(2008/04) April 2008


haha..yalo..lastime my boy always stick to his papa, when papa go into toilet n lock the door, he will cry, so papa let him go in once..haha..

for lucas, he will stand to pee into potty (no nid to take off the short, just open a small hole from his short)but sometimes he insist wana sit on toilet bowl to pee, so i let him be..

can check wif u all...

if our kiddo want to have the birthday party to be in school...
do we get the cake for the whole childcare or for his/her class only?
RE: toilet training...

my girl also in diapers...even thou she can speak very well..but i guess it will take time...

i now started off by asking her during her shower/bath time...

hopefully she can progress to diaperless at 2.5yr...
<font color="0077aa">cloudme, hw big is the school?? as in total how many children?? hmm.. agree wif mushloom get some stuff and give as goodie bags??

mushloom, how's ur bb??

piggy_mummy, haha tat is very cute.. hehe</font>
strawberries hee jaundice level down to 6+ so no need to go for anymore blood test.

now cl gone liao bb sleeping wif us. i realise in the day time when he sleeps he doesnt grunt. but at nite ee-ee-orr-orr alot leh. urs will or not huh?
Hi JuniorRain,
Your kid still at ichiban? How do u find it? I m considering putting my girl there again when she's older....
<font color="0077aa">mushloom, hmm.. mine ahz.. will ee-or-or in the dae.. at nite.. so far dun c my mil having problem wif her..

cloudme, hmm.. think juz get fer her class will do
Halo mummies,

Anyone wants to buy over my unopened bottles of childlife colostrum and multi-vit? I bought 2 bottles of each and still using my 1st bottle...

I find it a hassle to have to prepare them for my child cos i'm quite lazy hehe. So instead of having them everyday, my girl is only having them 1-2 times a week, at most 3 times... so I don't think I want to continue with another bottle after I finish my current ones. Already having a hard time trying hard to finish off the 1st bottles
Hi shelyn, I'm interested to take over your childlife colostrum. May I know how much are you selling, expiry date and the collection point? Pls kindly pm me.
Hi Esther,

I'm not sure about the expiry date. I'll chk when I get home. Collection can either be at Bt Panjang or through registered mail.

If buying both bottles I'm letting go at $55. If separately, colostrum will be selling at $35 and multi-vit at $25.
Hi mummies who are interested in childlife colostrum and multi-vit.
I have a bottle of colostrum (expire Mar 2011) and multi-vit (expire Nov 2011) to sell off. If buying both together, I'm selling at $55. If separately, colostrum is $35 and multi-vit is $25. Collection either at bt panjang or registered post.
hey mummies, wanna check if any of you letting your tots drink milk from a cup with straw? i am thinking of switching Byron to that but I dunno which cup to get... any recommendation. I saw from pigeon etc all so small, his feed is usually 240ml each time
leo's mum: i bought it last christmas.. my hubby likes it a lot.. previously we were using KS diaper bag.. this is better coz can fit more things.. more compartments and the wet tissue easy access is really useful
also, since it's a backpack, he can carry both the bag and the baby at the same time.. ;)
scubababe : Ju drinks water n fresh milk in cup n straw. I bought e sesame st cup with lid (cannot remember the brand though)and use disposable straw. For formula, he's still using bottle. He dun wanna drink from straw.
Hi babes, we are back!Here's wishing all mums &amp; little ones a Roaring tiger year ahead :D! How has everyone been?

Scubababe: Elliot uses STEADYCUP from Steadyco for while already. So far so good! Wide based and has a little handle which Elliot can hold as he likes to imitate us. It comes in 3 sizes in a pack which you can stack. You can try this

Hi all mums staying in CCK, Bt Panjang, Bt timah: which sch is ur little one in? Just back from China for CNY but heard that registration is to be done for next year's enrolment for nursery. Would like to find out more
before we leave after Chinese New Year.
Scubababe: you might wanna consider getting two seperate water bottles (Straw type). Initially, I bought two and xav drink from one each. Then gradually, transit him to normal drinking cups but I put in a straw for him.
<font color="0077aa">Scubababe, my boy drinks water from cup wif straw.. but fer milk still in bottle form.. he oso will drink from cup fer other liquids except milk

ladies, juz wondering have ur start planning fer ur prince and princess 2nd birthdae ?? </font>
my boy has been coughing due to phelgm for abt 3wks, medicine doesn't work at all.. any Mummy know of wat Chinese medicine tat can help to disolve the phelgm?
jojoz : My friend recommended Hou Ning from EYS. Ju doesn't like it and it's very expensive. U can try. My friend say 2-3 bottles will be enough. Or, u can try steaming yellow pear water for him.
strawberries: looks like no party for Xav this year.. His daddy on course and his birthday falls on a weekday. Will throw him a simple and private one at home =P

Jojoz: why not bring your boy to a tcm instead before buying the med for him ? As what Jules' mum recommend, Hou ning is highly recommended.. but not sure if it's up to individual. Cos it doesn't work on Xav the last time I gave him.
chewy - i'm sending leo to cherrybrook. i really like the place. went to see a few schools &amp; decided on it. but hubby not too happy about school fees, think it's $900 per month or was it per term
<font size="+2"><font color="ff0000">Happy Lunar New Year</font></font>

Geraldine and family wishes

All baby grow handsome and beautiful

Most important grow healthly and get more <font color="ff0000">ang bows</font>!!!!
<font color="0077aa">祝大家在新的一年里身体健康,事事顺心,合家幸福,步步高升,财源滚滚来。新年快乐!恭喜恭喜!! Wishing all Happy new year!!</font>
Happy Lunar Year! Wishing all a roaring good year

Leo's mum: thks for ur reply! Shall checkout cherrybrooks

Anyone checkout the sunset way's THE LITTLE HOUSE MONTESSORI? thanks
strawberries, four of us sleep in 1 room. hubby will sleep on the tilam wif bb n i will sleep on bed wif #1.

so fast must reg for nursery oredi?
Strawberries: My no. 1 is sleeping in her own little room, which is a room attached to our room. No. 2 is sleeping in his cot in our room.

As for 2nd birthday, I've reserved a cake from aimummy since last year LOL!!! Super ks ! Cos aimummy fully booked v fast lah. But it'll be a small celebration for Kayla at home this round.
it'll coincide with me going bk to work after my maternity leave.

Chewy: just book now first for nursery. I queued up 1 year for a slot for Kayla's preschool. I only plan to start her on half day preschool in 6 months' time.
