(2005/02) Feb/Mar 2005 Babies

<font face="comic sans ms">Hi <font color="aa00aa">lbs</font>, during my first visit @ KKH (Me around in 4th weeks plus), my gynae said it's too early to do U/S, so disappointed.. so need to wait until I'm into 6th weeks lor...
Somemore din tell me my EDD hor
But I calculated myself lah, it shld be ard 27th/28th of Feb.
Me cannot tahan wait one leh

<font face="comic sans ms">Hi <font color="ff6000">Seiko</font>, I'll stay as optimistic as I can... er... but it was the time when I saw my foetus and its H/B... heehee.</font>
lbs, keeping my fingers crossed for yr 'double happiness'

Joyce, seems like most of the ladies' EDD earlier than mine. my last AF was may31st....EDD ( according to website ) is 7/3/05. but like wat lbs said, depends on the size of the 'peanut' *heheh*

seems like most ladies r already increasing their milk intake. i cannot leh cos milk causes wind in me *sianz* but how come when i drink vitagen im ok huh? aiyo....
<font face="comic sans ms"><font color="ff6000">Seiko</font>, I think Vitagen belongs to yoghurt milk type lah so will not cause wind in you, heehee... guessing only hor.</font>
I think you're rite leh Joyce
since my gp + hb + parents arent controlling my diet hor, so i think i can continue drinking it *heheh* i was surprised when my gp ( who has antenatal services ) said it doesnt matter what i eat in the beg, juz eat as per normal.... so since me on a 1-2 vitagen per day, i'll continue lor *hehe* pluz it contains some fruit juice. my fave is grape. yummy! :p
Hey Joyce, sorry!!! forgot to tell u!!! but i thought you'd see it soon!
welcome, welcome! Don't bang your head ok?

Little peanuts are good! They will grow soon! Just be patient everyone!
(imagine we were also once peanuts!)
hi cosmic star,

if my baby turns out to be a gal, she'll have Grace as her middle name too. Like you, i feel that it's with God's grace that He has blessed us with this baby. Will pray that all will go well for you.
I also feel very paranoid initially because of my earlier failed pregnancies. Gynea has been very encouraging. He told the importance of prayer.
Babygrace (no wonder ur nick), i agree with u &amp; java too. God's grace has indeed blessed us all &amp; will continue to see us thru. You notice many of us here have had previous failed pregnancies, so we tend to be rather cautious this time round. So many times doubt and fear are cast in us, but we just have to continue to have Faith that God's Grace is sufficient for us!

Take care, all!
Morning ladies
How's everyone today??

Hi Seiko
My 1st day of last AF was 27/May..&amp; according to website, I shld also be abt 5.5 weeks &amp; EDD is 5/Mar.

But like I said, gynae will also see the size of the 'peanut' at early stage to etermine your stage your pregnancy &amp; estimate your EDD. But I think this EDD may change over time..plus minus a week/two..
Hi lbs,
Congrats on the gd news that u may be having twins!!

So ur EDD is 1 wk later than mine &amp; Seiko? Seiko's &amp; mine 1st day of last mens was 31st May &amp; 29th May respective, how abt urs, is it close?

If u want to increase ur milk intake &amp; avoid wind in u, take those milk powder type &amp; not off the shelf fresh milk.
Hi Laugh
My 1st day of last menses was 27May..in fact earlier than yours &amp; Seiko..

But from the size, the scan estimates to be arnd 4 weeks plus..so, instead of 5.5weeks preggie (based on website), I am abt 4.5 weeks preggie (based on size of the little peanut now) ..

Hi lbs,
Is there a size shown somewhere in the picture taken? don't remember seeing it leh! must go back &amp; check again.

BTW, ur gynae did the scan fm ur tummy or vaginal?
Hi Laugh
The size is not shown on the monitor we are looking at..but I think is on the machine itself..Together with the estimates no. of weeks you are in...

My gynae is doing the abdomen scan..but I heard V scan can see better ler..what abt you?

When you went for your scan, your gynae did the manual calculation or he let you know your pregnancy stage after seeing the sac?
Hi All

Can I join this thread? I think I might be about 7 weeks pregnant, but gynae cannot see the foetus at all last week during the scan (only see a sac). I have to go back tomorrow to scan again. Hopefully all will be well.

Can't help but be worried the whole of last week, esp when I read in the forum that some pple can actually detect heartbeat in the 5/6th week. Can someone tell me if it is normal to only see foetus in 7th week? I dun dare to go back earlier to scan, in case foetus is still not big enough to detect.
My gynae did a V scan &amp; im too nervous to ask why?

Think mayb becos he wanted to do a pap smear &amp; make sure that the BB is in the right place.

For EDD, is done by the nurse &amp; not the gynae.

BTW, when is ur next check up? is it 2 wks later?
Hi Jannie,
Wat kind of scan did ur gynae do(abdomen or V scan)? Heard that if the foetus is too small, can't really c from abdomen scan. Think, hearbeat can be detect in the 6th/7th wk.
Hi Jannie
Welcome! Yups, Laugh is right...V scan can see more clearly than abdomen scan..Maybe you are not really 7th week pregnant? Initially I thought I shld be 5weeks plus but after scan, only 4 weeks plus lor..Dun worry...

Hi Laugh
Ohh..the reason is V scan can see more clearly lor..Abdomen scan also can see the position of the BB but sometimes can be a bit blur..maybe being hidden by a layer of fats??

Yupz, going back in 2 weeks time for follow up check up...will be doing another scan again, I think.

After that, gynae said will be on monthly basis liao...

Btw, nearly forgot. My charges yesterday as follow:

Consultation fees = $45
Ultrasound = $55
Medicines = $26
TOTAL = $126

<font face="comic sans ms">Good afternoon ladies,

I have one word to say nia, that's <font color="ff0000">TIRED!!</font>


Afternoon Ladies!

sorry been bz all morn, hows moms- 2 b here doing?
i feel more or less back 2 normal after last wks cramps, so am walkingf quite fast again *hahaha*

that means Laugh n myself shd only be in our 4th wk .... aiyooooo how come time passes so slowly? like tortise *heheh*

hi Laugh
tks 4 the advice
will try out the powder forms, but heng i can still take vitagen *hee*

Aiyo, seems like im the only one who hasen seen a gynae yo?

Welcome Jannie

Yay! im burping n farting again! hHAhahahah
<font face="comic sans ms"><font color="ff6000">Tiny</font>, it's ok.

Actually I'm quite envious you gals here, can fully concentrate <font color="119911">yang tai</font>, sigh... me ah, still need to look after my notti boy... headache + tired !!</font>
Hi Seiko
Not really lar..If you having regular &amp; normal length (28 - 30 days) cycles, then the manual counting method (1st day of last menses) shld be pretty accurate.
As for me, for the previous few cycles, a little bit haywire liao...30, 27, 29, 34, ...so a bit inaccurate by counting lor..

When you go for your first scan, gynae shld be able to tell you liao...U going next week?

Hi Joyce
Aiyo, your boy-boy still very young? Muz be really hard to be pregnant &amp; taking care of young child ler..

Are you working mum?
Hey joyce,
Sollie lar, never intro u to this thread. Dun wan to be insensitive and announce this thread to you, while the other gals in miscarriage thread still TTCing mah. No need to "zhuang qiang", here I treat you

hi babygrace, your gynae also christian? Mine also. But I find that her charges are quite ex. I have already sign up for the package, and its excluding ultrascan charges.

Seems like all of you are working full-time? Me working part-time (twice a week). Today supposed to be working, but stomach feels quite weak from all the vomiting last night. Got up at 1.15am to vomit! Today cook porridge for myself to eat to soothe the stomach. This week I'm at 7th week. Time crawls. Now I'm watching Sesame Street at home!

hi jannie,
Are you measuring your 7 weeks from your last menses or from time of conception? I saw my embroyo and heartbeat at 6th week by vaginal scan. But I know of some ppl who only saw the heartbeat at 8th week. So dun worry too much, be patient. Ask your Ah Dot to grow well, sleep well, eat well and let mummy hear your heartbeat, okie?

hi snowpooher,
The fresh milk 2 packet for $4+ kind not too good. coz you must keep in fridge. old ppl always say dun drink too much cold drinks. I also believe that, coz when my stomach feels weak from vomiting, I prefer to take hot drinks lor.
Java, I am measuring 7th week from the last day of menses, which is how most people are calculating isn't it?
<font face="comic sans ms"><font color="ff6000">Java</font>, aiyo... me not so petty lah, kidding only nia lah... haha.

<font color="119911">lbs</font>, me a homemaker right now. My Aloysius turning two in four months time.</font>
<font color="ff6000">Joyce</font>, i saw u bang ur head just now leh!
Maybe that y u got headache!!
Sorry lah, din noe that u r not aware that <font color="0000ff">Java</font> had created this thread. No wonder i was thinking how come u never joined them!

<font color="0000ff">Java</font> and <font color="aa00aa">Seiko</font>, i agree that time seems to crawl slowly!!

<font color="119911">lbs</font>, wish u luck! Hope u can have a twin too!!
hi hi...

can i join in also? My EDD is ard 8th feb.

My ms started from 6th week, keep feeling nausea and no appetite.
Have been eating those spicy food like lasksa, tom yam soup. And also have been eating a lot of sour sweets to curb my nausea. How abt u all?
Welcome.... Steamboat.

I should be in beg wk6, so far so good but just feel a bit sleepy/drowsy especially aft taking the ultrongeston medicine fm the gynae.
<font face="comic sans ms">
<font color="aa00aa">steamboat</font>

Your symptoms same as me, I like spicy food and especially <font color="ff6000">TOM YAM SOUP</font>, my favourite !! Now thinking of it, saliva rolling down liao

<font color="0077aa">Ocean</font>, me always so <font color="ff0000">BLUR</font>... heehee.</font>
Laugh, what is ultrongeston medicine for?

Joyce, hehe.. me too ! I like tom yam soup very much... and steamboat also my favourite !

But have been eating a lot of heaty stuff recently until my pimples started popping out !
I also crave for spicy food!!

Laugh, it may not be the medicine that's making u sleepy... it may be your pregnancy that's making u tired. I am also taking the hormone pills till 2 days back (cos my PILs accidentally threw them away!!!), and I feel tired constantly.

I feel extremely naseous constantly, but did not throw up. Tried taking sweets and preserved organe peel but not much effect. Anyone has got better recommendations?

I am hoping that all these MS show that my dot dot is still ok.....
<font face="comic sans ms">Poor <font color="119911">lbs</font>.

Dear <font color="ff6000">jannie</font>, don't think of it

How come my limbs <font color="aa00aa">'luan3 luan3'(like no strength)</font> ah?</font>
<font face="comic sans ms">Hey gals, I just remembered something.

These are the few things I'd like to remind you gals (up to you to believe):

<font color="ff6000">Do not do all the below mentioned things on your bed/bedroom.

1) No! sewing
2) No! cutting your nails
3) No! digging your ears
4) No! holding a mirror on your hand while you are trimming your eyebrows
5) Do not add extra light bulb or anything that is related to electricity.</font>

<font color="119911">I guess you gals heard that pregnant woman cannot eat sushi, beside that, there is few more things that we are not suitable to eat also:

1) Raw eggs (contain salmonella)
2) Liver (it'll cause foetus development problem)
3) Raw meat and 'seahum' (shell types)
4) Handmade ice-cream, unpasteurized milk, blue cheese and soft cheese.</font></font>
Hi steamboat,
It is hormone pills, for ang tai purpose (thats wat the gynae said).

Jannie, mayb u r right! my SIL (a mother of 2) said that too but usually aft taking this for abt 1.5hrs, Im so... sleepy (jus hoping that im at home).
Hi Joyce

You mean the first part of 'pantang' only applicable in the bedroom hor? I usually did those things on my sofa in the living hall...can?

also, do you happen to know any pantang for newly preggie to attend red/white occasions? I have a frenz's throwing baby shower celebration &amp; another wedding..Can I attend?
Aiyo, really cannot eat liver and ice cream ah?
I ate liver when i had steamboat last wk leh.
And i also ate some ice cream on and off...
jia lat...
hi joyce,

just for curious,why can't add a light bulb huh?
u meant those lamp on both side table at bedrm?
welcome steamboat

Joyce, alamak! i did # 2 and 3 in my bedroom leh! n oso guilty of eating sashimi *hee* but had decided 2 give it up for the next few mths liao ( tho unwillingly ) :p
hi joyce, steamboat,
I also love tom yam soup. But I can't eat any of these sour and spicy soups now, seem to cause alot of gas in the stomach.

I also eat liver last week, pork liver porridge!!

I only know cannot eat bittergourd.

Yes. When pregnant, tend to feel very sleepy and tired. I dun feel it, coz now that I'm at home most of the time, I get to sleep very often.
I just woke up from my afternoon nap. Made myself go to sleep, coz the nausea is making me CRAZY!!
<font color="0000ff">steamboat</font>, no
, cannot eat liver because it is too rich in Vit A. Had read that too much Vit A will be bad for the baby. Thus my gynae also told me not to eat!

For ice cream, dont eat those homemade one. Think those that we buy from supermarket such as marigold/kings ice cream is alright!

<font color="119911">lbs</font>, for white occasion, it is definately a no no for pregie. But for those happy occasion such as new born and wedding, i think it depends on individuals. Maybe for new born, dont eat those red egg. Just my thots!
<font face="comic sans ms"><font color="119911">lbs</font>, better don't do any sewing during your pregnancy.(old ppl say we will sew the baby's head) Like cutting nails, trimming eyebrows, digging your ears is quite ok. For baby shower, better dun go, old ppl say it'll 'crash' with your baby.(Full month cake, better don't eat, give it to someone else who is not pregnant)
For wedding, I think it's advisable but if can avoid, then avoid.
For white occasion, you cannot 'Song4 Bing1' but you can give the money for the deceased family members.

<font color="aa00aa">Steamboat</font>, I'm not sure we normally eat the ice-cream that we bought outside is handmade or machine made leh, sorry hor. As for liver, don't eat too much.(lucky I don't like them, heehee)

<font color="ff6000">wendyl</font>, er... actually I read all the informations from newspaper, the geomancy did not say why cannot add extra light bulb leh. For my own views hor, our bb already got used of the decorations of our bedroom/house liao so if we changed/add something, it may turn out different. Then the bb may think he/she is in the wrong house/bedroom.

And lastly, one more important thing, remember not to shift your bed or the furniture in your house!! Remain the same for 9 months...</font>
Hello Ibs, Seiko and everybody out there,

I tested positive yesterday! I have booked to see a gynae at KKH on Thurs. Is this too soon, am I too kiasu?
Can I join you ladies too?
<font face=" comic sans ms">
<font color="aa00aa">KC</font>, Congrats. I visited my gynae in my 4th weeks @ KKH too, did not do any U/S. Just do some paperworks and prescribled folic acid for me only. I will be visiting him again on next tue for U/S, that time I'll be in my 6th weeks plus.</font>
hi java,
yes, my gynea is a Christian. He's at Mt A and there's a chapel in the hospital. He reminded me to go there

How much does your gynea charge? Mine is quite ex too. Package starts from week 16. Consultation package is $600 and delivery charges at $700.

Hi KC,
Welcome! You're not being kiasu to go so early. For this pregnancy, i tested myself 4 days after missing my period and immediately saw the gynea on the same day. If it gives you the peace of mind to see the gynea fast, just do it.
Hi KC,
congrats! i tested +ve about a day or 2 BEFORE my AF was due and immediately made an appt to see my gynae the following week! That was only at about 4 weeks but he did a v-scan and could see the little sac (only abt 4.5mm!) So don't worry, you're not kiasu.

Ocean, thanks 4 your well wishes over at the other thread. I think i post here better cos not so sensitive to talk abt it over there. When my gynae 1st did the scan, we saw the baby (grown a lot from the last time) and the 1st thing i looked out for was the heartbeat. So relieved when I saw it again. At that point, only the heartbeat was flickering and the baby wasn't moving. My gynae pointed out the limbs of the baby (tiny ones at the sides) to us. Then suddenly he got excited and said "Look! It's awake!" and then we saw the limbs moving and the body wiggling! It was soooooo cute!
At that point it just makes all the discomfort &amp; bloatedness worth it!
I'm sure you'll see your little one move soon too!

Java, i think sleep is the best way to get rid of nausea...so if you have the time &amp; chance, then do it! And lots of rest is also good for your growing baby.

Steamboat, do you crave for spicy food? for me, spicy &amp; oily food makes my tummy feel quite terrible, so i've been avoiding it. eating rather bland food, but it seems to help cos i don't throw up or get nauseous.
<font face="comic sans ms">Do you gals subscrible/read any parental magazines?
I subscribled <font color="ff6000">Young parents and Fu You</font> last Nov'03.
I think both of them are good, lots of info to read.</font>
i only confirmed wif a gp but she said she doesnt wan 2 do u/s yet as i was at my 5th wk according 2 her ( but i counted mine shd be early 4 wks only. i haven seen a gynae yet, planning 2 do u/s only at 7 wks
N Welcome

Hi girls,
Apparently if there are no complications, some people even see their gynae around Wk 8 or even later! But i think for those of us who've had previous failed pregnancies, our gynaes advise us to see them as soon as we confirm +ve so that they can monitor us closely. And prob for 1st time mummies, we tend to be more gan cheong and at a loss as to what to do, so I think it's ok that we make an appt to put our minds at ease and to get some advice.

Joyce, I get most of the info from the net...hee hee...free mah... and a lot of informative sites. My hubby recently bought a magazine Pregnancy and Birth or something like that (I forgot) and it had adverts of such lovely baby stuff &amp; even maternity wear...unfortunately it's a UK edition and the things are prob not available here! So sad!
