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  1. Z

    (2011/11) Nov 2011

    Bunny According to the nurses, we are supposed to place the cabbage direct on the breast without any plastic bag. hu1j13 I am on total breastfeed and mine has finished 1 pack of NB in just 6 days. They keep farting after feeding and when they fart, poo when come out too. I tot she is...
  2. Z

    (2011/11) Nov 2011

    Evelyn, I am using that... There is a little mug which was given in the box when purchased. You can use that to measure... Just need to fill to the line which was indicted...
  3. Z

    (2011/11) Nov 2011

    All the best to the mummies who are popping soon... [IMG=] The feeling when seeing the baby is so much more blessed.. Do look forward... Started breastfeeding the day before, think still need some time to master how to carry...
  4. Z

    (2011/11) Nov 2011

    Shjean Yah.. Experienced that too. Lots of gas these days. Stomach very bloated too and sometimes is like inner organs all entangled up... [IMG=] Hope will feel better when home. Now my thigh and butt area all rashes, bumps...
  5. Z

    (2011/11) Nov 2011

    Hi all, Baby out on 9.11.2011 at week 39th weighing 3.42kg... Details updated... Finally managed to be walking around at ease after c-sect... First day getting out of bed is really killing, but its getting better as days go by...
  6. Z

    (2011/11) Nov 2011

    Little bb and Jean Thanks so much. It's working! But i am freezing too... ;) Still got to bear for 1 more week... sigh.. Cyn No worries, bb weight should be fine as they tend to grow faster in 37th to 40th week according to my gynae.
  7. Z

    (2011/11) Nov 2011

    Hi Julia, For c-sect, we will have to get off the bed to walk the next day? or that day itself? Planning to opt for c-sect next week, but Shjean really scare me... [IMG=]
  8. Z

    (2011/11) Nov 2011

    Hi mummies there... Really cannot sleep.. so tot of popping by.. The itch on my tummy is killing, just started 2 days back, there are bumps all over.. According to the doctor is rash due to hormone change... Sigh [IMG=]...
  9. Z

    (2011/11) Nov 2011

    Little bb Think i can understand the cramp you mentioned.. cos i am feeling the same last week.. especially when standing up or sitting down. When not moving still ok.. Just realise you also going to deliver in Mt A, did you go for the hospital tour? Any idea on what the hospital will give...
  10. Z

    (2011/11) Nov 2011

    Congrats to all mummies who have popped... ;) I have always been a slient reader... now when i saw everyone popping, cant help but to chip in too ;) Update: Mummies who had popped!! Kiam / Eunice / girl/ 27th Oct/KKH - [email protected] BabyZel/ 27th Oct - [email protected] Simp/...
