(2008/03) March 2008

<font color="aa00aa">pet,
46pcs for s size. tomolo go buy lah. worth it lah. since got offer...

Hi mummies give birth via C-section,

What did you eat for the 1st few weeks? What food should I avoid?

When then can start eating those "bu" stuff?

Thanks alot! =)
Mel (bigi) and Mummy (babe_dude),

Need to ask abt bf.
My gal is 3 wks old. I am a SAHM. I am bf my gal, but she is very sleepy everytime I feed her. She doesn't seems to get enough milk, so initially after I latch her, I will bottle-feed her additional 20ml EBM. Now I tried to latch her for 10mins each side, and I increase the EBM amount to abt 80-90ml. I too wanted to latch her totally, but if I do so, she will not 'survive' 3 hours for next feed. Now after latching her 10mins on each side (if she wants both side), I can pump abt 100ml total. Am I right to say that my milk is not enough for bb to latch totally? Or is it bb sucking not powerful enough to extract the milk?

What shall or can I do? It's very tiring to latch her and then bottle-feed EBM and then pump at each session (now I pump only at alternative feeding session) and then wash and sterilise.

Would like to hear your advices. Thanks.
musizgal, i didnt eat sheng1 yu3 and chicken. my mom said sheng yu will heal the wound fast but will develop keloids and chicken brings on phlegm.

mainly i am eating threadfin, garoupa (i think), pork, pigs innards and vege. not sure abt the bu stuff though. i am just into 10 days of my confinement.

i see.. cos my mom is doing confinement for me... she also say will cook mainly fish and pork and veg for me for the 1st few weeks... but she dunno how long.. basically the food for after c-section is like when i'm having chickenpox... those 'non-poisonous' food...

how's your wound into 10th day? Do u use any bf pillow?

sheng yu really will have keloids ah? no wonder my dad had an operation last time.. my mom made sheng yu soup for him... his foot looks exactly the same as this
muzicgal, think my mom said 2 weeks or so.

my wound is healing fine but still hurts if i cough or get up from bed. i dun use any bf pillow. c sect mothers have to use football hold position to breastfeed initially. so dun need the bf pillow.

that's some nasty looking keloid!

i'm so worried about coping the pain and still bf-ing... my csection on 15 april..

ok, will save $ buying the bf pillow... hehehe... phew...

u bathe?

At least u hv lost all yr pregnancy weight. I'm sure u will be able to wear yr skirts soon.

Thanks for the tips. Noted with thanks! (",) Feel so comfortable sleeping without wearing the nursing bra yesterday night. Hee!
Jerejoy.. to me, i think weight is secondary..it is the overall good that you look that matters.. :p FOr me.. i think even if i lose all my pregnancy weight..i might still have loose fats all over.. not as the past..it is quite a disgusting sight.. esp those butterfly arms!!

Haizz.. anyway, breastfeeding mum should not attempt to lose weight fast.. weight loss should be done naturally..of coz some minimal exercise shld be ok.. soo be patient!! :)

My dear ABC... u are like a Doraemon!! U seem to have any and everything to offer.. wahahhaha..

Oppss.. i also have milk bag to sell...hahaha.. Crystal, those bags i bought from u.. never use a single one.. sooo, anyone interested to buy??
My dear muzigal, that is a very disgusting pic u post.. hahaha.. luckily not eating while viewing the webpage..otherwise..sure puke instantly!

Since u opting for C-section, u must learn the football style..like wat clover said.. but if i am not wrong, football style can cause bb to choke more easily hor.. i.e. coughing...then u have to hold bb up, then ur milk drip all over.. then will be messy.. SOOOooo start practicing now with a DUMMY!! good luck for your operation k.. everything will be steady de!
i try out bottle feedin shawn with ebm last nite.. Wana c if he can accept frozen ebm.. Luckly he can.. But i was shock with his intake.. Or was tat normal for a 3wk4d old nb? He took 110ml ebm n after 30min.. He start search for my nipples le.. Isnt tat too fast? Tot 110ml sld last him for a while..

But after he fall aslp.. He didn wake up for milk til now..
my kathlyn.. she can drink only 50ml if i feed ebm leh.. and she is 1 mth already!! probably she girl + small drinker? hmmm...
REgarding latching..
how i wish i can do exclusive latching but seems impossible after i start work.

my mom is pretty convince with what u both told her yday.. so yday i latch at night she never bug me anymore!! hahaa..

i agree with babe dude u alot things to sell leh!!.. Lol!.. btw.. i TT u the FTG $$ later..
adeline, my boy is drinking 85ml of ebm at 10days old! think boy really do drink more.

muzigal, yeah i bath everyday now with herbal water. cant do without bathing coz i sweat a lot now and the weather is so hot.
Babies and EBM

I was told that babies don't know how to regulate their quantity. As long as there is milk they will drink... Someone in forum.kellymom.net told me. Not sure how true that is lei.

My Emilia drinks 150ml, Genevieve 140ml &amp; Matilda 120ml. But if they latch on before and still not enough which is always, i cut down by 10-20ml. My girls definitely are suffering from nipple confusion. They hardly suck at the breasts...
too used to bottle.. sigh. I just keep latching on and supplementing. Hoping for the day they will have enough at the breasts.

what is the herbal water? where to buy? how to bathe with herbal water? when bathing wont wet the operation dressing?


where got dummy for me to try now? Use my mickey mouse stuff toy? hehheehee...or u want to lend me your alandria? kekkee.. I wanna pinch alandria's cheek.... she's so cute!!!
Hi all,
These 2 days, my baby after feeding will fall sleep then wake up in 1 hr time, cry non-stop.... sarong, pacifier and carry sometime will quiet, sometimes not. usually when wake up lotsa pee, like change diaper 3 times in 15 min, also always got a little bit poo poo. is it wind or what???? going crazy with her crying already.
sigh.... my girl always bully me.... when grandma carry, maid carry or my aunt carry, she will quiet down. but when i carry her, she fuss alot. i try all the different method of carry (grandma style, aunt style etc). also whether rock, pat or walk around all no use. why arh???? initially i though she can sense my anxiety, so now i make sure i feel cool then carry, also no use.....

It's maybe colic, do u give her colic drop? i gave dentinox colic drop, vr good leh for infant. can get it at pharmacy.
Kate, when she cry, she always kick and punch around and arch her back (like stretching), i thought colic babies always curl up their legs to the stomach??? anyway, any side effects for taking dentinox? if not, think i'll just give it a try lah, at wits end already.
i'm from the apr thread but delivered in mar. can I check with u how you are keeping the umbilical cord? my bb's just dropped today.

did u all receive your bb bonus letter arady? me registered in TMC on 26th Mar, till now no respond.......TMC ask me wait for letter for approval leh.....

no side effect..abc told me, she gives her bb every time after feed to prevent. i only give when he keep crying n vomit out my milk like a merlion..


just put it in an ang pow envelope and keep it.
My CL mentioned about 'processing' the cord cos the blood is very 'bu'. I don't know what she's talking about but it sounds a bit disgusting already.

Btw, what is goat's rue for? Thinking of taking fenugeek to help boost ss.

i have a bottle of GNC fenugreek 100 caps..if u want i can sell to u. only taken 3 tabs..my milk over supply so i stop taking it. exp 09/11 PM me if u interested
muzigal, u can buy the herb from tcm shop. they will teach u how to boil the herb. how to bath ah... normal lah. hahaha. u can stand by additional dressing (get from pharmacy) coz my dressing fell off the first time i bathe. just ask yr gynae how to take care of the wound.
cos my dear hb is a garung guni man. When his fren say got this got tat he will jus take from them. Oso on my part when i got nothing to do will jus surf surf surf..

He may be having growth or colic. I give this brand call "dentinox". Will gv after bath and if he is still cranky will gv again...

i feed him twice before... both he drink only 60ml. Btw if u cannot finish the EBM, pls do not throw again. Cool it to rrom temp then place it back into the fridge.. next feed, he can still continue the ebm leftover. But do not mix the left over ebm with fresh ones.
thanks, abc &amp; kate. Asking a friend to buy later then pass to me. Can it be brought over the counter or must be prescribed?

Goat's rue is also taken to boost milk supply. Have a friend who swears by it. i am going to get a bottle and try. Get the tinture and not the capsule.

My daughters are also given gripe water after their morning bath. It is also known as Fei Zai Sui due to the fat baby on the bottle
MIL tells me its to prevent wind in the stomach.
Need some advice on EBM

Wat r the ways to store EBM? &amp; how long can we keep it? Can we mix the EBM which are express out in different timing together &amp; put in freezer?

ABC's mummy - will tsf $ to you once i got chance to go out as now i m in my confinement and Baby is not well =(
kais, yesterday after i give my girl diluted gripe water and she fart and shit almost immed, is it qiao or what? but then she continue to cry in the evening. so not sure if it really works.

for a week already, we have come to expect abt 2 hrs of fussing and crying between 7 to 11 pm (usually intermittent but requires lotsa effort tpo quiet her, sometimes immed after feeding or 1 hr after milk induced sleep). initially we dismiss it as normal crankiness cos she sleeps very well the whole day. but in the past 2 days, i noticed an increase in frequency to the afternoons as well. advice anyone?
<font size="+2"><font color="0000ff">Can those who order the FTG, pls TT to me asap? Thanks

Payment of $25.50 per FTG:

1. Linda - self (paid)
2. Petrina
3. Adeline
4. Sheryl
5. eniale - admiralty - paid Transaction Reference 1649786568
6. Yu Tong
7. Guazi - Email - paid
8. Jenifur (TBC)
9. Zhimin (Town or Postage - paid
10. AhCapp (Bt Batok or Postage) - paid </font></font>
Date: 9 April (wed)
Time: <font size="+2">2pm <font color="ff0000">(Note time change to 2pm instead of 12 noon)</font></font>
Venue: Taka
Activity: Lunch cum shopping
Meeting place: Coffee club (next to kinokuniya)

1. abcdisney n BB
2. babe_dude n BB n maid
3. petrina n BB
4. adeline n bb
5. DEFgal n bb (TBC)
6. crystal n bb
7. Adeline Loo n bb (TBC)

BBs all in a row!.. Left to right (ABCs, Kathys, Connies, Mine!) All bbs were crying.. Connie's was trying to figure out whats happening and decided to join in the crying group.. but mine was happily sleeping her way through! Hahahaha ...
you use your fingers to tap on bb's tummy to see if she is having wind. cuz they will be very uncomfortable when they gt wind perhaps cause the crankiness. if it's very echo-y, that means she got lots of wind. or you can observe if her tummy is exceptionally big.

can start giving the woodgripe water alrdy ? i intend to give after 2mths.

babe dude
why you no use the bags ?? cuz you don store?
that time when my girl is having wind, my pd gave her infancol- ridwind drops. it helps her fart alot and reduce the wind in her tummy. but i tink woodgripe could do the same as well. give her for a few days, the wind might clear. you see how she is after giving her for a few days.
Is goat's rue better than fenugeek? where can I get it? I heard that fenugeek can only be taken after 3 weeks.
abc, the thing about EBM - don't discard ebm leftover if bb can't finsh and re-refrigerate for next feed, where is the source of this info? My bb is a dim sum queen. she drinks a little bit each time, and demands many feeds throughout the day. so far, the best i can gauge is she drink 70 ml at 2.5 wks old. We can go as many as 12 feeds a day.

Pancakechia! Guess what I had high fever 39.2 a couple of days ago and GP diagnosed as mastitis, he told me to discard the milk from the affected breast, and can continue to nurse on the good breast, but would have to supplement FM. I did not take any antibotics, as GP said I would have to stop BF. Are you taking any antibotics, what's the antibotics you're taking? I'm sure that there should be antibotics that are suitable for latacting mums. All the breastfeeding websites mentioned that we should continue to nurse from the affected breast, so I did not listen to the GP, and simply expressed out the milk from my affected breast for feeding my baby. So far, only had to supplement once. Wonder how much longer before this mastitis will go away.
crystal, I lazy to pump leh :p soo now on exclusive latching only.. opss lazy mummy...

pics.. we went adeline's place for her bb's full mth! took pics of the little ones on kathlyn's bed... so cute hor..hahahaha

Niwa, when u suspect u gotten Mastitis?? Issit the food u took that causes that??? Did the doc say how u gotten Mastitis?? Anyway, u get well soon k..

My right breast has more milk supply than the other, anyone can suggest how to bring up the milk supply of the left breast?

Also, as I m on strong antibotics medication due to Shingles, I m not able to give bb my milk. Any suggestions for my EBM? Babe_dube, you suggested bathing bb and cleaning his face? R you serious? There is not enough for the whole bath tub leh.
