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  1. G

    Any Indonesia mummy here?

    Hi Shirley congrats yah.. :) btw pada mau add facebook gak? Kalo minat add me yah @ [email protected]
  2. G

    Any Indonesia mummy here?

    Nadia sama aja ... Gua pake confinement Dari indo spend almost the same amount and gak bagus lagi.
  3. G

    Any Indonesia mummy here?

    Congrats yizhen and thank you. Lizlin new mummy?
  4. G

    Any Indonesia mummy here?

    Iya udah lahirAn... Udah 2 bulan.. What's your EDD?
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    Any Indonesia mummy here?

    Mine 16 march 2014 kemaren.. :)
  6. G

    Any Indonesia mummy here?

    Hi I am seeing dr Beh suan tiong from Thomson medical centre...
  7. G

    Any Indonesia mummy here?

    Hi yizhen and carol.. I am from Jakarta. Nice to meet you too..
  8. G

    Question on Maternity Packages & Medisave Claims

    Thanks a lot! :)
  9. G

    Question on Maternity Packages & Medisave Claims

    How much to have normal delivery with epidural after deduction? Anyone? And C-section ? I am 32 weeks now but baby head is still up here... Will baby head move down? I am very concern...
  10. G

    Question on Maternity Packages & Medisave Claims

    So glad!! I am also with dr. Beh... My first pregnancy... His package is still $600 and all his vitamins doesn't cost much. He just gave the necessary vitamins for my sis in law. As for me coz I already bought outside he ask me to just finish it. So he doesn't force me to buy anything...
  11. G

    (2014/03) March 2014

    Hi my edd 27 march can add me to fb page [email protected]. Anyone has same EDD and deliver at tmc too? Recently I have been feeling cramp on my lower back pain... Is it normal? I am on my 32 weeks now..
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    (2014/03) March 2014

    Hi sorry...this is my another email inactive FB.. Please add my Fb: [email protected]. Thanks.. :)
  13. G

    (2014/03) March 2014

    Hi I am march Edd 27 march 2014. Can add me to fb: [email protected]
  14. G

    Hypnobirthing AnyMums?

    Hmmm.. Thanks
  15. G

    Hypnobirthing AnyMums?

    How much the water birth will cost at TMC?
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    (2014/03) March 2014

    Hi.. I am in week 20 now and so far i gained 2kg.
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    (2014/03) March 2014

    Thank You.
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    (2014/03) March 2014

    HI.. MY EDD IS 24 March 2014.. very near!! Congrats!!! mine will be this coming friday for my check up... hope to know my baby gender and shop for clothes!! :) BTW there is GAP sale at Isetan Orchard!! Baby to adult.. as low as 6 Dollar.. after 70% discount.
  19. G

    Sengkang/Punggol Mommies Club

    Hi.. I am future Punggol residence - waiting for my BTO, currently staying at Kovan. Anyone know prenatal Yoga around?
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    (2014/03) March 2014

    Hi anyone has any pre-natal yoga to recommend? and can add me on FB i am a new Mommy @ [email protected] :)
