(2005/10) Oct 2005 MTB???

sneaky: try to latch when he dun cry. use ur hand to guide him...
Hi Gals,

I am finally back as had been busy coping with a new family member in the family.....

BF is really tough....It's really made me feel like a cow sigh......

Lucky got hb and my mom to help me up if not sure die...

The wound still hurt even it's already one week...Me dun even dare to cough but sometime no choice....Going to see my gynae tomolo.....

Here are the pic of gal :

lol we are like cow.. but i tot i smell like cow too..
i keep having this funny feeling.. each time i smell myself, i smell of milk.. yucks
Hi Fun,

Thanks for ordering the diapers for me...U can e-mail me at [email protected]

Hi Puea,

Thanks for updating for me...

Hi Jenifur,

My Gal name is Ying En...and her length is 50cm.

Thanks to update for me...
Amari: For EBM, I started with only like 20ml but now (2 wks after delivery) got at least 180ml each time I express...but now ss getting lesser coz only latch bb on once a day.

My confinement lady cook fish for me EVERY meal, so I think my milk ss has something to do with that. Eating more fish might help??

Also I read in an article from Momsinmind website that the more frequent the breasts are emptied of milk, the faster the milk production...dunno true or not but worth a try yah..
As for MIL issue...Relax gals...

Blame it on generation gap or whatsoever...but the bottomline is, most of what MILs do are out of good intention for u & for ur bb..so cool it and dun let things blow out of proportion ya..?

If you have the will, definitely there will be a way to resolve issues/ conflicts. Hey, I'm speaking from experience ok, coz I have staying wif my in-laws for 3 years liao...and tho its not easy but I survived..


Why not try to explain to ur MIL & make sure she understands the benefits of BF plus the effort & time u spent to express..so that she won't repeat the mistake again?


Put urself in ur MIL's shoes, if u buy something for ur Daughter in-law & she throws away what u bought for her, how would u feel ne?


Think positive & be happy that ur MIL loves Tennyson enough to wanna carry him, better she sayang than hack care ur bb, right?

Aiyo...I know I sound beri 'lor sor' but we never know when we will need our MIL's help, so better to maintain amicable relationship wif them...right??
Hi Gals,

What breakbeats said are right, tried to think and take things positively....

Some of the things do happen to me too but I tell myself if I were them, I may not want thing to happen in this way...but sometime accidents can't be help...

If you were them, you also do not want things to heppen in this ways too..U also do not wants your DIL to treat you the way u treat them now lah...If they want to say, let them say...one ear go in, the other ear go out...Dun put it in the heart...
hi gals!

I finally managed to find a bit of time to come in here! I'm doing my confinement on my own (I tell my maid what to cook and take care of ember myself) and plus my older one it's been hard to do anything at all. My mil is here for the weekend so I got a bit of free time.

Haven't been able to read all the posts I missed out on for the past 1 week, but I read that some of you are facing prob with bfing? Persevere ok! Take me lah, I'm latching my girl 100% now and when I tried to pump yesterday I was shocked to find I only could pump abt 30ml, and that was when my breasts were full! And the strange thing is that ember only poops abt 2-3 times a day instead of the usual 5-uncountable no. of times. I was wondering if I'm starving ember... but her weight has already increased by abt 300gm so far and she's got quite a bit of pee... and anyway young infants need only abt 30-60ml of milk at each feed. So i figured I'm doing fine.

As for mils and moms, many of them do tend to believe bm is inferior to fm. Cos on fm can see how much bb is taking and fm-fed bbs are easier to take care of when the main care-giver is not mommy herself. Bm-fed bbs tend to be v sticky to mom and usually can only be pacified by mommy's breast esp at nite. this also causes many of the older generation to think that bb didn't have enuf milk and so keeps wanting to suckle. We just have to endure and persevere for the sake of our bbs loh!

welcome back! hey, y u only latch once a day? u doing half FM half BM? or moving towards full FM? Somehow i latch my bb on demand, still supply dropping. Yest she cried so much until i kalang kaboh and this was after she had emptied both breasts.. no choice i warmed up my EBM (for emergency use only) and gave her 30ml.. while i was doing that I spilled abt 20ml of EBM!! aiyo.. so angry with myself.. in the nite she was also crying and crying - suddenly from once every 4-5 hr feed at nite, she wanted milk every 2 hrly.. I had no more BM or EBM left so gave her FM, unwillingly.

Sneaky - i know what u mean.. at least u tried yr best to give BM and if really run out of it, and have to use FM also no choice lah.. but at least u gave it for a few weeks.. better than nothing.

Kris - welcome back. U v good, can handle without CL.. all the best k?!

Nuts, your gal is v gal looking! u can't tell if a bb is girl or boi usually but in yr case, v clear she's a girl.. v chubby!

This morning I went out for breakfast with bb in pram, she started crying for milk after a while and I fed her there n then in the coffeeshop! Im surprised at my boldness.. i thot i saw a man giving me an unapproving look when he walked out but I had myself totally covered what.. !
Clarisse's Mum,

Thanks! I know, tat's why i keep telling myself dun get upset too much. If not, i will end up wif post-natal blues... *sigh*


No lah, I din throw away the herbs she bought.
My mum cooked it & i drank it, but my mum din keep the herbs's "za" after that. Then my MIL got angry lor.

Welcome back!

Your ger ger very chubby ley... feel like to pinch her face... kekeke!
Dun worry about the wound, you will feel better after 2 weeks.
Jia you!


I have the same problem as you.
My boi just very impatient when latching. He cries until so pitiful, until I really feel painful for him, then give in to him to give him FM lor... So till now, I can oni manage to latch him once per day. And 3-4 times BM feed per day. Very little ley i feel but no choices.

All BF mummies,

Do you smell "blood smell" in your EBM?
My HB & I both can smell "something like blood smell" in my EBM ley. Then my stupid HB said no wonder my boi doesn't want to drink EBM, and asked me not to give him anymore EBM...
He doesn't know how hard I got to express then oni can get 150ml per day ley.
Congrats to morraine!


I tot those guys will keep "staring" you, instead of walking away... :p
Anyway, treat them "transparent" ones lah... as long as you feel comfortable, it's ok oredi.
clarisse mum, hubby say i smell of milk too. & at times also think the papay soup smells like milk.

anyone have feedback using the sarong to bring bb out? thinking of whether to buy or not.

OG also 20% sale, JL 15% if u use Nets

here's a pic of charlize taken on 19th day.
whitefloral: my CL better dun let bb sleep sarong, if not next time gng out u will have a sarong with u then bb will sleep.

i try to carry6 my girl tight so she feel warm and she auto stare for 5-10 mins and zzz herself. i dun need to shake her just a light pat.
whitefloral: You talking abt the sarong carrier is it? I have used it with my elder girl and now this bb. Personally I find it very convenient and easy to use (after I got the hang of it). Also acts as a cover when bfing in public. But you need a few practices in using it before going out with it.
mummies, is the below true?
"Stop night feeding after 1 month. Give water instead. After 2 nights, baby will stop asking to be fed at night."
mybabydream- did u check with yr pediatrian? mine says only stop nite after 3rd mth.. some ppl feed more in day so that bb wakes up fewer time at nite to feed..
ling: i've already tried. he actually dozed off...haiz...i think i really have to give up the thought of latching him liao.

puea: oh yes, now i can say that i only feed EBM once a day, sometimes not even enough for 1 feed...so sad, right? at least you can feed 3 to 4 times...so envious

pammie: i will still try my best to express my BM for him...but i think, my days a numbered!

all: just had the full month party last night...phew...there were so many people...made me goggy! there's this something that is making me feel so so guilty...both daddy & myself were too busy with our guests that we had no time to take photos. i only managed to take a few photos of our guests...my poor boy has nothing to reminisce when he grows up...i really feel so so bad about this!

my ex-maid is still available...any takers?
sneaky: dun just give up.. it takes time.. really.. mine loves to suckle n sleep.. as if my nipple her pacifer.. haiz.. keke lucky i dun practice giving her pacifer.. if not sure cham big time.
pammie: i din ask my pd. i juz heard about this from a no of people who said it works...and i really wonder if it really do.
hi sneaky,

why yr exmaid still available thot someone already urgenly eyeing on her?

if possible, can i do an interview with her?
Hi ladies...

I'm from Nov Mtb, but my water bag broke early at 34 weeks. I delivered my twins on 21 Oct instead.

Anyone register ur bb's birth cert at ICA? How do u they fill in the chinese character in the birth cert?? Must we write in out ourselves? Or they print out the chinese character?
Re: Sleeping
Can you gals really sleep soundly when bb sleep after feeding? Me can't leh .. always woke up juz a little noise and my boy make alot of noise when he sleeping ... make me so tired leh ..

Re: Stretching
Do ur bb stretch alot? my boy stretch alot and can stretch himself until the whole face red red .. is this normal? He sometimes will over stretch and become 'mangzhang' then become awake and me got to pat him to sleep again. Any mummies facing this problem?

Re: Pillow
Btw, did ur use beansprout pillow? will yr bb kick v hard until the pillow cover their face? Mine did it a few times and me so worried leh .. any gd suggestion to advise me?

Re: Gripewater
Anyone feeding their bb wiz gripwater now?
I printed my bb's chinese name and paste it on the bc.

my bb stretches alot too. stretch until face red red also. Its normal I guess.
LinT, maybe your baby drinks too fast. Burping will help. Mine gets hiccups often too.

Mine stretches too. Likes to kick also.. so always kick off her blanket..
nik: i think the hosp tt u delivered can help u with the registration too, just do it within 2 weeks. i did mine at the hosp.
Morning ClarisseMummy


My hubby did the registration at ICA (actually was an amendment cos TMC made an error which we didnt spot it). Anyway, he printed the chinese characters from PC and cut it and paste it on the birth certificate.


Ur ah boy like mine. VERY SAME. he also stretched alot, during sleeping, during breastfeeding even. and his face will be red red. was told by CL that stretching good cos "kwai Kao Zhang Da".

And yes, Brennan kicks his beansprout pillow long time ago (when he is about few days old). So i no longer using it on his chest but as a stopper for the bolster that we use to put next to him. CL say cos the pillow length is too short, and for our sons, too active, always performing the karaete acts, will land on his face or nose. I saw it couple of times and told my MIL (that time she was taking care of him) not to use it. I bought mine from Tom & STephanie... she say if its longer, we can push the beans to the two sides and tuck it under his two sides, then no matter how hard he kicks, wont fly up cos the beans are on the sides and not on top. So now, we fold a nappy into long strip and use it as a tiny blanket and tug it at his sides.

I'm not feeding Brennan with Gripwater. Did when he is about a week old when he has alot of wind in his stomach (MIL said so). Now didnt.
Anyone face the same situation?

Brennan doesnt sleep after feed (be it BM or FM) nowadays. He will be wide awake and actively playing his karaete moves (flying hands and legs). sometimes, we leave him in the cot, he will refuse but when we put him on the normal bed, he will quiet down. But sometimes after a while, he will make noise and wants us to carry him. He sleeps very less in day time.

At night, after evening feed, same thing. no sleeping. from 6pm to 12midnight (or maybe longer), have to carry him and sometimes even carry he also gets cranky after a while. Will just cry for few secs and after we soothe him, he will stop. this goes on and hubby and i see liao also very tiring and heartache.

Not sure what is happening or if he is uncomfortable. CL always carry him and rock him (though i disapprove and told her many times but she still continues) and duno what time he sleeps. haiz.. just afraid that Brennan wont get enough sleep. Any advise? Are your babies like mine too?

Hubby gets frustrated and moody esp at night when he sees baby like this and he cant help much. CL leaving this wed and i know that it will be tough, physically for me cos i have to look after him day and night; and mentally for my hubby cos he has to work (got stress) and come home baby wants to be carried, etc...

I told myself I can do it but sometimes hearing his cries at night really makes me lose confidence. Still wondering should i get a sarong. Hope to wean him from carrying and rocking and hope he is able to sleep more and better under my care. if he doesnt sleep, i wont be able to rest too.
Does constant latching means BB drinks more? what if BB is not sucking BM effectively and dont get enough, doesnt mean our BM not enough but just now he is unable to suck the BM from our breasts?

Do they pull out from nipple when they are full? do they fall asleep? how long is the latching time?

Does shorter latching interval means that he is not getting enough milk or that he is unable to suck the BM effectively hence hungry soon. Is it due to our latching position?
Thanks ladies for all ur replies. But may i noe wat size is the chinese charcater?

SSL, i heard from a galfriend tat constant latching will improve the milk supply. She asked me to latch on every 2 hrs. She said bb will have enough when they pull out the nipples. But, 2 hrs later, bb will get hungry again. So, tat the time to latch bb on again. The latching time should be ard 15-20mins at each breast.

Ladies, how much does ur bb drink nowadays? When should we increase the amount of FM? Mine bbs are preemies, they drink very little, about 35ml at each feed. Does anyone feed ur bb wif water?

i dont know the font size leh cos hubby did the printing. u can try measuring it with the application form space?? Maybe prepare a couple of sizes.

My boy can latch up to 1/2hr each time on each breast ah... doubt he is suckling for BM at the later stage. Now if i see him suckling for comfort after 1/2hr i will unlatch him and switch side. So u dont wait till BB cries and will latch BB? mine is sometimes 1+hr, sometimes 2hrs

Brennan is now drinking 120ml FM and during day, at most 1 FM feed if he demands more and my EBM used liao. Normally i only keep 1 bottle of EBM in fridge so that its still fresh and consumed within 24hrs. But night time, his feed will be max 2 times (depending on when's the last feed)

Now i seldom feed water to BB. Not sure if its correct?? maybe other mummies can advise.
I think the max size of the chinese character is 11mm x 11mm each.

However I think its too big-not very nice so I used 9mm x 9mm per character.
LinT, thanks.

SSL, u mean ur boy drink 120ml at eat each??? My bbs got lots to catch up...Usually, i will lach the bb when they start crying at feeding time, tat is the time when they will really latch on. I have difficulties to latch my bb on the left, cos it's inverted nipples. But the left breast also got some improvement liao.

Does any anyone clean ur breast before latching on? And also squeeze out some milk away before latching. I remember the nurses at tmc told me it's unnecssary, but my mil wans me to do it lei.

Brennan's intake increase from 30ml to 50ml to 90ml to 120ml.

I still clean my breasts with warm water, massage abit before latching on, and yes, still squeeze out some milk away. habit already
dont know what its supposed to help but just continue doing it la. unless he hungry i will just clean and latch him on. unless i just bath, then wont be cleaning.

Re: Sleeping
my boy also makes a lot of noise, like wheezing, yawning etc. and i am a very light sleeper so i can never have a gd nap or rest with him. So i also like u, very tired and unrested.

Re: Stretching
yes yes! my boy also the same! stretch so much and face all red red. after all the stretching, then his crying will start liao.

Re: Gripewater
yes i started feeding my boy a few wks back, each day twice. this is becos he has wind in his stomach so pd advise to give him gripe water.

my boy also like yrs. he is quite cranky and keeps crying at nite. dont think it is colic. sometimes i will pat him, carry him, or even offer my nipples. he will suck a while (not latch), then fall asleep. then i silently put him back into his cot. I realise that my boy fall asleep easily when he is carried, might be due to the body warmth.
