(2005/10) Oct 2005 MTB???

hi mums.. so poor thing to see u gals keep puking.. mine have yet to come. tested positive but i dun feel pukey yet..

i hope i wun hv to puke out every single thing i eat in the coming 2-3 weeks, if the symptoms do come.. my colleague 1 month earlier than me already landed in hospital for 2 weeks, then now she at home cannot move (ordered by doctor). so poor thing. haven't come to office for 1.5 months liao. now she taking long no pay leave.

i hv yet to visit any doc. shld i go kkh direct or go GP first?
Jac: i was too confined to bed at my 7 weeks. cos i saw bleeding after shower... was ordered to stay in bed.. if bleeding again will be confine to hosp.. so i good girl.. i stayed home... Not all will puke... some lucky ones wont .. wish u luck. hope u wont kena...

if tested +ve.. u can go KKH if u have any gynae in mind at KKH, if not, u too can get ur friend to intro u their gynae too.
Hi Fun

Whatever i eat, after i eat, i will feel like puking. (but didnt puke anything out)

Hi Ling,

I guess we two are the more kelian ones. hope it will be better in the weeks to come.

Hi Jac


Ya, in the beginning of my pregnancy weeks, I also dont feel pukey. In fact, appetite was much better than now.

I guess its part and parcel of MS, just some gals experience more severe than others. Just take extra care now and arrange to go KKH or any other gynae to confirm your pregnancy.

At least they can prescribe folic acid or Multi-Vits for u. For me, when i tested positive, i went to my gynae for confirmation. She did a scan and can see the water sac. As it is still in early weeks (5+), cant see BB yet so was asked to go back in 2 weeks time.

I went to see her cos it was going to be chinese new year time so I want to make sure everything is ok. Gynae gave me multi-vits and "an tai" medicine just in case I have brown discharge or bleeding during the holiday season.
SSL: we both very kelian. haiz....

Jac: u should go see a gynae now, as to cfm ur pregnancy. If ur bb is due in Oct, u should now be able to see bb's body, head hands n legs.. kekek.. and even hear bb's heartbeat... so amazing.. i tell u.. its so lovely... ekeke.. i am seeing my gynae again 2 april and will be in 11 weeks next week.. will likely be able to see bb's 5 fingers n little feet too.. ekke and should grow to abt 3cm .. kekeke..
Hi Ling,

I agreed with u too as last week, I can see my baby body and head when I went to see my gynae on the 2nd visit. My bb is now 9 week...

Jac, u should go to see gynae so that he can give u some folic acid and vitamins to eat....I think u can see ur bb's heartbeat at the 6 week liao....
guess wat... i drink some warm water abt 5 mins ago, and all return back to the toilet bowl.. so angry.. this bb like the daddy.. drink coke .. haiz....
morning girls!

i went for my gynae appt on Sat and did the nuchal scan test where doc checked thickness of baby's neck. it was normal and we saw the parts of the baby: 2 hands, 2 feet, brain, kidney, bladder, ears etc. My baby is now 6.32cm at 12 weeks 3 days. But one thing doc told me..u know wat?? he said now he is not so sure it is a boy. the last time he said 80% its a boy but now he said it might be a girl! aiyoh...its not that it matters lah..but i was like prepared for a boy mah...anyway it is still uncertain at this stage cos we couldnt see anythg from the scan that day.
Doc also said i can go swimming liao since 1st trimester over. For those at ard same EDD as me, let's celebrate the end of our 1st trimester!! but must continue to take care hor...
da jia zao~

SSL ~ ok ok..i drop u an email later lor.. wait for Fun first.. den i can cc her or so lor.. den can arrange together..

Mrs Tan ~ great to hear ur bb doing super duper well! Aiyo ~ since so uncertain abt the gender now den mite as well leave it lor.. hee hee.. den wait for a surprise later? hee hee..

over the weekend ~ i went shopping for some clothes coz most clothes cannot wear already.. haiz..

spent a bomb liaoz lar.. haiz..

bought some clothes from 9mois.. u gers shld try to go tare to see see look look leh.. nice clothes they have..

i bought one pair of jeans from them.. so comfy den i so happy when i wore them coz so long bo wear tio jeans liaoz.. hee hee...

though abit costly its $129 but den worth it lor.. hee hee..
Mrstan: wah!!!! 12 weeks alrady.. kekekek so happy for u.. kekeke... urs 12 weeks 6over cm.. kekeke so lovely.. mine should now be over 3cm.. keke in my 10 weeks.. dunno how big liao.. kekek
Mrs Tan,

Congrates that your 1st trimester is over liow!
How long did you take for the nuchal scan ah? Where did you do it? Sorry so many qns.
hi Ling,
hehe ya lor...but seems like a long time for me leh..only 12 weeks..cant wait man. dont worry, u will soon be 12 wks too!

the scan is just like the normal kind of abdominal scan. only that it is much longer. abt 20mins like that? i did it at my gynae clinic lor.
mrstan: lol. it only a very long time for me to reach 10 weeks... aiyo.. suffering manz..

morraine: i happy for everyone.. kekeke..
Hi Mrs Tan, how are you lately? long time no chat

you know your bb's gender so fast? me only get to know my bb's gender at 17wks leh. You can double confirmed during detailed scan but also not so accurate lah cos the screen all black and white, how to see clearly unless u did 3D scan.

BB's gender is not so important as long as they are healthy can liao. After all, we had waited so long for this small miracle!
Hello ladies!

fun: our weight before and after sama sama! i hope i dun gain too much weight for myself.

I have no appetite in the morning and lunch but appetite regain during dinner then near 10/11pm I am hungry eating supper again. I guess that's why i put on weight coz eating supper. haiz!
hi gals,

i have not logged in for quite sometimes as ms is bothering me.

Mrs Tan : congrats. when is your due date?

Morraine: i stay at bt. panjang

I have thyme maternity discount card. Can lend to you if needed.

hello u! thats why the doc said not sure also lor...ya u are rite, boy or girl doesnt matter, so long its healthy and normal. thats all i am praying for. how many wks are u now??

hello joycelyn,

my EDD is 5 Oct lor.

hehee.. same weight as me ah.. we should compare again after 6 mths pregy :D

Mrs Tan

yr bb is bigger than mine during 12 weeks leh.. mine was 5cm in lenght :p

anyone went for the OG 20% storewide sale last weekend? I bought 2 maternity skirts and one top there.. less than $80... cheap cheap

is it? hmm..maybe agar abt that size lor 12 weeks..i already thot 6.3cm like so small leh...i look at the ruler and see..wah my baby so tiny only...cant wait for it to grow man. hehe...
hi hi...
hehe.. me just back from check-up and gynea confirm my EDD is on 3 Nov 05! so how ah? can i still remain in this thread??
Hi Mrs Tan,

Congrat, u are one level up now....dun worry abt the sex and continue to enjoy of being pregnant.

Hi Manuka,

Why not? I think the more the merrier and the ppl in thread will not mind, right???
Hi Mrs Tan

u 12 weeks 3 days on last sat ah. me 12 weeks last sat

can only get to see my BB on 9th Apr. Whow, your scan so detail ah. is that the OSCAR test that you are taking??

Me and hubby decided not to take any test for DS cos he doesnt want me to be worry. We will wait for the detail test at 5th month.

Swimming ah. ya ya. i just asked my physiotherapist (who happens to do some physio works at TMC) for aqua aerobics for preggies lobang. She gave me a name and no. but me too busy at work, havent call yet. will check out and share with the gals here.

Hi Fun

Wha, good buy siah. I wanted to go but wasnt feeling well so went back home after work.

Hi Morraine

Fun already emailed me. so waiting for u liao lah....

Hi Manuka,

Yes, the more the merrier

Anyone intend to deliver at TMC? will u be joining their antenatal classes?
Hi Mrs Tan,

I jus went for my appt and scan on saturday.. my baby is 4.3mm.. my EDD same as u leh.. yours grow very fast liow.. hee
my baby is even more tiny than yours

I went for TMC's antenatal classes before. They are very informative. But do sign up for Mrs Wong's classes cos she's the senior consultant and will really give you a lot more advice and info than other classes. YOu will have to book early tho. Her classes are very popular. The breathing exercises were very helpful during labour! It brought me through nearly 15 hours of contractions.
You can commence with the classes only after 20 weeks.
of cos! Nov is not much diff from Oct lah..so just stay on here girl!

the one i went for is called nuchal scan leh. not sure wat is OSCAR. my next app with gynae is 23 Apr..how to tahan and wait until then?? 9 Apr is next Sat liao so almost there for u!

u mean ur baby is 4.3cm rite?? and not in mm rite? ur EDD is also 5 Oct ah? and i thot 6.3cm for my baby is like so small, hehe...

ya i know...when i look at the ruler, looks so small leh. gynae never say anyth whether its on big range or not...hehe. big also good...maybe fat and chubby baby!
Ling, the tube dress u wore last nite, is that a maternity one? u look very pregnant wor..heehee..

btw wonder wat happened to jenifur..so long never see her here liao.
mrstan: whahaha.... i look pregnant. i am pregnant lah.. whaha.. i cant wear my normal clothes already... except for sleeping... i looks like a semi football hugging my tees.. awhahaha... maybe my bb like urs big n chubby.. ekekek... ya its maternity one. tube top.. only 19.. kekek cheap hor.. i think i getting more cat after i got preggie.. kekeke

i think jenifur still hugging toilet bowl.. like me like tt.. best friend with toilet bowl liao
i know u pregnant lah hahaha..how many wks now actually ah??
then ur bottom u wear wat? also maternity pants ah?
today i wore cardi top with pants (my usual clothes). when i sit down and type, dam tight man..so uncomfy, then stand up, can see tummy tight tight like that.
u still look slim leh...
Good Morning ladies.

Any one has any idea what time does Thomson Woman's clinic (Dr Lawrence Ang) at Sun Plaza open?

Tried calling but no one answering.

It opens from 10am from Mon-Fri. Sat, at 9am. Sometimes Dr Ang answers the phone himself!! The 1st time I called to make appt, I thought his clinic got male nurse.. so pai sey....

Hi all,

I'm also a Oct MTB. Have been folloing this thread, but a bit pai sey to join in. I find the people here really helpful and bubbly... So enjoyable to read your posts!!
Hi Winnie the Pooh

Thanks for the advice. will try calling now.

Welcome to the thread

yap, thats why i came into the thread cos the gals here are very helpful and supportive.

So when's your EDD?
ling: the bottles look very slim huh? btw, do you know what's colic? why water enter into bb's ears when drinking milk??? i don't understand leh
Hihi to all Oct MTB....
i m kinda surprised to know there are so many Oct MTBs!
I will like to be part of this thread too!
I am in my 10wks now and EDD on 24/10....

It's realli great to haf supportive ppl in this thread and sharing experiences together....

no lah, on the TTC thread there was a gathering there. I didnt go...but they posted photos taken last nite and i saw wat Ling wore so asked her lor.

If organise gathering, of cos will chio all of u all here lah!

speaking of which, once the rest enters 2nd trimester, maybe we can meet up if u all are comfortable?
Hi Mrs Tan! me now 26 wks already, going to 3rd trimester soon. Stomach very big like king kong...hahaha. Cannot believe that my hb and i met his frd's wife who is also due the same month as me yet my stomach is so much bigger than her....alamak so you can imagine how big i am.

I still got left less than 100 days to go....gosh! It's so scary and exciting...

Think bluesea is also to due in May soon....
hi Jamci,

wow thats fast! i have a friend who is 26 wks now too so i can imagine wat u mean when u say stomach like king kong. haha...maybe ur baby is a bigger one thats why its bigger lor. wah if now already so big, then 3rd trimester how?? another 3 more months leh...how much weight have u put on so far then?
ya..it must be so exciting for u...when the time comes, i'm sure u'll know wat to do.

mrs tan ~ orh ~ haha.. tot u forget abt us liaoz.. haha..

i went to kaypoh in the pics.. wah liew.. tat Ling hor.. so skinny!!!!!!!!
