(2005/10) Oct 2005 MTB???

morraine: me too I feel very flabby all over how to be happy when i feel and looked awful.

kris: why din you explain t your boss you still can cope (i assume you still can)? I am sure your boss trust you more than the assistant. wow lau, your assistant very cunning leh! you be wary of her ok what if you go maternity leave she take over yr position! this sorta of ppl so mean make sure she dun get preggy herself!

niu niu: so from now.. constantly drink lots of water to flush the infection out... careful wit the medicine u taking.. make sure ur gynae approves it..
Jenifur & Kris,

heyy....dont be like this ah..i know the MS is really a horrible feeling but it WILL pass. and ur first tri will be over soon so just tahan for a while more ok?? I also feel nauseous at times, not a good feeling at all i underst.


ok lor..think i'd better not do hair relaxer then. Just hair cut its ok hor?

When everyone is into the 2nd tri, maybe we can meet up? but only when everyone is feeling better lah ok? it would be fun!
hi ladies,

everyone has gained weight. me lost weight leh...lost around 2kg.

Jenifur & Kris : MS is going to end soon. should me getting better...

niu niu : yes, drink more water and must wash often.
joy, normally the blood test and neck scan is done only when you are in your 4mth but you are still in your 1st trim rite? not yet lah. :p
<font face="Calisto mt"> Joy,

It's ok to lose weight during ur 1st trimester. In fact I lost bout 1.5kg too due to my MS.</font>
mrstan: eh...let me reply also...i think like you've mentioned, wait till most of us reach 2nd trimester and feel better, we arrange a meetup okay?
hahahha ~ heng i bo miss ur qns rite?

ya.. we shall arrange someware after 2nd tri den better ~ den all big stomach go out?? wahahhaha
Hi Kris

How much is your gynae charging u for OSCAR? I was told its about $300+.

Hi Jenifur

Are u referring to "Alpha-Beta test (Maternal AFP and free Beta HCG Screening" when u say the normal blood test?

Both test can only determine the risk factor of having a DS baby. Was told that if the decision is to keep BB even though he/she is having DS, then there is no need to go through these test.

But of course, gynae also say that by knowing the risk factor (if its high), the parents can prepare themselves for the road ahead when the BB is born should you decide to keep the BB.

Did your gynae mention how much does the normal blood test cost? and when will it be done?

Heard from my friend that she did a detailed scanned at 5 months and it also reviewed that her BB is ok.

hehe thanks...can can, lets wait till all of us are feeling better then we arrange lor. no hurry one. btw, u ok?

haha ya lor...by 2nd tri we shld be stronger and more energetic liao, hopefully.
<font face="calisto mt"> SSL,

Not sure if there's e name of e bld test cuz I wasn't paying much attention. Think e bld test cost ard $80+ &amp; will b done ard 12 wks. Only if e result show risk of hving possible DS then will proceed to do OSCAR. Think TMC is charging S$300+ for Oscar &amp; NUH ard S$160+</font>

sorry for the late reply on systoms of UTI.. i think is the yellow discharge and itchness..


My gynea chked my baby's neck thickness last week, he says its at normal gap height. He also told me abt the blood test to determine the risk of having a down syn baby anot.. and its actually only shows high or low risk.. even if it appears to be at low risk, it doesnt mean no risk lor..

so we decided not to take the test.. and moreover our age group is still consider young, the advantages is there

I also gained weight liao.. 1.5kg :p MY hubby say dun blame on my baby.. hehehe... cos its onli 5cm niah...
oh no.. seems like i'm the odd one out liao.. edd 24 sept

ysterday i went to collect my UTI med.. nurse gave me a can of milk powder :p dun dare to try yet.. kekekeke

haiz.. lots of supplements to take leh.. fish oil, iron, folic acid and calcium!! *fainted*

anyone having same amount of supplements?
btw my HIV, VDRL, Hep and urine tests cost total $100. anyone paid lesser?

My UTI med costed me $35
quite exp lor i feel.. onli antibactics and packets of powder for drinking :p
hi Fun,

can u explain how the procedure of checking the baby's neck thickness is like? Cos i am going for it next week. Any pain or discomfort?

Me too, taking lots of supplements: multivits, folic acid, calcium, fish oil and hormone pills.

My asst herself got 3 children!!! She's abt 8 yrs my senior! So vicious I also say.. and to think I saw her as a great fren before.
My close frens tell me I'm too trusting.. anyway I've already made up my mind to leave next yr when I finish my maternity leave. I've already sent out applications loh! I feel very cheng4 sim1 in this place already.

Mrs Tan and Joycelyn,

Ya, I know MS will end lah.. I suppose it's all the other stresses that's making everything seem so much worse. But it's so nice to know got frens in this forum who are so encouraging.


I dunno how much the OSCAR costs leh.. but my hubby thinks there's no harm going for it. Anyway, can whole day dun go and work on the day of the test. I'm gonna ask my gynae for an MC!

i suppose my hospital would be Glen E lor, cos my gynae is located at Camden Medical Centre.

ya..got other stresses...we are all in this together so i also feel very glad to have made friends here in this thread. so we can complain to each other! ;)
Mrs Tan

Is yr baby usually sleeping or awake when u do scanning? cos my gynea says can onli measure the neck/back of the baby when it is actively floating up and down.. he measure when its in the air lor
thats the gap inbetween baby and the base the gynea will be looking for
NO PAIN at all de
we also saw its 5 fingers!! so cute!!!

i think Mt E is most accessible for my gynea cos he has day clinic in there.. so still considering Mt E and MT A
Hi Fun,

So yr gynae measure the neck thickness of yr bb during yr checkup? Did they charge any extra charges? Is this a routine chk as well?
mayday ~ i bought anmum the choco flavour one but den arh buay start to drink coz scared jin powder smell.. me drinking HL oso.. its fine~
Hey Mayday, Morraine,
I also drink HL leh...
but drink until sian already.... change to chocolate flavour also sian...
so today, i skip HL... hehe.... so happy

I also very scared of milk power smell leh...
Anmum got milk powder smell? hehehe..

huh? i dunno whether baby sleeping or awake one leh..the scan so blurry cannot really see leh. so cute can see the little 5 fingers! must be sooooo nice. so the scan is done from the abdominal area? just like the usual scan is it?

Mayday &amp; Morraine,

I am drinking Anmum the normal flavour. almost finishing now but then i dont drink everyday cos feel pukey when i just drink 1 glass. cos of the milk smell and some more i drink it warm. quite gross leh. I am just wondering, is it ok to drink those usual full cream milk like Farmland kind? cos i dont quite like HL milk leh...do we need Anmum powder since its specially for preg mothers?
manuka ~ tel u a little secret ~ i skip milk for 3 days liaoz.. hahahah.. i oso drink til sian liaoz..

i dunno anmum have or not.. but den i jus have not hav the courage to make one cup to drink..
mrs tan ~ wah seh ~ u jin brave leh.. can drink all.. they say coz anmumm got alot of proteins for preggies lor.. den jin good lor..

joceyln ~ ya lor.. but den now i oso start to detest fresh milk..

then how like that? so shld we drink Anmum or not?
or can we drink fresh milk? cos i like cold fresh milk the best. in the morning...wah shiok.
<font face="Calisto mt"> Actually if u really stand e milk powder smell, U can make do w fresh milk like HL or even Soya Milk. My gynae said no point forcing to take then later everything puke out
mrs tan ~ ya like wat jenifur says.. can drink HL.. CONFIRMED from my gynae.. hee hee..

my SIL oso drank thru out her pregnancy leh.. mind u both pregnancy! hee hee..

ya lor.. drink cold one in the monring ..shiok hor!
Mayday &amp; Mrs Tan

Its parts of the normal scan leh... 2D scan ba... cos we even get to see its bottom with two legs floating upwards.. :D

no additional chrgs.. but realli a more thru scan den wat i get from his Bishan clinic lor.. think the Machine in MT e is better

having an awoke baby is different from a sleep one leh.. can realli see tat its floating up and down every 3 sec like tat.. and hands also folding up and down
hey, till now i haven't drink any milk ok because i dun always dun like milk and till now i dunno how to convince myself to drink it!

my mum bought me a can of enfamama milk powder still newly put on my dining table untouched. i dun even dare to drink HL milk jiat lat i worry for my bb if i dun drink milk will my bb be alright?
celine ~ not to worry.. u eat cheese? its ok wan.. coz my SIL oso dun drink milk coz each time she drinks.. she sure puke wan.. her bb boy already 2 yrs old.. healthy!
yah yah i hate the taste and aftertaste of milk tried drinking last time but always puke.

cheese...heehee..my breakfast is luncheon meat and cheese toast sandwich ok or not? yum yum!
<font face="Calisto mt"> Celine,

Or u take those soya bean milk lor. It's also quite rich in calcium &amp; protien</font>
me too dun like the milk powder smell - wan puke! But HL is fine with me so will continue to drink. For those dun like milk can switch to other food intake with high calcium. Soya bean drink is gd too.
Jenifur &amp; morraine

oh i see...hmm ok..then after i finish my can of Anmum, i will just buy fresh milk..i enjoy that better!

mrs tan ~ hee hee.. if u enjoy fresh milk more den drink tat lor... we not only please our babies.. but den we mus please ourselves oso wor.. hee hee
