(2005/10) Oct 2005 MTB???

mine is 7p.m. show. Wah! you bought the exp one! I bought the $38 one.... boh lui...

ask the gynae for a good date to go for barney show? lol

SSL: yah.. sigh now i'm having a big headache trying to find a good place for zoe..

3rascals: i live at holland area.. still looking.. visited eagerbeaver today, would say it's pretty good but not fantastic, v good for chinese immersion..still thinking long and hard..max centre capacity is 49 and ratio for n1 is 1:10 max 12.. they have china chinese teacher teaching mandarin and a solid 3hour teaching in the morning..i was there fr 930 to 11 and they were actually having lessons the whole way..

They only started training brennan when he started N1.


brennan is doing fine, still at the same childcare centre at simei
very good that kaiser can be diaper free. what about when u go out?? i dont think i will toilet the night time one so soon, cos he is already waking up at 6+am so i think more beauty sleep is better for him. heehee


think if too tired wake up liao they also dont want to pee. like my boy, when he is engrossed in watching tom & gerry, he wont want to go toilet. but i noticed he started to hold on to his penis, then i know he wants to urine. so will bring the potty to him ;p


Brennan childcare also has a chinese teacher (from china) teaching them chinese lessons. Brennan always sings the chinese nursery songs (like ni wa wa)
Oh, i feel grace still not ready for toilet training yet. Now, teacher complain she is always going to toilet to play with water... aye.
<font face="Calisto mt"><font color="0000ff">Sweetie,

I'm coping fine. U r also using e cane on Grace? Actually I'm not so keen on e cane but HB keep telling me "Spare e Rod &amp; spoil e child" *sigh*.

Maternity leave really flies hor. I'm gng bac office on 5-May. Really bu she de leh.

I want to bring Janelle go watch Barney too but stupid CFO said cannot. He said S$68 too ex den e rest view nt v gd, might as well save e $$ to buy DVD. *arrrrggghh* </font>

<font color="aa00aa">Morraine,

Bring your hospital bag with you to go watch Barney lah *Hee*</font>

<font color="0000ff">Sneaky,

Where did you buy e swimsuit for Issac? I wan to get 1 for Josiah so he can go swimming w Janelle too.</font></font>
jen, it's an old navy and it belonged to sam. i got it online 2 years ago...

when do you intend to bring Josiah for a swim? by then, Isaac would have outgrown this suit and i can pass to you le...how's that?
sneaky, issac really grows fast.

when our first swim together? we have gotten the club member and can go anytime! kekeke.. clarisse is playing water every other day. She is enjoying it very much.

i look werid in my bikini with my tummy. but daddy says its ok. well so i leave it.

Jenifur, lol your CFO very strict lehz. mine is ok as long as anything for his girl. I went shopping n bought Guess kids for 92+, he was like wat.. so ex. but when he saw the top and the 2 pants, he was delighted. We are planning to change our toy kitchen to a better one, so that she wont feel taht the bb will be threat and also treat a gift from the younger to elder.

now headache cos CL called me yesterday to say she gng to China Holiday on sept 29 and back on 11th Oct. My Edd is 16 oct and i worried i will deliver early for this one. cos this noti one like growing bigger than expected. Guess if i am to deliver early, i likely to go without CL for days before she comes.
Today is Sabie's Anniversary.

I hope our own thread can join in prayers for our little angel, Sabie who is now in arms of God. Praying that she will grow and be very happy.

I do miss her alot and i am sure both James and Sarah does too. Its been 1 long year, where both parents bury themselves in work.

Praying for James &amp; Sarah, hoping they will move into their new home soon and may God bless them with another little child to share their lives with.

May God be gracious and kind to our fellow parents in this thread.

God Bless.

Why is your three months so short? I just started work last monday. Still not really getting used to it. Very tired. Miss those smiles from Bryan every morning.... can only see them on weekends. I miss both Grace and Bryan alot especially in the mornings.
how u all deliver with #1 ard? pls help me... nw i still latching clarisse but much much lesser... need some ideas how to deliver with #1 ... hmm
<font color="ff6000">jenifur

aiyo den half way the show den i have make my way out if the lil fella decides to make his way out too??!! *lol*</font>
carole, samuel stayed at home when i delivered. my in-laws and maid looked after him...then he came visiting me once or twice a day with the adults...good that he's not ard all the time cos i rested well and could have a lot of bonding time with the newborn...
sneaky, not sure nw. Raffles has this room for family members, i am checking out the $. if nt too ex, i think daddy will want her to stay there just in case.. she sometimes will go cranky. unless mymum takes leave and accompany her
carole: i went for induce labour in the morning &amp; my mum to play with him at hm. he super "sticky" to me. when nite falls will cry foe me. So stay in a single bedder so that he'll stay thruout till 11pm (exhausted) b4 bringing him hm.he'll eat n nap in the ward. When hm, hubby got to sing him barney song to make him to bed. I also b/f till 3 mths preg. reduce latching gradually. then applied some crushed pandol to nipple to stop the latch. he took it quite well. only took 2 days he refused to latch.
3rascal, mine already slowly on soy powder.. so not that bad. but only worries she will scream for me lor. esp she is not close to my inlaws. and worse daddy not ard. so trying to work things out.
<font face="Calisto mt"><font color="0000ff">Sneaky,

U bot from a mummy in this forum huh? Is tis e one we "fought" for bac then? Planning to bring Josiah swimming soon, mayb will let him wear Janelle's old navy swimsuit since is green/white in colour. Duno he can fit or not</font>

<font color="aa00aa">Carole,

My CFO thinks that Janelle will not really enjoy e show so no point. I sort of hv to agree lah. She hardly sit thru her Barney DVD, dun tink she can manage e show. Janelle prefer Hi-5 more.

I left Janelle w my MIL on e nite of my delivery. Early in e morn, HB brings her to TMC to see me den stay tere till almost her nap time. HB brings her home &amp; stay w her. Lucky I only stayed 1 day 2 nites so Janelle was still ok. She only kept crying for me when sleeptime lor.</font>

<font color="0000ff">Morraine,
Den u tell ur boi boi to wait till u finish e show *hee* If not prob U ask ur siblings or someone else bring Ash go watch then.</font>

<font color="aa00aa">sweetie,

Maternity leave is nt exactly 3 mths but 84 days. I also tink it's ver short leh. Ya I'm gng to miss Josiah's smiles in e morn too. *haiz*. M tinking of either take No Pay leave or resign &amp; stay home for another few more mths, see how's e situation when I go bac next mth.</font></font>
your CFO very strict with money kekeke.. Clarisse so far sat through many LIVE shows. so i am very confident she is gng to enjoy herself at the Barney show.

I am not sure on my stay, who knows i kena C-sec last min manz?
<font color="ff6000">jenifur

I myself wants to watch the Barney show so badly!! ha ha ha

shall consult my gynae this coming mon when i go for my next visit and see wat he says... </font>
<font face="Book Antiqua"><font color="0000ff">Morr,

Nv edit hor... it's original de. HB said I v bad, always post Josiah's "ugly" pic</font></font>

You really good leh to bring Josiah swimming at 2mths+. I am thinking to let Bryan swim when 6 mths. But plan to do his passport soon.

Your hb smile like he strike lottery!
jenifur...so xin fu!!! envy envy...

i also hv pic of the happy daddy and kids to show...

folks, dont be angry hor...it's too nice not to be shown...
Hello mummies,
Sorry to interrupt. I have 2 boys of preschool age and want to send them to school. May I find out from you what are the important factors that you all consider when choosing a preschool? Ie. teacher-to-student ratio? Price? Curriculum?

1) enviroment 2) Curriculum 3) distance from home 4) price

Teacher to student u dun have to worry much.. they have to be within MCYS's regulations
wahz... so long no people post!!!

ok lahz.. kekeke let me make some noise....

i am expecting a Prince in Oct! During the scan, i wasnt looking at any other plc event the kuku... its soo CLEAR! and this noti boy knows tat daddy wanna see... so open leg big big show it to us.

soon i am looking for some simple clothes.. any hand-downs?
anyone's kiddo in JG classes at Forum? i wana enroll Alden there... wana give it a try.. its the independent class, he goes in alone de.
<font face="Book Antiqua"><font color="0000ff">Sweetie,

I'm ok lor. Back to work, super miss the kids. *haiz* How about you?</font></font>
Hi Carole,

Grace also enjoyed alot... I find it short though.

Hi Jenifur,

So, you still bf?

Ask you mummies, will you shift house because you want to TRY to be near a good primary school? Is it worth it? I heard its not 100% confirm entry even for less than 1 km... is it true?
<font face="Book Antiqua"><font color="0000ff">Sweetie,

Yupz, I'm still bfing. Hopefully can tahan till Josiah turns 1yo. Told HB mus b fair cuz I only wean Janelle off @ 1yo mah.

I had e idea of shifting to near a gd primary sch but heard it's not 100% cfm.

Now my aim is to try to work flexi hr or b SAHM so can ferry them to &amp; fro sch. If tis is possible den I'll jus enrol Janelle in MGS or Fairfield since got priority.

How's Bryan doing? Is Grace still with My Little Campus? I'm having headache trying to find a nursery for Janelle</font></font>

I am from rgps and i dun want my kids to enrol in different schools so i have headache.
Bryan just recovered from flu...
Yup, she is still there and is a jewel to alot of teachers from what i gathered during last sat's parent meeting session. No place for Janelle? Where are you looking at?
GAIN IQ for SALE! I'm changing Milk Formula for Alden.. I stocked up Gain IQ previously, so wana sell off at a lower price.. PM me if interested!

sweetie.. the problem for school selection comes in when we all hv children of different sexes.
one girl and one boy

i m super close to ST NIC, and chances of getting in, not 100% but at least a 80% bahz. but what will happen to my boy in years to cme? so i will sit down n talk to daddy before jumping into St Nic... want to make sure both gets into the same school ...
