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  1. S

    (2012) TTC for #2 & More Mummies !

    Thanks everyone.. I am so happy to know that I can finally get some help by joining here.. I am sure ur experiences will be a learning experience for me and help me to conceive... Baby dust to all.. I am currently using the app FemCal in my phone.. anyone using that? How accurate if fertility...
  2. S

    (2012) TTC for #2 & More Mummies !

    yeah sorry to join this thread.. i see only this thread active leh.. the TTC #1 thread quite inactive.. i was feeling quite low so decided to post in here.. i hope ladies u will still welcome me here.. u all more experience mah... am i the only first timer?
  3. S

    (2012) TTC for #2 & More Mummies !

    missycandy- are u able o explain the timing 10am to 8pm? u mean i shd test at least twice a day? wat are the ideal timings in a day? yeah i also know chances not high if dun do every other day.. we must be lazy in this right? what is the most recommended position and how long shd i lift up my legs.
  4. S

    (2012) TTC for #2 & More Mummies !

    ladies wats AF btw? haha sorry still trying to understand the lingo here. Missycandy i was prescribed clomid by my GP abt four months ago.. he told me to take it from day 5 to day 10 of my CD. after taking it for two day, i felt so dry and uncomforatble.. i felt sickly too.. then DH told me not...
  5. S

    (2012) TTC for #2 & More Mummies !

    Missycandy- i did try opk for my last cycle on day 13,14,15 and 18 but all -(neg) results... my cycle is quite regular i must say so far my cd is between 28 to 31 days... but this time its 22 days! hiaz tat is wat i dun understand... honestly i and DH feel quite tired to BD every other day and...
  6. S

    (2012) TTC for #2 & More Mummies !

    Dear Jaster, Thank u for ur reply...yes dear im trying for #1... I started using the bbt method since last cycle..when is it the o day likely.. cos my temperature really seems to be either fluctuating a lot or constant.. how many degress increase shd i expect to see before my o day? today is my...
  7. S

    (2012) TTC for #2 & More Mummies !

    Hi all, new here.. 10 mths since i got married.. been ttc naturally.. every month just get dispppointed when menses comes.. just can't seem to know when is my ovulation day...
  8. S

    (2012) Planning for Dragon baby?

    Hi all, new here.. 10 mths since i got married.. been ttc naturally.. every month just get dispppointed when menses comes.. just can't seem to know when is my ovulation day...
