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  1. C

    (2010/07) July 2010 MTB

    Hi Claudia It is best to train when they are young cos my 1st gal was on pampers till 3 yrs old. Put your baby in a potty at specific time where your baby always poo. Must be patient and persever.
  2. C

    ! BAD Experiences During DELIVERY !

    Hi Cecil Hope u are feeling better. Cld u PM me the hospital and gynae. Thanks
  3. C

    ! Any advise from mummies with 2 kids?

    Hi mommies, i had my 1st confinement at my mil house (3 yrs ago) and it was a nightmare. I was given lunch at 2.30pm and need to take care of my baby day and night, cos i was too tired and hungry to eat, mil will complain to my hubby tat i waste food and my hubby will ask me why i nvr finish my...
