(2008/03) March 2008

i thot i reply but seems like it din go through....hmmm

anyway this sat is good for us
wow bbpink u really go out v. early leh....10am is fine since it is near our place...most of the time our family struggles to go out by 12pm haha

hope to see more mums and kiddos there

hehe, yupz, we always try to avoid the sun :p so try to set off early

last sat was at Bird Park ard 830am as well ..bad thing is the rain, good thing is the weather bec cool..but kiddos will get cranky by 12 plus lor

yeah, 2nd trimester is a good time to go out more often ;) hope to meet up with more babies too
wow not sure my kids r up at 8:30am...sometimes they wake up at 7 plus but they often wake up at 8 plus too

what time do you guys go to bed?? we get to bed at 9:30pm to read a story and then we watch a show until 10:30pm to 11pm...

the kids also eat breakfast rather slowly heee...about 30 to 45 minutes :p...and getting everything packed and everyone dressed... whew....i have to do just about everything so it seems to take a loooong time for us to get out :p hehe
Same here, my boy wakes around 9+am. Eats a heavy breakfast leisurely and usually we can only leave the house at 10am+.
BTW this week is not good for josiah, he is nursing a runny nose and cough. Will give this sat's outing a miss.
Have fun!
kiddos go to bed by 930am and will fall sleep b4 10pm..

hehe , usu morning they drank milk 1st at 7am daily..then they will eat their bread at Bird Park/Zoo at 9am

we usually leave the house at 8am and will reach by 830am

Cos they have to wake up at 7am mon to fri for us to leave home by 730am for childcare, so biological clock already tuned

Kyzac will insist for his dad to "Wake Up" at 7am even on weekend..

we tried to pack the nite b4 lor :p

and once they come back from Bird Park/ Zoo, usually at 1plus, they can sleep fr 3pm to 6 m 3 hrs
hope Josiah recover fast !

forgot i have an event on this sat , getting senile liao , so let's arrange on 12 June k ?

really paiseh..

hopefully u can join us then =)
btw, any one going to zoo on Vesak Day ?

last sat ran into Yutong & family at Bird park when we r leaving

such a nice coincidence =)
no problem...SSC (sembawang shopping center) like 5 minutes from my place so anytime sia
just remind me closer to the date cos i don't really plan ahead...

wah u all v. efficient can leave the house in 30 minutes...i think we just flop around watch TV while we get ready so one reason why we soo slow haha....i should try the pack the night before method esp to "hot" places so we don't leave too late
yeah, will remind u nearer the date after confirming ..

just realised hb is reaching singapore only on 13th June, so will probably go to SSC after he comes back
Hi mummies

Do let me know when's the next outing! Looking forward to seeing all the mummies and kids.

Here's James's favourite activity - cutting up veggies in the kitchen!

hi blueskies

originally wana have one on sun but kyzac down with bronchitics since monday..will let his illness clear 1st before he come into contact with other kids..both Ks havenot been attending schs since mon..sigh*

PS: it is like an xray every 3 months..really very sianz...so young
Hi babypink

James is very tanned because he's goes for his morning walk (or bicycle ride) every morning plus again in the evening. Weekends are also outdoors and I normally bring him to the park to run around or cycle. He's now cycling the real thing (bicycle with 2 large wheels and the 2 smaller wheels) and I can start running next to him!! Very good workout!!! Haha

No worries about the gathering. Hope all the kids get well soon.

Kids Photos

I like how you always manage to take photos of your kids smiling (plus Shirley too - her photos of the kids were cute!). I never manage to capture that "moment"! Don't know if it's just bad photo-taking skills or I can't seem to predict the moment that my fingers need to press the button!

Pasir Ris Park

Not sure how many of the mummies here have been to / brought your kids to the Pasir Ris Park playground (the one near Elias Road). It is fantastic for kids. So many different type of activities you can do there plus the area is HUGE. I've been bringing James there every Saturday afternoon the last couple of weeks and he absolutely loves the park.

There's this one slope which is really cool - found a pic of it on the internet.


It's basically an astroturf (fake grass) surface on a mini slope and you can run up the slope but you got to really balance yourself and then you can either slide down the slide or slide down the slope on your bottoms! Good workout
thanks for sharing...i've been meaning to take the kids there for sometime...we love going to parks! recently did bukit timah and macritchie reservoir etc...until hubby complained how come we always do parks...he gets so sweaty! haha...he wants to go to malls which i find a drag sometimes cos the kids have to behave themselves a lot more

those caps r cute! hope both Ks get better soon...is it safe to go to so many x-rays? i always thot that kind of thing should be avoided but i guess with bronchitis must x-ray isit?? blur mum here lah :p
my son has bronchitis but he hasn't gone for any xray. X ray is supposedly nt too gd for kids. Have u tried TCM? i hv been bringing both my kids for TCm at Jurong east. Very gd. Since then Andrae seldom fall sick anymore. U might like to try :)

Jus drop by to say hello to everyone!
dun noe y KKH always wan X ray leh ?
actually i very heartpain lor, this was done at polyclinic..i am pregnant and din go in with him..told hb not to waste his leave..din expect an xray..
end up seeing my son stand alone in that room thru a glass window..with his chest exposed really pain my heart a lot

then how the pd noe he has bronchitis without xray ? =)
can u PM me
or send me TCM details via facebook ?

very uncomfortable also, i keep asking dr whether there is a need cos it is happening every 3 months
she said need lor..haiz

just ask them to smile for mama

James is getting atheletic ! mine like their mama dun exercise..jialat
but we go zoo..like tat also exercise i hope..cos need to walk a lot :p

PS : the slope is v interesting..wish they hav something like this in Bt Batok Nature Park lor
nowadays when i ask tommy to smile for the camera, he can smile and pose with his hand at his waist...so cute! think he must have picked up from school lah cos i never taught him how to pose heee
Hi mummies

sorry to interrupt.

I have 6 bottles of DOM (1litre) & 1 bottle of Yomeishu (700ml) to sell. All brand new! Selling cheaper than retail and provide foc delivery. Pm me if keen. Thanks!! :)

Ok great! 10am @Sembawang Shopping Centre

I've never been there in the mornings - do you know if Aston's will be open by then?

I will try to let James sleep later on Fri nite so that he doesn't wake up so early on Sat morning otherwise he'll surely knock-out by 10.30am and then he'll get all cranky.

See you at the play area upstairs SSC this Sat!

AdelineL - see you there too!

Any other mummies coming??
Anyone been to A'famosa @ Malacca? I've booked a villa but have read many horrid reviews. Now thinking if we shld still go ahead as planned.
think astons open at 11am but i might be wrong...wow james goes for nap time so early....does he still do two naps??

see you and bbpink at SSC this saturday
hi mummies.. want to check if anyone has wean their 2 yr old from formula milk to fresh milk ?
Which brand is better ?
I gv marigold fresh milk. The one which mac using except it's not high lo. In market there r two kind of fresh milk. One is 100% fresh milk. Another is milk solids. Fresh milk is more original.
James does one nap a day, usually 1.5-2hrs. On weekdays, he's an early bird, usually up by 6.30am - 7am and then he's out of the house going cycling once it's sunrise. I suppose it's also good coz hubby and I leave the house by 7.30am so at least we get to say goodbye to him before we leave for work. See you on Sat!
AdelineL & blue_skies

aileen may be joining us with melody =)

so we play for an hr plus, then go astons for lunch together ?

looking forward to this..both places (the playarea) and ashton i never try b4 :p

cya at 10am..

btw, if i reach earlier like 9 plus, the play area not open ?


the opening hrs

604 Sembawang Road #03-14
Sembawang Shopping Centre
Tel : 6753 6302
1130-2200hrs (Opens Daily)
Yep bbpink, my edd is 26 Jul and I will be on ML starting mid-jul. last time, I was induced a week earlier so I reckon this time around should be abt the same. Am looking forward to the ML!
hehe, brunch at 1130am is a good idea =)

time flies lor ! u r approaching ur 36th weeks so soon

i am eagerly looking forward to mine too, excited to have another newborn again !

PS: can u join us on sat ?
Juz received a call fr cc that my gal is having fever. Muz be the durian her father fed her last nite. Will join u gals this sat if she get well by then. cheers!
we have yet to bring kiddos out fr Singapore :p where to go in Malacca for kids ?

Brought Kyzac for his 1st movie today..if not for the lollipop & popcorn..he will never have sit still..
On the way there, he chanted in car : "I want to watch Movie"
After he finished his lollipop 30 minutes into the show, he chanted " I want to go home"


Apologies for posting in your thread.. but am..

1. Urgently in search of many tins of Enfapro A+..

If you've any to sell, pls pm me.. Budget's ard $10+- for the 400g tins..

2. Haenim Play Yard 6 panels (usu'd have 2 activity panels, 1 door, 3 plains with connectors) and ok with 4 panels too..

Budget's ard $100+- for the 6 panels

3. Steriliser
Looking for Pigeon Rapid Steam Steriliser

Budget's ard $20 to $30.. hopefully no rust..

4. Safety Gate needed to fit doorway of at least 118 cm..

Budget's $30++

5. Twin Stroller, just need one tt works, so on v tight budget constraint..

Pls pm me if you've any of the above tt ya letting go..

Thanks v much in advance! =)
