(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

my previous TMC bill was about $3k++, assisted delivery with vacuum.

seem that some gynae charge really expensive...

my MS also kicks in, sometimes appetite is also affected. feel so tired... guess partly because i get pregnant again only 6 months after delivery of #1, my body has not fully recovered yet
Hi Ladies,

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hi everyone!

can i check with you all, for your gynaes, do they have 'package' or their consultation is based on individual consultation all the way to the end?

i understand that not all gynae's have these 'package' pricing for their consultations.

my 1st visit to my gyne oso ex. keke no choice lah.. i wanna change to a cheaper one. but my hubby dun wan as he deliver my #1 and he like him. very caring, detail, etc etc and oso specialise in high risk pregnancy. so thats why we go to him.

Who's ur gynae? Mine also not cheap, I feel, but a bit cheaper than urs & caspinall's. $688+gst for package after 12 weeks. Medication, blood tests etc not included.

Oh.. just saw that u also same as me. How're u feeling now?

I have stopped bleeding. But I dun dare to go out in case it triggers again *sigh*

Did Dr Wong say why u had bleeding? My scan showed a bit of blood at the edge of the water sac. Darn sian to see that.
When I was choosing gynea for my 1st pregnancy, I went to 3 gyneas. Then I asked myself, besides being comfortable and affordable, how else should i choose? Why should I go to a "branded" / popular gynea. Is it necessary? I still end up wif a very experienced and popular gynea becos I tink in times of emergency, an experienced gynea can best help us.

Now with #2 on the way, naturally I will want to go back to the previous gynea for the same reason. BUT, the waiting time needs good patience. Waiting 1.5 to 2 hr is a norm, and we see her for 5-10mins for smooth pregnancy.Given the long waiting time for every appointment, I'm considering to switch gynea.

Anyone has idea of waiting time for appointment at Dr Joycelyn Wong's clinic ?

my gyne is dr douglas ong. mt E / ten mile junction oso got clinic... his package start from 12 or 14wks (if i remember correctly. my #1 package cost $1.8k exclude medicine, blood test etc too. only for consultation, scanning and Normal delivery fee. if c-section gotta top up $. now his package increase to 2k. *faintz* he can do delivery at mt A too. cheaper. so i deliver my ger at Mt A instead of Mt E.
oh ya.. for my first m/c, my gyne is dr adrain woodworth. keke actually if have normal pregnancy can see him lah... he is cheap loh.

I think also abt 1 hr waiting time, coz she is v popular too. But I find that she's faster than my gynae who seems to take a longer time. So even tho Dr Wong has many patients, she is quite fast, I feel.


I see. My gynae gave me the charges differently. $600+ for antenatal, then delivery is lumped with TMC's hosp charges, so I dunno how much is her actual delivery charge.

Yeah he is v cheap. $500+ cfor package that starts immed, & incl simple medication too. In fact, he has a clinic near my place. But.. I prefer female gynae ;eh, so choices are quite limited.
hello everyone. im first time into this forum.
im also EDD on 18th sept 09 and i should be aboout 6th weeks now into my pregnancy.

im feeling alwys stomach cramp like those menstrual cramp since after ovulation . at first on the 4th week i tot my menses gg to come becos i got backache and stomach cramp. but i was tested positive on week 5th and now into week6th i still feel the same feeling.

im not sure is it normal. im getting abit paranoid. cos i went to see my gyane dr khi at TMC jus to check its not eptopic pregnancy bcos of the cramp. and she say she can see the sac. but she give me duphston mediciation to take and ask me to rest in bed mmre..

it kinda puzzling. did she feel that sometign not right wif me or i woudl miscarraige that why she perscribe to me.

i tot cramp is quite normal. im feeling very jittery over it and so scare.

anyone have the same or think its normal.

your gynae's waiting time can be up to 2hrs? wah, u must be a very patient woman. keke.. who's your gynae by the way?

i think maybe she prescribed you the duphston juz as a precautionary measure? if she says you're ok, then dun worry too much.

think having cramps quite normal? i'm also cramping mildly, but doc say its normal, didn't give me any medication. initially i was very worried too.
juz now i went toilet and realise im spotting again..it's dark brown in color...called the clinic but the doc wasnt in..the nurse advise me to go dwn tml..

im quite worried...
JovanMa, my #1 is 18 mths. So he will be 2 yrs old when #2 comes.

I am really seriously thinking of KK and then get Dr. Joycelyn to deliver when I am nearer my EDD. That is provided that the pregnancy is a smooth one.
hi kiki,

My previous gynea was WK Tan at TMC. When you see the whole bunch of preggies waiting patiently outside her room, you will also sit there and wait.
Hello fatfat

U have the same gynae as me! Finally I found someone else.

I believe the duphaston is just a precautionary measure. It's like an tai yao. I also got to take 1 pill per day.

The cramps are normal, dun worry, it's just the womb stretching. I also have that, since week 5 in fact!


Do u want to go down to another clinic & do a check? Even if u dun, pls try to lie down, dun walk too much, dun carry heavy things. I spotted on Sun nite & nearly freaked out! Spent the whole nite in bed & din get up except to go toilet.

My doc is Dr Caroline Khi from ACJ Clinic. She's located at TMC.

She asked me questions like what I did, did I carry anything heavy, did I eat something etc etc... Then she did u/s & checked for heartbeat. And to make sure that babylet got heartbeat & has grown. Then she checked the watersac which was the prob. Got a little blood at the edge.

Then I kena jabbed, & she increased my duphaston from 1 to 2x a day. And she gave me mc & told me to stay at home & dun walk too much, carry heavy things, no sex, etc etc.

Did u do a scan the last time u spotted? Got mc to rest at home?
Hi kiki,

my 1st gynae was Dr Lawrence Ang also. Now i'm hving my 2Nd one due in end Sep.. I am not going back to him as my past experience with him wasnt so good. But maybe it's just a once off experience.. Now i'm seeing my sister's gynae at glen eagles.. will def be more expensive but no choice..

Btw if u need to get an appt, u can call Dr Khi. The last time when I had spotting, my GPO referred me to her & managed to get an appt even tho I wasn't her patient in the first place.

Dun think u're the only one who mentioned this. I think jenifur also din go back to Dr Ang due to some reason.
hi katherine,

would you like to share with me what was the not so good experience with dr ang? if you feel uncomfortable writing here, perhaps you can PM me?

Hi Kiki,

had PM you.. but rec'd an error msg when sending out. Let me know if you rec'd, if not I'll resend
Sian, wanna go back home but have cca till 730pm
Still thinking whether or not to take no pay leave next year or quit. Cannot tahan school life anymore.
can, but heard from my friend that after npl still need to come back and teach before can resign? Not very sure about the procedure. Hb also not v keen on me quitting, he says i'm giving up everything. Too many considerations, not least of which is financial.
Hmm.. My SIL took NPL for like 3 yrs, then she quit leh. She din have to go back to work. Maybe u can check with the MOE HQ or something for the correct rules, coz they may change over time.
Thanks, when bb is confirmed, will let my HOD know then hint that I may not be around after this year...hope that wont affect ranking :p
Haha I think sure wil affect no matter what one. Coz we'll be away for 16 weeks, so that period of time, they surely will drop our perf. But what to do?
true. aiyah, boh bian liao lah. can't wait to see my gynae next fri. He's going to be so packed coz it's the first day opening after cny but got no reason to see him earlier. Only if spotting then need to go early. fingers crossed that can finally see heartbeat next wk.
hi lilac,

My #1 today 16mth liao.. tout can relax liao.. now have to go back to the hard time again.. haha

Hi iwry

I use Medela Breast Pumps for my #1. Think that the best pump
do you gals still con't to go for facial now during your 1st trimester? i'm wondering if its ok to go or better to stop?
hi kiki,
i checked with my beautician, and she say its ok... coz what ever she uses is plant extract...
went for facial at least 2 times before i found out i was preggy...
may b u can check with ur beautician...
crystalz... agree with u that Dr Adrian Woodworth's charge is really cheap... think is among the cheapest that i know of

jeslyn... rest well, don't move around too much

claire... u also teacher?
Melanie, our kid is about the same age then. Born in the year of 2007 =) Ask you arh, how then do you cope with having #2? Now that I am pregnant, I know that I am not suppose to carry heavy things. But then it is difficult not to carry #1 lor....
Arrgghhh!!!! I am having bad complexion!

Got these rash like stuff popping out all over my face. Got bits of pus inside. Like bad case of acne, or I ate some pai du herbs that caused the skin to break out. How how?
im urs,

actually personally i feel it should be ok bah. hmm....


its the hormones kicking in liao. it will happen sooner or later one :p why do you think i'm asking if its ok to go for facial? kekeke...
kiki> when do u normally drink the Anmum?? I have a few packets given by my fren.. but i dun like vanilla.. anyone wants?? i have abt 5 packets... means 10 sachets to give away...
i stay yishun...

We went into the gynae's room.. he spoke to us... chatted with us.. tell us what to note for pregnancy...
give us some notes on pregnancy, what to eat and do and not eat and do...Down Syndrome, costs, his package details..tats abt 15min...
then do the scan.. for like..1 min? that one was very fast...

then we sit down.. he talk to us abt antoher 5 min... but i was inside roughly 20-25min la.. coz i went in about 1:05pm.. i came out at the counter abt 1:30pm.

$60 for long consultation
$40 for ultrasound
7% GST
Total $107 loh...

Package is from week 12 onwards.. $500 + GST...

He said 1st visit usually longer.. so i expect 2nd visit maybe shorter? hehe.. :p

You cant see a odd shape thingy among some other dark dark thing??
Mmmm.... i can send u a pic of my scan if u want.. i can see quite clearly leh... PM me..

i met someone while doing Pedicure today...she's also with Dr Lawrence Ang.. aha.. but i didnt ask much... haha...

I just went facial on Monday leh.. why cannot??

whitley> wah.. congrats!!!

jeslyn> i think orange juice is good leh..read from books.. good source of Vit C..

Usually my gynae sees at 3 weeks interval....till the 2nd trim.. then its every 4 weeks...
I went 5 weeks plus.. next visit is 8 weeks plus.. then 11 weeks... and should be 15weeks?? i dunno.. i prob drag to 16 weeks... haha... but by then is on package liaoz..
coz his package starts from week 12 onwards.. or i can see him at week 12.. delay the week 11.. heheh.. :p

cloudme> haa... i tried 2 different predictors on the same page..and it gives 2 different results.... haha..
but i'm believing for a gal.. heheh..

Chern> yah.. lately busy catching Little Nonya on MioTV!! hahaha.. i literally finished all 34 episodes back to back man..
hahaha.. yup...

Yes.. still with W204...

Yah... hard to quit chilli.. VERY hard....

mamijoan> hahaa.. yes.. good to know that chilli is okay... haha.. but i guess moderate la... i try my best not to take loh..
coz actually... if we ask gynae.. almost everything also can eat de.. they not so mafan... hahaha....
coz no scientic proof to proof that certain food will cause certain conditions..
but its mainly from mothers-passed-down-theories.. haha..

Denise> hihi... same here.. i just feel queasy.. but not really vommitting anything...
but can almost feel that the feeling is getting more and more... sigh.... hope it'll just stay the way it is.. not get better...
yah.. the thought of eating turns me off.. and i dun really feel like eating anything in particular too....
I almost dun feel like eating anything i used to love eating also...

Sheryn> welcome... wah.. ur EDD is 4 Sept..and u are already 7 weeks??
My EDD is 5 Sept.. but i'm only 6 weeks plus now... wow.. so fast.. this sat i'll be abt 7 weeks le... hehe...
I've only scanned once at 5 weeks plus... only could see sac with a little dot on the screen..
next appt is 4th feb though..

Lynnette> SOrry to hear that.. do take care....

Whitey> i did read in books that sometimes due to our current lifestyle.. our body's senses will link certain nutrients we need with the wrong foods...
So we may be lacking a particular nutrient in our body..and claypot rice..which we prob used to take alot last time..may be linked to the lack of the particular nutrient..
and hence we eat it...

but.. claypot rice..being such a oily food... isnt that good and pleasant to our now-very-sensitive tummy...and prob thats why LawShe vomitted it all out...
hahah.. i used to love claypot rice too.. but no craving for it yet....

My mind is constantly for some 'new' food... food that i dun normally eat... maybe i've been eating too much junk all the while..
and my body is telling me to eat something healthy.. hahaha...

Subway is good though.. healthy.. with veggies..and not so fattening... i ate a whole 6" myself and was sooo happy with it... haha..
Coz i dun exactly finish a full portion of any other food now.. after 1/2 the plate.. i'm full.. or feels full...
But when i eat something 'healthy', i can really eat! hehe....

Anyone does any reading?? there's a very good book....

What to Expect when u are expecting? - can be found at Popular and major bookstores....alot of Q&A and practical know-hows..

Waiwai> only TMC has the 1st born incentive card?? Mt A have or not???
Actually still wondering what's the main diff with TMC and Mt. A...

How do u all decide?? both hospitals are quite near to each other.... not much diff in terms of distance...

Clare, Chern> alternatively, if we sigh up for the package.. just submit the package receipt.. coz its more than $450 already.. hehe..

JovanMa> wah.. just tested positive and its 1 Oct already!! congrats!!
i tot so far the people coming in are still having EDD ard 1-15Sept..

jul04> Mmm. is that bleeding in the womb?? take care...and rest alot alot.. dun move abt so much.. rest!!!

yah.. i also got breakout loh.. wah lao... like puberty man..sianz...

Freesia> if u wanna a peace of mind. u can see first.. but u prob wont get to see much... u might just wanna take extra care...and wait till 6-7 weeks..
if u can tahan that long and the suspense..

hahah.. can eat everything else except the fish loh.. gynae says best to eat everything cooked.. coz may have bacteria or virus.. in uncooked food..
esp fish.. sushi not recommended....

tiffy> hihi... welcome..
hi rach,

i drink my Anmum as and when i feel like it, but i don't drink it everyday though. right now maybe 2 days once or i try my best alternate days. i'm not really a 'milk' person. you can say i am drinking it for baby only. hee...

seems like your doc was quite through in your 1st appt. your dr koh is the one in toa payoh?
kiki> haha.. i'm procrastinating to drink the milk also.. hahaa...

yup.. Dr Chan K H at TPY Central.. prepare to wait very long.. heheh..

anyone has difficulty falling asleep? i feel very tired but i have difficulty sleeping lately. i went to bed at 11pm, toss for a good 1 hr and then decided to wake up (and here i am surfing net)! i feel that when i lie down, i feel very uncomfortable at the chest like something is stuck and i'd start to burp.

anyone has the same problem?
