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  1. K

    (2013/02) March 2013

    I have oso stop taking shark fin upon knowing I preggy.
  2. K

    (2013/02) March 2013

    Hi Jeremy, I think I have more or less decide to change. Hi Mrs Lee, I really kinda pek chek talking to him.. but need to find another another gynae near me... Anyone has good gynae to recommend in the east? Hi Vamiga, any gynae in the east to recommend? I prefer to deliver at Mount...
  3. K

    (2013/02) March 2013

    Hi all, I am thinking change of gynae. Kinda pissed off with my current gynae! Had my checkup last Saturday. Asked him questions like, "why my feet pain every morning?" His answer, " cos pregnant loh. just take a pillow and raise up your feet, u will feel better." Also ask him what's my...
  4. K

    (2013/02) March 2013

    Zzz haven’t attack me. But I super bloated! Btw anyone know if we can eat double boiled hashima? I had dim sum for lunch and shared a bowl of that with another pregnant colleague. Came back google, I read from Eu Ren San website is not suitable for pregnancy. Dunno how now… =((((
  5. K

    (2013/02) March 2013

    Sbb: so do u all are not announcing until 2nd trimester right? i very tempted to tell my "neighbour" sitting beside me but not sure if she can be trusted... hmmm.. was sharing with u all.. she oso preggy but she already book for abortion tmr. =(
  6. K

    (2013/02) March 2013

    Morning mummies! Today i woke up due to hunger. Woke up cooked Maggie mee, ate 2 spoon, felt so full. =S Anyway, I can’t open the file. Can help to update too? Thank you. Karennsh 25 6/6/2012 28/03/2012 Dr SM Chua Mount Alvernia Queenstown/Pasir Ris
  7. K

    (2013/02) March 2013

    Feeling horrible today! Just vomit like a Merlion! Lunch, Teabreak & Dinner. Omg! Just now went dinner with a few friends, all know except one. She keep probing me to tell the truth! Haiz.. Really hate it lo! I will tell when the time is ripe what. Oh.. And guess what? My Malay colleague...
  8. K

    (2013/02) March 2013

    So most of u feeling the same.. tired, bloated after lunch. Hehe! I am getting hungry now. Just gobble down 2 pcs of lemon biscuit and den suddenly remember I forgot my supplement today. Oops! So pop it down too! Does most of u get hungry easy like me too? Or am I a weirdo? Hehe!
  9. K

    (2013/02) March 2013

    Hi mummies, I am feeling so tired after lunch. Simply just feel like shutting my eyes and off to lala land. Gosh! =((( Anyone same as me now? Feeling so lethargic right after lunch.
  10. K

    (2013/02) March 2013

    Mrs Lee (jillz), it's my first pregnancy. I have not taken triple test before. But doc say he recommend me to take triple test since i am still young and family has no history of down syndrome. So where are you heading to end of this year? I am going with my MIL, SIL to Taipei. =)
  11. K

    (2013/02) March 2013

    anyway, i will be going for a family trip in end sept. (abt 13 wks by den) *cross finger* all my MS will go away, else i really dunno how to tahan the trip. =(((
  12. K

    (2013/02) March 2013

    hi Mrs Lee (jillz), i am opting for triple test too.
  13. K

    (2013/02) March 2013

    Hi berrydelight, can add me too? =)
  14. K

    (2013/02) March 2013

    dunno why when most of ur MS are subsiding.. mine just begin... i begin to feel nausea and vomited my breakfast & lunch yesterday. =(((
  15. K

    (2013/02) March 2013

    Piky, I hope you are all well. Jia You! U can walk thru this period de!
  16. K

    (2013/02) March 2013

    Was wondering if anyone know is Saba fish, crab and sotong safe for us? I know we can’t eat Shark, Swordfish, Stingray.
  17. K

    (2013/02) March 2013

    blueswimmercrab, i was thinking what is FTWM for very long. Google and it appear as Feed Them With Music. LOL. Finally my colleague help me and say it means Full Time Working Mum. Wahaha... I so slow.. =.=''' btw i shld be getting a maid to help my mum. she can't manage bb at night, say too...
  18. K

    (2013/02) March 2013

    blueswimmercrab, i order a few pcs to try from taobao. waiting for the shipping now.
  19. K

    (2013/02) March 2013

    diamantz & sbb, me three! so sian... so easy tired these days...
  20. K

    (2013/02) March 2013

    Celtbaby, I am same like u. Crave for very spicy & sour! I just had 麻辣烫 for my dinner. Super shiok! )
