(2005/10) Oct 2005 MTB???

<font face="Calisto mt"><font color="0000ff">Ling</font>,

Dun apply for all BF mummy leh. My ex-colleague also got preggy when BFing. She silly tot will not get preggy so didn't use protection</font>

Fun &amp; Clarisse's mum:
ok noted will continue to try to latch her..

i try to change my pad every 2 to 3 hrs.. pass urine and wash the area and pat dry.. pain.. now only 4th day...

For sure, u never carry the wrong gal home as ur gel really look like your hubby leh...
Nuttnuts: Yes, I'm staying in CCK

Jenifur: How old is Janelle now? Will her tiny hands be cold?

Fun: 1 day >100ml of water quite alot leh ... I'm giving once a day only 20ml
kuririn: mine healed after 2 weeks. did ur gynae give u antiseptic lotion? mine did not heal as quick, cos after coming home i think i had a slight tear and the stitches came little off.

nutts: keke my girl cute? lol.. till u hear wat my neighbour said last nite. she was telling me, ur girl very loud hor.. cos her son was telling her tt my girl cries very loud, and he heard me asking me girl to shut up. whahahahaha.. so funny.

jenifur: meaning.. still can be preggie lahz.. ok ok.. i use stupid excuse... saying stitches havent heal. whahahahaha
<font face="Calisto mt"><font color="0000ff">Mayday</font>,

Janelle is 1mth 2 wks &amp; 3 days old. Her hands r ok in normal rm temp. Will wear mitten for her @ nite when on aircon &amp; if start to feel cold in shopping centre

<font color="0000ff">Ling</font>,

Yes, still can get preggie one leh. So b careful if u dun want ur NO. 2 to come so soon
Clarisse's mum:
nope doc no give antiseptic lotion.. she just say use water to clean the area thats all.. my mum asked me to dilute detol to clean the area.. how u know got tear?
young CL also good, mine 51 liao..her hair keeps dropping and my hubby keeps picking up her hair everyday...hahaha. sometimes can even find a strand of her hair on my bb's neck after feeding!
<font face="Calisto mt"><font color="0000ff">Nuttnuts</font>,

Do u hv e contact/name for e shop @ Tanglin Mall tt do e Tai Mao Bi?</font>

i mean if nose blocked, then wrong position may lead to BB sucking more air into his body, resulting in more wind. From the TMC parentcraft brochure, it states $40 for 45mins for Mrs Wong's consultation. But she doesnt see patients on sats

Just spoke to the lactation consultant from KKH and she advised me on the phone. Actually wanted to arrange for consultation but she said their schedule very busy and if i needed advice can call her.

Will try the method she taught me and see how. wanted to ask her about burping method cos i dont seem to be able to burp him much. See how, maybe can fix apt with Mrs Wong on burping...

Mittons &amp; Booties:

For those who are not letting your bb wear mittons, that means u have to cut their nails lor. Brennan's finger nails quite long. I find that cant really cut it real short cos may hurt them. So me still letting him wear mittons. Ya, some already too small so putting one side. lucky got more mittons than booties.
help mummies!!!!!!
i am seriously exhausted from taking care of Brent. Can i know how to make him fall asleep without much trouble? i understand tt.. babies are supposed to be sleeping most of the time.. while is awake most of the time! I TRIED ALL WAYS.. SWADDLING/feeding... u name it i have done it.. is there something wrong?
he sleeps for a while and wakes up.. its always on and off.. sigh.. really dunno what to do now..
am really exhausted..

he doesn't really cry.. but his eyes will be wide open after feeding.. or whatever one leh..
OMG...pap smear test is painful? how they do the testing? insert in again? gosh... after giving birth, i damn scare of pain....
<font face="Calisto mt"><font color="0000ff">Adel</font>,

At least Brent is not crying. Janelle will refuse to sleep &amp; cry 4 attention @ weird timing like 4am

I usually leave Janelle alone if she's not crying/whining which is v seldom nowadays. U dun hv to look after Brent 24 hrs or else will b v tiring one. Jus attend to him only if he cries loh.</font>

Brennan is also like that Brent, refuse to sleep and only sleeps in our arms. when u put him down, he cries after a while. He is very active after feed doing his "karate moves"

Guess what, we got a sarong cot from friend and just tried it out. Will have to monitor result. But MIL say sarong is use in day time. Do u girls using sarong let you BB sleep in sarong without transferring them to cot after they sleep? MIL says BB can sleep in sarong in day time wo.

Also tried the pacifier. Realised that if he is too active, no point giving him pacifier cos he will suck and suck and suck and not sleep. First day, we gave him when he's sleepy but refuse to sleep. After a while, he fall asleep and spits out the pacifier. Last night, gave him too early cos wanted him to sleep and not cry too much(cos may increase air in him) and he suck until i nearly doze off holding the pacifier but he still wide awake.
huh.. but he is weird.. he hasn't been sleeping like in btw feeds wor.. 3 hours interval. he stays awake.. doze off and wakes up.. am sure other babies are not like him!!!!!!!
<font face="Calisto mt"><font color="0000ff">Adel</font>,

Trust me, Janelle is like tt.. Here's her schedule for yesterday :-

0000-0400 ~ sleeping but woke up twice to 1/2hr feed.
0400-0930 ~ Fussing &amp; Whining, refuse to sleep

0930-1000 ~ Bathing time
1000-1330 ~ sleeping but woke up Thrice to 1/2hr feed.
1330-1800 ~ Went shopping/car ride; slept throughout only woke up once for fed.
1800-1830 ~ Bathing time
1830-2100 ~ sleeping but woke up twice to 1/2hr feed.
2100-0000 ~ Fussing &amp; Whining, refuse to sleep again till bout 2am

I noticed tt Janelle sleeps better when in car so mayb u can try bringing Brent out for a car ride (if u drive)</font>
It was V painful for me 1st time doing it. I was caught unaware as I was chatting with my gynae abt bb and suddenly she inserted something in and kept telling me not to strain! I was actually grabbing on to the sides of the chair in pain! but my sis told me 2nd one onwards not painful anymore and my mom doesn't even recall it being painful at all.. she does it every year.

C sect scar / pain:

Just wondering if everyone's scar is already healed? I noticed a small portion of the scar not healed, in fact it's kind of red n has some pus..it's not sealed like the rest and I showed it to my gynae she says just apply cream..

As for the pain, it's still very much there, just want to know - what abt the rest of u who underwt C sect? has all the pain left u already? the surface pain just above the scar n below the belly button is still painful for me and internally I also feel some pain.. is it normal?
Jenifur, Adel

it's v tiring on moms and caregivers if bb wants to be awake all the time.. do u let your bb sleep on their tummies instead of back? BB tend to sleep longer this way but must watch them if they already can turn their heads on their own like mine..
jennifur: i just went to read up... sigh.. only to find out tt he is colicky!!!

my brent's routine's something like janelle's! aiyo.. somemore am taking care of him myself.. nearly went crazy..
am thinking of changing his fm n my own diet..

he is sound asleep in my arms now..
poor baby.. but am a sleep deprived mum!!
thanks jennifur! i was so... desperate man.. sigh.. am scared coz i know baby needs to sleep in order to grow..
just got back from polyclinic.. send Sherisse there to check jaundice level.. her jaundice level is 140+.. doc say ok not very high.. going for review again next mon.. nearly fainted at the polyclinic.. the nurse was so scared.. :p
pammie: i had c-section on 14th oct 2005.I dun feel any pain liao. My scar also ok liao..no redness or pain. Maybe u shld go see ur gynae just in case it is infection.
jenifur: my bb gal also like. I bf her on the left side then she sleep, so i put her on the bed..a.fter 5mins she wake up and cry. I bf her on my right side then after 20mins.she sleeps. so i put her on the bed again and after 5mins, she cry again...

so stress
<font face="Calisto mt"><font color="0000ff">Adel</font>,

Go seek PD advice &amp; medication if Brent hv colic. For Janelle's case is not colic, she simply dun wan to sleep

Sarong Sling can get @ Kiddy Palace, Tom &amp; Seftanie, www.monsinmind.com &amp; www.breastfeeding.org.sg.. Still got lots of place but cannot recall now

<font color="0000ff">Garfield</font>,

TT sounds so much like Janelle, she will feed till fall alseep on e nursing pillow but e moment I put her now, she starts crying. Not only STRESS, is dam tired.. I only manage to sleep 3 hrs last night.</font>
i agree tt it is really taxing on the caregiver.. sigh...

mine's like tt too... drinks.. feels groggy.. fell asleep.. but put on bed .. awake again!..
i was actually cursing.. in my heart.. when am so deprived of sleep..keke.. but i try not to lose my temper on my poor baby.. coz he's innocent!
kuririn: how i know i got tear, cos one week after discharge i go back to see gynae, i told her i have pain at the stitches area, and she checked. she gave me antiseptic lotion before i discharge from Hosp.

adel: i think its the weather. my girl oso cranky and cries.. i face the fan to her she sleeps better.
jenifur: u bf ur baby? i think it is because bb not full. I bf her till she sleep and when i put her to bed, she cries again, i feed her ebm or formula milk then she sleeps soundly.

I think bb who drinks bm gets hungrily easily izzit? my mil suggested putting formula into my ebm to feed her. wat do u all think?

wat is the interval for bf bb? mine is like 1.5 hrs to 2hrs like tt
Clarissemum: Thanks and noted. Anyway he always never finished his 20ml of water.

SSL: Hope the sarong cot will come in handy and give yr tired hands a rest!

I will let him sleep in sarong cot depending on his next feeding time. If is v near to next feeding time like 1hr ltr I will leave him in the sarong cot if not will transfer to bed. But usually day time is sarong and night time is bed.

Pammie: I do feel internal pain sometimes especially the first few days after CL left and I need to take care of Tennyson myself w/o any help. The pain is like the uterus dropping when get up or walking and got to bend abit to minimise the pain. My scar is red too and when u feel it is like got lump inside quite hard. My gynae also gave me cream to apply.

Agreed pap smear is PAINFUL!!!

Gynae explained dued to low hormones and bf so tends to be 'dry'. Hope we are not scaring the rest!
hi clarisse mum
do you still feel uncomfortable at the stitches area ? i also got tear and how i know is i feel pain eventhough already eat the pain killer and when wnet back to see gynae for 1 week checkup she mention yes it is.

do you all already go back for 6 weeks post natal check up ? normally what did the gynae do ?
Hi all, i'm back

Finally have a little time to come in here.

My boy, Amos was born on 25 oct 05.

I have induced birth for 15 hrs and in the end got to go for c-section cos bb's head refused to engaged. Amos is 3.46kg and 49cm.

Will logon again
) all mummies do take care.
Hi Ladies,

re: colic,

think my son show symptoms of having colics since this morning keep crying and its those use all the energy on his small lungs type leh..

he only managed to sleep 1/2 hr intervals then wake up cry again carrying him rock him also no use.

i used colic drops twice on him and apply ru yi oil for him still cry...HOW? i am so desperate! shoud take him to see doc or not?
do you all still wrap your bb with a towel? My bb is abt 3 weeks old and I had not been wrapping him since he's a week old.
Is it ok?

My outside scar looks ok. Its actually hidden under my pre-pregnancy tummy :p. so gotta lift up the tummy then can see wo.

I find that sometimes when i bend the wound area or walk too much, i will get inner discomfort. And yes, Mayday, thats the feeling i had (uterus dropping) when i woke up and getting down from bed. Now seldom but still does occassionally.

I felt the outside scar and its abit hard beneath the opening too. my gynae didnt give me anything to apply. Going for papsmear next sat. so scary.... painful ah..


Brennan's interval can range from 1hr to 2hrs. i guess depending on the time of the day. probably sometimes my BM not enough and he urine many times, so hungrier faster.

I wouldnt advise mixing FM with EBM.

i've stopped wrapping Brennan cos his hands always come out cos too active.
but i use a blanket and tuck it across his tummy. (with his hands outside

do u find that its more difficult to get a burp when we BF bb as compared to FM??

or is it only me?
ssl: yea.. i gave up burping as well.. he doesn't burp after bf..

celine: i think u should monitor the condition first.. if baby cries for more than 3 hours.. more than 3 times a week... (super obvious) then it jus means tt he is colicky...
i have changed my baby's FM to another brand.. and apparently it seemed better.. and i have changed a bit of my diet.. too.. so dun really know which is the one tts helping my baby to sleep better.. u go read up on colicky baby.. a lot of info one.. go to pd.. i think same.. will end up giving u colic drops.. am trying not to use the colic drops coz he is still young.. medication not so good for him after all.. it will only be my last resort i think..
Clarisse's Mum:
my gynae no asked me go back to check leh.. my next appointment given is 6weeks later.. is it normal?

my baby now better sleeping at a longer interval dunno isit becoz he is too tired from crying or the colic drops finally working *sigh*


yah he definitely has alot of wind in the tummy my poor baby...that's why gals you must try to burp your bb in case got alot of wind in the tummy leh.


he had been crying for more than 3 hours this morning till afternoon with only 1/2hr sleep short interval then cry again only managed to fall asleep for longer interval ard 4plus but this is the first time such thing happens.. so isit colicky?

changed your diet? to what? can tell me more. thnx.
kuririn: have u seen ur gynae after discharge? if yes, the next visit is 6 weeks after for PAP Smear n family planning. its normal. unless u feel pain is unbearable, pls call gynae to ask for cream to apply. where u staying? u wan me to pass to u?

Celine, my CL has this method which some mummies dun believe in. the hard boil egg method works well on my noti girl.
Clarisse's Mum:
nope haven't seen my gynae since discharged.. the only appointment she gave me is 6 weeks later.. i'm staying at tampines.. too far for u lah.. now taking pain killer.. not sure if i got tear a not.. cos when i pat dry.. the area near my poo poo hole got a bit of blood stain.. is it normal?
the staff din say i have to wait for 1st menses to come b4 seeing the gynae. but i did read from the thread here that the staff did say muz wait for menses to come. for me, i juz go ahead to fix appt. mine is supposely next week. what about yours?
those who gave birth naturally, can u wear back your pants still? my hip widen and i totally cannot wear liao, some are still quite new leh! even my tummy still visible, wondering whether can my stomach ever be flatten?

girls, i have gotten the chinese name for my girl.. but having problem translating to dialect.. how do you girls translate ur bb's name to dialect?
