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  1. B

    (2014/07) July 2014

    Hihi, pls add me to fb group. 3rd time mummy, due mid july. [email protected] THANKS :)
  2. B

    Any reviews of Dr John Tee from KKH?

    Hihi, my edd mid aug as well. Just seen him today. Find him quite okay. 3rd bb, prefer my 1st gynae. But due to high risk, decide to try KKH.
  3. B

    (2014/08) August 2014

    Hihi, can add me to FB chat as well. [email protected]
  4. B

    (2014/08) August 2014

    Hihi, can drink
  5. B

    (2014/08) August 2014

    Hi ladies, i just seen my gynae. My edd 26 Aug. 3rd X mummy. Nice knowing u gers
  6. B

    Wtb Story books suitable for toddlers

    Have many books to clear. Pls watsapp me at 91477688 for pics. THANKS
  7. B

    (cheche) Disney Store SALE Spree

    HI, is the spree on-going? Thanks
  8. B

    (2012/08) Aug 2012

    I also pump in toilet for my last job, cos open concept, at times i pump in my director's room. Ayukie- Ameda good right? I tried switch n try my olf FS and Ameda, feel stronger. My FS really CMI, compared to the rest of pple. Dun know why.
  9. B

    (2012/08) Aug 2012

    J~A- me too. Since gg to close shop liao, hope to BF for 18mth plus this coy more pro bf'ing. Even bgt 1 ameda pump (my fs not tt strong) to put in office.
  10. B

    (2012/08) Aug 2012

    nah- it depends on GA Csct or C'sct(Epi). Mine was epi c'sction, i BF within an hour.
  11. B

    (2012/08) Aug 2012

    J~A: LOL, i like the way u descibe how the ML and the engorgement Actually i m quite worry abt supply this time round, boob nv increase much in size n don't feel so heavy....Keeping my finger cross
  12. B

    (2012/08) Aug 2012

    gd aftn ladies, the thread move so fast this mrn. Just had a nice lunch with gongcha..still so sleepy after kopi and GC. Did smeone mention durian?? Yummmy, i m so looking forward to eat them end june/jul to pump up my boy Hehehe, after i pop my #1, my nei nei dnun belong to me anymore, the...
  13. B

    (2012/08) Aug 2012

    Maybe we shld all meet up before we pop as well. So cute. Jen- I agree with u, sanity is more impt. Hubby wann me to give up cos i was so bad temper and i nearly give up. BUT then my ger was really tiny, premature , so i onli can ren. I remember that period i was really depressed and...
  14. B

    (2012/08) Aug 2012

    Can we dun bath with the herb? For #1, no cl, mum onli come after work, i seldom use herb to bath. Those with #1, are u gg to let #1 stay in the hosp wif u over the nite? DH is toying with that idea, i think i will go mad Personally, i was quite lucky,nv need to use CB cream on backside...
  15. B

    (2012/08) Aug 2012

    Talking abt bf'ing, personally thru my experience with #1, i hope i can do better for #2. I stop bf'ing ard 9mth cos i wann to try for #2. The inital start was not easy, but luckily with the support and encourage of those mummies from forum, i did it. Relax is the key, i hope i will do it this...
  16. B

    (2012/08) Aug 2012

    Ayukie- i also hope my boy dun cme out until wk 38, hubby not free. The cost can kill de, i got coll who bb cme out at wk 32, owe 100k hosp bill. Imagine.....
  17. B

    (2012/08) Aug 2012

    Ayukie- I think alot also depend on bb weight and if there is any complication. For my #1, she came out at 32-33, weight 2.3kg, phew, dun need to go NICU. I was even thinking of gg KKH de, then gynae said bb of good weight and size, ask me dun worry. I still remember crying in the delivery suite...
  18. B

    (2012/08) Aug 2012

    Rykiel- Better to give her a timetable and list of what to do, esp she is all alone at hme. Zratsniwat- Dun worry. I got polyp during my #1 time as well. This time, i suspect also have as i do have spotting on and off, even now.
  19. B

    (2012/08) Aug 2012

    Star- My mum is looking after my #1 now and nephew with the help of a maid. So #2 will also be by my mum. I guess having own grandma to look after is the best esp when they are young. Wann to put my ger in CC when she turn 18 mth in Aug, but she bu she de, so just 3 hr PG for her.
  20. B

    (2012/08) Aug 2012

    Hihi, Wow, seems like many of us have good "returns" over the wkend at the fair , esp Kelly ) Stokke stroller- I drool over them but then i m too short, look werid with it and i already have 2 strollers at hme :X For powder, i was told during #1 time to try pureen corn starch powder...
