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  1. D

    (2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

    Ruffy, Just received Taka's flyer, they r hving this $130 special buy for Medela Harmony Breast Pump bundle set. Usual price $192.70, and now selling at $130. But dunno bundle with what, cant make up the item besides the pump, but must be smthg related. If u hv the Taka credit card, u can enjoy...
  2. D

    (2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

    Giggler, How many wks r u now? when is ur EDD? Do u hv a helper helping u with Vane? Its very tiring during pregnancy, cant imagine doing without a helper. My helper offer to stay overnite at my place when she knew tt i m pregnant, coz hb is travelling a lot, and i was really tired after work...
  3. D

    (2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

    Alicia's daddy, I definitely dun wish to give birth at home, think i will be very panicky and worried. Hb might faint on the spot also hahaha .... but i will tell my hb abt ur story, so tt at least he knows he must call 995 and my gynea for help. Koala, Why u change ur nick? Still prefer to...
  4. D

    (2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

    Hi, hi Mummies, I wonder how many of u still remember me .... didnt come here for a long, long time! I was very bz with work, hence stopped coming here, i am still very bz with work, as i hv to cover a colleague who is on maternity and NPL for a few mths! But she's coming back in 2 weeks...
  5. D

    (2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

    Ruffy, I pei fu all mummies who say they want no.3 or more hehehe .... hmmm ... hv u thot of the caregiving part? R u going to be a sahm after no.2?? My mum is taking care of YH and my nephew now, and she is already so bz and looked very tired at the end of the day, i cant imagine if i m...
  6. D

    (2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

    Jul, Congrats! Its so nice to hv a boy and then a girl, so u dont need to worry abt whether ur no.3 is a girl or boy ;) U serious in hving no.3??? I cant imagine hving to go thru the current stage 3 times ..... for me, 2 is enuff .... but still hvnt started on no.2 yet.
  7. D

    (2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

    QSG, Jul, I do strap him when i put him on the ikea high chair. But somehow he manage to stand up with the belt on his thighs .... i hv another high chair also, and its 5 points seat belt, he also manage to get up, and sometimes the seat belt left a red red mark on his thighs coz he struggle so...
  8. D

    (2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

    Eureka, Why congrats huh?? Tried to read back a few posts, but cant find anything leh ..... what's the good news? I dun time to go and dig further, otherwise, i wont hv time to post liao .... Glad to know Elyse is ok liao. Brenda, Jem so poor thing, auntie deer sayang *muak muak* I can...
  9. D

    (2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

    PVL, Actually what i meant was, what if no.2 is at the stage like YH now, still hvnt crusied/walked yet, and like to hold onto things and stand up, and even tried to climb onto/over whatever things he hold onto .... very accident prone at this stage.... Sarah has passed tt stage, but ur no.2...
  10. D

    (2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

    Sanrio, Hope u and Ash r better now. Rest well. Hope all of u will recover soon.
  11. D

    (2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

    Sanrio, Hihi, i missed ur one sentence msg for me .... sorrie, didnt notice it until i hand-itchy and scroll up heheh ... errr .... i really dunno how to descruibe YH now, he is getting more and more diff to handle, very stubborn and persistent in getting his way .... i m really scared tt i...
  12. D

    (2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

    PVL, Thanks for the photo! Dunno whether it is sturdy leh .... but since Sarah already very zai, i guess its ok for u .... but hor, if next time u got no. 2, u might hv to watch him/her closely when they move around the table and chairs .... Jia You on no.2! ;) Lyn, Seems like u r hving...
  13. D

    (2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

    PVL, Thanks for the info on the table and chairs. I dont drive leh, will hv to trouble my dad or my PIL if i m getting them fr ikea .... Check with u, does the table has sharp edges? How's the finishing, is it smooth?? I m a bit skeptical abt wooden table and chairs, since they r selling so...
  14. D

    (2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

    Hi mummies, Didnt drop by for a long long time .... how's everyone doing? Actually i come here to see whether Nat has posted Maxene's photo, has she posted?? I want to see newborn bb photo leh ... ;) I was reading some of the most recent post .... a bit blurrr leh .... what's the topic...
  15. D

    (2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

    Pigletz, Thanks for sharing abt Nat and Maxene, hope to see Maxene's photos soon
  16. D

    (2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

    Hi mummies, So diff to follow this thread, it run so fast .... actually i read some of the msg yesterday while at home, but no time to post .... just want to say thank you to those who has replied to me on FM Sorrie cant go back and "dig out" the names and thank one by one, coz the thread run...
  17. D

    (2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

    Auntie Brenda, U no good lah, u said i m not handsome boo boo boo ..... Hb and i watched the Star War dvd on sunday, and hb told YH he looked like Yoda when he was born .... dunno whether YH understood what he said .... The goat farm outing sounds interesting, where is it? Is it smelly...
  18. D

    (2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

    Pigletz, Absolut, Thanks for answering my qn on FM and cereal. Actually the main reason for asking the brand of FM is becoz of cost. Gain IQ is much more exp, the diff in price can kill if YH increase his milk intake later. Actually i sent in a request for Friso not too long ago, but they didnt...
  19. D

    (2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

    Giggler, Think u know what i mean abt my dad .... sigh .... i was actually very pissed off with him. He was hving sore throat 2 wks ago, but he didnt tell us, still carried and kissed YH .... later i found out he was taking lozengers, asked him whether he was ok, he said nothing wrong with him...
  20. D

    (2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

    Shook, I scrolled up and read QSG's msg, Nat delivered yesterday. Hope all is well for Maxene and she will be discharged fr ICU soon. Hope Chen Chen and ur family will recover fr the flu soon. Absolut, U got flu and still go to work? Go and see doc and stay at home lah. U tummy big big...
