(2008/03) March 2008

Hi all,
Babies are real cute. After the 6 mths mark, they keep doing surprising things...

Phoebe now says "Pa pa pa" for father and "Mum Mum" for food. My hubby caught her saying "ma ma" a few times when I'm not around, and "Mmilk" on the 2 times she's super hungry. Lol.

Aly, maybe she wanna say wo ai pa pa but it came out wrongly? LOL.
Phoebe only "Zha Yen" at her Pa pa. I think she will also says Wo ai pa pa if she can. Unfair!

AdelineL, maybe some kids have a "disdain" for strangers. Mine ok w looking at strangers, but is picky on who can carry. My mum says she's "Hao Lian". :x
adelineL: oh, then i cham liao... ryan can be carried by almost anyone.. he'll actually fling himself to any stranger who do the wanna carry motion.
i practically had to grab him super tight to prevent him frm crossing over.

once, i went to ghim moh food centre wif baby n hb.
hb went to shop to buy something, then 1 super old lady came by n say ryan very cute, lend her carry.. ryan juz fling himself out of my hands. then i pulled him back by grabbing his legs. ryan yell n yell wanting the granny to carry.
end up we both argue on the streets until the granny's family took her away...

aly: not bad.. melody telling u tat's her daddy and no one else can snatch. keke
haha ryan so cute...must make the ol' granny v. happy

actually bb tommy likes to "flirt" with strangers...he'll look at them, gives big smiles, turns his face when ppl smile back and then look back again :p...v. coy one hahaha...he likes to play like dat but as soon as stranger carries him, then he sticks his bottom lip out and his big eyes tear up and will start to cry hahaha...his crying v. cute to us too
wow, a lot of posts to catch up

Congratulations, Jenifur !

hehe, so nice to have a little virgo in sep

personally have a weakness for sep babies & virgos.. :p
isabella & lingyee
now u gals got me curious..cos like Code language..wat is CAT and Kaylan ? located at where..wat kind of school

u sure got a lot of lobang for clothes ! =) i like to read

read abt this in the newspapers , sound very enticing..will probably catch it soon..if it is still showing..hope i dun get addicted..heard it is addictive

Lele is really very adorable =) hehe, i really would love to kiss her cheeks tmr if u dun mind , look so rosy

hehe..u r so frank and so humourous!i like this statement abt having 1 kid

Yasmin B
wow, free slimming ;)

i want bao bao is a sentence !
congrats ! alex is really advanced

super big eyes tommy has

ur hb very farni
and wow, melody also can form a sentence

Pheobe is amazing
milk is not easy to pronounce

after reading all the posts, i must say our babies here r really impressive ") and super cute
<font color="0000ff">I would also love to invite u all to my hse on a Saturday , 14 March 2008 at Bukit Batok for a buffet lunch at 1pm
My hse is near Yusof Ishak Secondary School and is 3 bus stops away via 106 fr Bukit Batok MRT/Interchange</font>

Pls PM me if you can make it on that date =)would love ur company, kyzac would love to celebrate his 1st birthday with his babies' pals
CAT is a accounting course - Certified Accounts Technician. Kaplan is a business school located at starhub centre, Somerset..

I'm nw reading book II - New Moon...
I bet u will get hooked once u start on the book..=)
hi mummies,

adelinel, tommy is so cute, he has very big eyes!! who does he take after? do you cut his hair? i am now cutting Nate's hair, i do it when he sleeps.

jerejoy, is there a mygym is in the east? is it specially for older babies?

shaz17, can i have the contact of your PT cleaner? i hope that she does come over to the east side. thanks!

for those who shops: there is a takashimaya sale 10% for members, even the CNY fair at the B2 are entitled 10%. i went there with my baby and he loves the colours and CNY music, lotsa food to sample. someone tried to give my baby a pineapple tart when i wasn't looking.
and also, the Watsons near Taka has a 10% discount for taka card members. G2000 has an additional 15% for Amex card holders. i will be so broke before CNY even begins!
wanna ask. these few days, my DS will scream when drink his milk half way thru(his last feed at nite) dunno wat happen. duno how to decode wats wrong with him. m getting very sad and helpless. i jus stop giving him the bottle and let him rest for a while and try to clam him dn. but when i wan to continue feeding. he will scream with his eyes close agn..

oh dear! did you taste his milk? is it just the milk or the solids as well? it happened once to my baby and i realised that the milk was bad so now i taste his milk before feeding him. maybe you should bring him to see his PD!
I guess they need to feel secured when with the parents, then they will be able to feel secured when the parents are not around. My gals now want other pple to carry, even in my presence! hahaha... This morning, they knew my sis is going out, and they stick to her like super glue! hahaha...

Tommy has very big eyes! His smiles also very "mi ren".
the milk shld be ok. altho i din taste it. he's perfectly ok when nanny feed him lei, cos din hear nanny said anything. sigh~

bb pink,
the size of teats he has been drinking with for awile liao lei. so shldn't be teat lei.
tks mummies for the compliments on baby boy

shaved his hair twice so far but the last time was quite a few months ago...the new hair is still not so nice, still patchy so wondering should I shave it again but i know he will scream at the top of his lungs and wriggle like crazy at the barbers so i'm not looking forward to dat :p

wow i don't dare to cut his hair myself...afraid i'm going to poke him by mistake...anyway i give horrible haircuts as my hubby can attest haha

i think bb tommy looks more like me bah...my hubby is ang moh but boy boy looks chinese right?

hmmm, maybe you can check with the nanny if there's any problem with feeding bb? sometimes the nanny doesn't say anything but if you ask her, you might find out something or ask her for any tips about how bb likes to be fed...sometimes a different holding position might help or can get your hubby to feed and see what happens...anyway don't get too upset by it, many times these things blow over in a while...
thanks...hehe...cos going there with my sis to get her latex mattress for her to be daughter....is kidzloft latex mattress good? I mean compare to bbsafe brand, izzit comparable?
Hi Ladies,

any of your babies like to gag themselves by putting their fingers way inside their mouth? my boy does it sometimes and I'm wondering if it's common.
do you mean he put his hand into his mouth and kind of "chew" on afew fingers? yes he does that, sometimes he looks like he's digging his gums...
Wow~ The thread is so quiet today.. Guess all mummies are out shopping for CNY. :D

Haiz~ I'm so headache.. Due to the downturn on the economy, my mil suggest that we make do without a maid cos we're not the kind that earn alot.. So to her, we must save in whatever way we can. So after CNY, I will have to trf my maid to a friend who wants to take her in. And I can foresee that life will be more or less like 'hell' after that.. Bad timing to do away with the maid as I'm still studying night class and will only end earliest by next June..

Sad~ =(
good morning mommies!!!

time flies fast. didn't realise that Tricia is going to be 1 next month! but she's still toothless! aiyoh everyday i must ask her, Tricia, where's your tooth?? and she gives me the toothless grin. *sigh*
Good Morning all,

I recall reading that Isabella and Poshies are Kaplan students? Just wanna check do they still have discount for current students to bring in new sign ups?

Isabella: No maid then very troublesome to think abt food and hsework leh. Even if you wanna get PT cleaner also le che. Cos you have to stay home to wait for them and some don't cook.

But if decided, then no point to worry. Hope the few mths past quickly and everything will be ok. :D
As for the Kaplan thingy, not too sure.. Gotts check it out..

Without helper..
My MIL say she can help me look after my youngest since my 2 eldest are in CC. But then I will have to go home straight to look after the kids after my work. No more free time, so as to say. I'm also worried that her help will deteriot cos she is a cancer survivor. The cancer might relapse within 10, and the time is drawing near... So I'm not really into it.. But my MIL wants, so I have to go along with her..

Like what Kell said, since decided, den go ahead and dun think so much.. Hope baby will not be so naughty all the time that will drive my MIL up the wall~
if u are concern about ur MIL's health then i would advise that u insist on getting a maid.
I can do without maid but because i feel that my MIL is getting old and tired then no energy maintain house so i getting maid lor.. But.. ur youngest will grow up very fast also..
and i agree with the no more 'me' time lor.. cause i am facing that also hahaha.. i am starting lessons in june so before june i have to get a maid.
aiyoh than my Tricia is last to teeth lor hahaha...

sometimes little children can light up her life and make her feel so full of live that could be her permanent cure for cancer. just a thought.

my mom now hints that i should get a maid soon. die lah. where got money! she refuse to let me quit my job though!

wahahaha now comes the maid problem!!! yay yay!! me too!! I am going taiwan in April.. after come back then need to hire liao and i have even more free me time!!! :p
Selfish hor..! hehehe but hor.. sometimes need free time to relac ahhhh..
