(2005/10) Oct 2005 MTB???


After u boiled your bottles & pump, u need to take out the bottles, u need to pour away the water in the pot and then leave the bottles inside the pot and covered it up. Only open the cover when u need the bottles or pump to reduce the amt of bacteria. If u soak the bottles & pump in the hot water, bacteria will develop once the water start to cool down.

Puea and Lint,
Keep on with breastfeeding at least tahan till bb 1 month better than stop now. Even though my bb doesn't want to latch on but I still express my BM for her...I will tried to give her as much as I can tahan too.

Didn't approach lactation consultant becuase worry that the cost is too expensive. Did tried using nipple shield, still cannot as bb ia a Kan Cheong Queen. Sometime, haven't reach 3 hours, my gal start crying for milk. U will see her mouth open big big and ask u to feed her milk...Ha Ha Ha...


Did you go see Dr Adrian today for your cold?
I went back to the PD assigned by Mt A for the first visit after discharged from hospital.
Haven't decided whether go back to the same PD for the vaccinations not ley.
Cos that PD's clinics are located in Mt A & Holland area only. Not very convenient.
But that PD quite good lor. He told us that the 5-in-1 or 6-in-1 vaccination jab can get it from normal GP or polyclinic, so up to us to choose lor. Mine is Terence Tan. How about yours?

What 'Danzen' tablets? My gynae didn't give me such tablets ley.
ok. Will tell my mil to pour away the water after boiling the bottles & pump & then keep the bottles & pump inside a covered pot.


Ya lor, I intend to give BM for my boi at least until full mth.

Wow, 3 hours? How much you give your ger ger BM each time? Tot BM can oni tahan bb for 1-2hrs.
Mine usually will cry for milk after 1.5hrs or 2hrs after BM feeding. I give him 80ml each time.
If it's FM, then can tahan him for 3 or 3.5hrs ley.
Hi Mummies,

For those who's under Dr Lawarance Ang. When r we suppose to go for our post-natal checkup?

Next, did u bring ur bb to 5-in-1 or 6-in-1 vacinnation and where (eg: GP, PD or polyclinic)?

Did not went back to see Dr Adrain for cold as getting better liao..so I think no need lah...It's abit diffcult to go out today as still need to bring my gal along as my mom is not available to take care of her today...

My PD is also Terence Tan. A Gd PDwho is patient and explain to u properly...My Hb also said not convenient so he recommend one PD [Winston]beside Lot one. Also belong to Kinder Clinic too.....'

Btw, can we just walk in to polyclinic for the jab or need to call in and book in advance?

Thks for replying =)

So, just call to make an appointmant on the 6 wks & no need to wait after our 1st menses rite? Cos dun think menses will come so soon since i'm on partial breastfeeding. =p

My gal is drinking ard 80-90ml....but her time got early want milk but no late one hor...Very Chun, sometimes half an hr before feeding, she will wake up and signal u to get ready, it's time for milk...Ha ha Ha...
morraine!!! COngrats!

my girl was little cranky and keeps crying since yesterday evening till abt 1 am. my CL used the hard-boiled egg with silver coin method to soothe my girl's tummy.... guess wat.. my girl stops crying and went into deep sleep! believe it or not. it really helps!
Hi Puea & nuttnuts,my PD also Terrance Tan.... he is a nice and friendly doc. There are 4 packages offered... i took the 3rd one. Will there be a difference in the charges if we go normal GP or polyclinic?

So you decide to go Lot1 that PD?
I think we can just walk in to Polyclinic to get the vaccination bah. But hor, polyclinic got to wait very long lah...

What packages offered? He didn't explain to me the packages ley.
Of cos, if you go Polyclinic, the charges is much much cheaper liao. I haven't checked the normal GP charges yet, but I guess it shld be cheaper than Dr Terence Tan's charges bah.

you are exactly like me then. Cos I also feed Kenshin EBM in daytime, let bb suckle at least once a day and then at night, feed him FM cos its a hassle to heat up BM. How long do u all intend to BF btw? I was thinking of at least 6 mths and then go on Total FM. But then at the rate Kenshin is drinking now, I think my BM wont be enough at all. He is drinking 100ml every 2 hrs.
Morraine Welcome back!!!

So you confirm gg to the Kidslink Baby Clinic beside Lot 1? I see fr other thread saying this Winston is good. Btw, do you know their charges? Me dun feel like gg polyclinic leh ... long wait

Can explain the egg method to me? Me wan learn this remedy for emergency .. haha ;)
mayday, u require 2 silver coins (must be silver, coins tt are made before 1975) boil an hard boiled egg, then take out the yolk when still hot. Use a handki to wrap the egg with the silver coins inside (place center of the egg)

start applying from face, and brush it out from the inner eyes to outer eyes, then nose to cheeks, then above the lips outwards.

then after brush it from bb's chest downwards to the belly area. and belly downwards.

<font color="ff0000">remember, all strokes will have to be either downwards or outwards.</font>

coin must be silver and made before 1975 and one coin cost abt $5. Not sure if ur neighbourhood market got sell. but u have to try to locate
Hi girls...

My girl was delivered on 31 oct.. lucky she can still make it in oct.. was only discharged yesterday.. today then find time to post..

Here's my long birth story..

29oct (my EDD)
went for my routine checkup.. my gynae said 1cm dilated and cos of my GDM she wants to induce me either on 29oct or 30oct.. then since I'm already in hospital so decided to admit myself for induce after lunch.. went great world city for lunch.. admitted myself into hospital at ard 1:30pm..

1st tablet inserted and was strapped on the CTG machine for an hr.. had irregular contraction.. pain was bearable..

strapped on CTG machine again.. still irregular contractions.. pain was bearable..

30oct 9am:
Doc checked that still only 1cm dilated so 2nd tablet was inserted.. strapped on CTG machine for an hr again.. experience contractions but still bearable.. but the contractions not as painful as when after 1st tablet was inserted..

my gynae came to check on my dilation still 1cm dilated so she used her finger to stretch my cervix (so painful) and inserted the 3rd tablet.. experienced contractions but pain still bearable..

31oct 7plus am:
gynae came to check again.. 2cm dilated.. she said thats the max that the tablets can do.. so send me down to labour ward to rapture water bag..

waterbag raptured.. contractions came in more intense.. but still bearable..

1pm plus:
doc came to check dilation only 2-3cm dilated.. was put on drip to fasten dilation process.. contraction pain gets more intense.. tried to use the gas to relieve..

cannot tahan so asked for epidural..

epidural administered.. about 10mins later start to feel the pain relieving..

9pm plus:
fully dilated.. and baby's head very very low.. the midwives called my gynae to come in.. started pusing at around 10pm.. bb Sherisse finally out within a few pushes..

please update for me.. Sherisse weigh 3.2kg and is 50cm long at birth..
Hi girls..

I think I dun have any colostrum or breastmilk leh.. how har.. I did managed to latch her on on the day of delivery after they clean her up.. but only latch on for a while.. and cos I got GDM baby was sent to high dependency nursery to monitor her blood sugar level.. the PD told my hubby that baby's blood sugar very low and cos I just delivered better not breastfeed her.. so we decided to take the PD recommendation to feed her FM..

I only tried to latch her on the next day for a few minutes.. after she was sent back to the normal nursery, the nurses push her to me every meal time.. did latch her on for abt 10 mins each breast.. cos she will spit the nipple out then dun want to suckle anymore.. so supplement with FM..

For yesterday and today, I tried to pump but cannot pump anything out.. even when I squeeze my breasts also nothing.. now I latch her on every meal time till she reject then change breast.. her suckling for each breast is abt 10min to 15min.. she will suck suck until fall asleep.. then have to wake her up and suck.. then after 15min she will reject the breast..

Sigh.. now duno wat to do.. is it normal not to have any colostrum or breastmilk 3 days after birth???
Kuririn: Congrats

Clarissemum: U bought the silver coin fr yr neighbourhood? What kind of coin me got no idea leh ... ????

Must we break the egg into half to take out the egg yolk? After taking out the egg yolk insert the silver coins in lah?
congrats Kuririn


Neo Garden doesnt provide Vegetarian food, but you can ask them to cook the beehoon &amp; luo han chye in vegetarian stlye (ie. no garlic and pork)

For those mummies whose CL has left, how do u cope so far? My CL left yesterday and I can really feel the tiredness. Brennan doesnt want to sleep after feed during day and evening and wants to be carried and sometimes walk around. If you carry him and he fall asleep and you put him in bed, he will wake up and cry.

I was carrying him so much in the day time (cos he cry when i put him down) that my back aches. And i realised that i dont even have time to express my BM anymore. so day time gotta to let him latch as and when he wants to. sometimes, each latch can be 30mins (sometimes he just suck for comfort) and this feed may not even last for 1hr...

Yesterday night, he didnt want to sleep after FM feed. Bo bian, we use the pacifier and he went to bed after that and spit out the pacifier himself

And still gotta wash the nappies and clothings. ah... so tiring.... I just hope he will at least sleep for a while in the morning so that I can rest or do other stuff. now it seems that i have to carry him and not do anything else.

I'm thinking of seeking help from lactation consultant. Cos i worried that my positioning may not be right. Brennan seems to be "searching" for my nipple every time he latches on. (although he will finally manage to latch on) Another reason to seek help is also cos he got wind in his tummy cos he has pisai quite frequently (blocked nose). So i want to make sure my positioning is right so that he is not drinking more air.
Package 1= 6in1 $550
Package 2= 6in1 plus Chicken pox dose $640
Package 3= 6in1 plus Hep A $690
Package 4= 6in1 plus ChickenPox and Hep A $780

I took the 3rd one cos nurse recommended. She said even if got inj for chickenpox, no guarantee that bb wun get chickenpox in future.
Welcome to the motherhood!!! finally u hv made it after waitin for so long..... :eek:)

enjoy ur motherhood wit ur little princess... :eek:)
Fun: do you mix gripewater with water? If yes, how much gripewater u give and how much water u let yr bb drink?

SSL: Did you try to use a small cotton bud to clear brennan's nose?
Agreed taking care of bb &amp; doing housework is so tiring and I miss my CL! haha

re: Sleeping in aircon
What degree ur on the aircon and do you let them wear long pants?

re: Mittens &amp; booties
BB after one mth still need to wear? How long do we have to let them wear till??

re: Long feeding
my boy takes 1hr when I bottle feed him leh .. usually in the beg v 'kang cheong' but after that always want to sleep and refuse to drink ... headache leh
... any suggestion to solve this?

We try all sorts all method like moving the teat, tapping the bottle, changing his position(w/o removing the teat) still cannot ... sleep means sleep leh .. sigh
mayday: just open the hard boiled egg n take out then put the coins inside can liaoz. my CL got it at the market area. if u cant go out, ask ur hubby to get lor.
Yes silver coins! Malaysian coins made before 1975 or older the better. the person selling coin should know
mayday, ssl &amp; skippy10:
thanks for all the well wishes..

now my main concern is no breastmilk.. is it normal to have breastmilk coming so late? got no choice but to feed her FM.. just now try to latch her on but she refused my nipples.. so sad.. now using pump to stimulate bb's suckling.. hopefully my milk will come..

at first we tried introducting spoonfeeding.. he enjoyed the first teaspoon.. later on he refused to be spoonfed liao (maybe too sweet).. so we mix it into his water.. we dun give water much lor.. i myself dun like to give him water.. cos BFing ma.. its my mum giving water to him :p with one day he doesnt finish a 100ml bottle of water.

Danzen usually given to patients with flu to clear mucus or 'tam' (in hokkien) de.. i know cos i even work in clinic before... but to my surprise, my gynea gave me tat for milk flow lor
very small pinkish tablets.. 2 every 3 times aday

My boy also tend to vomit milk.. lots of it sometimes.. very wasted :p now i tend to hug him in his sitting position awhile more.. let the milk goes down awhile more longer
congrats san~!!

BM: dun get too stressed out.. milk supply will kick in sooner or later.. i also thought i didn't have breastmilk till i saw the side of my son's mouth.. got a bit of white white thingy.. on the 3rd day.. when i latched him on.. i think its not tt ur milk supply hasn't come in.. but rather maybe have a bit.. jus tt u didn't realise..

how's motherhood? hiak hiak.. i think it beats playing the waiting game!
Those using the Avent Disposable Milk Bags... If milk is frozen, you put the bag (with the clip) directly into the warmer?
adel &amp; fun:
totally dun have leh not even colostrum.. just now pump each breast for 15min.. left side totally nothing.. right side got a drop of colostrum i think.. a bit yellowish in color..

u cannot be stress leh... will affect the milk flow.. just relax and massage breasts with warm towel before expressing
see how..
anyone the stupid <font color="ff0000">RED RED</font> thing finishing? mine seems to like wanna finish already... but still spotting kind. having tt super MAH FAN!
<font face="Calisto mt"><font color="0000ff">Morraine/San</font>,


Welcome to Motherhood

<font color="0000ff">Tao_baby/Puea</font>,

Where's Dr. Terrence Tan's clinic &amp; how much is his consultation? HB complain tt it's v inconvenient to see Dr. Ong @ TMC then he only go to AMK for 1 nite so tot of changing PD for Janelle

<font color="0000ff">SSL</font>,

Blocked Nose means wrong position huh?? Janelle nose has been blocked on &amp; off for quite sometime liao. Didn't know it's due to wrong position. U will b seeing Mrs Wong izzit? Any idea how much she charge? Will prob see her if Janelle's block nose still persist

<font color="0000ff">Ling</font>,

My red red thing only finish e previous wk but then my AF came
Even though v light but still v irritating</font>
Dear Puea, Mayday and Tao_baby,

I will be calling Winston to check on their package as I have not decide whether to go polyclinic or Kinder Clinic.

I heard that baby will be given the probity to have their injection first. So the queue won't be so long...I hate queuing too...

Hi Ladies,
Just a advice from my sis that if we bring our baby to see PD, tried to avoid the peak period or make sure your baby stay away from other children who are sick. If possible, try to sit somewhere where there are no children or else those sick children who are there to see the PD end up will pass their sickness to ur baby.

Dear Mayday,

re: Sleeping in aircon,
I tet my baby wear long selves and long pants when she sleep in aircon. I even wrapped her in towel as she always like to kick the blanket.
We on the aircon ard 25 degree.

re: Mittens &amp; booties,
I intend to let my gal wear her mittien until 2-3 mths and as for booties, tried to let her wear as long as I can. Especially when we bring them out to places where there are Aircon....Booties are one way to protect them from being cold.

By the way, are u staying in CCK too that why u are considering bringing your bb to see Dr Winston?

Dear Jenifur,

Dr Terrence Tan's clinic is located in Mt A &amp; Holland area only.

Dear Kuririn and Morriane,
Welcome to Motherhood...Dun be discourage as milk flow will come in soon. This is what the nurse tell me when i am at MT A. As long as baby is suckling, it's mean that there is milk. Just that we cannot see..
Dear Jenifur,

Janelle looks different from the photo which u have posted after birth and now.

Are u going to shave her today? Normally do we shave our baby during their first month or after 4 months?

Have u plan to make her hair into paintbrush? I heard that there is one at tanglin mall which they come to your house and cut the hair and pple from this forum are entite for 10% discount.
<font face="Calisto mt"><font color="0000ff">Ling</font>,

Ya I think can start production liao if I want. Anyway my gynae did mentioned we r very fertile in e 1st 6 mths after delivery. So if whoever want No. 2 can start production liao

<font color="0000ff">Nuttnuts</font>,

Thanks. Tt's abit far for me too. Guess I gona start looking for another PD

<font color="0000ff">Mayday</font>,

Re sleeping in aircon
I let Janelle put on sleepsuit &amp; mitten. She will also be in e baby sleeping bag. Our aircon temp is usually ard 22 degree.

Re Mittens &amp; Booties.
I've stopped letting Janelle wear Mittens xcept when we r in aircon places. Rem read/heard tt BB r developing their grabbing skill ard 6 wks so better dun let them wear mitten. She still wears her booties to protect her tiny feet though.</font>
<font face="Calisto mt"><font color="0000ff">Nuttnuts</font>,

Ya lor, she look so different tt I wondered did I carry e wrong BB home or not

I doing e paintbrush for her today, going to this "Huaxia Taimaobi Centre" @ Chinatown Point. Didn't know about e tanglin mall one leh.

I heard we definately hv to either cut or shave their hair during 1st mth. Actually got no plan to shave her hair so early but recently she started grabbing things then keep pulling her own hair until she cries in pain so bo bian loh</font>

mittens and booties cant wear for long de.. will leave redmark on their skin.. i already not wearing for Alden liao
Good morning girls..

my CL came on the day i discharged.. overall she not bad.. but she is quit young though.. 35yrs old with only 1yr plus experience ..

will try to relax.. my hubby very encouraging.. he keep telling me not to worry just keep on pumping to stimulate .. just now try to latch my girl on cos she like looking for something to suckle.. but once i latch her she will suck suck then spit out.. think she knows the difference between my nipple and bottle..
<font face="Calisto mt"><font color="0000ff">Kuririn</font>,

Dun worry so much. Jus keep trying to latch Sherisse on. Constant latching will help to stimulate breastmilk. Slowly let her wean off e bottle &amp; get used to ur nipple instead. Jia You</font>
now i'm bed bound.. my mil and hubby forbid me to walk around or sit.. say not good for my wound.. but my wound hurts.. took pain killer..
San, is her tongue under yr nipple.. very important leh... maybe she can't get the hang of it tats why keep retrying.. even now ALden will also keep trying if he cant find the rite position
kok kok kok jenifur... lol still wondering whose girl u carry home isit? kekeke.. Blur Mummy.

Start production? i heard BF mothers wont get preggy so fast, at least 6 mths etc. i will be seeing my gynae next mth for PAP Smear and Family planning..lol... when she was telling me abt family planning i was like..hmmm..another 1 to 2 yrs for the next one.. aiyo.. i very old liaoz.

Kuririn: dun be dishearten, latch her more often. not tt she can differentiate the nipple n bottle teats, its just maybe she just wan something to suckle. quite normal bb suckle and spit it out.
when she dun spit it out, u will have to play "tug of wawr" with her mouth.
Kuririn: the stitches requires abt 1-2 weeks to heal. u should keep the stitches area dry and clean as much as possible.

Clarisse's mum

i went for pap smear liao.. darn painful leh!! Gynea say inner wall is dry tats why pain.. cos our hormones now very low... becos of BF also..

He also ask me if i wana take a jab for birth control.. think every 3mths or 3 yrs jab once :p i dun want..:p he say bf stops menses but not 100% safe from pregy...
