(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs


bb 1kg at 28wks 4days is ok ah....ok weight actually, so not to worry too much. did your gynae say its underweight? for mine, 28wks, also about there... 1031gms. the average weight for 28wks is 1005gms.

mummys milk is MILK of coz. brands like like Anmum or Similac Mum, can buy from NTUC or any major supermarkets. sometimes i see mummies selling them off here in the forum too at a cheaper price. but be warned, it can make you put on weight hor! alternatively, drinking fresh milk also good

ic... thanks. that makes me feel abit 'an xin'. i dont like milk powder. i buy fresh milk then. fresh have to drink it cold. is it ok?
my normal insulated bag plus 2 ice pack can last abt 4hrs? but i also seldom use lah. i think if u r working mom its best to invest in really somnething good esp its for the good of baby
sarah...if u want, i hv 2 sample size Anmum milk - vanilla & choc. Expiring in Sept & Oct. I dont take cos i prefer fresh milk. Send me a self add envelope? or wanna collect it at TPagar? or anyone wants?
any1 of you going for the chinese name calculation? are they going to let us have a few option or we can choose and let them see is it suitable for the baby?
<font color="ff0000">shelled></font>
wah...u sms kat also no reply ah?????
she that busy ah?? or she popped? *touchwood*

call her???

<font color="ff0000">bbq></font>
if u are gonna TBF...then u prob dun need the bottles till..... after full month??
depends on when u wanna introduct bottle feeding with EBM...
coz once u start on bottles, it'll either cause nipple confusion...
or bb will resort to bottle feeds and dun like ur breasts... as the flow is slower than bottle...

So u decide la..
but best to start on bottles only after ur BM has stabilised...at least tahts what i feel..
so i'll prob be TBF till at least 4 weeks or more.. (if i can dong..)
then i let daddy do nite feeds....
thats when no more CL also... need Daddy's help..

oh... but if u are talking abt storage bottles... then no hurry also ba.. hahaha.
u bought a lot of bottles meh???
i only have 6 storage bottles.. hahahaha....

<font color="ff0000">Gina></font>
hahaha.... let us know what ur HB reply.. haha.. :p

hehe.... the prettymums is cheaper leh... though not as cute as the kidsloft one....
but is there further 50% from the price of $33.92??

Coz prettymums prob we can try for $20??? if we have sufficient orders..

<font color="ff0000">kiki></font>
yes i saw the Fisherprice one..
i like the Fisherprice Gym mat.. i love that... the colors and the designs are all so vibrant!!! hehehhe.. :p

but my mum says they'll outgrow it in a few months... maybe 4-5... so no point spending money to get it..
hehehhe.....if people give then i dun mind.. hahahaha.....

why not comfortable to latch on outside??
u have any nursing cover???
if u have nursing cover..and u can do it in nursing room..it should be no diff...
by that time i suppose u'll be expert at latching on liaoz... coz i suppose u'll go out with bb ard 3-4months at least???
unless u include those gg out for check ups kind..

pump outside still gotta carry the bottles..FTG... then more mafan rite??
since bb with u..then latch on direct easier ma....

and u wont know till u pop and have the experience also.. keep ur options open!!

<font color="ff0000">ling></font>
add jenifur's list of nursing room to ur info yah?? hehehe....thanks!!

<font color="ff0000">Jul></font>
err...maybe i see wrongly... i tot i saw some BP bedding set.. ahaha...

<font color="ff0000">angel></font>
oh yah... i bought Aussino's bedding set yest at Tamp Mall too...

$47++ after 40% discount..Original price is $79.90..
i got the Sweeties Beetles or something liek that...
forget liaoz.. hahaha.. :p
$43? i dun see any $43 one.... but i got the one on sale.. hehehe..

<font color="ff0000">Sarah></font>
You can refer to the pics here..


but i've already sold all the donuts on hand.. u can contact www.prettymums.com for the donuts...
she should still be able to sell u at $8.. but she does postage only.. so u gotta pay for own postage unelss u stay near CCk..

<font color="ff0000">maternity leave></font>
i think i'll start my ML from 29th August... to 19th dec..then i can start to do sales in dec....
close some cases for new year...
else we gotta eat grass liaoz...

<font color="ff0000">Test for Gestational Diabetes></font>
i went to collect my antibiotics for Strep B test....
and i asked abt the GD....

The nurse said the blood test done in the 5th month will determine if glucose test needs to be done...
so my blood test in 5th month was okay...
so no need to check for GD.....
yah...thats the answer i got....

<font color="ff0000">Jess></font>
i showed Jul's reply to my HB too... he also laughed it off...
and he said... be glad ur HB is there with u to accompany u when u push..thats the best push gift..........

Then he said... see?? Gina is so nice to just want HB to help out with housework.... which he is already doing.......


<font color="ff0000">Ham></font>
haha..morning.... icic... u can pop by to say hello to us then..

Ooh..nursing tops huh... never bought any yet...
so far i think non of the mummies here mentioned it yet...
prob we can start thinking abt it now...
since we're almost done with nursing bra.. hahha.. :p

<font color="ff0000">katherine></font>
wah...welcome back..i tot u popped! hahahahha....

wah.....where did u go for BW?????????????

but BW is neat and clean...shave is bits and pieces here and there..and they dun shave u that nicely one loh...

u are scaring us leh.... labor pain where can be compared to BW???
then BW is scary loh....

<font color="ff0000">Chern></font>bring lynn along la...
shelled is bringing her Joshua...they can make frens. hahaha.. :p

haha...yah... i couldnt get out of bed on sun morning..and i not sure if i'll be getting up later to make it on time..
so it was nice of him to help me bring out the 3 donuts and pass to the various mummies..
hahahahha.... i tot i would get a scolding.. but he good mood so okay lo..

wah.. no put on weight..so good.. i'm like 2-3 kg heavier each time i go there..siao liaoz.
i'm now 90kg!!!!!!!!!! faint........
thats 13kg since pregnant... urgh.......

<font color="ff0000">jenifur></font>
wah lao!!!!! $11 for shaving u......... then i rather go do BW liaoz... hahahah....

Mt A or TMC huh?????????????
so u really stayed in 4 bedded or u got upgraded to 2 bedded??

can we pass them our own NB diapers and tell them we dun want theirs??
coz its charged also rite??? we can just thwo them our sample packs of Pampers.. hahah. :p

<font color="ff0000">milkyway></font>
i also virgin leh... we all go together???
i was thinking week 38....
dunno too late or not....

yayy!! u can come for gathering le!!

huh??? Huishan has anything with me meh???
i dun rem!!!!!!!!!!!

<font color="ff0000">Huishan></font>
pillows has arrived.. it should be with milkyway liaoz.. or with shelled still...
coz i've already given out everything that i have...
i've nothing left to owe anyone here....except one mummy frm OCt MTB...

<font color="ff0000">Michelle></font>
my fren at Mt A c-sect 1 bedded paid $3k cash after Medisave....
think c-sec can claim about $3-4k of medisave???

$3k+ cash medisave $3.2k exclude bb bill for 3 days stay and about $1k for 5 days baby stay

<font color="ff0000">katherine></font>
do you know u can still go and edit ur name?? hahahaa...

<font color="ff0000">kiki></font>
actually EBM can last outside at room temperature for 6 hours.. not a problem de...my coll read somehwere...
but reach home must faster put inside fridge....

i like my sling....
hehe.. its $30 i think.. or $35.. from motherhood fair at expo.....


i got the solid black one..called jet...

can act as a shawl in cinema too..
very nice and trendy..

<font color="ff0000">Pam></font>
baby sling is to sling the baby out..for convenience.. not for breast feeding.... though can try.. but sling is so tight.. how to BF???
Its more like slinging the baby instead of putting in stroller...
Nursing cover then is for BF..
<font face="Comic Sans Ms"><font color="0000ff">Pamelia

Ok.. I will provide a breakdown soon ya. Now expressing milk then going to see baby Jed liao

U can use e sling to carry yr BB too, not only strictly for bf-ing. I personally find tt BB sleeps better when in sling</font>

<font color="aa00aa">KiKi

If u r going out for more than 3-4hrs den u will need to sterilize yr pump so can xpress e 2nd time .</font>

<font color="0000ff">Ling

e hospital charges for everything u used or touched

<font color="aa00aa">Katherine

BW remove everything nicely w/o razzor burnt or ingrown leh but not TMC. Den hor only remove certain part nia. Make me so uncomfortable now</font></font>
if i have cooler bag with ice pack is it ok? not going to put fridge cos i work in logistics dept alot of man using the fridge. very weird.
<font face="Comic Sans Ms"><font color="0000ff">Sarah

Wat time do you leave yr hse &amp; will reach home? Wat cooler bag are you referring to?

Normal insulated bag can only last bout 5-6hrs with 2 cooling elements. Even the FTG in my BP can only go up to about 12hrs if you filled in up full either w bottles or extra chilling panel.</font>

I really gota run or else I'll missing seeing Jed for few mins
See ya later</font>
went for my checkup on sat... luckily i did nt gain any weight but loss 300g instead. gynae say its ok.
till date, i gain 9.5kg. hope i don gain too fast in the last 1 month.. haha..


based on 5th month blood test?? hmmm..

i took the Diabetes test bout 1 mth ago... then my gynae say if i gain weight too fast nw... i still need to do the test again.

he say some people tested liao don have then happily go eat... then after tat gt Diabetes.
i leave house at 820am. reach home will be depends if no OT will be be 630pm. Thought of buying medela storage bag. heard fm my colleage medela can last till she go home.
ling> keke. ya la. if oredi on de job, den suddenly job requires him to fly ard, cannot b ask him quit too. i understand. juz tat got to sacrifice time for money lo.

n since u dun work, nvm lo. spend more time with ur kids since cannot spend time with hubby =p but u r good la. if i dun wk n hubby cannot accpy me, think i will go crazy -_-

kiki> keke. cos if need to pump more den once when u r out, den need to sterilise btw each pump. so need bring tablet. hehe. not sure how good is de avent insulated bag, but to play safe, tat's y most of us get the fridge to go =p

pamelia> huh? need buy sling den can bf outside meh? i intend to cover up with a bb blanket n juz latch bb on =p

sarah> keke. i not into fengshui. so whichever day is fine with me. anyway hubby prefer me to go for natural birth. so we've decided on tat as for now.

shelled> keke. water bag nv burst oso good ma. which means no need paiseh outside.

sarah> shuld b ok. i oso drink fresh milk out of de fridge. cos i nv like milk powder.

rach> haha. i nv calculate how much in total, hope i dun get a headache when i see de bill. hubby say juz dun care la. prepare 10k for everything including CL liaos. watever more i ask them to rob me instead =x but seriously i hope dey dun need rob me -_-"
ok <font color="0077aa">kiki &amp; Ling</font>,
think you 2 gng to kill me...
My colleague went Jing Zi Long not You Long Zi!

It's at Geylang and next to Aljunied MRT station. $88 but not by Mr Jing himself, calculated by another shifu which his SIL used last time.

So pai seh for the wrong info~!
was tinking to ask fengshui to choose name so shui pian ask the date to induce on 28 sep. i think chin chin chai chai oso better la hor? shall discuss with my hb to9. maybe dont look for fengsui master.
i think jennifur is talking abt ring sling? ccos ring sling can adjust length so can sling n bf at the same time! if u expert enough u can even sling and bf and walk at the same time lor haha
hi ling,
i jus went tanjon pagar plaza get infant clothing, i manage to get hold of their name card, the shop name :-

Sin Kwang Heng Huat Trading Store
#01-45 Tanjong Pagar plaza
Behing DBS Bank/NTUC fair Price

i bot two tops for bb &amp; pants with cover feet typ, both white in color S$2/pc for tops, S$2.50/bottom. choose &amp; match as you wish.
they have Yellow,Pink,Blue &amp; White color.

I bot two batik sleeping gown with button at front so i can bb feed. hahaa S$8/pc. buy cheap cheap one, got stain, wont heart pain, all these while i like to wear batik sleeping wear too la. :p.
<font color="ff6000">Jul</font>
Awwww. *hugs*
Today rainy day, but I didn't sleep in and couldn't go nap. I feel sorry for myself together with you ok?
*mama to 6Js*
wah u sure gt big bb wor...went apptm 2day too...bb is 1.9kg at 33wks and 2 days (my edd 1day later than urs)

prob on top of prob mann...found out tat im moderately anaemic. normal passing reading is 10.5, mine passing reading shld be around 10 since im haf thalassaemia trait. 7 is severe anaemic and i oni score 8.7! nw additional 2 iron tabs in the morning... a total of 6 pills at day...makes me feel like im a very sick person...

Hey I think mine was 1.9kg at week 32?

Wah! U gotta eat 2 iron pills? I hate them. I think they make me constipate *angry*

dunno i will constipate or nt leh...bt usu my gynae will prescribe iron tab post delivery. bt no such prob leh... bt will make the color of the *ultimate result* grotesquely gross lor...

and i gain 600g today *happy*...glad gt gain wt unlike last time is constant...
<font size="+1"><font color="ff6000">Something to share...

Do u know @ 12hrs, 34mins and 56seconds on 7th August 09 will read as

Not everyone will encounter this and this will only happen once in a lifetime...
<font color="0077aa">momoteh...

hurhurhur.. its ok la.. no worries...

so is this shifu to be recommended to mummies here? If yes, then i'll add in the list..</font>
<font color="aa00aa">michelle...

Yea.. sometimes i peifu myself also.. (altho, i do cry at times when my emotions just take over me..) Just cant wait for him to be back!!!</font>
why u still working? now raining so nice to snuggle in bed wor!

hmm... im also alpha thal leh but gynae never prescribed iron pills for me leh. he said that it wont help and might cause iron overload instead which our bodies cant get rid of. i think u google search also can find some info on this. when u said u r 8.7, what reading is that? i can compare with mine. my blood test report also got lots of red marks haha...

im bigger sized than u leh my dear and also abt 10kg heavier than u at least, so naturally my bb will be bigger lor.

Hehe if u no prob it's good. I get bouts of constip &amp; diarrhoea. Sigh..


Wah where u find such "cold" news one? *impressed*
i just checcked my blood test result. r u talking abt ur haemogglobin level? mine is 11.7, normal is 11.5. if urs is really 8.7 means u r really anaemic plus thal lor. then i think ur gynae is right u need iron pill. was it like this too in ur last few preg??

yah lah go home n rest!
*mama to 6Js*

I did a blood test in mar and my hemoglobin level is 10 (ref range 11.5-16.5) of course mine is 'abnormal' la bt coz i've gt alpha thala oso mah so at 10g/dl is still considered 'normal' for me lor...so gynae didn't prescribe iron tabs particularly, juz multivit tats does contains iron oso...

bt dunno y, 2day, july then become 8.7...gynae say this is really anaemic liao lor...and nt coz of thala...after tat then i asked the clinic asst y is tat so (4get to ask the gynae coz i oso *stunned*), she replied maybe the bb is nt getting enuff iron, so drawing iron fr mummy's body, erhmm?!?

juz checked back, wif #1 hemoglobin level was 10.8, #2 was 9.8 and #3 was 10.4, so 8.7 really bad i think...

and my gynae say might wanna induce me at 38wks wor coz of my GD, so i've planned to let bb come out on 1st Sept...easy to rem (teacher's day)...
yes yes exactly. cos if thal the haemoglobin level would be ard borderline. urs is fail case lor. means its anaemic. mine is MCV level v low and thats typical of thal traits.

My friend passed me lots of glass bottles and I also bought the Avent via cups...so lots of container.


Is your bill so much more expensive coz it's emergency csection? Or is csection bill usually so high? I saw my hospital csection package - only about 3k max. Or it is coz the 3k didn't include all the misc charges? Giving birth is really expensive.
<font color="ff0000">myfavchoco></font>
dunno leh...thats what the nurse say...
so... ya loh....

<font color="ff0000">Sarah></font>
medela storage bag is only for storing the milk.. it doesnt keep it cool, does it??
wah Ling, you are so administrative lor - even managed to update mine. As I look at it, I realized that I am the first to pop!!!! So much earlier. My info as follow:

bb#: 2
edd: 20th Sep
add: 29th Jun
wt: 1.035 kg
lgth: 35 cm
gynea: joycelyn wong (but ended up at kk and delivered by midwife!!! which I don't even know the name!)
hospital: tmc (but ended up at kk)
location: woodlands
<font color="ff6000">bbq98</font>
The hosp package is only for hosp stay + procedure + op theatre. Definitely doesn't include misc charges like shaving, waterproof liners for your bed, antibiotics, painkillers, doctor's fees, baby's PD fees, hearing check, etc etc.

Actually there's quite a fair amt of misc fees...
sarah> haha. ya. i oso juz name bb myself. dun need fengshui master ba =p

flower4> wah. de clothes so cheap. keke.

jul> y say till like tat? i oso wking leh. ops. but u mean u wking at 7+pm? =x

ling> keke. guess u have to learn to be more independent. hais. man wk outside oso bo bian la. at least he's wking n not fooling ard.

look at the brighter side. u can have all de time u wan with the kids =p

bbq98> did ur fren remove all de stickers on de glass bottles for u? haha. ur fren so good to go help u collect glass bottles. can some of my frend be nice too? =x
Lilac, how come u ended up at KKH?

Shelled, so a normal csection bill is around 6-7k? Will emergency csection then be much more expensive?

I just pray and hope my babies will not come out before the scheduled date.
what glass btls are those?? U mean glass btls fr hospitals?? btw, i tot of collecting glass btls fr hospital oso coz i used to do tat too...bt jenifur has informed tat tcm nt giving out anymore coz the glass btls breaks easily if being sterilize for many times. bt dunno if MtA is giving out or nt coz i'll be delivering there...

asked my grandma hw they feed their bb if they are nt breastfeeding for certain reasons...replied juz use any glass btl lor say like beer btl then juz place milk teat over the btl rim and feed rice water...erhmmm...like tat oso can???...bbs and children so fortunate nowadays...

allio ladies

wanna ask experienced mommies abt the "B strep" test again? The screening is like doing pap smear test is it?
to be done betw. wk 34 to 36?
i forgot all about this already... i think i might be doing it this coming chk-up.... thank u!
