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  1. D

    (2012/07) Jul 2012

    Hi all.I am going to be 6wks tomorrow. Sorry about this question, but I keep passing motion. Like all the time. That is fine. But just now, when I did, I after wiping, I saw some traces of blood at the tissue paper. I am worried, though I am positively sure that, it is not from V. It's from the...
  2. D

    (2012) TTC for #1 2012 Mums!

    Thankyou all. I thought there was a problem at first, having 3 eggs. I hope it out well this time. It has been 6mths that we have been TTC-ing. Wish all the best for all of us here!
  3. D

    (2012) TTC for #1 2012 Mums!

    Hi all I am trying to conceive too and right now going through monthly checkups. I usually go to see the gynae during my fertile period as he will be checking the egg, the egg size. However, yesterday, when he scanned, there were 3 eggs in my womb! All healthy and big size. He said my body...
  4. D

    (2012) TTC for #1 2012 Mums!

    Hi all. Just to share. I am 4 days late. No show of AF. But there is no pregnancy signs like having to peeing a lot and all this. I did a HPT test 2 days ago, but it was negative. I'm scared to check again coz if it is still is negative. My menses are always regular. What should I do?
  5. D

    (2011/07) July 2011

    Thanks Audrey! Just to confirm. In that case, i should go to poly, confirm pregnancy, then if yes, immediately ask the doctor to help me do referral letter to kk right? No need to go for antenatal care at their poly?
  6. D

    (2011/07) July 2011

    Hi Audrey Congrats from me as well! May I know how is the refferal from polyclinic to kkh is done? You have to request or you would have to go through antenatal care with them first? And after that, are u still able to choose the gynae or wards at the time of delivery since you were...
