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  1. B

    (2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

    haha...yah baby daelyn does bear a striking resemblence to her kor kor n she is looking more n more like him by the day....i jus hope she doesn't grow up to be as notti as him too :p
  2. B

    (2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

    now that i hv a boy n a girl, i think i will 'closed shop' liao...hahaha...dun think i can go thru another preg and confinement... :p
  3. B

    (2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

    hi mummies, i finally delivered my no. 2 on 11 Nov. 11 nov was a 'hot' date. TMC's maternity ward was full house when i checked in on the nite of 10 nov and i had to stay at their lifestyle ward. here's a pic of baby daelyn...
  4. B

    (2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

    stefng, yes mei mei is my second one and like audrey, I will close factory after this one..hahahha...agree with audrey that the second pregnacy is not as fun as the first one...second one is so tiring for me.... mummyo & audrey, hang in there! BTW, I will be going for my induction on...
  5. B

    (2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

    yah...good to see that quite a lot of u are still active in this forum....too bad i can't log in as often as I want to nowadays.... imagine...3 years ago we were all still discussing about pregnancies and now some of us in here are mums twice (and even thrice) over already...
  6. B

    (2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

    hi mummies, its been a really long time since i last popped by...i m in my 37th week now....can't wait to deliver mei mei...i am feeling like a beached whale now..... :p
  7. B

    (2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

    i think the MI ad quite popular with kids. Cayden likes it too he will sometimes pretend to talk on the phone and go "hello, chicken curry house" i m not even sure if that line is in the ad... cayden was down with high fever last week, close to 40 degrees and i had to bring him down to KK in...
  8. B

    (2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

    wah bbrooster, u finally delivered!!! proud mummy of a handsome bundle of joy take care! hope to see more pics of bb soon..
  9. B

    (2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

    wow mckee!!! mother of 3!!! u r one courageous mummy! thumbs up for u
  10. B

    (2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

    Thanks for the well-wishes ...i'll try to drop by more often...i just wish my workload can be a little lighter...sigh.... i m hoping for a meimei this time...teehee
  11. B

    (2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

    hi mummies.... its been a really long time since i last logged in... i see that the tods are all growing up fine and quite a lot of mummies already have their no. 2s...and bbrooster is going to pop her no. 2 any time now! for me...i finally conceived after months of
  12. B

    (2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

    Hi mummies, Hvt logged in for a long time.... I see that there is a discussion on hotels in Taipei. I was there a couple of years back and stayed at Wonstar Hotel Taipei 82 Chung Hwa Road Sec 1 Taipei Taiwan Just outisde Ximenting...less than 5 mins walk to get to Ximenting. When...
  13. B

    (2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

    hmmm....I feel like a really bad mum I have yet to let Cayden attend any classes whatsoever. keep telling myself have to start sourcing but always putting it off. Cayden is still not potty trained....unlike MIL have been trying but so far no luck Feel like I hvt been doing...
  14. B

    (2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

    Hi there mummies, I have been MIA for very long. Work is a killer and I will get busier as Jun and Jul approaches... wow! i see a birthday party in the planning. Dun think I can make it tho as I am planning for a mini celebration for Cayden at my mil's place. I miss seeing the...
  15. B

    (2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

    hi mummies, wow, some really nice pics of the tods having fun at the PG! too bad, I always miss the PGs i m starting to loose count on the number of mummies who have had/is having their no.2s... hahaha! for me, altho' i m hitting 33 this year, i m still putting off my no. 2 cos my cayden...
  16. B

    (2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

    hihi mummies, It's been a long time since i last logged in. Been really busy with work. Wow, most of the tots are attending classes already! My Cayden is still not going to any cos this lazy mummy didn't go check out any classes! Seems like most of u are singing praises about GUG (pse...
  17. B

    (2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

    hihi mummies, I've been MIA for quite a while. Missed quite a few PGs and the xmas party as well. The tods must have had a great time! A belated Merry Christmas to all
  18. B

    (2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

    Vocab Cayden's vocab is slowly growing, not as fast as I had hoped but at least it is growing. Other than the usual 'mum mum' and 'papa', he now knows how to point at certain objects and say its name, like bag (he loves rummaging through my handbag) and car (he loves playing with the...
  19. B

    (2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

    Glayz, Yah agree that our tods need company. Like what u said they will be very lonely if they are the only child and they will be spoilt with all the attention that they are getting. Once they are used to thid kind of attention, they will then learn to expect it from you...which is not good...
  20. B

    (2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

    Glayz, I always like your descriptions of funny He really got character! hahaha... So I suppose u r all geared up for your second one liao.... hvt seen gynae yet? any ling gan on whether boy or girl. Hopefully will be a girl as you've hope for. Me oso hope second one will be...
