
Hi 主妇/黄脸婆

After watching 主妇的假期, I kind of agree with the show and follow the plight of all the 3 housewives. I even ask my husband if he is seeing other women outside!!

I am a working mum but will be switching to becoming a Home Maker in a couple of days (all thanks to the financial crisis).

Perhaps in order not to be the poor 黄脸婆 just like 爱琴(向云) and 阿美 (洪慧芳)did, we can model ourselves like Alice (Ann Kok). Hence I hope to start this thread here which we call it 主妇的假期Club perhaps we can share some make up, dressing, slimming tips etc here in this thread to look good at low cost. Start posting now!!

Here is my recommendation for smooth skin - Body Scrub that cost $2 to $2.50 (depends on where you buy).

Name of Scrub:Pradasari (Susu - Milk Type)
Price: $2.20

Directions: Use on dry skin (means do not wash your body with water, just apply to your 'unwet' skin), massage and scrub away dead skin, wash with water.

Verdict: Smooth skin in minutes. Do it twice a week. Cheap and good.

Name of Shampoo: 霸王
Price: $11.50

Directions: Wash normally!!

Verdict: Feel like silk, just like having a hair cut your hair feel so light weight. After using i notice my grey hair has minimise!
Dark Eye Circle

I use a Concealer to cover the part where the eye bag is. Result is good.

The Concealer is a Korean Brand, just get it in any Korean Make up shop about $6 and if I go marketing I just put on the Concealer and without make up.
Make Up Simple Steps

My sis is a makeup artist so I actually approached her for help. My full make up usually is done in 10 minutes, is fast and easy, remember 世上没有丑女人,只有懒女人.

By the way, my husband does complaint when i don't put on make up when i go out with him!!

- Moisturise your face, whatever you like to use, I am using a gold flake moisturiser $50+- (there are cheaper ones from Pharmacy - do check it out), dot on your both cheek, forehead, below mouth, on nose. Start spreading all over except your eye bag and eye area.

- Use a UV cream to protect your skin from the sun, I am using a free sample currently that they throw into my mail box. Apply in same manner as your moisturiser.

I have a habit of sitting under the fan so that the lotion will dry up fast.

- Use Concealer for dark circle, apply on the eye bag area and smoothen it out.

- You can go out like tat liao (this is what i usually do, if I am lazy or if I am late for work).
not only you, I watched the show, I also turn to my hb to ask him if he will be like 爱琴(向云) and Alice (Ann Kok)'s hubbies if one day I would to be homemaker LOL. I feel the story of this show is so true in reality.
The make up 10 minutes is actually include this part:

- Apply Foundation (bought at a staff sales - branded but at $20, usually at Tangs or Isetan about $50).

Dots on your Forehead, Both Cheeks, Below Mouth, and on nose. Smoothen it out. For forehead area, i usually smoothen it over the hairline so that it looks better.

- Apply Compact Powder evenly (also buy at sales at $10, branded as well - usual $40 to $50). During sales i will buy more to keep but take note that there are expiry dates.

- Blusher (US$1.00 per pack - bought in Overseas BP under samples, come in packs of different tone, so chose a tone according to your mood). I prefer to buy packs so that you can change color every now and then.

Apply on your cheeck and move towards the bone. Use better brush for better result, do not use those tiny brush that comes free when you buy a blusher, the effect is lousy.

- Eye brow pencil (US$1 again its from the BP), since i have 秀媚 before, i just follow the shape and blend it naturally.

- Liquid Eye Liner (US$1 from BP), just thinly apply on the eyelid. Liquid Eye Liner has better effect than eye pencil.

Another tips: to look like you have brown eyes, use a Brown Liquid Eye Liner instead.

- Lip Stick/Gloss, I am using a lip gloss instead (US$1 from BP), effects is good.
Above looks very hassle but i complete it in 10 to 15 minutes daily when i go to work.

Don't let the steps scare you off.
Jenny, this is a nice show, i think a lot of housewife are like them, suffering quietly.

For what you know, maybe we can organise a real Holiday!!
Like the way they transform themselves.

Any sponsors!!! for 主妇假日营!!
Anyway if our husband is like their husband, we will be the last to find out their affair.

You ask them they will sure say no.

Therefore to keep them and their hearts we must look good, feel confident. If they still 偷吃, this is our luck liao.
You know after giving birth, we became very loose below, I watch 女人我最大 previously, 蓝欣梅 taught this excercise:

1) at the edge of your bed where the sharp end is, lay down flat and spread your 2 legs open,

2) slowly lift the 2 legs up and down, do this slowly

3) Do this when you are free and in no time according to 蓝欣梅 your bottom will tighten and make your sex life better.

Its a free excercise which we should try.

I can't do this because my bed is on the floor there is no bed frame high enough to lift my leg.
Ever ask your husband to bring you to his colleagues wedding dinner, or company dinner but the reply is always they only invite 1 person! or don't want lah!!

I realise one thing because we don't look good enough hence his reply is such.

Try to change the way you look and dress perhaps the invitation will fly in on its own without you asking for him to bring you.

I use to weight quite a far bit after prenancy. But one fine day i decide to lost weight.

I manage to lost 15kg in a shortest, fastest ways (but unhealthy way).

After slimming down I really notice how different I look. I always have stares when i go out, I dislike taking pictures perviously but now i just enjoy it, my husband start to follow me wherever i go (a little sian with him around now).

My husband start to hold my hand when we go out - a little different cause he stop holding after i gave birth previously etc.

So the verdict is - all men are alike, they feel good when their wives look better, they like showing off their wives.
Diamonds Mum, i actually have a girlfriend whom is quite big size too.

Every year the husband company has D&D and spouse were invited but he never bring his wife along, because the husband told my girlfriend, i don't want my friends and colleagues to know my wife is so 'fat'.

My girlfriend is quite sad with his remarks.
Hi Baby District

See we do have these kind of men around. They exist!!!

Since we are not able to change our men, why don't we change ourselves. Well, maybe you might disagree with me, why must we accomodate the men?

I personally feel the change benefit us more than the men so why not.
But i have to admit to change us its not very easy especially the slimming one, i took up a lot of determination and hardwork.

But during slimming (self slimming and not slimming centre type, hence no need $$) i pamper myself once a week by giving myself a treat on what i like to eat. I usually go for Tom Yam Steamboat in Parkway, or Beef Noodles in Century Square once a week, i think it work better this way.
Ever ask yourself if you have lost touch with the world as a housewife?

I notice many 主妇/黄脸婆 don't read newspaper or are the last to know what happen in the world.

Even if 主妇/黄脸婆 read newspaper they prefer to read 新明 and 晚报 cause these are the juicy types. (I admit I enjoy these gossip papers too). Ask them about who and who have affair they know, ask them who is Obama, they can tell you he is the president of India!!!

For free newspaper do pop by your neighbourhood Community Centre, there are free papers for the public to read. Cozy corner too.
Below is my slimming meals:

(Brocolli, Cauliflower - chopped into small pieces, boil with water, add a piece of cheese for the creaming soup base - cook a lot of these so that you can eat for the whole day)

Macoroni (boil with water)
- Mustard Sauce (low fat type)
Dip Macoroni with Mustard and eat

I drank lots of plain water (room temperature and not cold one), definitely more than 8 cups, don't limit yourself to 8 cups, water is good for your complexion.
I also excercise a bit, hey don't let the excercise make you 怕怕.

I bought a rolling dumb bell after watching one of 李心钰 excercise show, she mention that Zoe Tay uses this rolling dumb bell to train her 6 packs. At one time this rolling dumb bell was out of stocks, i manage to get it at $16.90 only

Place a mattress on the floor, start to roll to the front and back, use force to do so, do not just simply roll it up and down, try to pretend dumb bell is so heavy and roll it with strength to really work out.

I off the fans and do it infront of a TV and enjoy at the same time.

I also make use of the park excercise machine at my neighbourhood. Free and so many workout machine.

Besides these, i also do brisk walking to make me perspire in the stadium so that my complexion feel better after that.
There use to be a Public Spa Facilities in Tampines indoor stadium but not anymore. Do check out your area if such Spa facilities is available.

I pay only $5 for Sauna and Jacuzzi and thereafter shower. Bring your own towel and swim suit.

Good to relax.

I use to do facial once a month but now i do it every 2 months. You can go every 3 months too cause somehow we still need some external maintainance.

I went to a better one that gives good results. I pay about $100 per treatment. Its done by a ex owner of a beauty salon whom shift to do it from home in her cozy home salon after the rent hikes.

Well I am quite happy with this cause i use to pay more in her shop but now after she station at home i pay cheaper but i still get the exact treatment. Best part her home beauty salon is in Sengkang and nearer my place.
hi diamonds mum,
by doing the above , you loose 15 kg ?
i need to lose 8 kg ,dont know how lei ... stress
Actually losing weight is easy, but to convince yourself to carry on your diet is another issue. Is really about determination - this is the key to succeed in any slimming.

I try to eat small meals but more meals.

Wow 8kg is easy, you try out some excercise.

I did sign up Amore previously and I did it in Simei - on Monday evening there is a New Body class and the instructor is good, you really feel your body work into perfect shape after some time. My colleagues comment my layer of flesh disappear (when you see from behind), I think this is good cause this is the most difficult part to lost.
My facial is $100 each time. This facial is quite good.

We must take care of our face, too much sun we will have 老人斑。
Hi Diamonds Mum

YOu stay in the East? I've an package with Amore too but i usually go Bugis even though i stay in Simei cos i find Simei instructor not that good and always very crowded leh. You went for Monday 8pm class not crowded?
Hi Sleepy Garfield, the 8pm class is ok at Simei. I approached Amore to sell VCD of this particular class but they don't have such service. Usually the back portion of your body has very stubborn fats and meat that are very difficult to tone, but this class really help me see effect. Effect can be seen in about 2 to 3 months.

There are 1 or 2 classes that are very pack, but these are the best classes, you try out cause the instructor is really very motivating in these classes. I think I shed a lot during these classes though its pack but its one that you really enjoy.

Some more those members right infront look like professional, even full of energy.
I kind of dislike the ending of the show, why they forgive their husband so easily!! Also why let Wendy (狐狸精)off so easily.

Have any ladies encounter such problems maybe like to share how it was worked out?
主妇 that has bad complexion can let me know, i can recommend my beautician to you. A lot of my friends, colleagues has tried and their complexion become better. Today my little sister also go for her first facial. She just ended her package with other salon so i persuaded her to try, cause i really think this is good.

If any of you keen to give it a try do let me know yah. It takes about 1 to 2 facial (treatment type about $100 per facial) to see the effect hence its kind of fast to see results.
Mira what home treatment you have?

My facial comes with extraction so its quite good to have the dirt come out all the way.
For Hair, i previously go to this Building opposite Chinese Chamber of Commerce. At B1 there is a Slimming Centre and inside the Slimming Centre they have a small hair salon, look for Anthony.

He is very good. At first i thought he was the owner of the salon, but he is actually the employee of the Slimming Centre to do Hair.

There are only 2 Hair Staff and i find him very good. My Hair Cut was $40 though.

It was a very tiny salon with all the very high tech gadgets.

Look out for their promotion, at times they do have UOB Credit Card promotion.

Or if you want you can try the Snip Avenue Hair Salon and they charges $3.80 for Hair Cut, its quite popular now because its cheap. Go search in the website as they have many branches. (The branches i know include Bedok Reservoir, Tampines Blk 201, Whampoa Market etc)

They will persuade you to have hair wash or other treatment but just don't fall for that otherwise your bill might end up $100.
Diamonds Mum,
This product is a revolutionary skin range that brings defining results to your complextion and overall countenance, Its allows your skin to experience the process of renewal and rejuvenation in a Simple, safe and speedy way.
It is a five items products....mean 3-4 step to do each time. It consist of a cleanser, toner, SkinLight, skinrecon, sunscreen.
I like the sunscreen most because its providing skin protection against the damaging effects of sun UVA/UVB rays.
Cleansing Milk:

I have been using the cheapest cleansing milk for the pass 12 years.

This is from Mothercare, its a Baby Lotion, Pink Bottle cost about $7.90 can use up to 2 months or more. During Promotion is buy 2 get 1 free, i usually stock up 6 bottles.

I use it as my make up remover. This was recommended by a Beautician Friend and have not stop using it ever since. Good and Cheap.

No problem to my sensitive skin.
Dry Skin on Leg:

I use Vaseline on my legs, but at times forgot to do it at night. I prefer the original one and not the intensive one. I find the intensive one, effect is not intensive at all and it make my skin itch.

I have the worst dry skin especially on my legs, because its so dry and bright, my friend use to say they are able to see their reflection on my leg.

My skin improve when i apply every night but I am quite lazy on this hence the dry skin never really go away.
Brisk Walking:

I dislike going to the Stadium when its crowded, it seems like the whole world is looking at me jogging. I am sure a lot of ladies whom are quite conscious are like me, afraid of the stares when running.

Now i do brisk walking instead. I brisk walk 6 rounds to 10 rounds. The effect is good. Prespire regularly is good for your skin elasticity (that's what my husband says - think no scientific proof)!
Bigger Bust:

I ever heard from my China friend that to have bigger bust you can try eating some butter.

It sound weird to eat it plain, perhaps try with Kaya Toast and see if it works.

There's also a form of excercise that can help tone your bust, check out the internet.

Well anyway I hope mine is smaller. I use Minimiser 'Bra' from St Michael to make mine smaller to look better.
Hi Mummies,

Take Oxyginberry Beverage. Pamper yourself with this highly nutritious and convenient drink for beautiful, glowing skin that radiates health.
Hi Diamonds Mum,

Ya I read alot of good comments on pradasari products. But don't know where to find malay or Jamu shops lei. Only heard joo chiat have, but too far for me and also not familiar with the east side.

I think a lot of malay shops sell it, you can try.

Any Malay shops that sell soap or lotions etc, usually they will carry a small range of Jamu items.

I heard IMM also have a shop selling it. So its Parkway.
