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  1. R

    (2009/11) November 2009 MTB

    Hi Carol, I had exactly the same prob as you 2 weeks ago. Baby rejected my breasts and would rather go 4-5 hours without milk than to latch on. As usual, hubby tried to get me to bottle feed him and I felt so dejected. Then one fine day I decided to throw away his pacifier and now he's...
  2. R

    (2009/11) November 2009 MTB

    Hi, anyone heard of Gina Ford's Contented Baby routine? Her structured routine enables baby to sleep throughout from 7pm to 7am and one of my friend swears by it. However I;m a bit unwilling for my boy to sleep so early cos I come home at about 7pm during the days that I work. Anyone tried her...
  3. R

    (2009/11) November 2009 MTB

    Haha, my boy has finger sucking problem too. Plus he likes to scratch his face. Do you guys substitute it with pacifier instead"? I'm against its use but both in laws and hubby think it calms baby down and is better than letting him such his fist. Btw, how long can I store frozen breast milk...
  4. R

    (2009/11) November 2009 MTB

    Hi all, Hope one day I can join you guys for a meal, though I'm really new to this forum. Going back to work on 8 Jan this Fri as there is an impt event at work. I initially intended to work once a week in Jan, then more days in Feb and so on. But judging by my bb's feeding and sleeping...
  5. R

    (2009/11) November 2009 MTB

    Hi Chriszinc: my son is the same lor. He's already 5.4 kg and 8 weeks, but still waking up 2hourly for latching. Last night miracle, woke up 3 hourly (maybe because he had new year hangover). I felt so relieved that I got some extra sleep. Mothers whose bb sleep through the nite are indeed...
  6. R

    (2009/11) November 2009 MTB

    Hi taurus: when he unlatches, are your both breaststill drpping? Is they are, then it might be due to fast let down. I had the same prob. Bb will choke and cry and seem to be swallowing a lot of wind. But better verify with a lactation consultant
  7. R

    (2009/11) November 2009 MTB

    Hi taurus: when he unlatches, are your both breaststill drpping? Is they are, then it might be due to fast let down. I had the same prob. Bb will choke and cry and seem to be swallowing a lot of wind. But better verify with a lactation consultant
  8. R

    (2009/11) November 2009 MTB

    Hi, My boy is 7 weeks old and he is still asking for feeds every 2 hours, day and night. Each daytime feed is 90-100ml of EBM. Does it seem lot? Also, I have been pumping and feeding him EBM in the day. My MIL will bottle feed him. However, i feel that it makes me emotionally unstable...
  9. R

    (2009/11) November 2009 MTB

    Thanks sporty and babylele for your encouragement. I really wish the 3rd mth will be better.I'm also afraid that once i go back to work, bb will be too attached to MIL and i will lose bonding with him. My MIL is asking me to get a maid too but that means one more woman taking care of him...
  10. R

    (2009/11) November 2009 MTB

    Dear all, It seems like we are all having the same issues! I was also suffering from post-natal blues right from the 1st week of delivery till now. Was crying everyday from week 2 until week 5-6. Still get teary now and then. My bb also having colic prob, spitting milk and take many hours...
  11. R

    (2009/11) November 2009 MTB

    Hi Regg, i'm interested in the Avent pump, Avent 125ml bottle and sling. Is that ok?
  12. R

    (2009/11) November 2009 MTB

    hi ladies, so sorry i can't join you all as it isy hubby's birthday next mon and he is on leave. would like to meet up one of these days! my mil has been asking me to get a 'yao lan'. not sure whether this is good for my bb. he has not been sleeping well unless i get him to sleep on my...
  13. R

    (2009/11) November 2009 MTB

    Hi Kimifin and saintbaby, Sorry for my late reply, was too hectic with caring for bb. Yes my supply did increase after fenugreek. In fact, now I have fast let down until bb chokes and cries when he latches on. Very traumatic. Not to mention constantly leaking breasts. I read on
  14. R

    (2009/11) November 2009 MTB

    Hi Babymuffin again, just to add that my bb is also experiencing the same night crying problem for the past few days. He'll cry non-stop from 10pm till about 2am. He gives the hungry signs too, so I offered my breasts but he would suckle for 5-10 min, only to cry again. He would also lick his...
  15. R

    (2009/11) November 2009 MTB

    Hi Babymuffin, I have the exact experience. Tried to latch on in the daytime before but somehow bb doesn't seem to be fed enough and demands feeding almost every hour (sometimes half hour). Hence in the end I resort to expressing milk to feed him, hoping that this will instill some regularity...
  16. R

    (2009/11) November 2009 MTB

    thanks Sporty! Okay, i'll try 2.5 hourly. But the thing is, bb may suddenly wake up earlier and demand for milk vehemently. I usually put my EBM in the fridge and it takes about 5-8 min to warm up. My impatient bb just wouldn't wait and will wail very violently. By the time the milk is offered...
  17. R

    (2009/11) November 2009 MTB

    I'm so exasperated by my bb. Whenever he's awake, he'll gesticulate for milk very soon. But when the EBM is heated up, he will first suckle on the bottle teat very fast and then couldn't finish it. I've been trying to get him on at least a 2-hourly routine of feeding EBM at 100ml but usually...
  18. R

    (2009/11) November 2009 MTB

    Hi, I tried to feed my 5 week old son EBM 100ml. Is that normal amount? Cos sometimes he finishes sometimes he doesn't. And he can only tahan for at most 2.5 hours. I thot 100ml can last at least 3 hours but he is still very irregular with his feeding. Can I also find out whether anyone has...
