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  1. S

    Dr HO from Mt Alvernia

    hi all, could anyone kindly share with me Duphaston pill charge and Progesterone jab charge? Thanks sooooo much!
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    Support group - Miscarriages

    Melissa and roxy, Very happy to have your encouragement here. sure, i agree with both of you. Conceiving is not really a problem for me, i believe. Instead, sustaining is such a big and difficult task. Yah, I would say I am really not lucky through the whole 2008. It seems that things turn much...
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    Support group - Miscarriages

    Hi, gals, just got my hormonal test results. My prolactin exceeds the upper limit, normal range is 3.4-24 and mine is 30.9. Dr asked me to take medicine "Parlodel" for one month. Wondering whether it has side effect or not. Any lady has the similar problem as me?? Seeking advices. Thanks!!!!
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    Support group - Miscarriages

    Hi Roxy, Really happy to know you had a cheeky boy now. Your experience did encourage all of us here Actually my MC case is very similar to yours. I also saw bb heart beat around 7weeks but had some pinky spots. The sad story is bb heartbeat stopped on 9th week. It happened in April this year...
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    Support group - Miscarriages

    Hi, Gals, Just a little bit update on my first visit to Dr TC Chang at TMC. Frankly speaking, he is quite professional and explains details of scanning. Today is Day 23 of my cycle. Dr Chang did a ultrasound scanning and asked the nurse to do a blood test on progesterone. Dr said my womb is...
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    Support group - Miscarriages

    Hi Kiwifruit, Thanks for you info! I hope I can be as lucky as you for my next pregnancy.
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    Support group - Miscarriages

    Today have seen the TCM physician. I asked about the hormone test. She asked me to do 6 items on Day 2 of my period. The place she told me is Parkway Lab at Mt E. I called lab and was told the result can come out on the next day, but it will be sent to the doctor directly. Wanna know any of you...
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    Support group - Miscarriages

    hi kiwifuit, may i know who is your gynae?
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    Support group - Miscarriages

    hi gals, one question. how fast the blood test (hormone test) result comes out? on the same day? how about the HCG test after pregnancy? is it a fast test? I guess i may have a low hormone level.
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    Support group - Miscarriages

    Sashamama, Yes, i saw a lot of good comments about Dr Joycelyn Wong. Just called the clinic but was told she will be on leave next week and only come back on Jan 12. Means i lose one cycle. have to wait for the cycle in Jan. Had made an appointment with her end of Jan. Bluberi, I am...
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    Support group - Miscarriages

    Hi gals, I am new to the forum. I terminated my 1st pregnancy last year in June because I took a lot of different medicines without knowing i was pregnant. Early this year, I had my 2nd pregnancy, but very unfortunately, my bb stopped growing on his 10th week, no heart beat. Before that, I had a...
