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  1. E

    2 kids age difference of 18 months

    hi, happened to chance into this thread. My boys are 17months apart. The baby is 4 months old. We both work, grandparents do not live nearby and we have no maid. I got a nanny to come take care of the boys while we are out at work. She can handle the 2 very well. I work part-time. No wed and...
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    Hi lushvelvet, thanks for your advice. Hi summerdreams, i am doing mix feeding. Not total breastfeeding. And my 2 month old baby is similar to yours. He gets impatient and frustrated. When this happens, I just stop feeding him and trys to burp him. Sometimes, he is actually full already...
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    Hi, I have a few questions here. When I was at the maternity, I only fed my boy with breast milk followed by a fed of FM in the night when he stayed at the nursery. Since we are back 2 days ago, I still breast feed him (was told 10 mins on each side) but he seems to be hungry after. Then I...
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    (2009/05) May 2009 MTBs

    Hi everyone, I do not have time to read all the posts. Just drop in to tell you ladies that I popped on 21/04. Stayed in the clinic from monday until sat. Everything is fine. Natural with epi. Baby boy weighed 3.340kg and was 50cm. I am tired. Need to go rest now. All the best to the rest of...
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    (2009/05) May 2009 MTBs

    This thread is going so fast that I just look through fast. HI Rc_cola, thanks for the tips on the approach of labour. Hi Bean, I am in same situation as you and had been ordered bed rest since 3 weeks. Another 4 weeks to tahan. I am small size and baby is really low. Can pop anytime. The...
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    (2009/05) May 2009 MTBs

    Boiling How long must we boil the bottles? How to dry the bottles without using the drying rack? With tea towels?
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    (2009/05) May 2009 MTBs

    Yes. Me working full time. Gynae gives me 2 weeks MC and then I start my 16 weeks of maternity leave. I know this sounds a bit kaisu cos most of my friends in Sg work until last moment. But I'm working in France and my boss is very understanding. My back is hurting when I lie down to sleep so...
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    (2009/05) May 2009 MTBs

    Week 32 Just a little update on my side. Baby is 2kg and in head down position. As his head is really low on my pelvic, I am told to rest and to stop working. My cervix is still firm. I will spend the next 8 weeks at a leisure pace. Need to lie down for an hour in the morning and afternoon...
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    (2009/05) May 2009 MTBs

    RE:BABYBJÖRN Baby Carrier Original Classic Hi, Anyone has any idea how much does a BABYBJÖRN Original carrier cost in Sg? I find it at 83€ in France but wonder if it is cheaper in Sg. RE:Backache I see that some ladies are having backache. Me too. I just tahan with it. But cannot sleep...
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    (2009/05) May 2009 MTBs

    RE: What to eat Hm... I also have headache over what to eat. So far, I have gained 8kg. Went to see gynae today and she estimated that baby is about 1.15kg when she scanned baby with her machine. From my blood test, I lack of iron. So have to take more red meat (well-cooked), lentil and beans...
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    (2009/05) May 2009 MTBs

    Jamie: This winter is very cold. Today is supposed to be the coldest day since a long time. Yesterday night, it was -9. Trenchcoat is not thick enough cos it is more for protection against wind. People usually wear winter coat or parka jackets. As for shoes, I wear flat boots. If you are...
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    (2009/05) May 2009 MTBs

    There are inconsiderate people everywhere. In france, there's priority queue in supermarkets for handicaps and pregnant women (>3 mths). Twice I took this queue, twice I got remarks that I was abusing it. Each time, I turned back and told the woman I was more than 3 months pregnant and...
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    (2009/05) May 2009 MTBs

    Jolene, I did mine in Paris and 3 official scans are necessary. The first one cost me 130€, the second and last one cost 170€ each. At the reception area, parents sent baby cards of their babies in 3D and the newborn photos. There was a great resemblance between the 2 photos. Very cute. Too bad...
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    (2009/05) May 2009 MTBs

    Hi Jolene, The 3D photo is part of the package. The doctor who did the scanning asked if we want to see baby in 3D. There are people who prefer not to cos the baby can look weird (like alien). Actually, the doctor took the photo, viewed it first and if acceptable, put it on the big TV screen...
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    (2009/05) May 2009 MTBs

    Detail scan Joyce: You did your detail scan about 2 weeks earlier than mine. So maybe that's why baby weighs less? My gynae told me baby is normal. So I assume that the size is normal. I don't remember the details but heartbeat of baby was like 154 and nose bone around 8.7mm. Even got 3D...
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    (2009/05) May 2009 MTBs

    Hi JRTLover, I didn't know that 499g is heavy. Oops. My EDD is 02/05. Did you do your detail scanning recently cos I see that your EDD is 07/05. I have gained 5kg so far and weight gain concentration is on tummy and butt. What about the other ladies? How heavy is baby at the detail scanning...
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    (2009/05) May 2009 MTBs

    Detail scan Just an update. I went for my detail scan and baby boy is doing fine. He weighs around 499g. I'm already having backache. Can't imagine him growing 5 to 6 times more. I saw the advise on yoga and will try that out to see if that helps. Have a good christmas holiday everyone.
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    (2009/05) May 2009 MTBs

    Ovary Just remembered something during my first scan. The doctor told me that baby came from my left ovary. Anyone knows each ovary baby came from?
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    (2009/05) May 2009 MTBs

    Stress Hi ladies who are stress out there. Try to have positive attitude. Be zen. Studies have shown that stress during pregnancy will affect babies. I know it is easier said than done to stay calm. But just listen one ear in and then one ear out to those unhappy things. Voice out your stress...
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    (2009/05) May 2009 MTBs

    Wow. The list of MTB is standing at 50 and growing. My info is a bit redundant cos I'm giving birth in France. Just to keep Jaime company cos our EDD is the same. Nick - soh EDD - 02nd may 2009 Gynae - Dr Pascale Sabban Hosp - Clinique St Isabelle # of child- 1st timer Gender. of Current...
