(2005/10) Oct 2005 MTB???

pammie: wat side effects does Fenugreek has? can share with me? I haven't eat the pills yet.

Clarisse's Mum: is the food from Neo Gardens nice? Got any recommendation?

garfield: i tried their food 2 times. very nice.
i am ordering from Neo Garden cos my gf oso recommend and so does this forum.
strong recommendations. worth a try,
garfield: I took fenugreek for abt several months when I returned to work after I delivered my #1. It really helped me to maintain my supply.

Btw, what makes you think u dun have enuf milk for bb? Or are you hoping to pump out like 100ml each breast each time?
That would be excess milk liow. I think many of us only have enuf for our own bbs meaning if 60ml is enuf for bb that's how much we will produce. As bb grows and demands more and you keep letting bb suckle your ss will also increase one.
kris: i am hoping to pump out more milk & store in the fridge so that at nite she can drink my ebm. then when go out, can feed her ebm too.
currently, i think she drinks less than 100ml per bfeeding session.

pammie: thanks..will go take a look at the website.

Clarisse: ok...will consider Neo Gardens since there is a 20% discount for full month celebration order

I also ordered from Neo Catering. Very ontime setup and food good too. I had left over for both drinks and cups
and of course food.
Thanks gals for your info....Today my cold is getting better....Not like yesterday, whenever i sneeze, u can hear me screaming OUCH!!!

Lucky never throw away yesterdasy EBM if not it will be a waste...Sick still have to be a cow...


My gal refused to latch on as I have short nipple. So have to expressed everytimes...Tried to latch her on once in a while [when she is not so hungry. She will not want to be latch on and will cry like hell if she is hungry] but still can feel the pain.

Thought of see Dr Adrian today but today is a PH so I think he is closed....

Neo Garden Really that good har, then I must try them when my gal full month...BTW, what dish is good and do they provide vegetarian meal too?
<font face="Calisto mt"><font color="0000ff">SSL</font>,

Mame Poko newborn also will leave a mark. Guess Janelle is growing too big for NB.

<font color="0000ff">All</font>,

Anyone has done "Taimaobi" (www.taimaobi.com) for their BB? How's their service? Tot of doing it since going to shave Janelle's hair this Fri.

<font color="aa00aa">Here's a pic of Janelle @ 1 mth &amp; 2 wks which is today. She's growing more &amp; more like my HB in another word tomboy looking

hi would like to ask you all something.

currently, i am breastfeeding and i dun have extra milk at all to be expressed out to keep. So would like to ask you all how you all express ur milk to be kept in the fridge for ur bb when u return to work?
Currently, my bb is abt 2.5weeks old.
kris: i feel tat i dun have enough milk cos after bfeeding bb..she doesn't want to sleep and she will keep crying.....so i latch her on again (which is abt 1 hr after the bfeeding session) and she will suck again. So am i producing not enougHh?
hi gals.. i find tat pampers with those plastic tapes de all no gd leh.. will tend to cut onto the BB's thighs and leave a red mark... so kelian..

Hey same concern here! my hubby also keep asking me when can resume the 'actions' hahaa.... but i realli no mood rite now leh... have to take care of baby day and nite already super tiring! :p

Hey my boy also tend to vomit out his precious BM... see liao very heartpain ah...
sometimes is already burp him, but later on he will still spits it out! real headache man.. after tat he will start feeling hungry again.. We gave him gripewater onceaday too.. in the morning usually after his bath.. tats wat my mum does to all her kids.. so i did the same thing too
Alden will tend to fart MORE than burp lor ;P

Have u tried putting yr thighs up to support behind bb and yr hands? I always use them to support myself so that my arms wont be as tiring.

BTW anyone drink BF formula to boost yr BM quality?

Alden Chew...

do u offer both breast to yr bb?

how long it takes for her to unlatch herself after feeding on first breast?
Clarisse's mum

hai..he also like veri kelian leh.. 'ren' for 11 mths liao.. now still must wait.. haha... i already told him tat my mum say have to wait till 3 mths later! kekeke

Wow really need to wait till 3 mths meh....Wow, then our poor husband have to ren for 13 mths arh...

BTW gals, can I check with mummies that gone thru c-sect, when did your mense end? I have heavy flow for the 1st-2nd day and after that, 3rd days onward is a little bit, a little bit...

But these few days [1 wk later], out of sudden, I have a heavy but short ones...[I hope u do understand what I mean :p]How abt urs?
Fun: i offered only one side but i will alternate my breasts for feeding. Eg. 11am feed her left side, then 1pm feed her right side. She will unlatch say after 45 mins to 1hr....
i try to unlatch her after 30mins to switch side but she won't let go. And when she unlatch, she wouldn't wan to latch on the other side.
Am i bfeeding her correctly?

Nuttnuts: I also like u...currently, i am in my 2.5wks after c-section, now i dun have blood liao..instead, i have light brown discharge and i noticed that after bfeeding, i will have sticky discharge. When i used toilet paper, the sticky discharge will like stretch...something like egg white.....dunno if normal a not. Somemore, this discharge &amp; the light brown discharge kinda smell.

Have u got my email already? so when u collecting yr stuff? cos my hubby dun like things laying ard the house :p keke.. better collect asap hor :D

Does she realli suckle for milk or onli for comfort huh? i think 30mins already veri long liao leh...from 11am to 1pm yr 2nd breast she nv touch, u dun feel engored meh? cos NB babies dun drink much de.. tats why 2 hrly have to feed liao

Just put yr last finger into her mouth to unlatch her lor
maybe u can try 10 mins each side leh? unlatch her from first breast after 10 mins and switch over.. after another 10mins, switch over again

My boy onli suckle for 10-15mins will unlatch liao.. den i will put him down let him stretch abit.. if he crys, i will give him second breast.. if he falls asleep, i will pick him up and burp him abit den put him back to his clot... so usually he onli will latch on abt 20mins niah..
Yeah behind is 0091 leh...

I Send you an e-mail too. Maybe u can sms me your address as I have leave down my number in my e-mail.
Fun: my bb does suckle for the milk but it is difficult to unlatch her unless she willingly does it lor. My breast will not engorge tat is why i think my milk not enough.
re: umblical cord
my son umblical cord drop off oredi but i saw little blood stain at the round corner..I use the cord spirit to gently wipe off the blood stain but it comes back,is this normal should i bring him to see doc?


i used ru yi oil on my son at nite before he sleep hoping that the wind dun disturb his sleep but he still get cranky maybe still cannot adjust to the day/nite system...*sigh*


i know my son got alot of wind coz his tummy bloated...can see one different from normal tummy. He tends to fart alot but burp not so much
celine: my bb's umbilical cord also dropped off and there are blood. U just continue to clean the navel with the cord spirit and if u have the antibacterial powder, put some powder on the navel. The bleeding will stop. My bb gal's navel stop bleeding after 3-4 days.
garfield: am sure we need to sterilise the milk bottles and stuffs.. even after full month. i think it boils down to hygiene. i think not so many times as in like.. after ur baby completes the vaccination.. in half a year's time.. maybe u can sterilise bottles in like once a day kind lor.
celine: my CL uses hard boiled egg, take out the egg yolk and insert a silver coin. it helps to take away Wind. did u use the ru yi oil to rub against each palm before applying? u should rub against each palm to create heat then apply. dun forget to apply behind bb's back.
Nut: Have you tried seeing a lactation consultant? Mayb you can do what ssl did - fight w bb till you win! Hee...

garfield: need to sterilise all equipment bb uses until bb hits abt 6-9 months minimum. As for bm, better to sterilise as long as you still pumping and storing, doesn't matter bb's age.

I took abt 3 pills of fenugreek each day. Didn't dare take too many leh..

And yes, you should latch both breasts instead of jus one side for each feeding.
!!! My mil din sterilise my bb milk bottles at all! She only used hot water from the thermal flask to wash abit before use for my bb. So i insist tat the bottles &amp; the pump be sterilise (cook in boiling water) at least once a day.

My mil said dun need to sterilise...so stress!!! And hor, my hubby said it is ok not to sterilise!!! Stressed.

Somemore, imagine my mil make formula milk in the toilet. She placed the milk bottles, formula powder, hot water &amp; water all in the toilet!!!!

can imagine yr fury.. y not do the sterilising yourself not leave it to yr mil. also invest in a pigeon steam steriliser.. v convenient. take care
pammie: i closed 1 eye lor....my mil said she also make formula milk for her grandson (my nephew) also no problem so i just keep 1 eye closed lah....

anyway, now my mil will boil my bb's milk bottles &amp; my pump once a day....better than nothing right?
anyway, ask u all hor, if u boil ur bottles &amp; pump, need to take out the bottles after sterilising to air dry or let the bottles remain in the pot of hot water and take out for use only when needed? Mil said if leave in water for long, milk bottle will like sticky. So i ask her to pour the water away but leave the bottles inside the pot with cover.

Wow, you got to tell your HB to tell your MIL, toilet is full of "bacterias &amp; viruses" ley... how can she make formula milk in toilet???!
Can we still breastfeed after stopping for a few days(not even pumping out)?
My CL advised me not to bf anymore after a few days of total FM given to my bb but it seems like there's still some bm though I do not have any engorgement now.

Hope it doesnt sound too silly...

Huh? Milk bottle becomes sticky?
No ley, my mum always leave the milk bottles, teats, and everything in the pot after boiling.
The only problem is the teats. If you're using NUK's teats, then you got to change the teats after 1 mth, bcos it will become more sticky and sticky.

Yes, I supposed.
I oso tried not to express BM for 2 days, let my boi have total FM. Then after 2 days, I tried to express again (dun have engorgement too), I still can get abt 3oz of BM.
And of cos, if you dun express more, then your BM will get lesser and lesser.
are you still bf-ing? or total fm?

I am thinking of giving up on bf already but come to think of the benefits of bm... aiyah, mixed feelings now.
i was once on the verge of giving up BF, cos i hate expressing it out and the sore i get... but now.. keke i am very happy with expressing n latching... cos practice makes perfect.
Jia You...
any mothers have experience bb throwing up alot of milk? Yesterday I took my bb out and realised her appetite had suddenly gone up.. usual 60ml wasn't enuf so i fed her 90ml. During the feed, she was v agitated and wanted to drink very quickly. Aft half an hour, she vomited a whole lot out.. like 40ml or so.. some came out of her nostrils.. otherwise there's nothing unusual abt her, no fever no diarrhoea..is there anythin to worry abt?

u din burb yr bb enuf... n bb got wind thats y will vomit but no worry just try to let bb drink slower so not to inhale wind n burb bb ok

yah i rub on my palms den apply on his tummy n back
the coin method seems abit funny..
Celine: no lah its not funny... i dunno if ur granny knows.. those generation knows.
i know this cos my granny does that to us when we were kids, so i know this does exist and cfm helps.
hi gals,

Not sure if anyone of yr gyneas give u 'Danzen' tablets for better milk flow
My gynea gave me some last mth when i went back for post chk up.. went today for pap smear and i ask for some also

I have blood instead of light brown discharge after bfeeding. Sometimes I will stilll have sticky discharge too just like u...

Dunno when will it end arh...Sigh...

Ya, I had the same exprience.
Last nite, my boi oso vomitted out the milk, some oso from his nostrils.
My mum did burp him enuf, cos I heard he burped quite loud, then when muy mum put him back to his cot, he just suddenly vomitted the milk out.
But not that much as your bb vomitted, mine abt 10ml.
My mum said it's normal, cos the baby had too full liao, and not all milk flew into his stomach.
Then I monitor the subsequent feeds, he is ok liao.
Anyway, I will check wif his PD when next visit to find out the cause.


Dun give up on bf...

I'm on partial BF-ing... 3-4 times per day I will give my boi BM. Nite time totally on FM, cos I dun want to trouble my mum to get up &amp; heat up the BM.

Do it slowly. Like what other mummies suggested, try latch your bb when bb not so hungry.
Before latching, let your bb tastes abit of your BM, then put your bb on your breast, he will start suckle.
At least latching your bb once per day. That's what I'm doing now. The rest of time I usually express out my BM &amp; feed him in bottle.
Better than nothing, right?

If you have BM ss problem, try to drink more papaya soup, or milo.

If now you doesn't have much BM, it's ok, just let your bb latch on, let bb suckles, it will help to simulate more BM.

My boi suckled alot when in hospital, but that time I still haven't got any BM, but the nurses told me it's ok, just let bb suckles.
But I was so pity my boi, so I gave him FM, when came back to home, he doesn't want to suckle anymore cos he used to suckle the teats liao!

Then I got to go through a hard time to "fight" wif him when latching. And now finally he is "willing" to suckle again.

So you can do it too! Jia you!
