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  1. M

    (2011/11) Nov 2011

    ssbaby - Durian is very "pu" so usually during 2nd trimester if bb not ideal weight.. doc will say eat more.. then people will eat durian to help the baby gain weight. 1 good thing about big baby, my #1 was born at 4.25kg, is that very strong, when bathing him easier to handle...
  2. M

    (2011/11) Nov 2011

    Hi Nov Mummies This is my 2nd pregancy. Have been feeling worse than my first pregancy, not sure if it is cos i have to care for my son (20months) so take up more energy and cannot rest whenever i want to [IMG=] but I also dun want...
  3. M

    (2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

    Hi Mummies My son is 3 months plus. I am thinking of letting him use the walker. But I heard it may delay his walking lat Thanks.
  4. M

    (2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

    Hi Mummies Thanks for sharing. Thank God i have more than enough milk, so i have started freezing the some of the milk. My MIL is currently doing my confinement for me, so i have been drinking a lot of soup and drinking a lot of longan and red date drink. So my supply has been quite good...
  5. M

    (2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

    Thanks for sharing Piggytoh,SL,Joyful.. From the sound of things, even if i increase my son's intake, he will still ask for milk every 2 hourly.. oh no.. Other than giving him FM, is there any other way to drag the time between feeds? i really want to give him only BM. How often you...
  6. M

    (2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

    Hi dolliepollie Thanks for sharing.. How often do you pump? And do you have enough milk? i have more than enough per day, so i have started freezing the extra, in case i run out of milk after the first few months. or when my supply cannot meet his demand. My bb is a big baby, he...
  7. M

    (2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

    Hi mummies Anyone of you pumping out BM all the way instead of latching? I am doing that cos my bb keeps biting and my nipples very pain. I use to pump every 2 hours for the last week, then now trying to pump every 4 hours, so that i will have more time to spend with bb and rest. I am...
  8. M

    (2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

    Hi Ladies Congratulations to all the mummies who have given birth.. the rest who are still waiting.. Jia You.. just want to let you all know that i have given birth to my little prince Name: Chin Kai En, Kenneth DOB: 8 Aug Weight: 4.32kg C-Section with epi.
  9. M

    (2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

    Magmag, i will be taking epi, cos my doc says its better, cos easier to recover.. is this your first child? this is my first, so i am very anxious about the operation.. but excited as well.. cos i cannot wait to see who the bb looks like.
  10. M

    (2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

    Magmag - cool is your's a boy or a girl? Mine's a boy.
  11. M

    (2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

    Hi Magmag I will be at TMC. You?
  12. M

    (2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

    Hey Ladies Just saw on Straits Times website. Baby born with H1N1 in Thailand, Bangkok. THAILAND - AN INFANT girl delivered prematurely at Ratchaburi hospital was born infected with type-A (H1N1) influenza - possibly the country's first mother to child transmission of the infection...
  13. M

    (2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

    Hi Ladies First case of Pregnant mum got H1N1, now in intensive care unit at KK. Ladies, i think we should all try to wear mask when in crowded area.. its getting quite dangerous. My Doc insist that I mask-up everywhere i go.. i tot he was being KS.. now that 1 pregnant lady is in ICU...
  14. M

    (2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

    Sharrel I choose to do my c-sec on 8 Aug cos my HB and i both felt that doing it on the 9 Aug is too cheezy, cos my HB is a regular, if bb's birthday also on National Day then its too patriotic already.. :P Piggy I am also going for a c-sec and my doc ask me if i want to schedule mine on...
  15. M

    (2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

    Hi all mummies Just went to see doc today. Confirm having c-section on 8 Aug cos bb still breech.. going for epi... any mummies here been through c-sec with epi? i know i will not feel the pain, but can you feel anything (e.g. the cutting the pulling of the skin)? cos i have never had any...
  16. M

    (2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

    Joia & Mashy: Thanks for the encouragement
  17. M

    (2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

    Hi Ladies.. Just wanted to share.. I just went to see the doc today.. bb is healthy.. but at 30 weeks still have not turned and it seems that there is not enough space for it to turn and the legs are in a difficult position for bb to make the turn.. if in 3 weeks time bb still dun turn...
  18. M

    (2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

    Hi All Mummies I wrote an email to Traffic Police to ask about car seats when should I put my child in a car seat. Below is their response to me. You may also wish to note that Sections 10 and 11 ofChapter 276, Rule 34 states that an approved child restraint/child seat is needed if...
  19. M

    (2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

    RE: Car Seat I got my car seat from Robinsons over the week end. The First Years True Fit Convertible Car Seat ($299). The salesman told us that can last from birth to about 6 years old. They do not have in stock, so they are delivering to my house FOC. Link to a picture of it...
  20. M

    (2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

    Hi Ladies Here's a link about cradle cap and how to care for it.
