wait.. i ask how long... wrong meh???
if u tell me 5-10 min.. i'll just say ok ma....

u give me loads of crap and say u are rushing....

am i that mean to make u rush????
we are both pregnant loh... i know u gotta walk over also... dun want rush ma...
thats why i asked what time u knock off so that if its better maybe we can meet later...
i dun have to take to Novena...then take back my office at Newton rite???

wah lao...........

i dun owe u leh...

i was soo pissed... i just replied...

me: Nvm. I'm here already...

Whats the point of explaining myself again?? waste time..
but i was boiling mad loh..
pass u something, trying my best still get shot for being fickle minded to change timing...

wah lao.... @*##(*$(*@#((@#$* leh......
<font color="ff0000">Jess></font>
you can pass Huishan's stuff to milkyway... they work near each other..
they see each other more convenient.. hahaha..

<font color="ff0000">Marie></font>
you are right..
Mt A is not as strict as TMC...
TMC is strictly 2 vistors.. but Mt A is allowing visitors as per normal...
very diffferent culture at both places...
<font color="ff0000">anyone interested to get the following??</font>

1. Swaddle Me - $30.15
2. Sleeping bags - $62
3. Babylicious receiving blanket - $22.80
4. Babylicious yummy blanket - $32.13

probably urs nt B strep bacteria??...cld juz be other type of fungus infection?? me do pap smear regularly (once a yr), sometime will detect fungus infection...and the medication juz 1 tab to be taken on 1st or 2nd day of menses (muz be sure nt pregnant)...
<font color="ff0000">girly></font>
huh?? but that time i only do the test for Strep b ma.. not then is what???

I only did one swap.... u mean they'll test for other things also???

though the receipt says High Vaginal Scan $65...

but mine is 2 tabs 3 times a day wor...
last time throad infection also only 1 capsule 3 times a day.. now is double leh....

<font color="ff0000">huishan></font>
yah..cooled down by the Ice Almond with milk liaoz..
just feel soooooooooooooooooooooo ARGH!!!!
need to voice out...then feel more shuang.. ahhaha....
haahaa good to voice out....anw do u have the link on the things u list down earlier?

1. Swaddle Me - $30.15
2. Sleeping bags - $62
3. Babylicious receiving blanket - $22.80
4. Babylicious yummy blanket - $32.13
<font color="ff0000">Huishan></font>
i'm waiting for the supplier to send me pictures also.. hhahhha...

also got nappy cover and liners...

nt beri sure...bt juz like pap smear, supp to detect for cervical cancer bt then they are able to detect other prob like present of fungus lor...

so juz my guess tat although we went for B strep test, other bact/virus/fungus can oso be detect?? haha..anywy nt sure, juz anyhw say de...

anyway i curious oso, next time can ask gynae or the asst, can learn something new...
thanks mummies

Hui chern.. if a new gal i can understand in a way of not able to handle so much infomration at one time.. but mine is not already have 40+ person experience enuff and dare to make comparison of things between here and previous coy... IDIOT!!!! then still dare to tell me do like this do like that... GREAT!!! i of course dun mind but i really don't have the time.... i can't wait....was d angry and piss off then i dunno need to repeat how many times about things i juz keep repeating repeating till it get across into her head!! ......

rach ... hahah that y if u wanna do BP juz do it within ourselves if u do it too big u have lots of headaches!!
<font color="ff0000">girly></font>
okok.. my next visit i'll ask my gynae what i have.. hehehe.. :p

<font color="ff0000">kiddo></font>
ya la!!!!!!!!! hao xin mei hao bao loh...
so irritating.... people just wanna buy cheap stuffs and think of themselves....
wa lao!! take for granted loh.....

<font color="ff0000">MooJenn></font>
of coz not.. if auto then everyone opt for 4 bedded liaoz la...
the reason they upgrade is because no more 4 bedded thats why give u 2 bedded...
so we can only pray that all 4 bedded will be taken up...then we can get the free upgrade...

but i also thinking.... 4 bedded then pray for free upgrade to 2 bedded...
or just go straight to 1 bedded..

want HB to be ard.. but dun have the $$ yet for it.......................
shang nao jing ah..............
<font color="0077aa">rach</font>
Thank u! no prob at all!

haha.. im a bit short on fuse today but becos weather n body feel so warm and the paint smell.. im going crazy and "high" in office

<font color="0077aa">huishan</font>
i will at the gathering this friday! (will be a bit late cos i knock off at 6.30 only la)
so i pass ur stuff to milkyway this friday? so maybe she can pass to u faster?

it shouldnt be heavy.. only 4 oz per bottle (abt 120ml)

see if milkyway convenient to pass to u.. if not i can meet u lunch or aft wk =D

<font color="0077aa">milkyway</font>
sorry to trouble you if you can pass something to huishan, at your convenient? if only u want to =)
Actually the impt event is cg overnite prayer meeting. So andy ask me go also but we will both leave by 12am instead of 3am. We will get my FIL to take care of Lynn. Initially, is he go only till 3am. But how can both of us go till 3am. Sure very zombie in the morning cos Lynn will wake up as usual. So change plan abit so that all are happy hahaha

True but old bird sometime got their way of doing things also will make one vomit blood. Just do whatever you can let them face the music themselves

Me too will avoid picking up or check my emails. I believe my company , especially the idiotic reg director sure will call me. I don't care, i'm on ML not free to call. As if i can help like that. This people can be so inconsiderate S***

i know what you mean..my boss definitely call me cos too rely on me. Can you believe my boss is a MS office idiot...dont really know how to use excel...sigh..i just sent him for the MS word and excel training but still cannot make it....
ahahahahhaha was thinking abt the free upgrade...
same like the hotel .. discharge also around 12 to 2pm... so if u come at this time many would be discharge so the chance of free upgrade will be low if u come in around those odd hours like midnite chances of getting a free upgrade would be higher..

ya lor... haizzzz so sian... i will def not check any emails and avoid calls!!!
<font color="ff0000">Chern></font>
so now is he go only..then u dun go??
or now u both go till 12am only....
so u'll go off earlier la??
me too Darn fed up....
what customer say and idiot pig say is two different version and i get scolded for nothing........ idiot... call customer then customer explain is idiot get it wrong and become my fault again!!!darn sian...
stop work preparing for school!!!

really IDIOT!!

At first I wanted to start ML when I pop. But increasingly cannot take it anymore, so will prob take ML earlier. Haven't decided when to start tho hee.


Yeah! More loot to collect! Thanks a lot for organising!
