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  1. S

    Would like to donate breastmilk

    I have July's fbm to give away. Eat well, non-smoker, daily vit n Dha intake. Suitable for 3 mths old bb. Contact me at 9179 2377.
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    (2012/05) May 2012

    So can we put the frozen milk into glass bottles n use the bottle sterilizer/warmer to warm the milk?
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    (2012/05) May 2012

    Piggywiggy: yes pls! I think it's so much neater! Thanks tlisa for the recommendation...
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    (2012/05) May 2012

    I really like the idea of the milk trays! Its so convenient! Has anyone ordered from the website before? Does delivery take very long?
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    (2012/05) May 2012

    Wow thanks for the info mummies.. Not sure if should prepare and buy bottles or bags cos I have no idea how is my milk flow like.. Leaving to last min to buy is a bit nervy too! But I guess we'll definitely need 1 set of sterilizer/bottle warmer for feeds.. And get 1 set of bags for...
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    (2012/05) May 2012

    When we pump, do we fill the same container? Or a separate container per pump, and combine before feeding? Haha.. Sorry ladies if it's a silly qn..
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    (2012/05) May 2012

    Wow.. Didn't know there's so much research for breast pumps.. I'm leaning towards the freestyle US set since it's got good reviews and can run on batteries! Rabbitz Main thing about reno, like what jul says, is the noise, dust n smell. Paint fumes are bad so rmb to go into the painted room...
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    (2012/05) May 2012

    Zara: how did you pre-register? I'm also delivering at Gleneagles.. Going down on Friday for detailed scan so thought I can settle those stuff as well.. The fees in the website does not include doc delivery fees right? Rabbitz: shld definitely check w ur gynae! When I'm cramping slightly...
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    (2012/05) May 2012

    Wow.. I didn't know there were so many hidden costs! Gotta rmb to check with the hospital next week!
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    (2012/05) May 2012

    Hi ladies! Mia-ed for a while as the conversations go so fast! Been a silent reader only.. Heh.. I'll definitely try to take leave only till the last possible moment. Hopefully won't be too tired then. My ex lady boss worked till the day before birth! Jul: I hv itchy belly button too...
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    (2012/05) May 2012

    Hi ladies! Just got back from the gynae, I'm about 6 weeks along.. Can't hear the hb but can see it! Going back in 2 weeks for another check. As I'm cramping quite a bit but no spotting, doc gave me Duplaston and Salbutamol. If any spotting must go back for jab :/ At least everything is...
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    (2012/05) May 2012

    Yup! got it.. Don't really have MS now but feeling quite nauseated. Suddenly craving for all the healthy stuffs. Favourite meal is now muesli bar + soy milk :p
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    (2012/05) May 2012

    Hi ladies! I'm also a May MTB! found out I was pregnant about 2 weeks back when I missed my period for 1 week+. Didnt think i was cos my periods always very irregular :P boy was my hand shaking when I saw the + on clearblue! Wanted to see my gynae immediately when I found out but he's...
