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  1. G

    Premature babies support group

    Have been sleeping almost the whole day. Have fever last nite till 38.4. Went to see doc this morning n he said likely to be virus infection. Feeling better now. But milk supply decreased Right now, I am more concern about their lungs. Really hope that none of them need oxygen therapy when...
  2. G

    Premature babies support group

    Dear all, Thanks for the encoruagement. My girls confirmed having CLD. The elder condition is more serious. Doc said high chance of going home with oxygen therapy. Younger girl is still under monitoring. I just wonder how to cope if both came home requring oxygen therapy. Anyone has...
  3. G

    Premature babies support group

    dear all, thanks for the encouragement. It is just heart aching to know that she is not well though I should be expecting this. I will pray that all these will be gone n she will b fine soon. They are still v sensitive to touch. Thus despite elder is already 1.8 kg thus, she is still...
  4. G

    Premature babies support group

    Dear all, My younger girl's eye situation worsen. She is having ROP stage 1 now. I am v worried. Doctor said if continues to worsen, it will require surgery. They also found a lump pressing on her intestine. They will review when she is 1.8 kg. If it is still there, she may need surgery as...
  5. G

    Premature babies support group

    costa de sol, why do u need to change tube? FOr the oxygen?
  6. G

    Premature babies support group

    yes, doctor gave. but their lungs are still v weak In fact elder one was also given steroid later. Just hope they will be ok soon. I very worried
  7. G

    Premature babies support group

    My girls are on CPAP for quite a long. ALthough elder girl is already 1.8 kg plus, she is still very sensitive to touch. As she is out of the incubator, we tend to wan to touch her more often. However, once we touched her, her oxygen level will go down. This is very disheartening. It seems that...
  8. G

    Premature babies support group

    Yeah, good to meet up. Do u have a facebook? I also skip the 4 am pump as I really cannot take it. The lactation lady was so helpful during the first session. But later when I messaged her, she did not even bother to ans. Once I saw her at NICU when she was seeing another mummy, she was not...
  9. G

    Premature babies support group

    chewy, I talked to my friends whenever I feel down, but they are alos busy with work I have also spoken to the social worker at KK. but no much help Yeah, friends though they are concerned, sometimes can get on our nerve when they keep asking when babies will be back. But after one...
  10. G

    Premature babies support group

    Thanks Chewy n afcai for support Just went to family doctor to do blood test. Hope to find out what's wrong with me. I am getting depressed again I am taking Chinese medicine now. Hope it will help. Sinseh said must take for another 40 plus day. Also used special herbal water to bathe...
  11. G

    Premature babies support group

    Thanks Chewy. Just feel v v drained. I am so tired that I can't even have the energy to cry out though I feel so sad. Will try to be strong. Hope their lungs will be ok. Doctor also said they are gaining weight too slowly, esp Renee. But doctor said their condition is improving...
  12. G

    Premature babies support group

    Just seen doctor for update. My girls lung problems are still bad. As such even they have gained weight, Elder is more than 1.7 kg now, she still have to be hospitalised for at least 2 more months while younger will be more. I was hoping that they can be back soon but now.. Also worried...
  13. G

    Premature babies support group

    Dear Chewy, I have actually the same feeling! In the early stage, as Desiree needed steroid to help in her breathing, we tend to spent more time praying for her. Now, we tend to spend more time talking to Renee as she tends to wake up when we call her. Desiree is a princess who prefers...
  14. G

    Premature babies support group

    David, Thanks for the enouragement. Will be strong. Chewy, Praise the Lord for Tyler Travis is gaining weight v fast The weather is quite bad these days. Hope it will get better.
  15. G

    Premature babies support group

    when will doctor decide on the operation? the first one and half month is full of all these trials. U mentioned that you are v tired. Do take care. Otherwise may end up like me, still so weak after confinement u hang on, I am also coping. yesterday when I stroke my elder girl, he...
  16. G

    Premature babies support group

    Chewy, I have passed the checklist to the nurse yesterday. Please get from them. Hope it is useful
  17. G

    Premature babies support group

    costa del sol -- I am also v old. Nearly 40s. You only took a few weeks to recover. That's is great. My Thalasamia does not allow me to take iron tablets. So can only rely on Chinese medicine. The sinseh sadi must take at least a week to see some effect of the medicine. Hope next week will b...
  18. G

    Premature babies support group

    costa del sol-- Thanks for sharing. Actually during confinement, my hubby also boiled the water for me to bathe. But it is v difficult for him to do so now. Wow, you hospitalised for 40 days. Glad to know that you are better now. How long did u take to gain back your health? My confinement...
  19. G

    Premature babies support group

    I went to Chinese sinseh yesteday. Saw 2 of them, one teacher n one student (happen to b my friend). They were quite concern about me. Saying them I am v v weak. Low blood, poor spleen etc. The teacher told me if I don't tiao properly, she guaranteed I will not recover. Need to boil special...
  20. G

    Premature babies support group

    David, Thanks for the advice. Costa del sol, How old is your baby? I thought must submit within a month?
