(2008/03) March 2008

actually i agree that not flipping early is good... for us! haha. but its a thrill to see our bb reach another milestone.

simp, how heavy is your shervonn (hope i spell it right) now? alex is 7kg+.

Hee Clover,
Shevon i think maybe like Alex 7kg +. She weighed 7.1kg when she was 3m. Now coming 4m, maybe abt 8kg hmm.
i changed my stroller from a big one to this one.

the red one is heavy but very spacious.
the purple one is very light but kinda squeezy.. afraid that my chubby gal will outgrow it very fast.
melody weighs 6.9kg at 4mths n 3 weeks.
the last time i saw shevon, she seems smaller built than melody?
she grew alot since the gathering at cyberbabe's place ar?
Hi mummies, sorry to intrude. I have ordered an extra batch of <font color="0000ff">Desitin creamy</font>.

Still have 25 units left and 1 unit for <font color="aa00aa">Desitin original</font>.

Each tube is USD 5.79* 1.45 = $8.40 plus shipping $1.80 divided among 46 units, <font color="ff0000">$10.20</font>.

Interested mummies pls PM me. Meet up at Tanah Merah Stn or by postage.

Post on behalf of abc

Mummies who order jumperoo/exersaucer

pls proceed the full payment $92 for jumperoo and $70.50 to abc standard chartered a/c 2229940516 Woodlands branch by tonight, no payment no order. order will place by tomorrow. thank's

Mummies who order oatmaeal convinience pack and happybellies oatmeal flavour
Order has been place thus theree will be no refund.

Mummies who want to cancel order of happybellies brown rice from local supplier, abc will do calculation tomorrow and will refund or need to pay extra.
Post on behalf of abc

Mummies who order jumperoo/exersaucer

pls proceed the full payment $92 for jumperoo or exersaucer $70.50 to abc standard chartered a/c 2229940516 Woodlands branch by tonight, no payment no order. order will place by tomorrow. thank's

Mummies who order oatmaeal convinience pack and happybellies oatmeal flavour
Order has been place thus theree will be no refund.

Mummies who want to cancel order of happybellies brown rice from local supplier, abc will do calculation tomorrow and will refund or need to pay extra.
Think my ger likes to eat like me kekeke. Now i thnk definitely heavier than Melody. Scared she obese kekeke but ok, then mil cannt say i never feed her enough
aly, ur combi shd be able to hold ur gal for quite sometime lah, don't worry. oh, i notice that most of our babies have the same hair style!!! LOL!! I plan NOT to shave my babe liao. LOL!!! Bu She De!

She drools so much nowadays, so, I bought lots of bibs for her!! ! Very happy with this bib, very big, and one bid for each day, so she can drool as much as she likes I wont bother!! haha

Dear all,

realise singapore sell happybellies cereal (Thanks to my dear fren.) Got a gd deal from them. Retail price is $13.95. Discounted price if meet 20 cans is $12.55 (or less). But i would like to see if we can hit the number first. FYI only brown rice flavour. Pls add in if you are interested. I may end up canceling the earlier spree if they hv other flavours and can gv me a gd price. I will refund accordingly later but let me do a test to see how many cereal we can get now.

the stock will come next mon or tue. Pls proceed the payment asap to standard chartered a/c 2229940516 Woodlands branch.

(pls add on.)
1. abcdisney
2. abcdisney
3. Kate
4. Kate
5. kais
6. kais
7. kais
8. Adeline
9. Adeline
10. Bubble
11. Bubble
12 YT
13 YT
16. crystal
17. crystal
18. summerdaze
19. summerdaze
20. aly
21. ivy
22. ivy
23. Redtea
24. Redtea
25. cc
26. cc
Discovery ball is shipped out from the merchant i.e. babycentre. We shld be expecting it in 1-2 wks time
<font color="119911">Shipped via Fedex - 420964626978313</font>
Sorry, think I'll drop my order.. So sorry about it.. Went to see with my hubby.. Though the size is quite ok, but hubby is against the idea of getting the jumperoo.. He's afraid that it might hurt bbz leg when bbz jump using too much strength.. =(
your child good hor.. one day one bid.. mine drool n regurgitate alot.. one hour change one, I will very happy. One day sometime he can change total of more than 20pcs of clothes, handkerchief plus bid. Headache ah... Gotta buy more handkerchiefs. Thats y when go out must carry big and small bags lor... Sianz... sometime dun even feel like going out when I tot of so many things to carry.
<font color="aa00aa">Leapfrog Discovery Ball@$23.50 (Singapore retail price is $60)

<font color="119911">Item confirm price at $23.50. Do not need to topup. Pay me the balance during collection! </font>


1. summerdaze
2. bebe11 (collect at redhill)
3. ivy (collect at SK)
4 twinklestars (collect at sk)
5. (Paid via ATM)happygal29 (collect at redhill)
6. Shirleykek (collect at SK)
7. happyface (redhill)
8. happyface 2nd one (redhill)
9. Chee Kiong ( Bishan if possible)
10. dalandcrystal ( collect at SK )
11. exchinoke (collect at redhill)
12. Chewwy
13. KateChow

- Please transfer $20 to confirm your order. DBS Saving plus 001-1-053838
- Note that if you dun want the item later, pls help to look for buyer.
Collection will be at Redhill. I will try to make 1 trip to AMK , SK , Tampines. If you cannot make it for the collection, you will need to ask 1 kind mummy to help you collection first. :)

<u>Pending payment of $20</u>
14. Linda chan
15. Kai

I ordered extra.. anyone still want ? at $23.50 each
simp, then u tell yr mil tt shevon is of a good wt. my alex is lighter than her and he's a boy! on the other hand, i wont let my mil know abt shevon... hehehe.
Thanks kate.

I had placed order for the following from amazom.com

.6 pack convenient pack oatmeal. 3oz per box. Great for traveling.

Per box is USD$2.43 = SGD$3.50( Excl. shipping frm us to sg)
1. abcdisney (paid)
2. abcdisney (paid)
4. isabella (paid)
5.isabella (paid)
6. clover (paid)
7. clover (paid)
8. simp (paid)
9. Ivy (paid)
11. crystal
12. YT (paid)
13. adeline (paid)
14. shirley zac zac (paid)

HAPPYBELLIES oatmeal Cereal, Organic, Contains DHA and Probiotics, 7-Ounce Canisters

Per can is USD$4.19 = SGD$6( Excl. shipping frm us to sg)
1. abcdisney
2. kathy (paid)
3.ivy (paid)
4. crystal
5. summerdaze (paid)
6. adeline (paid)
Dear all,

Below are the payment for the cereals. Those with "-" means u hv to top up yr balances. Those with no "-" means i hv to refund you.

For those i have to refund, pls email yr account number to [email protected]. Thanks

For those who need to make payment or top up, pls do so by <font color="ff0000">tmr, sat</font>, so that the brown rice cereal will not be delayed as a few mummies have expressed to me that they would wan the cereal urgently. I am hoping to ask for delivery on <font color="ff0000">MONDAY</font>.

Payment made to <font color="ff0000">standard chartered bank 2229940516 (woodlands)</font>
Collection would be at bishan or admiralty. Thanks

<table border=1><tr><td></TD><TD>Total paid</TD><TD>convenient oatmeal(amazon)</TD><TD>Happybellies oatmeal(amazon)</TD><TD>Happybellies brown rice (local)</TD><TD>Totaal balance </TD></TR><TR><TD>isabella</TD><TD>7</TD><TD>7</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>0 </TD></TR><TR><TD>clover</TD><TD>10.85</TD><TD>7</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>3.85 </TD></TR><TR><TD>simp</TD><TD>13.35</TD><TD>3.5</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>9.85 </TD></TR><TR><TD>ivy</TD><TD>33.35</TD><TD>3.5</TD><TD>6</TD><TD>25.1</TD><TD>-1.25 </TD></TR><TR><TD>crystal</TD><TD>25.35</TD><TD>3.5</TD><TD>6</TD><TD>25.1</TD><TD>-9.25 </TD></TR><TR><TD>yutong</TD><TD>9.5</TD><TD>3.5</TD><TD></TD><TD>25.1</TD><TD>-19.1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>adeline</TD><TD>25.35</TD><TD>3.5</TD><TD>6</TD><TD>25.1</TD><TD>-9.25 </TD></TR><TR><TD>shirley</TD><TD>7.35</TD><TD>3.5</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>3.85 </TD></TR><TR><TD>goodbb</TD><TD>13.5</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>13.5 </TD></TR><TR><TD>jgal</TD><TD>7.7</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>7.7 </TD></TR><TR><TD>summerdaze</TD><TD>15.85</TD><TD></TD><TD>6</TD><TD>25.1</TD><TD>-15.25 </TD></TR><TR><TD>serene</TD><TD>3.85</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>3.85 </TD></TR><TR><TD>kathy</TD><TD>18</TD><TD></TD><TD>6</TD><TD>25.1</TD><TD>-13.1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>kais</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>37.65</TD><TD>-37.65 </TD></TR><TR><TD>bubble</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>25.1</TD><TD>-25.1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>aly</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>12.55</TD><TD>-12.55 </TD></TR><TR><TD>redtea</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>25.1</TD><TD>-25.1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>cc</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>12.55</TD><TD>-12.55 </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
kate is helping me to post. i will be doing the spree. But hor... shipping varies but according to jgal it is abt $80.

closing date: this friday

Pls make payment to standard chartered bank 2229940516 (woodlands)

Rainforest Jumperoo


SGD$92 (estimate price: $180)

Limited to 4 orders to avoid GST.
1. Kais
2. Kate
3. uberrimae

Evenflo exersaucer


SGD$70.50 (estimated price after shipping $152)

Limited to 5 orders to avoid GST.
nice photos! really pretty and gao xiao. thx for sharing

hope u find kelicia's bc soon...

mummies, enjoy urself today. nd to wrk, so nt able to join though very much want to
Good Morning! Mummies,

I have 12 sample sachets of Nestle Rice Cereal (Stage 1) to giveaways. Limited to 6 mummies @ 2 pkt of 20g each. Collection at my convenience only on 01 Aug (Fri) either at Tanjong Pagar Mrt’s control station 6.30pm or Woodlands Mrt’s control station at 7.30pm.

The expiry date for the samples is 28 Aug 2008. Interested parties pls leave down ur nick. First come first served… Thanks! =)

kais, very adorable princesses you have...i also tot like posting from magazine style

Venus, your boy very charming looking...

Flipping...most babies like know how to flip already but mine today at 4mths still din move much leh...lazy to move hahah ... oni kick alot and want to talk alot esp when the teat is in his mouth..this weekend will try him on the bed..hee...
<font color="aa00aa">Leapfrog Discovery Ball @ <strike>$23.50</strike> shld be $29.30 (Singapore retail price is $60)
Item confirm price at $29.30. Do not need to topup. Pay me the balance during collection!

Sorry.. i divided by the wrong no. of balls for the shipment.
<font color="119911">
Here's the calculation.
Weight for 55 balls is 131.97 kg i.e. SGD687.46.
Purchase cost for 55 balls = USD11.99*55 = USD659.45 (@1.4)= SGD923.23
Total : $1610.69 for 55 balls
Each ball is ~$29.30


hehe, loves the way u introduce Damien ! very apt for all our babies

melody looks so happy to get her cert
hehe, esp like wat u say, sleep throughtout can get cert
btw, it really look like melody will outgrow her current stroller soon :p

hehe..at a dilemma to have or not to have..see how is the situation like in 2010 bah :p

hehe, same sentiments abt twins and triplets..if i can be so lucky in 2010 and pregnancy, delivery is smooth and well, i will be very happy

hb said if k is not going overseas (so no need passport) , we have 5 more years to search for it :p he seems so sure tat we can find in 5 years time, but i dun share his optimism
<font color="aa00aa">Leapfrog Discovery Ball @ <strike>$23.50</strike> shld be $29.30 (Singapore retail price is $60)
Item confirm price at $29.30. Do not need to topup. Pay me the balance during collection! </font>

<u>Collection meetup at Bishan on 2 Aug 12noon (Sat)</u>

<u>Collection meetup at Sengkang on 2 Aug 2pm (Sat)</u>

<u>Collection meetup at Redhill on 2 Aug 4pm (Sat)</u>
Jgal : U have extra leapfrog discovery ball? Can i have it? But mine is UOB savings a/c, so if i want to trf , i mayb need your branch code?? When will be the collection?
Leapfrog Discovery Ball @ $23.50 shld be $29.30 (Singapore retail price is $60)
Item confirm price at $29.30. Do not need to topup. Pay me the balance during collection!

Collection meetup at Bishan on 2 Aug 12noon (Sat)
1. Kate

Collection meetup at Sengkang on 2 Aug 2pm (Sat)

Collection meetup at Redhill on 2 Aug 4pm (Sat)
Good Morning! Mummies,

I have 12 sample sachets of Nestle Rice Cereal (Stage 1) to giveaways. Limited to 6 mummies @ 2 pkt of 20g each. Collection at my convenience only on 01 Aug (Fri) either at Tanjong Pagar Mrt’s control station 6.30pm or Woodlands Mrt’s control station at 7.30pm.

The expiry date for the samples is 28 Aug 2008. Interested parties pls leave down ur nick. First come first served… Thanks! =)

1. Bubble

Collection at Tanjong Pagar MRT
FL, can i have pls??

I have 12 sample sachets of Nestle Rice Cereal (Stage 1) to giveaways. Limited to 6 mummies @ 2 pkt of 20g each. Collection at my convenience only on 01 Aug (Fri) either at Tanjong Pagar Mrt’s control station 6.30pm or Woodlands Mrt’s control station at 7.30pm.

The expiry date for the samples is 28 Aug 2008. Interested parties pls leave down ur nick. First come first served… Thanks! =)

1. Bubble
2. eniale

Collection at woodland MRT
HappyMummy : difficult..I stay quite far frm Bishan. Can you collect in town?
uberrimae : yes. If the brightling station arrive the same time. I will give priority to you to collect together with the discovery ball.
Hi Crystal/ABC

I dun mind to take over the 6 pack convenient pack oatmeal. 3oz per box &amp; HAPPYBELLIES oatmeal Cereal which ABC had placed order on your behalf if you decided to cancel. Do let me noe so I can tsf to ABC a/c tis afternoon. Thks
Eniale, sure, of cos u can!
Thanks bubble &amp; eniale for the quick response!

I have 12 sample sachets of Nestle Rice Cereal (Stage 1) to giveaways. Limited to 6 mummies @ 2 pkt of 20g each. Collection at my convenience only on 01 Aug (Fri) either at Tanjong Pagar Mrt’s control station 6.30pm or Woodlands Mrt’s control station at 7.30pm.

The expiry date for the samples is 28 Aug 2008. Interested parties pls leave down ur nick. First come first served… Thanks! =)

1. Bubble (Tanjong Pagar MRT)
2. eniale (Woodlands MRT)
happyface : redhill is flexi. when i get the discovery deliver to my house. I will let you gals know.. you can collect almost anytime, cos' my maid will be at home.
