(2002) Any 2002 babies?

Hi mummies,

I am a mummy to two angels, Ashley (jun02) and Amber (may06).

Wondering if you gals have visited this wonderful online site for phonics.

It's a great place to start the kids on phonics - interesting and entertaining. Ashley 1st started on the alphabets and slowly moved on to reading some short stories. She still has a habit of memorizing the words just be viewing the pics so what I do is to write some of the words on a blank piece of paper and ask her to read from the paper instead.

I would encourage all mummies to check it out....afterall it doesn't cost a single cent.

juz me,
maybe for a start, you can tell him if he need to pee, he can wake you up...then when he has learnt to and get used to waking up when he needs to pee, then one day after he wakes you up, you just ask him to go wee by himself, you wait for him in the bedroom. cos asking him to wake up and go toilet is 2 tasks..which may be too much at the moment.

and do you leave the lights on so in the middle of the night, he can go toilet?

just my opinion.
juz me
do you still wear night diaper for your son?

I find that night diaper doesn't help because my girl feels 'protected' so she will continue to wet her diapers. she finds it too troublesome to remove her diaper & walk to toilet

after I removed her night diaper totally, she will diligently wakes up in the middle of night to go toilet once herself. I told her it's alright to wet her bed, just need to change her bedsheet herself

hehe, she probably figures out it's less troublesome to go toilet than change bedsheets

even my younger girl is off her nap & night diaper the last one week. so far so good, only wet her bed twice. she's very proud she is 2 years ahead of her elder sister in getting rid of diapers

my next target is to get my younger girl off her milk bottle. just drink from cup. she needs to suckle on her milk bottle teats every night so that she can fall asleep while drinking milk. that's another big challenge!

my elder girl has been drinking from cup the last few days, no more milk bottle
Juz Me,

What about waking your boy up to go to the toilet ? Then slowly he might get used to the idea and will go to the toilet.

For me I remove the diaper totally when the diaper is dry everytime in the morning.
Thanks all for your suggestions.

My boy is the type that sleeps through the night. Yesterday, he drank half cup of milk at 8.15pm and he slept early about 9.30pm. And when we woke him up at 12.30am to pee, we noticed his nite diaper was already wet...and he woke up with wet diapers for the past few days...

Was wondering whether will he still continue to sleep even he wet himself if I let him go without a nite diaper??
juz me,

stop wondering and start trying...lol

initially, my boy will sleep thru the night even on a soaked bed...it is the urine smell that awakes me. now, when he accidentally wets himself, he will wake up immediately and control and run to the toilet. only wet his pyjamas...not enuf urine to wet the bed.

on occasions that he wets his bed, he told me that he dreamt that he went to the toilet and pass urine....:p
My son is also those sleep like a log kind so when I tried to get him to go to pee at 12+ before I go to bed, he is so sleepy and sometimes so frustrated that he kicks and kicks. That was beginning of the year. Had since stopped and let him be - just remind him not to wet his diaper before he zzz. Usually he gets up at 6am to pee (on days when he doesn't wet) so hopefully he can control till morning.
Hi hippo,

Your girls sure are easy to train and cooperative! My 5 year old is still sucking her milk bottle.... She need it to help her to sleep. She said milk taste funny when drank from cup.

Worse still, my younger daughter (2 years old) follows the same traits, suck herself to sleep and on top of that she is very dependent on her pacifier. I have more challenges than you. Ha ha

my younger girl only gave up her pacifier at 2 years old. I kept telling her she's a big girl now, only young babies suck on pacifier. after saying that for the 10th time, she dump her pacifier into the trash can and that's it, no longer seek her pacifier.

although she blur blur most of the times, she still surprise me sometimes with incident like this

how's your elder girl in Kumon? you started her on Maths or English? she enjoys it?

Went for the orientation. Dont quite like the place. Gave me a very messy impression. Anyway, the chief instructor sounded weird too. When i told him to do the diagnostic test for my daughter, he told me to go home and "seriously consider" if i really want to start her on Kumon. Because of "commitment".

He kept stressing "commitment" right from the start. Even before i went for the orientation, i already gathered some info from helpful people like you and my relatives friends. So i am already prepared to set aside time daily to guide my daughter on this.

So we came back, seriously considering and still considering lor..

I think my younger girl will probably be like the elder one. When i try to get the older girl to quit when she was two and half, she ended up using her milk bottle as pacifier. So she ended up drinking so much water till she vomit most of the night.

Really dread to go thru the same thing with the younger one.

Went for the orientation. Dont quite like the place. Gave me a very messy impression. Anyway, the chief instructor sounded weird too. When i told him to do the diagnostic test for my daughter, he told me to go home and "seriously consider" if i really want to start her on Kumon. Because of "commitment".

He kept stressing "commitment" right from the start. Even before i went for the orientation, i already gathered some info from helpful people like you and my relatives friends. So i am already prepared to set aside time daily to guide my daughter on this.

So we came back, seriously considering and still considering lor..

I think my younger girl will probably be like the elder one. When i try to get the older girl to quit when she was two and half, she ended up using her milk bottle as pacifier. So she ended up drinking so much water till she vomit most of the night.

Really dread to go thru the same thing with the younger one.
Hi Amy (coolcat),

I have a girl born July 2002 and a boy Jan 2006. My girl still cant read words. She can sound each letters but can't join the letters readily to read the words.

Not knowning phonics myself, I relied on leadfrog DVD Alphabet factory and series which seem to get my children's attention. Perhaps you can try that.

he attended about last year for about 6mths in the phonic class organised by our CC. din see much improvement leh...

tot of sending him to The learning Lab or Lorna
Whiston...or HESS...anyone has any comments?


thanks for sharing the website...how to u benefit from there? i cannot figure out how to use leh :p


my boy cannot pronouce some letter still...but i can see that he is learn very hard..becos when he mispronouce, and i correct him...he will try to repeat after me diligently..but still can't get it rite, may be my teaching method not so good bah :<

I heard my girl's current instructor talking about 'commitment' to another parent. He didn't give us that lecture though because my girl is a transfer student. hehe, don't know why they so kan cheong about this commitment thing

my girl's previous instructor also didn't talk to us about 'commitment' even though she was only 2 years 11 months then. probably assume parents must be super 'committed' to start her at such young age, haha!

Thanks. Tried yesterday without diaper. At 12.30am woke him up and discovered he urinated on his bed and still sleeping like a log....Ha ha... back to diaper again.... Will still continue to wake him to pee

Is leadfrog DVD Alphabet factory good? I am still hesitating whether to buy or not?
amy, start off with the individual alphabets and their pronunciation.

then when your child is ready, can slowly teach him blending...eg...'an'..like 'fan/can/ran/pan'.

And again when he's ready, you can progress onto the early beginner book reading.

Just go slow and enjoy...kids learn faster when they're enjoying themselves. (yeah...easier said than done)
Hi ladies,

Just a short intro, I'm a mother of two - a 5yo son (Apr 02) and a 3yo daughter (Sept 04).

I understand some of u are concerned with yr child's speech and pronounciation. Dont mind if i share my experience with the mummies here.

I think phonics class help, at least in my case. My son couldnt recognise words at all and he wasnt keen in learning language till he attended phonics class early this year and I've seen great improvement. At least he will try to make up the word, even though he may not be right all the time but he still manage to recognise some. As for 2nd language, i.e. mandarin, I sent him to Berries World. Becos we converse in English all the time, he know nuts abt mandarin, he cant even speak simple conversational mandarin. After attended 6mths lessons, he transformed from a "gan tan" to a "ma ling shu", not only can he recognise many chinese characters, he can also speak and understand, which is a consolation to me.
hi ssm,


i did send my boy to berries...he has attended for close to 2 months already. although i see some improvement, but still got a lot of room. his interest for the language has improve alot though.

so i thought of how i can help him at home instead of only relying on the weekly chinese enrichment.
Hi all ,

i m looking for this doctor , Dr Lee Seow Lang , from CHYE CHILDREN CLINIC ... previous add of her clinic is at Toa payoh Blk 54 , but she moved already ... any one know where is she now ? pls email / PM me : [email protected]

my target of getting my 3 years old off milk bottle is not successful
she goes on hunger strike so I gave in, return her the milk bottle

she loves to use this tactic. the last time I tried to switch a brand of milk she's drinking to the same as her elder sister, she went on hunger strike too
hi all mummies,
can i join this thread? hope to get some tips from more experienced mums. i'm a SAHM with 3 kids - dd (born in 06/2003) & ds (born in 10/2004, 08/2006).

sorry. dun hv time to read thru' previous postings ;-P

Sorry, ride on this thread...

Is Berries really good?

I am stil contemplating to send my second son who is coming to 3 years for Chinese Enrichment course? Or should I send him when he turns 3 plus?

Hi Juz Me

Where do you stay ? If you are near CCK, want to consider a home based chinese class in a group of 4-5 students ? My gal with 3 other students are having lesson by this native chinese teacher who comes to my place.

Lesson plan as follows :
The lesson usually as follows :

Begining of the class will be revision of the poem they have done the week before.

New poem ( not the tang shi) will be recited each week, she will pick some words out for word recognition. After she ensure that all understand and will tell the parents which particular word your child is weak at so you can work with him/ her on it.

She will give up a copy of the poem and also the words which she has cut into pieces which you can flash with your kid

Next it will be a singing session. This part the kids love it.

Then it is story telling.

Finally she will come up with assessment for them. It is usually activity for right brain stimulation.

She has brought in some books from China which we will each get a set at $25 (5 books) which she will use during class.

Tue she has a class for 2003 and 2004 student in Clementi.

For Sat classes, they are conducted at our home at CCK. We are proposing new timing. Hope more can join us

1) Class for kids born in 2001/2002 -
Current student no : 4
Location : CCK St 52
Timing : 1 - 2.30 pm ( will be switching to 12 - 1.30 pm once the 2004 group is formed)
New student : Can have another 1-2 student

2) Class for kids born in 2003
Current student no : 3
Location : CCK Ave 2
Timing : 3 - 4.30 pm ( will be switching to 2 - 3.30 pm once the 2004 group is formed)
New student : Can have another 1-2 student

3) Class for kids born in 2004
Location : CCK Ave 2
Timing : 3.30 - 4.30 pm
Student no : Will require another 3-4 student

Please pm me if you are interested
Hi all, I am a mother of 2 girls. My elder girl will be 5 in August (born in August 2002) and my younger girl recently turned 3 (born in June 2004).

We are currently residing in the UK but plan to return to Singapore when my elder girl starts Primary One. We are keen to send her to MGS and live within 1km but found out that even within 1km, we might have to go through balloting. I am thinking of perhaps becoming a parent volunteer but I am not sure how it works.

My child attends an independent christian school here and we would really like to send her to a christian primary school so the values imparted with be consistent at home and in the school. Thought MGS would be a good school but she's the first child and we have no previous connections with the school either so I am at a loss to what to do.

Any advice on how I can volunteer or what it encompasses?
Hi Lih Fang
My elder gal oso born in Aug 02. Charmaine is 5 Aug 02. Yours ?

I think Parent Volunteer should be out because you need to registered before certain dates. Better to call the school to check. When you back in singapore, can you join a church with affiliation to the school ?
Juz me,

Is Macpherson CC near you ? If yes there a mummy trying to organise a class there on weekday evening. YOu can pm me and I can redirect you to her
Charmaine's mummy, do you know if there will be a class conducted in Sengkang or Punggol area?
This China lady sounds like she knows how to teach and is able to capture the attention of the kids. Do you see any great improvement in Charmaine's chinese?
Hi Mummies,
My gal will be going primary 1 in year 2009. And i like to send her for those preparatory classes for primary 1. Although abit kiasu, but thought shld try to get as much info first.

Any recommendations & opinions ??
hi chicken little, could you pls share more info abt the chinese teacher u had. what are the charges like? is there any class for 2001 kids at clementi?

my boys are born in 2001 and 2004. currently my elder is takin hanyu pinyin class conducted by his kindergarten outside sch hr. i'm thinkin of sendin him for chinese class since he's startin P1 nx yr. any gd recommendation ard clementi?
Hi mummies,
Hope you dun mind i join in.... my ds will be going to P1 in 2009 oso....

Chicken little,
Will the chinese teacher conduct any classes in sengkang??
sorry sorry totally miss out this thread.

At the moment teacher does not have class at sengkang and her sat is full at CCK. Not taking sunday class.

I host 4 kids at my place for this lesson, each student pays $20 per lesson. Paid on monthly basis.

In clementi only 2003 and 2004/05 class on tuesday afternoon. Travel to my place at CCK lah, not very far from clementi. My gal very easy going and play good host with any kids. Usually i ask those kids who are shy to drop by my place earlier , they will play then get ready for class.

Starts with revision of previous poem and teacher will check if they can recognise the new words introduced the week before. Then start with new poem and new words instruction.

Next singing which all enjoys a lot, then story telling and finally some exercise for right / left brain stimulation

Teacher has got a kid 2001 and a pri 2 gal. So she is very familiar with our system

have you check out those enrichment centre at beauty world and bukit timah plaza seems like there are quite a good range of classes there

Ya Charmaine speaks more chinese as compared to previously. She also can read more words and will be proud to show it off as she see signages or read off something she knows. I would say she has more confidence in Mandarin now
Hi Chicken Little,
Thanks for yr offer, but cck abit out of the way for me. do u tink the teacher would be keen to start another class for 2001 kids in clementi. or may i hv her contact so i could check with her. thanks alot!
Hi jOL,

I pm you the teachers contact you see if she can squeeze in time for you if you can form a class. I think tuesday evening might be ok since she already went all the way to the clementi
hi Juz me,
if u are keen to know more abt Berries, u can send yr children for trial class. U stay in the East right? I send my son to the one at Kembangan CC, if that is near yr place.
now until end of sept, the trial is $15 (at least that is wat i heard from at Bukit Batok Berries). Usual price is $23.
hi hi..
I am a FTWM of 2 girls - Oct 2002 & Feb 2005.

The eldest is attending half day care at Kinderland. She's not reading yet but she loves reading roadsigns and posters and trying to identify words she knew on the posters.
Book wise, she loves the Rigby early reader books because they are simple and repetitive.

The younger one is 'homeschooled' and probably will enrol her in halfday care next yr.
ya. my boy is at Berries - almost half a year already. He loves the teacher there. and the material is structured enough for me to revise/reinforce the word recognition with him at home. And from normal conversation with my boy, I understand that his teachers have some pretty creative ways of getting them to recognise some of the words.

my girl attended her Berries trial. although she said she likes Berries but her action & expression is only lukewarm...

I think I will probably send her to Tien Hsia for a trial too to let her choose.
Hi everyone,
Mind if i join u? My gal enjoys her Tien Hsia class very much. Very small class on the weekday so kids get a lot of attention. Ooops, forgot to say, it's the Orchard branch.
Hi, have to 'rejoin' the conversation. My 5 yr old dd1 (K1) is also having problems with her chinese. Problem is I'm not good in chinese so I am also thinking of trying out Berries. Now that I've read this thread...hmmm thinking if I should consider TienHsia too.
Hi Shawny17,

From my past experience, it's better to start Chinese lessons earlier or else big problems in p1. Trust me. My P1 boy is struggling in school so I will take no chance for my k1 gal
ya..you can try both berries and Tienhsia. do feedback here after the tienhsia trial too. i am intending to send my ds2 to tienhsia when the time come, just for a change.

problem is trying to find one branch that is close to where i stay...

hihi my gal has not gone to any enrichment other than ICR which she hated and which we terminated after 1 term.

I dunno if i should consider chinese class as she hardly speaks chinese.
From what i've read here, I am afraid she's not even up to the standard that your children are in for chinese!!!! help!
