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  1. A

    (2011/04) Apr 2011

    hello mummies, it has been awhile since i came in.. but have been a silent reader on and off congrats to all mummies who have popped! i started my ML today.. may i know for those who have induced before: (1) insertion of pill is by gynae or midwives/nurses? (2) after...
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    (2011/04) Apr 2011

    hippo, cheer up... anyway no matter what you are going for ML le.. dun care so much. you just do your best. some people are just very petty..
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    (2011/04) Apr 2011

    piggy! no wonder! yar mine is nursing wireless bra... so i am not wearing at the moment..
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    (2011/04) Apr 2011

    hello all! long time no "see" i haven been wearing non wired bras.. cause dunno y, my non wired ones padding very thin leh..
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    (2011/04) Apr 2011

    i think i need to start wearing non wired bra.. feeling very tight at the chest area...
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    (2011/04) Apr 2011

    acutally i dunno is it becoz i have been wearing wired bras all along since preggy den dunno will stop the breast from growing or "breathing" ant..
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    (2011/04) Apr 2011

    just came back from lunch... vivi, piggy, gerry > ohhh.. i can understand the nipple sensitive part when go braless. coz now sometimes i also feel so... i just bought non wired nursing bras from M&S... still feel tight .. think got to put extension... btw should we be wearing...
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    (2011/04) Apr 2011

    hi all, is it true that TMC dun provide clothes for you to wear during the stay? so where to buy those gown to wear? those with buttons in front den thick enough so no need to wear bra... or should i wear nursing bras at hospital?
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    (2011/04) Apr 2011

    morning mummies, talking about job.. i am staying in my company due to good office hours.. 99% of the time can knock off on time.. boss also very supportive of family commitments. but this job is not of my interest.. i also scare leave here le, next job dunno will allow such a flexible...
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    (2011/04) Apr 2011

    gerry, yar.. i think stretchmarks cant really prevent leh.. heard is genes.. den maybe own skin problems.. i have bad skin problems.. piggy, i guess i am the one will good appetite so far... unless my bloatedness come back again. mummies, i gg home already.. nice catching up with u...
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    (2011/04) Apr 2011

    my colleague only gained 200g last mth .. from her 7th to 8th mth.. she said due to mood swing she no mood to eat.. den during her wk 32, baby is already 2.4kg.. seems quite big. yar.. baby gorwing very fast hor.. my baby weight doubled within one month..
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    (2011/04) Apr 2011

    piggy, oh no.. cannot eat too much peanuts? but recently i like those nuts.. haiz.. control control... i think i will gained abt 15kg bah.. since still got 2 months plus to go... haiz... i heard maybe last mth weight will stablised.. hopefully.. after birth i need to go reduce...
  13. A

    (2011/04) Apr 2011

    piggy, i did not gain weight in 1st tri.. and for my 2nd tri i think i gained at least 2kg every month.. till now like 10kg.... my gynae sure gonna nag me the next visit..
  14. A

    (2011/04) Apr 2011

    i am usually eating full meals for lunch & dinner.. and with CNY coming, i eating alot of cookies.. try to reduce but hard.. and i love peanuts... i think that one alot of calories .... vivi, maybe i should rem myself abt baby too big den have to c sect.. den maybe can control abit...
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    (2011/04) Apr 2011

    vivi, u gained alot also? how come ur gynae monitoring so closely? i trying to reduce but hard... aiyo.. very stressed on the next visit.. seem like i put on 1kg+ since last visit which was on the 20th jan.. tweety, thanks.. 8.5kg still not so bad leh.. and elmo only 7kg+ how...
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    (2011/04) Apr 2011

    vivi, i am okie now.. but the time when i was sick was so xin ku.. the flu and blocked nose.. have so much difficulty breathing.. den when popping the pills, vv worried about my baby.. but now everything is fine.. keep asking myself must drink more apples.. hope it help...
  17. A

    (2011/04) Apr 2011

    elmo, yar.. i am blessed with a good colleague.. hehe.. my mum stretchmark cant see le.. dun think she also bother last time.. i think now no cure le la.. just have to wait till it fade... [IMG=] how much weight u gained since...
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    (2011/04) Apr 2011

    piggy, haha. yar he is quite nice la.. just a little stubborn cause he seems overloaded.. sometimes it get itchy.. i try not to scratch.. but hor.. when sleeping i dunno leh.. hehe have u all been eating cny cookies? i try to control.. but some are just so tempting.. i put on 3kg...
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    (2011/04) Apr 2011

    piggy, i dun want to hand over so soon also.. but my colleague vv worried leh.. he scare i not ard he dunno how to do.. everything want to learn and do now.. den i wanted to help him, he also reject.. oh ya! i got alot of stretchmarks now...
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    (2011/04) Apr 2011

    hello mummies, so long since i last logged in.. past 2 months hasnt been good for me.. my beloved granny passed away on xmas eve.. i fell sick for 2 weeks plus in jan.. and even fainted on the train.. but now everything is all right.. feeling much better.. just feeling very sleepy...
